(2008/03) March 2008

<font color="0000ff">morning all..

Hi venus,
nevermind.... i also don know good a not but cheap.... so just buy a couple to try... see the response 1st....

Hi Chewwy,
u r not alone.... i think there is 1 night i wake up like every hr to go to toilet.... then... sometime my boy will wake up... .then i need to attend to him..

Hi Petrina,
u r doing great.... ur bb must be happy to meet u... regardless what mode he is born.....</font>

Mummies : I think i got "show"..i saw some sticky &amp; brown stains when i wake up. Should i go to hospital now or should i wait first ah?
<font color="0000ff">melody, probably best to call up gynae n ask if u shld go dwn to hospital now.... =)) cheers!!

<font size="+1">jia You everyone!!</font></font>
Melody, maybe call your gynae to ask?

Yesterday i had sticky pinkish brown discharge too. But no contractions so i decided to wait. Till now, still no signs.
eniale : cos ytd i false labour lei, gynae said i dilated only 1cm, but my lower backpain which causes my contractions, starts from ytd until nw, i didnt sleep well ytd nite..
Mummyboy : mi have contractions, so im wondering if i should go down clinic?? Cos losing the mucus plug doesnt mean is into labour yet right?
thks all... finally got off drip &amp; catherer.

c-sec hurts... while latching, contractions pain + stitches pain at the same time...

i'm moving lots to help stimulate lochia. groggy still frm itch medicine - given due to epidural side effects.

whole niTe slp n latch at same time. bb lazy. no milk so he suck abit, dun move liao... i need to keep removing n latching to bluff him to suck all the time...
show doesn't mean u're going thru labor soon but thats a very gd sign. u should wait for regular contractions. then go hospital. now u wait and hang out in this forum hehe.
yah, i think so. i read from internet, losing mucus plug would mean labour is coming now, a few days later or weeks later.

Since you have contractions, you should probably call up your gynae.
melody, different people different situations. like for me, the moment i lost my mucous plug i called my gynae as i had contractions earlier in the morning even though cervix still not open when gynae checked 2 hours earlier. my dilation happened very fast and i almost gave birth in the car! it really depends. can just get your gynae to check. need not admit to hospital first.
u wont have milk till day 3-4. u're now giving bb colostrum and its for him to get familiar with latching on. my lc taught me to tickle her cheeks and ears if bb dowan to suck. u post frm where ah? glenE got no wifi mah. me now posting from my pda in the bed heehee. wish u a speedy recovery!
want to know how much should baby be drinking? my baby dont want to latch on...crying after a few suckles. When i was in hospital, the nurses did commented that my nipple is abit short. but the lactation consultants say it is ok, short also can still feed. now i ended up pumping milk out for him and top up a bit of formula milk. this morning, only pump out 20ml. should i stop all bottle feeding in order for baby to latch on?
think u should follow what ur lc said. try direct latch. whoever said that everyone's nipples should look like the teats? ur bb should conform to ur nipples mah. u're the mommy.
Babylush : hmm, cos ytd have made a trip to clinic liao..dun want to make a wasted trip again heheee..the nurse at the clinic advised me to go down to see if i can get admitted a not..I think i should wait for a while first bah...
melissa, will try again later. maybe it is my method of carrying baby not correct also.

melody, if u can still walk about relatively well with the contractions, it should be still ok.
Babylush : i think my contractions quite unusual, mine is start from my lower back then it extends all the way to my lower abdomen..My lower backpain is getting more &amp; more pain liao, but is somehow not regular yet lei...
<font color="0000ff">melody.. mayb u observe for the next few hrs n meantime give a call to gynae n check what to look out next b4 u go dwn to clinic / hospital?... anyone at home with u or are u at work now?.... contraction tends to be more regular.... its best to check wif gynae n see what he/she suggest... =)) mayb lay dwn wld ease the pain?...cheers</font>
Don't give up. I read from a maz that milk will come in a few days later for c-sec mummies.. Jia You!

the maz is called "newMOM"
any HR person here can explain this to me:-

tis is wad my HR email me:-

You are entitled to 46 days hospital leave and 14 days sick leave. As you are a full time employee, your salary is for the whole month including all holidays, in other words, you are paid for all the public holidays, Saturdays and Sundays. Hence, if you take, say, 7 days hospital leave which includes a Saturday and Sunday, you will be paid 5 days only. This is what I understood from my telephone conversation with MOM..

so meaning, i will be deducted off salary for wkend when i m durin HL?
good morning

so many posts in a few days.

Congrats for those who has popped over the last few days
Welcome to Motherhood for the 1st timers... as for hvin # 2, i think it's more relaxing though but we are also face w new challenges too... I am still waiting for my turn to pop which is month end and so many of u are already in confinement period or mayb completed already.

