(2008/03) March 2008

Hi Lingyee/mummies, thanks for inviting us over to yr hse...wld love to join u gals for gatherings again..
Next time round mus try to bring babies along..so fun to see so many babies gather together

Ivy..thanks for the ride to mrt station..

Next gathering
Date: 6 May 2008 (Tues)
Venue: JL member sales cum paragon jap dessert high tea (B1) $5 eat all u can
Time: 2pm (JL orchard) 3.30pm (jap restuarant B1)

1. abcdisney n abc (meet 2pm)
2. adeline n bb (meet 2pm)
3. dreamlife n bb (meet 2pm)
Ur place is a nice place for gathering and chit chatting!! didnt expect us to stay till so late :p hehehee..
Hopefulyl can have a gathering another time over ur place and mayb mj sessioN!! hahaa..
Next gathering
Date: 6 May 2008 (Tues)
Venue: JL member sales cum paragon jap dessert high tea (B1) $5 per set
Time: 2pm (JL orchard) 3.30pm (jap restuarant B1)

1. abcdisney n abc (meet 2pm)
2. adeline n bb (meet 2pm)
3. dreamlife n bb (meet 2pm)
4. Kate,bb n hub
yes ling yee
i enjoy yr place too. Can we have more at yr place? My gal enjoy feeding yr koi fish. hahaha... maybe if most mums go back work can go yr place for hang outs.. hahaha and oso waiting for u to buy the tub.. oh my float is here!

Kate u mtg us 2pm or???
Next gathering
Date: 6 May 2008 (Tues)
Venue: JL member sales cum paragon jap dessert high tea (B1) $5 per set
Time: 2pm (JL orchard) 3.30pm (jap restuarant B1)

1. abcdisney n abc (meet 2pm)
2. adeline n bb (meet 2pm)
3. dreamlife n bb (meet 2pm)
4. Kate,bb n hub
5. Babe Dude, bb n maid (meet 3.30pm @ paragon)

Here i am eagerly trying to lose weight..but there i am indulging in sinful desserts! wahahhaa ... nvm lah.. dun care!

I am planning to do hot yoga leh.. mummies, u think it will affect breastfeeding??
Next gathering
Date: 6 May 2008 (Tues)
Venue: JL member sales cum paragon jap dessert high tea (B1) $5 per set
Time: 2pm (JL orchard) 3.30pm (jap restuarant B1)

1. abcdisney n abc (meet 2pm)
2. adeline n bb (meet 2pm)
3. dreamlife n bb (meet 2pm)
4. Kate,bb n hub
5. Babe Dude, bb n maid (meet 3.30pm @ paragon)
6. clover n bb (meet 2pm)
Hi ladies

I have about 60 packs of frozen EBM to give as my son dun take much and my fridge has run out of space. The 1st pack is dated 13/3/08. As i really dun have space would appreciate those who are interested to pick them up ASAP. Pls Pm me if you are interested.
babe_ dude
wat's hot yoga?

btw I realise these days my ebm amt increase. could it b due to hot weather tat mayause our body temp to increase n hence more ebm? hahaha
I am planning to do hot yoga also. is it the one at city hall? my only problem is who is taking care of the baby when i m doing it.

i think the increase in ebm is due to baby growing up; needing more milk.
my boy is going 8weeks old now.. sometimes when i carry him in my arms, he can move so hard that i can feel his bones "move" in him.. sometimes i could hear his bones "cracking" sound also.. does anyone of u experience this with your babies?
and i know babies head is very important and must be handled properly.. sometimes i don't know if the way i handle is proper.. i'm mean i know how to carry him properly but he is so strong, sometimes i really can't predict his movements.. like i was carrying him with his head on my shoulder, he can suddenly arch his back real hard and tilt his head backwards.. when we were bathing him this morning, he suddenly kick his legs against the bath tub and though my MIL managed to hold him tight, i think his head hit gently on the other side of the tub..

i really worry sometimes his strong movements will affect his neck and his head... anyone has a strong baby and some similar experiences to share?
Next gathering
Date: 6 May 2008 (Tues)
Venue: JL member sales cum paragon jap dessert high tea (B1) $5 per set
Time: 2pm (JL orchard) 3.30pm (jap restuarant B1)

1. abcdisney n abc (meet 2pm)
2. adeline n bb (meet 2pm)
3. dreamlife n bb (meet 2pm)
4. Kate,bb n hub
5. Babe Dude, bb n maid (meet 3.30pm @ paragon)
6. clover n bb (meet 2pm)
7. aly n bb (meet 2pm)
hubby's precious,
My baby is 7 weeks old now and also similar to yours. He loves to kick his legs against anything! And especially when he is in the yao lan, he will kick both legs if he is angry and the whole yao lan will shake
That's why the yao lan we use is the type which is drilled into the ceiling. Sometimes if we are bottle feeding him and he is playful, he will also kick and jerk forwards or backwards, so now we sit on the floor and lean against the wall when feeding him so that if he slips and falls, he doesn't fall from a great height. So no worries la, we've both got active babies!
haha.. thanks blue skies..
ya, really active and strong sometimes i really cant grab hold of him and its his head that i am really worried of.. when i pick him up frm the bed, sometimes he'll use his legs and kick against and bed and his whole body will jerk backwards.. really scare me sometimes..

