(2008/03) March 2008

hi ladies

regarding gathering, pancake and me were on this topic while smsing each other yday !

she was still asking me when is the next gathering :p


<font color="0000ff">location of my place</font>

my place is 3 Bus stops from the Bukit Batok station..have direct bus 106 or 77 from mrt station.the bus interchange is linked to mrt, so is sheltered ..

alternatively, a cab ride takes less than $3 plus, so if sharing cab, 4 in a cab, it cost less than $1 per person


<font color="0000ff">Proposal for Gathering at babypink's house</font>

The date i am okay with abc's proposal or any day next week

Date : Dep on u gals' preference except next sun

Time : 2 pm
Venue: bbpink's hse

3.abc&amp;bb ?

mummynorman, Pet, dreymin


Pet, what i mean is when we go out without bb, how long can survive
cos i m planning a jb trip and wana see how many movies i can squueze in b4 my breast explode without pumping..hb suggests pump and throw, but i think very wasteful cos my ms is already so low

<font color="0000ff">anyone using avent bag, if i am transporting pumped milk, need to put an ice pack ? if so, can last how long</font>

cos me thinking of pump in jb, then transport to spore

btw, many horror shows coming up .. excited



mine too ..probably bad dream, but i latch him on he stops crying, tat is after a short interval of feeding


hehe, u also have a sense of humour..

i think bb laughing is very very cute !

remember liyun saying durin a gathering her isaac also laugh and i was commenting very cute
yes. tat's d one. me n kate uses tat when we go JB once to store our ebm. I always bring it out when nd express outside . rmb u ask me tat day whether hw I survive bringing arielene out to hay dairies goat farm etc? well I brought d fridge to go cooler bag n breastpump out ma.. hahaha

gt yr order. pls tt $25.20 to posb saving 126491018 . btw will post out yr fenugreek by sun. sry for delay.

yes isetan building. I think is 3rd level.

babypink gathering
if response gd, i'm ok with yr place.

paiseh, me a lot of qn
a lot of qn regarding transportation of ebm, cos i have never done that b4 without a fridge

the one u r organising the spree for is for 2 bottles ? the moms in mind one is 6 ?

the price with shipping will cost 40 plus for the spree?

is the moms in mind one better or playtex better ?


yupz, why not
hi mummies

my bb always catnap during daytime... most of the time she awake but not crying
i worry it may affect her growth as bb need to sleep more as to grow .

she has no problem falling sleep at nite only wake for feeding then back to sleep

but i have calculated she only sleep less than 12 hrs almost every day ..

is that normal ? anyone experience ?
i think this upcoming one should be better. i read last yr motherhood's mag featuring last yr's exhibiton. looks good with diapers promo, fm promo etc.
I'll skip bbpink's place but will join the gathering at shaw..

My girl sometimes whine very loudly but still sleeping. i just ignore. it's normal for baby to behave in this way bah..
Date: 14 May 08 (wed)
Time: 2pm
Venue: shaw (Lido tat building), coffee connection

1.abcdisney n bb
2.dreamlife n bb
3. adeline &amp; bb?
4. dreymin, bb &amp; helper
wat can we do with the points on the diaper pkg? and wat does the bar code do?

wat pump u use to pump when u r out? manual or elect? me thinking of using avent manual. is there power pt at the nursing rm?
hi redtea

i am using MEDELA PIS .. it can be electric or battery operated.

there is power pt at PS nursing room. as for centrepoint there no power pt so i use battery operated.
Date: 14 May 08 (wed)
Time: 2pm
Venue: shaw (Lido tat building), coffee connection

1.abcdisney n bb
2.dreamlife n bb
3. adeline &amp; bb?
4. dreymin, bb &amp; helper
5. Ling Yee and Baby (TBC)
anyone noes when we can start training our bb to sleep early...my son is 7 weeks..i try training him to sleep at 9pm but he always seems difficult to go to sleep...in the afternn he doesnt have this prob..will sleep after every feed but nite time seems like a nightmare...only manage to go to sleep at 1am...m worry that i will face the same prob when i go back to work....
my opinion on exersaucer is nt to get so early cos depending on individual baby, some babies do nt like to be confined so exersacucer is out, like my son, he prefers to crawl around. Luckily i bought him a secondhand one so nt so wasteful. nw its sitting in the room as a white elephant waiting for her mei mei to be old enuff to play. U judge for urself when they are older lor, no hurry to get. Just my thoughts.....

start a bedtime routine like wipe down and changing to pyjamas and do some cuddling. I notice if i do that my gal will start to doze off around 9pm plus. But she still wake up for night feed around 1 or 2am. My gal is nw 6 weeks old but i think too young to train to sleep through. I started training my son to sleep through when he started solid around 4 mth but i use the cry out method. I have already started work so the night feed can be quite xiong but dont worry the power of mummy is very strong so even with the lack of sleep u still can face the world
Now they are quite young to be trained but i think can set a routine which hopefully they will eventually follow when they are older.
I have been tracking my girl's nite sleep ing time. It is usually between 1am and 3am, faintz. I wonder did it has to do with my preggy days when i sleep between 12am and 2am and now bb is bbehaving likewise. She always wants to be carried till she sleep soundly then can put her down to sleep.