Dun feel down. Stress is not good. Jia You, Jia You!!! 1st time mum needs alot of encouragement. You are doing very good already. I hv been thru that. Was damn stressed when i hv my #1 &amp; my SS dropped till no more..Chat more often. I am also learning things from here.

didnt read those previous post. Did you have show already? It's a sign of labour which can be soon or in a few days. My sis juz given birth last week. She hv show on Day 1, then the nxt morn, she went in hospital but was 'chased' home cos the cervix not even open. then she waited for one more day when she timed her contraction which comes closer and admit hospital at midnight. then 3 cm dilated and given birth within 3 hrs...

She tell me standing is more comfy than lying down when the contraction is on n off. Hope that helps for you. So u may wan to time ur contractions and standby.. call ur gynae as and when needed.

You are really experienced mom hor.. now even i m hvin #2, i m still blur on BF cos 1st round, I failed. I think to sum up, is stress that cos me to lose my will power to BF. So tis round, I hope i can make it. A few Qns to ask u, okie. Hope you dun mind:

1) How long to latch on each side?
2) Do we latch on one breast and pump the other?
3) How long can we place the BM in room temp and in fridge?

btw, I love ur sentence " whoever says that everyones's nipples look like teats"... hehehe.

So envy your packets of milk wor....
Ur confinement ending soon, rite.. counting down
Any idea how not to let bb suck for comfort? I tried giving pacifier but clever boy know the difference and spit it out. Any mom faces the same problem? Any give their child pacifier already?
<font color="0000ff">kea, I suggest u also make a call to MOM n check on this issue, which I always does. And do rem to take dwn the Operator / CSO name after the call..

Dor, me as well even thou was a 2nd time mummy but failed on BFing on my 1st... only able to Bf her for the 1st 3 mths n I gave up ... lack of knowledge so this time round I tell myself i got to back up n learn more.. but again I am a FTWM, really wonder if i can maintain the pumpin at wrk &amp; storage of milk supplies .... And also another issue is my mum ned to take cr of my gal (3yo), my bb gal n niece (P4).. also dunno she will have the energy to warm up the milk that i will kep inside fridge anot... =((</font>
good morning mummies

me too just hanging around waiting for #2 but now I'm in no hurry....i'm not experiencing any great discomfort (37 weeks liao) and sleeping fine usually so enjoying the last few weeks with my #1 before it's forever changed...a little bit sad, but just a little hehe, that my #1 won't be my only child anymore....love her so much but she seems to be eager to see di di too and last night before going to sleep, she said i love you baby tommy awwwwwww kekeke

this time round i'm also going to give my best to do TBF, last time I gave up v. easily and only express and add FM...i did pump a lot of milk but so leh cheh so I'm determined to latch, latch and latch! hehe

maybe should ask MOM again can take HL for weekdays and not weekends?? like dat won't lugi HL?? so complicating these stupid rules hor

hang in there! talk to your LC more, they should be the most encouraging

poor thing u! i never experience back pain so cannot imagine the pain you are going through...if the gynae say can take panadol, just go ahead and take it.....many drugs are safe to take during pregnancy and have zero effect on the bb and panadol is one of them....no point being hard on yourself yah and good luck
eniale and Adeline

actualli i earning more than $1.6 so actualli co. can have the rights not to acccept my HL and also my HL is from private doc. so is good enough that they pay me during wkdays and deduct only wkends and PH? i scare i agrue somemore, they call and check again and say all HL unpaid...am i rite to say tis? pls correct me if wrong..=X..thanks =) i v vexed now..shld i agrue or jus leave it n tk my HL and let them deduct the 6days of wkend till e time i pop...
<font color="0000ff">Kea, in fact what i noe is employees who earn more than 1.6k, MOM R&amp;R dun really apply to it. its more on vitual agreement btw the employer &amp; employee... But if u called n inquiry to MOM n if they reply the sme as wht yr HR says, then its better to leave it jus lidat ler... </font>
<font color="0000ff">Hi ABC,
i had hit the min order for the wet tissues, had just PM you... u might wan to teach... how to order....</font>

hee.so is best to accept what HR is offering me then being greedy hor...=/....as from wad my HR told me eariler on

jus accept those paid wkdays hor? sry for being nagging...jus wan to double cfm i m at least being paid for wkdays......=P
hi mummies:

can anyone share with me if their nipples leak (having a clear liquid) when pressed before giving birth...

i just experience that...
i given my bb pacifier on her 4th day but has stopped totally now. she always spit it out and i am so lazy to always pick it back for her. and hb don really likes to give her pacifier cuz he feel bb is taking in wind instead of comfort.

envy you being so positive and energetic depsite it's your #2.

congrats! you alrdy tried your best. stay happy else will end up like me, bad PNB initially and supply drops drastically.