do u feel his bones and hear sound of his bones? when he struggle in my arms, i can sometimes hear his shoulder "crack".. that day he use his hand and punch against my arm and i think his finger crack a little too..
hubby's precious,
My baby will also kick against the side of the cot if his feet can reach it so we have to keep his feet away from the sides of the cot. The jerking backwards thing is my boy's favourite past-time
But I don't hear the sound of his bones though...
blue skies,
my gal oso sama sama like yr boi boi... sometimes she jump and the whole yao lan will shake....

hubby's precious,
most important is to support yr baby head... we can't predicate wat is their next action.
abc.. hot yoga is yoga done in a hot room.. this will force u to sweat and thus lose calories...heard frm many pple it really helps to lose LOTSSss of weight.. so plan to go!

dreamlife..i cannot go too far, so plan to go river valley one..absolute yoga.. hate them coz they dun have 6am class!! i wanna go to 6am classes coz my bb often sleeps till ard 9-10am after my last feed at 5+am! Their earliest class is 9am.. haizz.. so maybe goin taka loh.. see how it goes..

Running and strides does helps lah..but only minimal.. must persever loh..otherwise no point.. but now at least can see the 50s on my weighting scale.. coz ALWAYS been 60s one loh! haizz.. work hard work hard..

Next gathering
Date: 6 May 2008 (Tues)
Venue: JL member sales cum paragon jap dessert high tea (B1) $5 per set
Time: 2pm (JL orchard) 3.30pm (jap restuarant B1)

1. abcdisney n abc (meet 2pm)
2. adeline n bb (meet 2pm)
3. dreamlife n bb (meet 2pm)
4. Kate,bb n hub
5. Babe Dude (meet 3.30pm no bb.. coz she sensitive these few days ... wanna keep her indoor)
6. clover n bb (meet 2pm)
7. aly n bb (meet 2pm)

BB been suffering from heat rash.. on her hands and face.. so poor thing!! haizz.. apply cream on and off it comes.. now is getting better but i dun wanna bring her out at the moment.. so, i will come jalan jalan alone.. mummies, pls msg me when u all done with shopping and heading towards paragon k..i will dump bb with MIL and come down to meet u all, help babysit k.. ahhaha
hello ladies...

Wow.. gathering at Ling Yee's place looks very fun. I missed a wonderful meet-up.

You all like to meet on Tues or Thurs... I gotta bring my #1 for class on these days from 2-4pm some more
Which Jap restaurant you all going?
Gathering on 6 may: i tink i will give it a miss if my bb's rashes on face yet to recover.. weather hot, makes her rashes even redder.. so heartpain!
hi i am new here... FTWM with 2 yrs old and 2 mth old

sound it going to be fun.can i join the gathering on 6/5 ?

not sure shd i bring along my girl or baby ?
welcome belle mommy, me too have a 2 yr 4mths old and a 6 wks old bb
...see u tomorrow then

Next gathering
Date: 6 May 2008 (Tues)
Venue: JL member sales cum paragon jap dessert high tea (B1) $5 per set
Time: 2pm (JL orchard) 3.30pm (jap restuarant B1)

1. abcdisney n abc (meet 2pm)
2. adeline n bb (meet 2pm)
3. dreamlife n bb (meet 2pm)
4. Kate,bb n hub
5. Babe Dude (meet 3.30pm no bb.. coz she sensitive these few days ... wanna keep her indoor)
6. clover n bb (meet 2pm)
7. aly n bb (meet 2pm)
8. adeline loo n bb (meet 2pm)
hi adeline

hmm... see u all mothers tomorrow

Next gathering
Date: 6 May 2008 (Tues)
Venue: JL member sales cum paragon jap dessert high tea (B1) $5 per set
Time: 2pm (JL orchard) 3.30pm (jap restuarant B1)

1. abcdisney n abc (meet 2pm)
2. adeline n bb (meet 2pm)
3. dreamlife n bb (meet 2pm)
4. Kate,bb n hub
5. Babe Dude (meet 3.30pm no bb.. coz she sensitive these few days ... wanna keep her indoor)
6. clover n bb (meet 2pm)
7. aly n bb (meet 2pm)
8. adeline loo n bb (meet 2pm)
9. belle n bb (meet 2 pm)

Not bad. Two bakes and you have a nice looking cake. If you're using self raising flour i guess its ok not to add other raising agent. It will look even better if you bake it in a loaf tin or mini cupcakes from Phoon Huat. More convenient and looks prettier

Little red dots
We brought En Xi out to the park yesterday for a picnic with my family and she came back with little red dots on her feet. For a moment i thought HFMD!!! so i checked her hands but nothing. Thankful. Now hoping the red dots go away soon. Maybe that's why she fussed from 7.30pm to midnight yesterday. Kept crying even when carried.. sigh
<font color="0000ff">woww

u all meeting tomorrow... too bad i had appt earlier on... now then saw the posting... so had to give a miss...</font>
ling yee

i find that bathing my bb twice a day helps in clearing her rashes.. my bb's head had lots of little red bumps but since i started bathing her at night, it seems to be going away..including those milk rash around her mouth.
hi kais

thanks for the tip
and the compliment :p

and i bake my 3rd one yesterday, replacing carrots with bananas ..my 3rd cake in 4 day :p sinful sinful..

