(2008/03) March 2008


ya lo...co. say must accident or stay in hospital then counted as HL ..if not is mc if bedrest at hm...then boss now ask me tk under ML..damn shit rite..don feel lyk wking arady....is seriously affecting my infection and bb development..so worry bb will born out cranky....i cant control my mood now!!..


sorry to evoke ur emotions.. didn't mean to..

anyways, i think my baby will be v v cranky too, cos i am not happy working since i know i am pregnant. Also cannot leave cos of 3 mths ML entitlement.
My lady mgr is a back-stabber, she got only me as her helper and yet keep putting me down in front of mgtm, despite my contributions.
I hate coming to work and look at her too for many mths liao..
too bad your company so niaow...best to call up MOM and print up something to show your company

wah your CL so lousy...agency too...u should tell the agency and CL that you are going to tell all the mums you know and on the forum what lousy service they provide...maybe the agency will give u some money back

wish you all the best and hope u don't have to go for caesarean

die ah, i awso bought drypers...velcro diapers really so much better, too bad they are much more expensive :p

Spiderwick Chronicles
Watched that yesterday, it's pretty good...a fantasy movie about goblins and magical creatures....so all those mums who haven't popped yet, it's recommended
thanks everyone...

haiz..i jus cant seem to control my mood anymore..is affecting everyone esp. my hubby everyday..he see my black and sad face everyday aft wk..haiz......

blue skies

i jus highlighted tis page to my boss and HR in hongkong...hope they get wad i mean..
abc, i try to latch on in the first week, too stressful for both of us cos my girl takes after me, both gan cheong spider. now, i solely express and bottle feed her. got pro and con, takes more time but less stressful. Also, now i know exactly how much she is feeding. Coming 2 weeks and she feeding average of 80-90 ml per 3 hrs. Is that enough?
ade loo,
just make sure that when u take off the tape, muz stick them together, don't leave them hanging free. Learn from my mistake.
Need advice from mummies, my girl's sleeping posture is atrocious. Her head is tilt to the right and up. Sometimes, her head is at right angle to her body. so worried abt her neck and spine development, what can i do to correct her posture?
Fei : Im at home..I made a trip to my gynae there, they run CTG for me, is false labour lei..But he said that is just mild contractions, still have to wait but i have dilated 1cm liao. he gave a choice, either admit in hospital, if doesnt dilated further have to induce.. or go home first...i chose to go home, but i keep having the contractions, actually my stomach not so pain, is my lower backache which is making me so painful..if this continues, i dunno how to sleep tonite..Now have to wait for really great pain then go in liao
<font face="Book ANtiqua"><font color="0000ff">Kea,

Your company has any employee handbook? Check on your co hospitalization leave entitlement stated in there. And do note that the employment act do not cover those employed in a managerial, executive or confidential position. So if you fall into any of these category den u'll hv to follow e regulation stated in ur CO's handbook. Any dispute b/w CO &amp; U, MOM will nt handle too, hv to go thru civil suit.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">ABC,

This is how I store my breastmilk cubes.

in ziploc bag

den in a lock &amp; lock container</font></font>
Hi everyone! Finally get time (n energy) to sit down and catch up on the forum! Sounds like a lot more babies have come out, congrats to all new mummies!!

My birth story:
Started my hospitalization leave to rest at home 1 wk before EDD. BUT....
620am Hubby woke up as usual to go work, i just snooze in bed and enjoy baby's kicking inside me
630am Felt a super hard kick/punch and transient sharp pain below, and a warm gush like how menses blood comes.
I had a bad feeling and literally jumped out of bed- fortunately, coz there was a loud splosh and a puddle formed on the floor! I ran to the toilet and sat on the toilet bowl all the while could feel water dripping down below. My waterbag burst n was flowing non stop. I called my hubby to take me to hospital (haha while i quickly took my last shower). Fortunately coz he goes off by 7am every morning!
730am checked into labout ward, already dilated 2cm. contractions 1 in 3mins.
930am decided for epidural- the best decision i must have ever made!

