(2008/03) March 2008

Dear mummies,

Do u all start taking GNC fenugreek once u hv delivered? Or wait till the milk supply is low? I'm a little confused when to take the supplements...

i cant slp now le.. Knowin tat i will b admittin to hospital later to deliver.. Meetin my doc at 830am at MAH.. Cant imagine wat i will b goin thro tdy.. Wish me all the best k.. Pray for us k..
<font color="0000ff">Hi mrning mummies... =))

Kea, WOW!!! totr they say in e beginning is u r entitle to the wkring days (Mon to Fri) now they cahneg their "law" .. oh dear.. BUt true enuff, health mroe impt!!! =)) cheer up!!

Mummy_Norman, ya i tink if i got the energy I still will clean up wif a warm towel or cotton ball b4 feeding but now i think back on my 1st pregnancy... I somehow oni manage to maintain for the 1st mth haahaa then 2nd mth like sort of bochap aldy... let most of u, simply flip up n feed... heeee..=P

Dor, yupyup, she born in June05.. hehe so yrs n mine a a yr part hehee... =))

I think now is the Monsoon season...so hav been raining n weather uite cool.. but ya poor bb cnt do sunning.... =((

Jia you Cladi!!!

Congrats Ivy!!!

Mummies, last few wks u gals tok abt this muscus plug right?... I think mine jus come out..... went to toilet jus now.. wipe up n got the muscus.... I believe this shld be the plug that u all tokin abt right?... so means my labour cming soon?...............</font>
<font color="0000ff">morning all...
wow... so envy all the mummies that pop... haha... as my due is one of the last on thread... so i had slowly wait lor...

Hi Kais,
ur princesssss are so cute..... i love their picture...... i always love watching bb sleep... even now i also love to wake up and watch my boy sleep.... so many pattern... once i caught him laff aways while sleeping..... so funnie one...</font>
some people have few times let down....for me so far i only have 1 letdown.....

have a smooth delivery.....soon u will have the bb in ur arms....

today seems to be another rainy day.....

urs is safe for breastfeeding....oh....
the jamu my massage lady....is for closing the V...not so loose..so that old age will not drop uterus out....what ur jamu for?

u tried oats?

ya lo...haiz..wad to do..sick and tired to agrue with them...earning that 2wks paid less, i tink i oso more song than facing them for another 2wks more...=P....they keep forcing me tk ML, i don wan...coz i wan keep the ML and spend more time with BB..do u tink i v stupid? choose unpaid rather than ML...
<font color="0000ff">Mummy Norman, hehee.. ya hopefully bb faster cm out... its kinda tiring ler... having backache this mrning while on e way to wrk.. even thou i am sittin on the train...

Kea, aiya what to do, earning slightly higher also will kenna such stuffs.. Since u felt u rather spent the ML to spent time wif bb mus as well keep it n take Unpaid now.. is the sme if u used up yr ML n then suddenly ned some days for bb, u also ned to take Unpaid mah... so eventually still e sme de .... now u jus rest well.. </font>
<font color="0000ff">JUST TO SHARE....=))</font>


Recently this past week, my cousin Nicole Dishuk (age
31...newly graduated student with a doctoral degree about to
start her new career as a Doctor...) was flown into a nearby
hospital, because she passed out.

They found a blood clot in her neck, and immediately took her
by helicopter to the ER to operate. by the time they removed
the right half of her skull to relieve the pressure on her
brain, the clot had spread to her brain causing severe damage.

Since last Wednesday night, she was battling.. they induced her
into a coma to stop the blood flow, They operated 3 times..
Finally, they said there was nothing left that they could do..
they found multiple clots in the left side of her brain.. the
swelling wouldn't stop, and she was on life support..

She died at 4:30 yesterday. She leaves behind a husband, and a
2yr old Brandon and a 4yr old Justin... The CAUSE of DEATH -
they found was a birth control she was taking that allows you
to only have your period 3 times a year... They said it
interrupts life's menstrual cycle, and although it is FDA
approved... shouldn't be - So to the women in my address book -
I ask you to boycott this product &amp; deal with your period

once a month - so you can live the rest of the months that your
life has in store for you.

*Please send this to every woman you know - you may save
life... Remember, you have a CYCLE for a reason!


The name of this new birth control pill is Lybrel. If you go to
http://lybrel.com/ , you will find at least 26 pages of
information regarding this drug.

The second birth control pill is, Seasonique. If you go to the
website of,
Seasonique.com http://seasonique .com/ , you will find 43 pages
of information regarding this drug.
The warnings and side effects regarding both pills are
horrible. Please, please forward this information to as many
daughters AND sons, co-workers, friends and relatives. Several
lives have already been changed.
<font color="0000ff">heehee jus come out from MTG &amp; surfing net for the muscus plug info.. heheeh JTS..


