(2008/03) March 2008

Hi mummies,

I'm from Nov '07 thread, sorry to interrupt...

I have 3 tins of NAN 1 HA to let go (they were meant as backup but i overstock and my gal is going to outgrow it by this month).

Interested, please PM me.


My bb is having the same problem as yr bb too. In the afternoon time, he needs to be carried to sleep n will wake up when I put him down. In the night time, he can only fall asleep on my bed. He has been sleeping on our bed since he was 2 weeks old. Will wake up every 2-3 hrs. Once he's awake, its so hard to get him to sleep. Hv to wait till the nx feed n also must use the lying down position.


How do u all keep yr bb awake longer in the afternoon? How do u train yr bb on the sleeping routine? need yr advices. Thanks!
I was a bad mummy yesterday. My bb woke up at 3.10am and refused to go to sleep till 5.45am. I was so tired and angry that I left him on the bed and he cried for abt 5 mins. Was so heartpain after seeing him crying so badly. Carried him and he fell asleep immediately. Maybe due to the crying. Feel really v bad. Was sort of having post natal depression these few days.

My mum went back to Spore last Sat and my hubby is also not ard for 2 weeks. Left me, bb and my dog. Find it so hard to cope on my own suddenly.
Wow! Your baby can sleep through the nite already. So good...

I dun use any sterilising tablets for the bottles. I believe in less chemical, the better it is. I just use the conventional boiling.

fingers sucking:
It's a next stage of development for the babies
It's a development for self feeding. Congratulations to those babies who are now sucking their fingers already.
To prevent it from being a habit, occupy them with their hands or fingers. Babies suck fingers due to two reasons. One is to explore their fingers, second is when bored.
I followed the advice above for #1, and it works
I forgot where I read from... My #1 never on pacifier too.
Get a routine and time arrangement for yourself, so that you know what to expect at what time. Go with your baby. Sleep when baby sleeps. Over time, I am sure you will be able to get used to it
Leave the housework. It's very important to get enough rest to keep our sanity. With enough rest, you will be a happy mommy again. And have a happy baby
Hugs hugs... jia you!

Thanks for yr encouragement.
I'm trying to set a routine but my bb dun seem to get into it. I try to keep him awake in the afternoon time n he will end up being v fussy. So end up sleeping in my arms most of the time n drinks every 1-1.5 hrs. But will wake up immediately when i put him down. So nt sure did he actually sleep in the afternoon time or not... The book written by Gina Ford "the contented little baby" doesn't work for me. Nevertheless, I will keep trying to find another routine. btw, how do u all play with yr bb? how long to play per session? I sing songs n talk to him but can only get his attention for 15-20 mins. Is it enough?

Did anyone of u buy the Glenn doman flashcard sets along with his books? Is it necessary to buy the sets as well? I read his books n some exercises need the set to teach.
wah envy envy!! your girl can sleep through liao. i am still waiting for mine! now she is only waking once in the night.

babe dude
same same. my girl also taking her jab on 14th too! 3mths liao...

back to work. we can chat actively on forum liao. haha.

my caregiver keep playing and talking to my bb to keep her awake. apparently babies loves to be talk to. jiayou !!!!
<font color="0000ff">jerejoy</font>

bbpink's typical lor soh reply .. :p

5 min is not bad lah ..sometimes, mine will cry more than that if i m looking after 2 myself :p dun feel bad ..

to keep him awake in daytime, i feed kyzac on my breast with less milk flow :p actually the purpose is to stimulate milk flow in tat one according to my LC

he has no choice but to feed more frequently =p ..the more milk one i tandem pump ..but of cso when i feel lazy in daytime too , i feed him the one with more..so i dun have to tandem pump

on a serious note, i dun think it matters whether they sleep less or more in afternoon, at least in my case ..not too long ago, i tried to wake him up when he misses his feeds in daytime, so tat he sleeps less..but end up still so fussy at nite

last nite his last feed at 10pm, then i wana sleep at 1am liao, so wake him up to latch on {better than i sleep at 1 , he wakes me up in less than an hr}, next feed he wakes up at 3 plus am, then 6 plus am..

<font color="0000ff">jerejoy &amp; crystal</font>

jerejoy, crystal is rite !
i notice tat mine is very happy when people talk to him

<font color="0000ff">crystal</font>

how does ur mum play with her ?
can share

<font color="0000ff">abc</font>

i m very long winded =p

thanks for sending me the smses yesterday
now i m clearer on transporting ebm

btw, the pureen tablets got chlorine smell when u sued or not ?

<font color="0000ff">Adeline</font>

how abt mothercare tablets?

<font color="0000ff">Yutong</font>

wat brand r u using ?

Thanks! I tried talking n singing to him when he's awake but only for abt 15-20 mins every time. Thought of buying more toys for him. don't know if it helps.