For those mummies still considering epidural, go for it! I was quite hesitant right up to the last minute, took it coz my hubby wanted me to. But no regrets-
1. takes away the pain of contractions
2. anaesthetist intentionally blocked off upper part of the uterine contractions so that when fully dilated and ready for stage 2 of labour, I can still feel the pain of the contraction and coordinate my pushes.
3. Improves the blood flow to the placenta (which gets compromised during contractions)
4. Best deal- I could actually sleep and conserve energy despite my contractions and only woke up when it was time to push.
1230 Full dilatation and contractions 1 in 2mins
1pm++ When my gynae came my baby's head was just showing and with 2 pushes, I got my baby out without any need for forceps/vacuum!

But after his birth it was quite traumatic for a while. He was readmitted to hospital for jaundice and undergo phototherapy. Such heartache, I cried nonstop at home and my MIL scolded me for crying so much, said my eyes will have problems in future from all the crying.

Now its his 2nd day home, so glad the past 1 week of madness of rushing from home to hospital and shopping to get milk bottles/ BF supplies for him is over...

Trying to cope now with breast engorgement, so painful!!! =( And realised my breasts not equal- HELP!
Melody, some people dilate take very long, others very fast. hmmm, you take care ok? Your hubby on stand-by mode already?
Hello mummies,

I found some pinkish brown discharge after wiping just now. Don't know whether labour is approaching soon.

Went gynae last sat and was found to be 1cm dilated.

But now i still don't encounter contractions. Just some mild cramps... hmm...
<font color="0000ff">Hi ABC,
Thanks I will ask here and April 08 Mummies, see whether can get enough order if yes, I let you know so you can help me in ordering them...</font>

Wet wipes
<font color="0000ff">Anyone wan to share? Carlson wet wipes. Per pack of 3x80s is $3.85 only! But for Free delivery i must have min 32 bundle of 3 x 80s or 28 bundle of 3 x 80s and 8 bundle of 6 x 30s travel pack. Each bundle of travel pack is (6x30s) is $4.20. </font>

Collection at Jurong West - Jurong Point Only

I did it on the 5th day....
very envy u can lose so much
i cant....
i m not 1 week after delivery and i still have 10kg..
u are very determined....i hoped i can be....last nite i make it till morn....but is with no herbs.....cos i can tahan the itch....

urs cming to end...me every time on bind will be exceptionally frustrated...

Adeline u are lucky to have a helpful helper....
wow glad your labour so smooth going...btw how many cm were you dilated when you had your epidural?? just curious

breast engorgement at least means you have plenty of milk! start BF bah!

i like how you store your breast milk...oh yah i think abc you ask about freezer safe ziplock bags...it should be written on the packaging itself, looks exactly like regular ziplocks except that they are thicker. I've never bought them in SG but i used them a lot in the US. If cannot find those ziplocks, aluminium foil will also block other smell/flavour in the fridge from getting to the breast milk or just anything that you are storing in your freezer....of cos i think the plastic box, if airtight should do the trick too

jia you! try more squatting

my daugther sometimes sleep until v. funnee also....sometimes her butt is in the air! i just let her be but if really concerned, can also check wif PD k....sorry not much help here
Regarding zip locks for bm
Where can i get them? But i didnt express much la.. today only my 3rd day.. after latching i express got at least 20ml then i fed all to #1..
Hmm.. then baby direct latch on.. to date i only pump 3 times..
It wont affect my supply right? i can still feel like coming in.. but no more engorgement cause baby latching every 1 to 2 hrs liao. after baby latch i tend to just nap.. so i dont feel tired..
Fei : Yup..my hb on "stand by" mode liao..kekeee...
Adeline : okok i try try later thanks..Suddenly i envy those mummies who have given birth..I hope i can give birth w/o epidural...

I also feel v area pain but gyane confirmed this morning I'm not dilated yet. My EDD is 1 day after yours.

