(2008/03) March 2008

<font color="0000ff">clover.. what i mean isnt tat .. its like sort of sticky dirt or etc that intially stored inside.. so we ned to pump or press abit out first before feedin bb...sorry if i interpete wrgly.. heehee....of cos our milk is so much precious than anything leh.. dun even wan to waste a tiny drop.. hehe.. but the best thing is i once experience, feedin one side to my gal n holding a breast pad on the other breast cos the other breast milk is coming out.. wah that moment feel so wasted.... haahaa

Dor, yes yes, my first deliver also in June, the weather is really very hot... I dun dare to on the fan duing confinement for too lng then end up my ger got heat rash.. wahahaha...so bad me..., poor bb...!! now is moonson season.. weather so cooling.. =P </font>

<font color="0000ff">Melissa, heehe... =P hey u say abt yr #01 get jealous har.. aiyoyo now makes me worry ler.. but shld i expose infront of my #1 when i BFing my bb?... now bb not out she aldy get jealous ler leh... can sense that... hav to keps explainin n get her prepared ..haiz.. but i do agree that we ned to train our body to tell hw much is enough n hw much is excess etc hor... hopefully i can BF lnger than my 1st time.. =)) heheh</font>
That's because bb needs more fluid to expel the bilirubin from their body.

For my #1, I make sure I clean my boobs with warm towel before nursing. But when it coms to #2, just lift up t-shirt and nurse :p

No worries about it.

I'm not expert but I've breastfed my #1 till 3yo and #2 till 2yo and I've been through the ups and downs of breastfeeding.

Oh, about the ebm, when bb was hosp for jaundice, I expressed out and deliver to hosp twice a day. Nurse "warn" me not to bring anymore ebm as their fridge full of my milk, bb can't finish! hehehehe.. that's a good sign ;-)

I pump out to relieve engorgement, bopian, the 2 elder siblings dont like my milk so I pump and dump. So wasted but no choice leh...
cause i waited till she wake up then i bf.. sometime she sleep 2 to 3 hours.. so i bf every 2 to 3 hours aND express out the remaining. Oh my.. i'm new to bf-ing!! i wonder if i am doing the correct way.
Anyway my #1 get jealous too! she tried to push #2 away to snatch and sit on my lap.. when hb carry her away, she cries badly.. haiz..
I dun care about our 'dirty aka rusty
pipe.. i sweat alot.. but i just lift up and let her suck.. lol! think the more dirty we are the more they love it.. anyway she enjoying all moments!
eniale, hmmmm that i am not sure (after all i have no experience at all, just talk only). issit the engorged feeling that makes ppl feel that there is residual inside the breasts? but hor, bb is the best sucker for the job. ;)
babe dude
i also washed my hair, bathed and drank cold drinks liao! haha ^5. and i just went supermarket yest but only went out for pathetic 1.5hrs. sighs


All my exhaustion &amp; tiredness are worth it for them
<font color="0000ff">Reena, wow u really super.. can BF so lng!! heehe Salute.. hopfully i can archieve this too!!... hahahaha yr milk supply is really super until Nurses asked u not to bring anymore.. hehe actually they can ask yr permission to give to other bb de right.. ehheeh (not too sure can anot, jus comment oni =P)... I tink i will be like u, for #1 everything do in perfect n if my #2 cms, i tink i hav no time or energy to give up the perfect mindset... hehehe ops..!! bad mummy me!!

Adeline, haaha ya i believe bb simply loves everything thats comes from mummy.. hehehe

clover, Ya i tink so la hor, hahaha but sure!! bb is the right 'candidate" for this job!!.. keekee.. =P</font>
<font color="0000ff">kai.. I simply loves yr triplets!!!!.. they are so cute... all the diff slepin styles.. hehehehe so CUTE!!!!</font>
is that the "see no evil, hear no evil and say no evil" style photography huh? hahaha so cute!

yeah if u have excess there are mommies who really want to give ebm to their kids. consider giving out? else wasted leh

adeline kim,
heehee sometimes i have to admit that when i'm outside and sweating i didn't bother to wipe my tits first. just plug and play lor kekeke.