Thanks for yr detailed reply. I enjoy reading it. At least I hv more methods to improve on myself.
slping less in day
my bb will onlyvstill awake betw slp @ most 2.5h. day time I let him slp. evening time when his sis cm bac fr sch at abt 6 then he'll b awake. from 6pm onwards he will hv no slp. by 9-930pm he will b very slpy already. he'll then slp @ 930pm -10pm then up @ 11plus for milk feed.

no prob.

shiping is $15. I hAd smsed u already. pls tt by next wed if Nt i'll refund yr order as I hv ready buyer who're interested. sat i'll B @ woodlands area, sun @ bukit batok.
u can rent it on mthly basis. in fact singapore has a few toy rental shop online where u can rent toys for bb to play instead of buying. I had rented b4. they would Clean n santise the toys b4 renting out. I intend to rent Bumbo seat when he's able to sit. $10 a mth. buy is $80.

i'm ok w mon too.

if we hving lunch @ tpy u can cm jpin us right?

i tink my situation slightly betta than urs cos my bb will fall asleep in the day without me carrying him...daytime he got no prob falling asleep..sometimes halfway thru feeding he can fell asleep and when you put him down...he will sleep thru but night time is totally diff..he can fell alseep when feeding but when you put him down he awakes....once he manage to sleep thru he will wake up only at 3am or 4am for his next feed....

i cant keep him awake in the morning/afternoon cos if he didnt get his sleep...he will b very cranky...esp when feeding...sigh...
Hi hubby's precious,
My bb sleep in yao lan during daytime, nighttime, yao lan first, &amp; when she is soundly asleep, will put her bk to baby cot.. Having a headache..as when we go out,she basically cant sleep without yao lan.. How to overcome this, any comments ? Or how to minimise her sleeping in yao lan now ?
Hubby's precious,
My bb slps in yaolan in the afternoon, night time cot or my bed...
Reason i wanna bb slp in yaolan coz she always sleeps on his right.. den her head shape is not round as a result. so yaolan will shape the head and she sleeps better in yaolan too!
Take baby steps
Baby, when tired, can be worse... very fussy and keep crying. Very tiring to keep carrying and cooing them. Maybe you can keep baby awake like 5 minutes longer at a time. Take baby steps, then it will be less stressful for you both.
Gina Ford method also did not work for me.
15-20mins is very long for a baby already. Over stimulation can also cause fussy baby.

Which book did you read? You can actually DIY everything...

You are a great mommy! You are finding ways to improve yourself

Put baby in yao lan first, then when almost fall asleep, not soundly asleep yet, put in baby cot. Maybe you can try that a few days. Else carry and carry to sleep when out...
i tot of opening my place on 13 May 12:30pm (tues) for a pot luck lunch. anyone interested?

addy: Blk 551 AMK Ave 10

pls indicate wat u'll bring
1. clover n bb - pasta
i brought my bb to a nearby GP for his 6-in-1 jab. didnt realise that he supp to take the jab at 2mths.
now a bit worried. the cost is subsidised by my hubb's company. i checked with the clinic on the cost. consultation + jab is $115. i think this is quite cheap, right?

amazingly, my boy didnt even flinch when he took the jab in his butt.
my boy weighs 4.3kg at 6 weeks. seems so light to me! I know bf bb supp to be lighter, but can't help but to think that he shld be heavier. anyw
ay to beef him up?
maybe u can just let her sleep in yao lan in day time..night time after feeding maybe u rock her to sleep in your arms first before putting her into her cot..

sleeping in yao lan will not affect the brain right? haha.. i remembered someone saying about the movement of the yao lan will affect the brain.. i dont think so right? i suppose most of us grew up sleeping in yao lan too..

yar... i m for less chemical as much as possible even though it means paying for more.

I tried Pureen only once. And I had Pigeon sterilising tablets as well but I yet to try it.
Clover : Dun worry..My bb only weighs 3.85kg lei, cos she refuse to drink milk, i bought her to see doctor, "suan bian" ask doc to weigh my gal. She said is ok lei..
Hi ..
Any mummy using Medela Mini Electric Plus ?
I'm facing a problem here.. I find that my milk do not flow down into the bottle. I had to remove the suction in order for the milk to flow down.. Do u face the same problem ? Or is it that my nipple is too big ? Pls advise..
clover, what is ur bb's weight at birth...

my boy is also 4.3kg at 6wks when he goes for his chk up and PD says he is doing fine....

not sure how true but my sis in law says bb will put on 200g per weeks thus she said 4.3kg at 6 wks for my boy is considered very gd
hi Hubby_Precious,

I heard from my mum and also read from other threads that some mummies give one of these to their bbs 1-2 days before the jabs to reduce possibility of fever:

1. boiled barley water (without sugar)
2. Pao Shen water
3. Ling Yang water

Then give a small dose of bb panadol immediately after coming home from jab. I think I'm going to try that on my baby Dana too when she goes for her 5-in-1 next mth. On Wed, after we brought her for the Hep B, she has been irritable and can't settle to sleep. Wonder what 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 will do to them! Hope that helps...
thanks angel..
think i'll ask my MIL to make a little bit of he Pao Shen Water.. I think i wont give barley cuz some say its too "cooling".. me bringing my boy for 6-in-1 next week!
Hi Mummies,

I have 4 bottles of Benedictine to let go. As I dun have much space in my house to store so I m selling it off. I still have a few bottles of it, Yomeishu and at least a carton of chicken esscence. Gosh! When am I going to finish it?! Maybe till I have my second bb?! Kekekek...