At least you are 1 cm dilated. Try squatting or climb stairs. Jia you!
Serene : My lower back pain is driving me crazy!!! The pain slowly extend to my lower abdomen then have contractions...dunno issit cos my back cant take the weight of my bb??? The pain is unbearable, is more painful than contractions lor...
my massage lady is actually my grandma's personal friend who has already retired b'cos she's really old so she's really traditional and will nag at me if i didn't follow her instruction so that's why i persevered. also need to give my late grandmother's some face. heehee. but i also looking for another massage lady just in case. asked someone, can't remember who for the number but yet to get it. actually it's your own discipline that matters.

then i will jia you u!! i'm on my jamu wrap right now and it itches like crazy again but luckily it's bound tight so i cannot scratch anyway. just ignore lor. use will power. hubby say i got strong will power lah that's why anything is possible kekeke. dun say i boast hor but i really endured 7 sessions of itchy jamu wrap without scratching and i slept on it too. if i can do it, u can oso lah. that time i ask you if u take any jamu drinks? i took the jamu herbs to drink, it's not foul, it's manageable and i take them diligently twice a day. that and another type of jamu. so altogether 2 types of jamu twice a day. i was told it makes me lose weight so i happily take lor. but after drinking those, i drink milo too just to take away the after taste. jia you jia you!!!! sacrifice a bit for a better looking body lor! my hubby now see oso drool, he say he dunno whether can wait for so many weeks or not.. lol.

Adeline Kim,
if u direct latch and pump, u will increase your supply. that's what i did last time and i found that i get engorged easily b'cos it's like sending a signal to the body saying that bb needs more milk than now. so i stopped pumping. now 100% direct latch. i find pumping stressful.. haha.

mommies with difficulties dilating,
i know i will kanna boo after this, but if squatting and walking is too slow for you, try BD hehehe. b'cos the sperm does contain chemical to cause contraction hence soften the cervix and dilates your further. it works for me so it might work for some of you. just a suggestion lah and only works if your hubby cooperates.

drypers sucks. it's cheap but the sticky tapes really annoys me to the core! avoid drypers at all cost, unless u get free sample, if u open to check on baby, do fold back the sticker immediately, else it will surely stick to your baby's thighs. it's painful! now me using mamy poko. got huggies ultra as sample and i like it too. so cute. but best is pampers lah. got urine indicator.

u having contractions huh. think ur cervix is trying to dilate and soften lor.
hi all, i juz delivered c-sec wif epi at 1pm. 3.315kg.

after inducing, 3pills inserted, 36hrs of extreme labour, my waterbag dis not break, i did not dilate. so gynae say i dun have chance liao.

contractions hurt alot. no painkillers. but it did not hurt as much as hearing my gynae say - give up... after gynae say give up, i cried until i no more tears... 4hrs ltr, i was sent to OT to c-sec wif epi. as i wan to c my baby instantly... as i felt tat i was already deprived of the chance of pushing him out naturally... therefore i rejected GA c-sec...

epi hurts like shit. maybe it was because i was too emotional by then already...
i envy those who had their bb naturally...
don't fret, the fact that you're now a mommy is very admirable already. you tried your best but it's not meant to be. at least both you and bb are healthy! that's what most important! everyone will have a different experience. please don't regret!

now the real challenge is after delivery - motherhood. welcome to motherhood! jia you! congratulations!
<font color="0000ff">Pet</font>

I agree with Melissa..u already tried hard for so long..very admirable !