your first is how old ah? my first still wants to kiss her sister a lot but only sometimes she insist on sitting on my lap while i breastfeed. aiyoh how to. so no choice but to tell her that i'm feeding i can't hold her lor. she will cry but what to do...
<font color="0000ff">Melissa, haaha I was about to post this up.. see no evil, hear no evil n say no evil.. heheh so cutiee!!!

my 1st cmin 3yrold this June... now bb still inside tummy, she aldy showing insecurity mood n keps clinging on me .. but recently gettin back to her normal pattern ler.. have started to let her know abt her meimei since b4 CNY.. i really worry dunno if i can ahndle her alone anot.. esp when post natal blue kicks in... =(( i tink neds alot of patience right?.. </font>
aiyoh so early think about post natal blues. don't worry lah, it won't happen if you don't think about it. i generally find myself happier everytime i look at my babies so it kinda makes me think that the blues is just a state of mind. your girl is older, i'm sure she will be helpful and love her mei mei when she's out soon. my 1st is half your girl's age and she's very loving most of the time too. aiyah things haven't happen yet, don't worry so much. u can even teach your first to hand you over the diapers and wet wipes etc, she will be proud to be helpful!

yea he is taking in milk though suck for comfort but mummy nd slp at night. I express cos i am a working mom though hv intention of taking NPL but still KIV. Hence store first.. but my EBM is pathetic. I tandem pump but get only 15-20ml kind of volume! After latch pump worse.. 5ml... how? Anyone can advise how to latch and at the same time pump? He is drinking like every 1-1.5h... how to pump then??? been taking fenugreek, fish soup etc but to no avail. is it becos he drank up most of the milk already? Maybe i wait till his routine is longer than pump? HELP!!!!
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="aa00aa">Kea,

U are not entitled to paid HL/sick leave on wkends &amp; public holidays cuz U r not required to report for work on these days. Your company still have to pay ur salary @ gross rate. U will not get your salary deducted off for wkend. </font>

<font color="0000ff">Dor,

Yupz.. my confinement officially ends today but den still no freedom. HB has to go bac to work &amp; I'll b all alone w my 2 kiddo.

My BM supply ok nia. I need to store cuz gng bac to work after maternity den new wk place no place to xpress. I really hope to let me boy go on TBF for 1 yr.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Kais,

I really love seeing photos of your GEM. They are so cute. U've got v good photography skill leh.</font></font>
<font color="0000ff">Melissa, heehee me Kiasu , start thinking abt this aldy.. hehehe ya i think if my mind is strong, post natal blues wun kicks in .... thanks!! keke.. i tink now must start being optimistic n tink of the positive way har..!! hehehe... </font>
kais, really admire u, taking care of 3 babies at the same time. me 1 baby already "shou mang jiao luan".

so many mummies here expert in breastfeeding. i will persevere. just send hubby out to buy fenugreek pills. my dad buying papaya for my mum to cook for me. really hope all these will increase my bm supply.

you are just in your first month. Take it easy. think your boy is drinking well.. just continue to feed. forget about pumping... start to build your milk supply after your supply is stable. that what i was told by the breastfeeding association advisor. for my number 1 i was desperate that i wrote email to them for advise.
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Melissa,

e Jamu u take is need to boil w water de huh? Where to get? I tinking to try cuz cannot do massage as my skin is sensitive to e oil. I'm eating alot now, always feel hungry. Though I've lost all weight gained but den e fats r still tere

don need liao..now my co. say i earning more than $1.6K. so HL is unpaid!!..well, since make till so ugly liao, my hubby say jus go ahead and tk unpaid.....don bother with that few hundred bucks...health more important...they keep forcing me to take ML..i die die don wan..coz i wan spend all my ML with my little life....
massage is good....main objective is not slimming....is to push dirty lood out plus reposition ur womb...so as not to cause it drop out at old age...