Anyone interested ps sms me. 9746 1185.
think my gal really a sumo, at 6 week she is now 4.75kg but recently she is not drinking as much so her weight gain may have slowed down. anyway you need to see your baby's birth weight too think ur boy has gained quite a lot liao.

Sleeping at night
My gal needs to be cuddled and rocked to sleep every night but once she knocked off she can sleep from 9pm/10pm to 3am on good days or to 1am on normal days. The cuddled and rocked is very xiong but i think they will outgrow it soon. My son used to need a lot of cuddling before bed and will fuss every time but now just tell him "night night time" he will go to his bed room and ask to be carried to his cot to sleep. So ladies, just endure these few months, next time will be better
if yours is a sumo, i think mine is a real fatty. haha. she weighs 4.95kg at 4wks. now i dunno cuz i have not brought her back to PD. will know next wk when i bring her back nxt wk for her jabs. by then she is 3mths old.

no worries okay!!! bb gain weight very very very fast one. plus alex intake and outake is good ma.
hubby's precious,
U can go any medical hall.. Tell them yr bb going for jab, they will advise u to buy pab shen.. juz a few pieces, boiled with using the porridge water... give ur baby some of those to prevent fever.. so far this is what my friend has been doing and her child so far no fever after jab. But this must be taken 1 day before the jab to be effective.
unique, his weight was 2.97kg.

melody, how old is yr bb?

shirley, wat's lele's birth weight? yr lele one day younger, yet heavier than my alex now. i see all the mummies' bb so chubby and mine hasnt join the league yet. sob sob.

crystal, yeah haha. his intake n out take is good. aiyah, wait ppl say i not enough milk again, v sian one!
you're right about baby's quantity of sleep in the daytime not affecting night sleep. sometimes my bb can sleep whole day and whole night, waking up for feeds only (and no poo ok). sometimes she can be awake more, day and night. it really depends.

i tried putting on a routine or a schedule for my 1st girl, but it doesn't really work. however it does work she as gets older, like 5 months and up. so based on my 1st experience, i'm giving my baby the freedom to decide on her own, wanna sleep through the night, fine, wanna wake me up at night even though i have an early morning meeting at work the very next day, never mind. i love my bb so much, i dun care. haha.

i must salute you for going through the experience of raising your first child without help. it's tough but i hope you'll persevere. i'm not the kind who read books for help or even if i did, i take it with a pinch of salt. somehow i'm empowered with my own bb's cues of hunger, sleep and diaper needs and i really didn't mind sacrificing my own convenience as long as she grows up happy and healthy. how about letting yourself in first? anyway motherhood is about plenty of sacrifice. this is our first step (even though it's my second hehe). so my advice is, give in give in give in WITH an open heart. you should be able to repeat your mission when she's older and stronger.

please don't be sad about your bb's weight. maybe he's one of the late bloomers lor. reminds me of myself when i was in primary 6 during puberty era. everyone was much taller and more "adult" than me, until i got my menses, i suddenly grew taller then them leh! even taller than the guys. as long as your bb is happy and healthy that's the most important thing.

hubby's precious,
actually i think both types of jabs are safe and it's becoming common for babies not to have fever after these jabs. my 1st girl went for 6-in-1 and has no fever in all courses. good luck!

my bb enjoys cooing to me and smiled and grinned at me today! finally some interaction! i feel so happy! feel like a major milestone already. maybe now she can understand me when i tell her not to wake up for feeds at night anymore! haha. Tricia is going to be 10 weeks tomorrow.
My baby is bout 4.5kg at week 7 leh.. but i dun have any worries about that. Cause she is drinking and sleeping well.

And same as melissa.. my girl can sleep during day and night.. even if i dun keep her awake during day. i just play with her during evening time..
melissa, i think i expect too much of his growth lah. hope he will become taller next time!!! actually u remind me, of how i was a 5 pound++ bb, but so big size now and quite tall for a gal. ok ok, i shall not be so worrying.

adeline, i tot kathlyn is heavier! just look at her chubby cheeks...

cheeky look of Alexander earlier this week...

<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">Gathering</font>

Date: 12 May (Mon)
Time: 12 noon - 2pm
Place: TPY Sakura (buffet-international @$19)

1. abcdisney


Date: 13 May (Tues)
Place: clover's home @ AMK
Time: 12.30pm (potluck)

1. clove n hb - pasta
2. abcdisney n bb - fruits


Date: 15 May (Thurs)
Time: 2pm
Venue: Shaw House (Isetan building) coffee connection

1. abcdisney n bb</font>