I may want to join the gathering at mummy's place as i feel it is a lot more easier to bf and cosy for bb. To confirm again once the location of the gathering is fixed. If it is not too far, then i may be able to join
hi simp &amp; unique,

u're not the only one.. my baby gal used to sleep at after 12 midnite, latest 2pm.. was damn tired after tht.
Now she has improved, sleep at abt 11+, occasionally 12. She also need to be carried and pat till she sound asleep then i put her to her bed... i hope she can sleep slightly early, maybe 10pm when i start to go back to work, which is 2wks time....=)
Hi all mummies, Im sellg my ameda dual breast pump &amp; cooler bag. At first bought it bcos my bb is hafg jaudice &amp; hospitalised so ned to breastfeed him. Aft tt, was too tired to breastfeed. Gave up. Pls call me at 96939779 if u r interested. Thx.
i do wipe my son n change his pyjamas ard 9 but that doesnt seem to be able to put him to sleep...usually ard 9 he seems very tired and fall asleep...but after putting him to bed...thinking that he had fell asleep, he woke up in 15mins time again and stay awake until the next feed....sigh....

hhmmm.i still cant get my son's "pattern" yet..smetimes he seems so easy to fall alseep sometimes he extremely cranky
Date: 14 May 08 (wed)
Time: 2pm
Venue: shaw (Lido tat building), coffee connection

1.abcdisney n bb
2.dreamlife n bb
3. adeline &amp; bb?
4. dreymin, bb &amp; helper
5. Ling Yee and Baby (TBC)
6. Jeangal, bb n helper (Hi gals, wil ned your help as I haf nvr bring him out alone. Scare cant handle him if he cries. Thx.
thanks for the advice. my bb is coming 3mths next wk. i prolly would be getting it when she is abt 3.5mths and also depending if she could hold her head upright without assistance. i was also thinking of getting her a jumperoo as well.

went kiddy palace just now, yes they do sell both jumperoo and exersaucer. baby einstein and leap frog ones very attractive. haha.

first few years sells too but the price more steep.
maybe try not to let your bb slp so much in the day? or try to wake her up early in the morning? i read from mother and baby that if you wakes your bb early, they will know to slp early at night because they knew they have to wake up early the nxt day.

i am back to work for a wk plus alrdy. my girl will slp at 8.45pm once i reach home aftr fetching her from my mom's place. she will wakes up for her milk once in the night at 2am plus then back to slp till i wake her up in the morning ard 7am to prepare her to my mom's place before i head for work. she usually takes her morning feed at my mom's place, so aftr her feed, she would doze off (perhaps woke up too early in the morning)

she plays alot at my mom's place in the day and only catches 2-3hrs nap in the noon so perhaps she is sleeping early at night. in the day, she also will have short naps like half an hr -45min when she is tired from playing herself on the playmat. her naps are on and off, not long ones.
Hi Mummies,

I tried the sterilising tablets yesterday. Gosh! I just tried to sink the bottle into the water to sterilise and Its full of chlorine smell the whole day! I was jus wondering is it ok for bb to drink it?
Help! My son is now starting to suck his hands and rub his eyes after that. As a result, his eyes are red and has got infection. He is now 2 months plus and I still put on mittens for him. I tried to stuff pacifier instead but my smart boy spit it out and eat his mittens. Any mum experience that and wat is the solutions for it?
i still put on mittens on my almost 10 weeks bb too and like every bb here, she sucks her fingers. don't think all babies know how to suck pacifiers. i tried with my first child but she didn't know how to suck so end up she suck her thumb till now she's 19 months old! if whole day chlorine smell, maybe u put too little water? mine also got chlorine smell, i use pigeon brand. as for eye infection, go to see a GP, he will prescribe eye drop. and u must change his mittens a few times a day too.

baby sleep,
my baby has been sleeping through the night for the 3rd time already. i think she's learning to differentiate day and night. her last feed is at 11.30pm, then she'll awake at 6.30am earliest or 7.30am latest. this morning i had to wake her up purposely for feed before i go to work. i told my mom (her caregiver) to keep her awake in the day and feed her EBM on demand or every 2 hours or so so that she will be full during the day and at night no need to wake up for feed oredi.

so happy i get to sleep through and be fresh the next day for work!
i remove my son mitten when he is 2.5 month, as usual he will suck his hand and rub his face, but still ok, no infection... just keep his hand clean and wipe his face regularly
hi mommies...

Need advise on where can i buy a Fridge-To-Go bag.... coz i am going back to work soon and will need the bag to store the EBM...

For those looking for maid

My Filipino maid's aunty has more than 10 years of experience as a maid. She worked in Kuwait, Hong Kong &amp; Taiwan. She is about 40 yrs old. She is keen to come to Singapore to work. Has experience with new born babies.

If keen to know more, can PM or sms me.
Haiz.. GATHERING.. cannot go!!! coz bb jab on that day..i wan to sneak out without bb but fear wait she fever or anything.. haizz.. so bo bian have to miss the gathering..
would love yr place. mayb u gv us a date?

single one oso can. can u email me?

n u email me regarding yr q? too many post until I blur.

for ftg, pls email me individually

email [email protected]

my boy is still wearing mittens
ur place is fine for me!!

My girl is also sucking her hand but i give her pacifier she takes it lah.. she suck with alot 'zhu zhu' sound.. Laz time my elder daughter also suck her hand but not so noisy lol..
when i do is i tie handkechief on their hand :p
My #2 is no longer wearing mittens.. i just tie handkechief lor.. If not very smelly.
She is starting to differentiate day and night too.. Sometimes only wake up 1 time for milk.
Hi mummies!
My gal not wearing mittens too. Cos she got sweaty palms.

She like to suck fist too. She's ok w pacifier but I find that pacifier alys drop out and then she'll stuff her fist into her mouth... LOL

Me n hubby also spot her once, laughing out loud, those ha ha ha sound.
aiyoh so many ppl cannot make it? hw abt change to tue 13 may? and tis time, buffet b4 sm ppl go back work?

Date: 13 May 08 (tue)
Time: 12noon - 2pm
Venue: TPY central, sakura buffet (international buffet @$19)