Re Jamu: can take when breastfeeding...i heard take jamu good...will cause V to be smaller n prevent womb dropping...but i breast feeding so massue not encourage...

if he is latching well...hold him usingone hand and use manual pump to pump the other breast...u got to achieve let down..what melissa mentioned before...a burning sensation...this is the time milk will be collected the fastest and best vol.

ur hubby rite....since ur hr refused...i guess nothing much u can do...i guess is diff hr diff way of handle....

ur gals sleeping positions are cute...i wonder they actually communicate hor...since all bbies...hee

me smell so badly...sometimes i see the bu kia flying ard me....mebbe i really smell like trash....

elder one sure will jealous....got to slowly talk to them...so as not to let them feel neglected...not easy...esp when they are a ahndful....got to try not to scold them or make them feel u are angry with them.....

i pumped then cant store...cos the fridge all the confinement food mil stocked up...so those not close to mealtimes expressed milk...i let my #2 drink....so as to reduce storage....n she drank..hee....my #1 drang my bm for 2 years...but she dun dare drink....

i din knw to go online in hosp need to pay....the other day i was at tmc...i was wondering has wireless...so is also need to pay?...

u can use the sterilised cotton balls the hospital give at your stay to wipe beofre feeding....but usu i just pull up n feed....

this mth seems weird dun seem to see sun...good for mummies...but no good for bb who need sunning....
i did.. but only 20-25ml. i osi scare bb nt enough milk to drink since he been waking every 1-1.5h

luckily i dun hv prob with elder one adjusting to didi

I simply love that photo of ur 3 GEM. PRICELESS!!! You hv a good photography skill too


another qns on BM jaundice :
Shld we stop BF n give formula milk? BM jaundice is usually caused by we mummies eatin too much ginger stuff, rite. And we must reduce intake of ginger.
And those EBM we expressed can still be fed to baby not or throw away?

Ur no 1 also June bb.. mine is comin 2 tis june

I m in my wk 37+ too. But feeling veri heavy lei. sleep also veri xin ku.. u veri lucky lei. My gynae asked me if i wan to be induced nxt wk not but i dun wan lei. Wan bb to come naturally.. so 'ren' 'ren' 'ren'. Ther is so many sale ard but got no strength to go n shop shop liao lei.


ya lor, hv been raining for a few wks. even now i wan to last min wash my no 2 stuff also cannot. cos no sun to sun..... arrgghhh
the pic are soooo cuteeeee....

went for my check up today. suppose to be due today but baby still no sign of popping yet.
my cervix its still nt ready but my water level its low. Doc ask mi to admit today at 12mn to insert pill hopefully my cervix will be soften if it cant he will try for 2nd pill. if its soften he will inducted birth n burst my water bag. if cervix dun soften tat mean i need to go for csection?? till nw im nt mentally prepared for epidual as im veri scare of needles. i dun knw if i can make it thru without having the epidual done. can someone tell mi hw is it like to have a epidual done?? is it painful. it will take quite long to insert in n the needle its sooo long.zzzzz
feelin worried nw
dreamlife is right. your milk supply is not established yet. i think it takes 6 weeks to be stable. meanwhile, don't worry about EBM first. me oso FWTM mah. some more i can only take 8 weeks ML. another 4 weeks must stagger throughout 2 months.

yes the jamu must take with boiling water. the one that i got is safe for breastfeeding. it contains fenugreek as well.

your massage lady can speak english or not?

hard to predict if induction is for u or not. are u already dilated and cervix at least 50% effaced? if so then ok i think. if u dowan c-sect u might go into long labour.
Can gv me tips on how and when r u going to store ebm? I kan chiong cos when talkign a lot of mummies seem to be able to hv like 2-3oz of ebm... sigh.. btw hw u knw whether when EBM has been established har?
I cannot take credit for the pictures
It's my hubby who took those shots. My girls are his current portfolio... hehehe
i always carry big bag to work! i used ameda lactaline running on batteries and pump in empty meeting room or toilet (no choice) and store the ebm in my office fridge. luckily it's often underused and most of my colleague are either female or married men so they understand. when i go home, i will store them in Fridge-To-Go bag which i kept since morning when i arrived to work. milk will remain cold.