i think i am very crazy over cake since i came back fr the gathering :p..this coming weekend will try my hand at coffee cake, milo cake, orange cake etc :p

cake really use a lot of oil hor, can replace oil with water ?


picnic sound so nice ! where did u all have urs..

i love picnic, but the weather is so hot nowsadays, even at nite is humid..sigh*

Red dots

oh dear, if never go away , must see doc..is her skin very sensitive ?

her feet got booties yday..so cannot be insect bites rite
Hi Lyn

i kpo a bit..the jap rest is this

Shimbashi Shoba
Store Location

Phone Number

6735 9882
Opening Hours

10am - 11pm daily
hi twinklestars,
i shower my bb twice a day. her rashes is better today. nid to monitor her.. hope all will clear by this week.
twinklestars: i also bath my boy 2x a day. he slps in aircon room... but still have heat rash on his face. when he slp sideways... i can c 1side of his face rashes... so red... i put him in living room, lagi warm, whole face red.. i put so much powder on him. but cant put on his face...
my boy's rashes come n go... i'll prob bring him to doc if by this wkend still red...

e weather is very bad... so hot n sunny... i had to dress my boy is super thin clothes n mittens only... everytime i exit my bedroom into the living room, i feel like going into sauna...
i can't imagine slping w/o aircon manz...

i've been home bound still... due to weather. my boy started alittle coughing already. damn jialat... i miss all e shopping n gathering...
hubby's precious: rest and relax. one crack or two of the bones are fine. the key thing for baby is that if they are sleeping, eating, 'outputing' and gaining weight; they are fine. if anyone of these is not going well, be alert. then any sign of persisent, bring to doctor. suggest that the mummy join us for an outing to calm the nervous down. we can also judge the condition better seeing the baby.

mummy babe 6am to do yoga! the earliest i know is city hall one 7am. i think i staying too far for 6am classes. you still look very fresh during the afternoon. i think i must buck up on my looks. getting to ah sua liao. danger of SAHM. must work hard

babypink oil and water are not substitue lah. i tried using buttermilk to make muffins the result is super nice; light and fluffy. buttermilk can replace oil. problem with buttermilk is you cant keep. once i opened a packet of spolit buttermilk. sian. i think another way is to melt butter with milk over the stove on slow fire. warning: dont burn your butter.
weather is very bad very terrible and very humid. i have been giving my girl wearing those fishnet singlets and mittens alrdy. too hot alrdy !!!! and bb gets very cranky and upset cuz they feel so uncomfortable. but once in a cooling place, they are okay liao.
oh oh my baby has rashes too. i asked the doc when going for the jab. the doc said is baby pimples cos their skin are still adjusting to the environment. the older generation suggest to use the 2nd wash of the rice water to clean the pimples. its helps for me. you guys can try. (2nd wash cos 1st wash is dirty science reason)
May not be joining the gathering tomorrow. My boy got his immunisation jabs and got fever after that. No more temperature now but still lethargic.
He took the 6 in 1, pneumococcal and the rotavirus vaccines all in a day, but din cry or make a fuss, poor little brave baby!

Ate at Shimbashi Soba before, remember the dessert was not bad, so i'm really dissapointed to miss this one....

Wah babedude
Yr ger so gui. My ah-boy everyday wakes up at 8am, no matter whether i feed him at 5am, 6am or 7am.... Wish he could sleep as well as Alandria!
Interested in yoga too but 6am is not quite a good timing for me...

20% storewide

i love mandeville at united sq
My gal has been with mandeville since last yr when she is 2, completing their 9 mth bb music class. Will continue her bb graduate class in july. If not i think u can try yamaha. Cheaper but i think mandeville is more prestigious! Alternatively if u wan teacher to go to yr hm, i hv a teacher to recommend. We talk more again tmr.

err i oso belle's mummy ley... Arielene belle.. hahaha.. Welcome! I am a mother of a 3 year old gal n 10 weeks old boy... see ya tmr...

shall we do a picnic nxt time round? botanic gardens? Any sugegstion? Mornign or evening?

Date: 6 May 2008 (Tues)
Venue: JL member sales cum paragon jap dessert high tea (B1) $5 per pax
Time: 2pm (JL orchard) 3.30pm (jap restuarant B1)

1. abcdisney n abc (meet 2pm)
2. adeline n bb (meet 2pm)
3. dreamlife n bb (meet 2pm)
4. Kate,bb n hub
5. Babe Dude (meet 3.30pm no bb.. coz she sensitive these few days ... wanna keep her indoor)
6. clover n bb (meet 2pm)
7. aly n bb (meet 2pm)
8. adeline loo n bb (meet 2pm)
9. belle n bb (meet 2 pm)