RE: confinement
counting down to 3 more days. yeah! shopping and taka baby fair, here i comes! but still quite scared to bring bb tgt go out for long hours cuz scared she might be cranky!
u will never knw if u dun take the first step. I did.. when i hv Arielene and now i am confident to bring my kids out alone!
<font color="0000ff">Kea, heehee ya.. uhmm since they "offer" to paid u the WDays.. mus as well take it first..=P source out info from MOM if u be able to claim the WEnds, then 'fight" with them.. heehee.. =p

Sometimes hor havin bein paid slightly high salary also not gd.. like now I am wrkin in a 45wrking hrs basisper day, NOT inclusive of lunchtime leh.. so its like stayin in ofc 10hrs not the normal 9 hrs with 1 hr lunch break.. and when i called to MOM to inquiry they say if ur salary is more than 1.6k then its btw both parties agreement even thou MOM webbie stated that normal workin hrs is 45hrs per day Inclusive of lunch (oni applied to those earning below 1.6K).. so I jus to to swallow saliva n accept ...

cloudme, my frd also experience milk leaking b4 she went into labour (few wks later).. i tink its quite common in some mummies ba....</font>
<font color="0000ff">crystal, i agree wif abc's mummy, u mus take the 1st step to try out n experience.. then u will learn whats yr bb pattern n hw she behave.. then u be able to have more confident on yr next trial.. Just be fully prepared b4 u go out.. =)) cheers! n enjoy bringing yr bb out!!!... its be fun sometimes... </font>
Hi ladies!!!
baby is now latching well and i tend to pump after every feed. no engorgement leh! i so scared the supply will drop but i always see milk at baby's mouth! hopefully wont. i direct latch every 2 hours. I'm glad though my family not here but i have a good helper attending to my needs =)

do u feel engorgement now since u say finding pump stresful? like u, i've been 100% latching and am glad that i am doing well! initially i was worried that i'm not providing enuff milk for her. Though at times she latch on for 1 hour or MORE!..

i pray that kath wont treat my boobs as pacifier! now she cry or awake, noone disturb me i just leave her in the cot n dun carry her.. just let her be.. I also scared she keep wanting to carry hahaha cause i handlingher alone .. so try not to carry her too often..

I realise kath abit yellow liao but see this few days no sun.. only this morning i manage to sun her abit only.. now raining so heavily.. tml bringing her to pd to check..

there is always 1st time :p
anyway if now u ask me bring both kim and kath out together i scared la!! hahaha.. unlike abc.. =/

Jia you to mommies who have not popped.. soon u girls will be having sleepless nights like us liao! hahaa.. but i sleep alot during the day so i have no problems facing the challenges at night =) + essence of chix really helps me keep up the challenges loL!..
great to hear that u are managing well. jia you!!
i hope when its my turn, i will be able to latch on &amp; got sufficient milk for bb. cant believe we are all goin back to our sleepless nights again keke...
do u wake your ger up for feed every nite? or just wait for her to cry for milk?
Crystal.. high five!!

Counting down too.. but i already went to the taka baby fair.. hahaha ... i also washed my hair, bathed.. go supermarket.. etc.. whops.. so end of confinement is no big deal for me..

But.. my CL is leaving me soon.. SOB SOB..i think i will cry! HB kept on asking me to extend her. but she got assignments and her house got broken into.. see she is so responsible.. even when her house got broken into, she still keep her promises and come do my confinement... i have given her a big ang pao when she first came..guess i will give her a big one for her to go as well! ..

BB Rashes Attack ..
Yest evening.. bb got bad rashes all over her tummy and back.. it is weird coz they look like allergy rashes to me.. hmm. Wanted to rush her to A&amp;E but decided to monitor till morning.. so woke up this morn, check her rashes, subsided..but still decide to bring her to see doc.. doc said as long as those rashes comes and goes..its ok, no need medication! Lesson learnt.. rashes comes and goes k.. dun be overworked up!

Diaper rash.. real bad for bb.. coz she poos and fart alot! no choice got to be extra careful when cleaning her and has to clean her more often.. hope her rash subside soon .. soo poor thing bb...

But a good news.. BB is now 4.075kg! good weight i suppose .. hahahah .. anyway, bb be getting her 2nd Hep B vaccination this fri.. hope she be well and good.. poor baby...bad mama
My #2 also has bm jaundice, discharge from polyclinic only when he reached 1 month old.