<table border=1><tr><td>Popped Date </TD><TD>NICK</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>DR</TD><TD>HOSP</TD><TD>ADD</TD><TD>NAME</TD><TD>BBWt</TD><TD>Birth Mtd </TD></TR><TR><TD>16-Dec-07</TD><TD>Strawberry</TD><TD>11th</TD><TD>Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Kovan</TD><TD>Prince</TD><TD></TD><TD>c-sec </TD></TR><TR><TD>10-Feb-08</TD><TD>Ginger</TD><TD>6th</TD><TD>Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Sengkang</TD><TD>Kylie</TD><TD></TD><TD>Nat epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>11-Feb-08</TD><TD>babyfionn</TD><TD>13th</TD><TD>Roy Ng</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>Sengkang</TD><TD>Fionn</TD><TD>2.09</TD><TD>emer c-sec </TD></TR><TR><TD>12-Feb-08</TD><TD>jennifur</TD><TD>3rd</TD><TD>Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Sembawang</TD><TD>Josiah</TD><TD>2.68</TD><TD>Nat </TD></TR><TR><TD>12-Feb-08</TD><TD>Isabel</TD><TD>11th</TD><TD>Lim Wen</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Shunfu Road</TD><TD>Ian Gabriel Beins</TD><TD>2.5</TD><TD>emer c-sec </TD></TR><TR><TD>13-Feb-08</TD><TD>Annie</TD><TD>3rd</TD><TD>Ann Tan</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>Woodlands</TD><TD>Aloysius</TD><TD></TD><TD>c-sec epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>14-Feb-08</TD><TD>Babe Dude</TD><TD>6th</TD><TD>Ann Tan</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>Central</TD><TD>Alandria Winata</TD><TD>3.1</TD><TD>Nat epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>14-Feb-08</TD><TD>kais</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>SF Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Bishan</TD><TD>Genevieve, Emilia, Matilda</TD><TD>1.98, 2.1, 1.6</TD><TD>c-sect </TD></TR><TR><TD>14-Feb-08</TD><TD>crystal</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>Jen Shek Wei</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>AMK</TD><TD>Cheryl Aw</TD><TD>3.49</TD><TD>Nat </TD></TR><TR><TD>15-Feb-08</TD><TD>happygal29</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>Rayne Lim</TD><TD>2.86</TD><TD>Nat </TD></TR><TR><TD>18-Feb-08</TD><TD>abcdisney</TD><TD>6th</TD><TD>Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Woodlands</TD><TD>Andrae Brendan Chu </TD><TD>2.9</TD><TD>Nat </TD></TR><TR><TD>20-Feb-08</TD><TD>Min</TD><TD>7th</TD><TD>Kek</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prince</TD><TD>3.18</TD><TD>Nat </TD></TR><TR><TD>23-Feb-08</TD><TD>Diana</TD><TD>16th</TD><TD>Gordon Lim</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Holland Close</TD><TD>Nicole</TD><TD>2.66</TD><TD>emer c-sec </TD></TR><TR><TD>25-Feb-08</TD><TD>Yu Tong</TD><TD>8th</TD><TD>Kowa</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>YCK</TD><TD>Li Jun Kang</TD><TD>2.85</TD><TD>emer c-sec </TD></TR><TR><TD>26-Feb-08</TD><TD>Yen</TD><TD>10th</TD><TD>Watt</TD><TD>Raffles</TD><TD>Sengkang</TD><TD>Kyros</TD><TD>3.25</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>26-Feb-08</TD><TD>kevjul</TD><TD>24th</TD><TD>Suresh Nair</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Bukit Batok</TD><TD>Rachelle, Janelle</TD><TD>2.33, 2.42</TD><TD>c-sect </TD></TR><TR><TD>26-Feb-08</TD><TD>Melissa</TD><TD>13th</TD><TD>Brenda Low</TD><TD>Gleng</TD><TD>Woodlands</TD><TD>Tricia</TD><TD>3.1</TD><TD>Nat </TD></TR><TR><TD>27-Feb-08</TD><TD>Liyun</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>Su Lin Lin</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD>Jurong West</TD><TD>Isaac Ng</TD><TD>3.585</TD><TD>Nat </TD></TR><TR><TD>27-Feb-08</TD><TD>Pearlyn Neo</TD><TD>16th</TD><TD>Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Admiralty</TD><TD>Princess</TD><TD>2.85</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>27-Feb-08</TD><TD>Fei</TD><TD>18th</TD><TD>Brenda Low</TD><TD>Gleng</TD><TD>Tampines</TD><TD>Princess</TD><TD>3.18</TD><TD>Nat epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>28-Feb-08</TD><TD>Linda</TD><TD>3rd</TD><TD>Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Sengkang</TD><TD>Ada</TD><TD>2.74</TD><TD>Nat </TD></TR><TR><TD>29-Feb-08</TD><TD>Reena</TD><TD>15th</TD><TD>Heng TL</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>29-Feb-08</TD><TD>IAng</TD><TD>5th</TD><TD>Geraldine Tan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD>Lucien Lee</TD><TD>2.895</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>29-Feb-08</TD><TD>Sandra</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>Paul Tseng</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Katong</TD><TD>Sonia Rae Loke</TD><TD>3.65</TD><TD>Nat epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>1-Mar-08</TD><TD>aly</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Bishan</TD><TD>Melody</TD><TD>3.12</TD><TD>Nat epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>2-Mar-08</TD><TD>katechow</TD><TD>6th</TD><TD>Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Bishan</TD><TD>Brendan Mak</TD><TD>3.16</TD><TD>Nat epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>2-Mar-08</TD><TD>happyface</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>Suresh Nair</TD><TD></TD><TD>Bukit Batok</TD><TD>Kelly</TD><TD>2.7</TD><TD>Nat epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>3-Mar-08</TD><TD>Twinklestar</TD><TD>16th</TD><TD>CH Koh</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Sengkang</TD><TD>Princess</TD><TD>3.02</TD><TD>Nat epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>3-Mar-08</TD><TD>Chinoke</TD><TD>8th</TD><TD>Sim Lee