remember to start pumping when u have achieved a let-down. else u will only have pathetic amount.

btw, don't compare your ebm output. every baby takes in different amount of EBM. some babies like to take small, frequent feeds, some like big feeds. the more you stress, the lesser your yield. i only start pumping after 6 weeks. roughly about 4oz output. by then u might get that much b'cos bb is bigger and definitely feeds more.

how to know if your milk supply is established, well hard to say, go by your instinct. if you're not engorged and bb falls into a regular, predictable feeding schedule, you're more or less ready. should be around week 4-6.
how to achieve let-down? hahahah i have same concern as abc.. LoL!.. i need help as well.. although 2nd time mommy BUT i didnt bf my #1! so i know nuthing!!... now i dun dare feed baby water with milk bottle.. etc etc.. until aunty also cannot stand me but i tell her 'i TBF ma.. must try and try'!
So u're saying at this stage dun pump 1st? Even if my baby only latch every 2 or 3 hours once?
same same as adeline. Though this is my #2 but #1 failed. Same Q: hoe to achieve let down? i only knw how to achieve let down now by letting bb suck at the other breast but when go back work how? Oso is it to keep it pumpign? i realise a few times i keep it pumping after abt 3 min or so more milk came. I oso using ameda pump. Btw if no fridge advisable to get those mini fridge to put in office for EBM till after work?
Dear all,
shalom (ivy) has smsed me that she has given birth to baby Aidan thru C section at 2.15pm today and Baby Aidan's weight is 2.785kg.

Congrats to her!
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">Carlson wipes currently out of stock. Have placed order with supplier. Pls be patient ok? Sorry about it. I will try to get the non-fragrance one from him. </font></font>

different pple have different ways of achieving a let down. for me i have to read something to distract myself from the pump. so for my #1, whenever i pump i will read newspaper, magazine or advertisment write up. without reading material, i can only do half a bottle (ameda bottle) for each breast (on the 4th mth). with reading material, can have a full bottle in 15mins.

i heard some pple achieve let down by looking at their baby photo. or the smell of the baby clothes. there are various ways.

some pple are the lucky ones. put the pump on the breast milk can come out already.
thanks/ Then i think i am like u. i tried once msning while pumping. Come out more than usual but still pathetic of 35ml. hahaha.. is tat call acheiving let down? initally got nothng. after a while like milk gushes out. Then no more le. When no more le will milk come back again as in in gushes?
see u all bf so good. my mil nv support in mi bf my #01. still remenber i store my Bm in the bottle and keep in the fridge she go pour away. say confinement i need to eat ginger wait bb drink my bm will become yellowish. zzzzz say her side all give birth nv feed bm all babies also so healthy
think my #02 also will be the same.
yes that's it. let-down is when the milk starts gushing out. a let-down happens when the nipples r stimulated. the pump can do that too. i did a high setting initially until i feel a burning sensation. that's when the milk gushes out and i will set pump to slower setting. alternatively i can save battery by manually stimulating my nipples and start pumping only when milk gushes out.
abc, i am new. just gave birth on 4th March.
Me too had pathetic breast milk production during my 1st delivery. Always manage to pump out 30-40ml. Now with my 2nd baby, i am taking GNC's fenugreek. 2 capsules a day. It help to increase milk production. Now pumping about 80ml each time. I pump about 5 times a day. It is very safe to use. You can c result in a few days. Don't wait.
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Cheryl,

My MIL also nv support me when I bf my #1. Tere was once she poured away 5 bottle of my EBM. Was so angry but luckily my HB stood by me after reading up on all e EBM benefits. So whenever my MIL said tt she brought up 2 kids w FM &amp; she will squeeze her BM out when bathing, my HB will ans her - "No wonder even e rats r smarter den him cuz they get to drink e BM" *hee*</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Mummies,

Duno if I shld go see a LC, I can yield 120ml from my rite breast but only 50ml from e left. Tis happen eversince I had a block duct few days ago. I've oredi cleared e duct le leh.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Melissa,

Where can I get e Jamu?</font></font>