Don't get stressed up. Just continue to nurse your bb. Like what Melissa said, tickle her cheeks and ears. Most NB will prefer to sleep and not suckle... but you'll need to wake him/her up every 3 hourly to nurse, esp if the bb is jaundice. When I delivered #1, the LC taught me to remove her clothes, make her cold and cry, then quickly latch. No need to keep unlatching, try squeezing/massaging your breast when he's latched on but not suckling.

If you are determine to breastfeed, throw all your bottles away. I've a gf, she has inverted nipples but she managed to nurse her bb till 2yo. And with all the nursing, her inverted nipple is now normal leow ;-)

I breastfeed all my 3 kids. And to ans your qns:
1) How long to latch on each side?
There is no hard and fast rule on this. All my kids are "small eater", they only nurse on one breast, 5 - 15 mins max.

2) Do we latch on one breast and pump the other?
With #1, I don't because I don't feel engorged then.. and I was ignorant.
With #2, bm was abundant and since my son is a one-sider drinker, I had to tandem pump to prevent my breast from exploding. I can easily pump out 6oz on one breast during confinement.
With #3, also alot of milk... but since I'm now a SAHM and there's no need for me to go back to work, I don't have to worry about pumping. So I'm only expressing once a day to relieve the fullness in my breast now.

3) How long can we place the BM in room temp and in fridge?
Room temp - 1 hour
Chiller - 48 hours
Fridge - 24 hours
Freezer - 1 month
Freezer with sep compartment - 2 months
hi cloudme,

i also experienced the discharge of clear liquid, bit sticky at one of my nipples.

have checked with gynae and she mentioned its normal to have it, called "colostrum" before birth.
Hi babypink

pls update for me

Baby girl delivered on 3 march by caesearean w epidural
Baby weight at 2.705kg. Name is Chloe

why esp when jaundice...

me too has no problem latching and feeding my first 2 children....but this 3rd....i had prob latching...so 1st time mummy jia you, is nt how experienced u are.....u can do it....
<font color="0000ff">Hey mummies, before we BFing we ned to clean up our nipple right?.. simply use cloth with warm water to wrip can? or ned to buy anything to clean up?.. can advise?.. also ehard that we have to squeeze out some milk b4 we latch bb cos some r "dirty" milk... not too sur eif these r true..heard from old folks...=P</font>

wahahahaha... ur description so funnnii " rusty pipe"

last round, i do wipe w warm or hot towel for hygiene purpose and during latchin, veri hot..sure sweat like mad. And also at that time, my confinement period is in June, Hottest mth lei. Later my ger thinkin why she drinkin salty milk. hahahah


thanks thks. will bombard u w Qns again when i m unsure.
Me discharge oredi liao haha last two weeks ago! LOL. didn't know they have wifi! and why must we pay?? aiyoh glenE so high class still must charge broadband huh? so lousy!

Most experienced and most expert is Reena. She really 100% hands on and 3 kids in tow! Dunno how she do it. SAHM some more. I'm just a FTWM who's on maternity leave hehe. Anyway your answers from me, mostly similar to Reena's:

1) I only latch one breast at one time. And each session is 15 minutes.
2) I don't pump. B'cos I don't enjoy pumping.
3) Room temp, only 3-4 hours, in hotter weather, 2-3 hours. Fridge, 24-48 hours. I'm more forgiving and my timing is more relaxed than Reena's. hehee.

i still let my bb latch for comfort, surprisingly she still take in the milk. the book says it's ok, so i just happily offer my nipple, b'cos too lazy to sterilize the pacifier.

me me, got that liquid coming out before delivery. that's colostrum. totally normal. it's liquid gold for newborn! yes it will still be available after baby is born.

i'm here to get tips and spread my positive energy to u girls mah hehehe.

Adeline Kim,
i only feel engorgement on my 4th day post partum when the milk start coming in. but no problem, i just latch her every 1.5 hours. i didn't pump it out b'cos if i did, who's going to drink the extra milk? might as well train my body to tell it how much is enough and how much is excess. i never latch more than 15 minutes. my #1 can get jealous, besides my that's what my LC said. 15 mins enough. so far ok lah. last time I tbf for 10 months so the experience is still quite fresh on my mind.

lol you very funny. yeah our neh neh is not rusty pipe.

rubbish lah, squeeze out to discard for what? btw, i didn't bother to clean up my nipples except when i'm sweating profusely. else breastmilk becomes slightly saltish.. kekekeke

dor, lol. i was thinking about this analogy where people will on the tap and let the water flow for a sec or 2, to "discard the dirty water".

anyway as long as we keep the nipple area clean, bb will be able to suckle happily and safely. milk is kept sterile in the breasts at all time. it's another story when it's expressed and kept lah.