Ngor</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Yishun</TD><TD>Ashley Oke</TD><TD>3.39</TD><TD>Nat epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>3-Mar-08</TD><TD>cat_tail</TD><TD>13th</TD><TD>Tan Hak Koon</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Pine Close</TD><TD>Mikel</TD><TD></TD><TD>Nat epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>3-Mar-08</TD><TD>Yasmin</TD><TD>18th</TD><TD>Yvonne Soong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD>Zayed</TD><TD>2.8</TD><TD>Nat epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>3-Mar-08</TD><TD>Norman</TD><TD>20th</TD><TD>Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Admiralty</TD><TD>Princess</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>4-Mar-08</TD><TD>pancakechia</TD><TD>12th</TD><TD>Peter Chew</TD><TD>Gleng</TD><TD>Clementi</TD><TD>Aidan</TD><TD>3.04</TD><TD>Nat epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>6-Mar-08</TD><TD>babylush</TD><TD>26th</TD><TD>Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>Jayden</TD><TD>2.66</TD><TD>Nat </TD></TR><TR><TD>7-Mar-08</TD><TD>HW&amp;K</TD><TD>14th</TD><TD>John Tee</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>UppBtTimah</TD><TD>Matthew Seah</TD><TD>2.7</TD><TD>Nat Epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>7-Mar-08</TD><TD>Vonn</TD><TD></TD><TD>Lai</TD><TD></TD><TD>Central</TD><TD>Kaleb</TD><TD>2.77</TD><TD>Nat epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>7-Mar-08</TD><TD>Adeline</TD><TD>24th</TD><TD>Lim Teck Beng</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Sengkang</TD><TD>Kathlyn</TD><TD>2.77</TD><TD>Nat </TD></TR><TR><TD>7-Mar-08</TD><TD>LeeHong</TD><TD>3rd</TD><TD>Toh Chin Keong</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD></TD><TD>Princess</TD><TD>3.215</TD><TD>Nat Epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>10-Mar-08</TD><TD>Kell</TD><TD>19th</TD><TD>Han How Chuan</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Queenstown</TD><TD>Phoebe Helena Teo</TD><TD>2.9</TD><TD>Nat Epi </TD></TR><TR><TD>10-Mar-08</TD><TD>Petrina</TD><TD>26th</TD><TD>Chris Chong</TD><TD>Gleng</TD><TD>Holland Ave</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>3.315</TD><TD>c-sec </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>doink</TD><TD>29F</TD><TD>Heng TL</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD>Sengkang</TD><TD>Netanya</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>vnc</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>Han How Chuan</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Pasir Ris</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Jellybean</TD><TD>3th</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Aud</TD><TD>4th</TD><TD>Yvonne Chan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Bishan</TD><TD>Prince</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Ming</TD><TD>5th</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>cjx</TD><TD>6th</TD><TD>KT Tan</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Lavender</TD><TD>Princess</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>liewb</TD><TD>7th</TD><TD>Kek li Pin</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>Bishan</TD><TD>Prince</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Agapebaby</TD><TD>10th</TD><TD>Yvonne Chan</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>cheryl tan</TD><TD>11th</TD><TD>Toh Chin Keong</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Mtan</TD><TD>11th</TD><TD>Benjamin Tham</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Sembawang</TD><TD>Princess </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>MinLi</TD><TD>11th</TD><TD>Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>riushiki</TD><TD>12th</TD><TD>YG Tan</TD><TD>Raffles</TD><TD>Hougang</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Allessi</TD><TD>13th</TD><TD>Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Sengkang</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>net</TD><TD>13th</TD><TD>YG Tan</TD><TD>Raffles</TD><TD>Siglap</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Citybank</TD><TD>14th</TD><TD>WK Tan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>sunnysun21</TD><TD>14th</TD><TD>Douglas Ong</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Bt Panjang</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>chewwy</TD><TD>15th</TD><TD>Watt</TD><TD>Raffles</TD><TD>Pasir Ris</TD><TD>Princess </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>mummyboy</TD><TD>16th</TD><TD> Lim</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Ang Mo Kio</TD><TD>Prince </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Ling Yee</TD><TD>17th</TD><TD>KW Lee</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Kovan</TD><TD>Keira </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Eileen78</TD><TD>18th</TD><TD>Prof S C Ng</TD><TD>Gleng</TD><TD>Jurong West</TD><TD>Xania </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>babypink</TD><TD>18th</TD><TD>Tan Hak Koon</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Bukit Batok</TD><TD>Kyan </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Melody</TD><TD>18th</TD><TD>Fong Chuan Wee</TD><TD>Gleng</TD><TD>AMK</TD><TD>Princess </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Faith</TD><TD>18th</TD><TD>Dr Cliffton</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>Jurong West</TD><TD>Rictoria </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Serene </TD><TD>19th</TD><TD>Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prince</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>babe22</TD><TD>19th</TD><TD>SM Phua</TD><TD>Mt A/TMC</TD><TD>Serangoon North</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>jerejoy</TD><TD>19th</TD><TD>Alicia Constaneno</TD><TD>NMC</TD><TD>Bedok</TD><TD>Jervis</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Cladi</TD><TD>19th</TD><TD>Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD>Shawn</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Queen</TD><TD>20th</TD><TD>ML Yeap</TD><TD></TD><TD>Pine Close</TD><TD>Princess</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>babymouse</TD><TD>20th</TD><TD>Joceyln Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Sengkang</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>blue_skies</TD><TD>21st</TD><TD>HK Ho</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Kembangan</TD><TD>James</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>jeangal</TD><TD>23rd</TD><TD>Lisa Chin</TD><TD>Gleng</TD><TD>Tiong Bahru</TD><TD>Prince</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>dreamlife</TD><TD>24th</TD><TD>Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Bt Panjang</TD><TD>Princess</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Dor</TD><TD>26th</TD><TD>Henry Cheng</TD><TD>Mt A </TD><TD>Upp Thomson</TD><TD>Princess</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>hb_precious</TD><TD>25th</TD><TD>Lawrence Ang</TD><TD></TD><TD>Admiralty</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>julyclover</TD><TD>25th</TD><TD>Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>AMK</TD><TD>Alexander</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>summerdaze</TD><TD>25th</TD><TD>Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Sengkang</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Bubble</TD><TD>26th</TD><TD>Kowa</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>Clementi</TD><TD>Prince</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Shalom</TD><TD>26th</TD><TD>Chen Li Han</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Sengkang</TD><TD>Aidan</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>eniale</TD><TD>26th</TD><TD>Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Japan</TD><TD>Princess</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Ann</TD><TD>27th</TD><TD>Tan</TD><TD>Gleng</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Red Tea</TD><TD>27th</TD><TD>Adrian Tan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>AMK</TD><TD>Kai </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>cyberbabe</TD><TD>27th</TD><TD>Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>Jurong West</TD><TD>Princess </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Ah Xue</TD><TD>27th</TD><TD>Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Woodlands</TD><TD>Princess </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>niwa</TD><TD>28th</TD><TD>Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Braddell</TD><TD>Princess </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>amulet</TD><TD>29th</TD><TD>Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Woodlands</TD><TD>Darrielle </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>jamom</TD><TD>30th</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>adeline loo</TD><TD>30th</TD><TD>Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Yishun</TD><TD>Thomas </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Puffiet</TD><TD>31st</TD><TD>LN Sim</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Bukit Batok</TD><TD>Prince </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Pauline Tham</TD><TD>31st</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>jamie</TD><TD>31st</TD><TD>Gordon Tan</TD><TD>Gleng</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prince </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>gemini05</TD><TD>31st</TD><TD>Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Ang Mo Kio</TD><TD>Prince </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Jenny</TD><TD>endM</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Prince </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Simp</TD><TD>lateM</TD><TD>AL Lim</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Tiong Bahru/KL</TD><TD>Princess </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>cheesycake</TD><TD>1stA</TD><TD>CH Koh</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Bukit Batok</TD><TD>Cheyanne </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>bevweb</TD><TD>2ndA</TD><TD>Dolly Wee</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>Newton</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Poshies</TD><TD>3rdA</TD><TD>KH Wee</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Jurong West</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Venus</TD><TD>3rdA</TD><TD>Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Jurong West</TD><TD>Prince </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Shirley</TD><TD>4thA</TD><TD>Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>Mt A </TD><TD>Sengkang</TD><TD>Princess </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>qoosan</TD><TD>6thA</TD><TD>Dr Lim</TD><TD>Mt A </TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>Princess </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Agnes Yap</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

glad all is fine now
hmm..why i dilated 2cm on thursday but now still no news i wonder


Jia You ! hope all is smooth


lower backpain is awful..went thru it and now still have bad memories
no worries. My bb was admitted to hospital after tat too for jaundice. In fact his jaundice still there. sigh

Wet wipes
Anyone wan to share? Carlson wet wipes. Per pack of 3x80s is $3.85 only! But for Free delivery i must have min 32 bundle of 3 x 80s or 28 bundle of 3 x 80s and 8 bundle of 6 x 30s travel pack. Each bundle of travel pack is (6x30s) is $4.20.

1. abcdisney - 1 bundle 3 x 80s (paid)
2. kate - 1 bundle of 3 x 80s and 1 bundle 6x30s (paid)
3. YT - 5 bundle of 3 x 80s (paid)
4. babypink - 2 bundle 3 x 80s and 1 bundle 6 x 30s
5. ling yee - 5 bundle 3 x 80s (paid)
7. Clover - 1 bundle 3 x 80s and 1 bundle 6 x 30s (paid)
8. twinklestars - 1 bundle of 3 x 80s (paid)
9. Babe_Dude - 2 bundle 3 x 80s and 2 bundles 6 x 30s (paid)
10. mummyboy - 1 bundle of 3 x 80s (paid)
11. Pearl - 3 bundle of 3 x 80s (paid)
12. adeline - 2 bundle 3x80s and 2 bundle 6x30s (paid)
13. Emily - 2 bundle of 3x80s (paid)
14. Liyun - 1 carton (8 bundle) (paid) + 2 bundle
15. serene yeo - 1 bundle of 6x30s

Total : 28 bundle 3x80s and 8 bundle of 6x30s.

Order closed.

ppl pls tt d amt to posb saving 126491018 .

3x80s is $3.85 each and 6x30s is $4.20 each.
Thanks for your help on the wet wipes.
DBS I-banking is down at the moment. Will transfer to you once its up.

Maybe you can ask your husband to help you massage your back. Can try to walk around to distract yourself from the pain. Not sure if its part of the process of dilation. Btw, how heavy is your bb now? Mine is 3.2kg as of today.

Congras! You have done your best. Take good rest.
Melissa : Yup..i have dilated by 1cm..if the pain gets worse, i will go hospital..Gynae says mine considered small pain..
Babypink : u experienced before? Yah is real PAINFUL man!!! N now is like every now &amp; then i have this pain, which cause my contractions. Gynae advise me to eat panadol, but i wld like to "ren" as long as i can, until now not yet eaten..heheee...but i reli scared i cant sleep well tonite with the continuous pain..
Serene : actually i dun really dare to ask my hb to massage for me as his strength is quite big, i dunno will hurt bb a not heheee..My bb according to my gynae is very small lei, only 2.5kg as of 38wks???
my gynae checked me at 3cm- told me that if i wanted epidural later i gotta get it done before 5cm. But before epidural must check again. I didn't want anymore people sticking their fingers in so i opted to insert the epidural then at 3cm. =)
the next thing i knew when the contractions were UNBEARABLY PAINFUL despite the epidural (and dose increases)- i was already at full dilatation and baby ready to deliver.

my baby still jaundiced, going to see the PD on wed. hope he wouldn't need to get admitted again. My girlfriend's kiddo remained jaundiced after phototherapy up to 1 month after delivery despite taking her out for daily morning walks! Looks like will be a slow process to clear...
Congrats! at least u try and most imp is u and ur bb is safe.

jia you jia you!! me oso has false alarm tdy.. but i din go to gynae.. i monitor and then the cramp went away liao.

i oso feel like trying BD.. but hB scared.. chey.. will try to talk him into it agn..

me has tt the amt to u liao..
ref nos: 3892
amt: 19.75
loc: outram park mrt
Those are breastmilk jaundice lor. Normal jaundice cleared very fast. My PD told me breastmilk jaundice to clear fast is to gv FM which i dun wan. So he say if dun wan may take abt 1 to 1 and half mth to clear.

Red tea
Got it!
Anyone interested, pls cut and paste and indicate which one u wan and how many bottles.

1. abcdisney - GNC (2 bottles) $12.99 x 1.52 x 2 = SGD$40 (havent include shipping) (paid)
2. Sheryl - GNC (2 bottles) $12.99 x 1.52 x 2 = SGD$40 (havent include shipping) (paid)
3. Clover - GNC (1 bottles) $12.99 x 1.52 x 1 = SGD$19.75 (havent include shipping) (paid)
4. Kais - GNC (2 bottles) $12.99 x 1.52 x 2 = S$40 (shipping not incl)
5. Yu Tong - GNC ( 1 bottle ) $12.99 x 1.52 x 1 = SGD $19.75
6. Cyberbabe - GNC (2 bottles) $12.99 x 1.52 x 2 = S$40 (shipping not incl) (paid)
7. redtea - GNC (1 bottles) $12.99 x 1.52 x 1 = S$19.75 (shipping not incl) (paid)
8. Jenifur - GNC (1 bottles) $12.99 x 1.52 x 1 = S$19.75 (paid)
9. Joan - GNC (1 bottle) $12.99 x 1.52 x 1 = S$19.75

Pls confirm your order and TT to posb savings 126491018. Will order on Monday
if you don't want to give FM, give a little bit of cooled boiled water. my mom did and Tricia's jaundice went away in a couple of days. otherwise she's on total breastfeeding. she only give her two feeds on two different occasion. didn't sun her b'cos that week it had been dark and/or raining.

by the way, do you know that you can buy the special herb from chinese medical shop to cure jaundice? i think it's some kind of plant, u have to boil it and the water will become yellow. use the water to bathe bb everytime. of course u can also add your favorite baby wash in it. sorry i didn't know the name but u can describe it to the person he will know it. my hubby bought it for a dollar's worth.
Transferred - $4.20 for wet wipes
10 Mar 2008 11:18 PM Singapore
From Account: POSB Savings - 150-07391-0
To Account: POSB Savings 126-49101-8
Transaction Reference 1609937956
Pls let me know if you receive it. Many Thanks

Maybe you monitor and time the pain/contractions first. If you are on regular contractions every 5mins, you need to go to hospital.
Redtea : cos mine is very painful until i cant tahan liao, so to be safe i called clinic, then they asked me to make a trip..But now i somehow "numbed" with the pain liao, im still having the pain...
Serene : Hmm..ya lor..but i dunno what is the strong pain gynae is referring to, bcos of my lower back pain, i somehow cant "tahan" liao le..
Babypink : forget to ask u how u reduce the pain ah? Will this continue until i give birth? Cos is really unbearable especially when i lie down, dunno how to sleep tonite...
Hi mummies and mom to be

I am currently in my 39th weeks and is waiting for my girl to come out. Can't sleep at night and even when I sleep, I need to wake up every 2 hours to pee. I am getting frustrated...
hang in there. last moments are usually the most uncomfortable. try to enjoy by eating whatever that u can't during confinement and enjoy uninterrupted sleep while u can. be mentally prepared as well to avoid postnatal blues. live the moment and dun worry yourselves unnecessarily! jia you everyone!

Hi Chewwy,

Me too. Currently in wk 39. Yet baby still refuse to come out. Hopefully our baby will pop out by this week or early nx week. Let's pray hard hard.