As the third trimester weeks crawl by, many pregnant women look for any sign that labor is impending. One of these signs is the loss of the mucus plug. Many women don’t even know what the mucus plug is, or what they should look for. They only know that the loss of it signifies that SOMETHING is happening after months of waiting.

What Is the Mucus Plug?
The mucus plug is exactly what it sounds like. It is a concentration of mucus that is deposited in the opening of the cervix to block germs and bacteria from entering the uterus.

During pregnancy, the mucus is clear and would look much like a woman’s normal vaginal discharge. However, as the cervix begins to thin out and blood is released, there will be some blood deposited onto the mucus plug. As a woman’s cervix opens she will begin to lose the plug, either in bits of stringy, blood tinted mucus over a period of time, or all at once. This can happen up to two weeks before labor actually begins.

The loss of the mucus plug should not be confused with a woman’s bloody show which occurs during labor as a woman begins bleeding prior to delivery. The bloody show will be obviously different than the mucus plug as it is mostly blood and very little or no mucus.

When Should You Call Your Doctor?
Generally there is no need to call your doctor or midwife when you begin to lose your mucus plug, assuming it is clear or just has a little blood showing. Of course, if you feel any concern or have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact them. You can also mention it to your provider at your next visit. You should definitely contact your provider if the mucus becomes extremely bloody or you continue to experience discharge. It could be a sign that labor has started, or it could also possibly be a sign of a complication like placenta previa or of a placental abruption.

Thanks for the info. Currently in my week 39 and 3 days. Don't think that I hv lost my mucus plug based on the description u hv provided. Gg to see the gynae tmr, hopefully I hv dilated. Praying hard....

seem like numbers of Mar mummies carrying till nearly 40wks.......hmmm......my mom mentioned she give birth to all 3kids at 39wks....will it be the same for me.....??hee.....
I also waiting for my turn. Officially in my 39 weeks today, last Gynae visit on Monday showed that my cervix has soften but has not dilated.

Jia you! Good luck to you.
no...u nt stupid...u just wish to spend more time with kids...very motherly instinct...

letdown is a burning tingling sensation....more of a burningfeel....when the milk rushes down...

hoped ur bb cming....this last trimester ache is very not tolerable....hopin every seconds the bb is out n relieved....n when bb out we miss them in us...hee...
Mummy Norman,
agree agree. when my girl is inside, i wish she come out soon. now that she's out, i miss the times when i can feel her kick inside. so all mummies, i know it is not easy but do try to enjoy every moment cos every moment is unique and worth cherishing.

yesterday at 10pm, i sit on my bed and wonder what will i be doing now if i'm not early (EDD is 18th Mar) and don't know why suddenly start to tear. love my girl but kinda miss the carefree days.... sigh.... mood swings, mood swings....
good luck!!! have a safe delivery!

i think my jamu is for general health since i can still take it any other days.

u can actually by a specially made jamu for you in Kampung Melayu. If you go to Geylang, there's a big area with many malay kampungs in it. The jamu shop is in one of those. The area is beside Tanjong Katong Complex, just opposite the makeshift wet market. Nearest MRT is Paya Lebar. Just say you want the kind of jamu that's safe for breastfeeding and they can blend in for you. You drink on the spot or u just request for those commercially-prepared one. They'll find the right one for you. I personally find jamu taste better than the TCM herbs. I've tried both.

just lost your mucus plug huh? now wait for noticeable contractions. jia you!!! don't we all hate the last moments before delivery? so heavy and full of aches and pain!

if i'm stressed, i can only have one let-down. else if i'm boh chup, can get 2. in lucky days, can get 3. drink hot water before u pump, can get more yield.

one way ard this problem is dont buy FM and hide all the bottles and feed direct! then your mil will have no choice but to look for you. will give you loads of stress but at least will have some results shown. tell her milk powder expensive now esp when comes to infant there is loads of wastage. breastmilk best no wastage whatever not outside can storage. hahaha

you can still eat ginger one lah just dont eat too much. and drink loads of fluids whether ginger drink or date drinks. just drink alot.

Clover: yes i hate nesting instinct too super irritating! this instinct made me tidy up my whole house even when i m super tired and my back is aching! then i will start wanting to scold my hubby for how come he never offer to help me tidy up!

Mummy_Norman 08: guess that why the breastfeeding support group advised the breast pump should only be used after the 1st mth; when the milk supply is stable. cos not everyone react well with the pump. baby is the best breastpump!

Kea: let down is when milk gushed out of your nipples. the more scientific way is when your body releases a certain hormones for the production of milk. normally, when baby sucking is the stimulate for that hormones for let down
hi mummies:

how do contractions feel like? or BH feel like?

i experience somewhat like stomache feeling and after a while it will go off... just wondering is this part of contractions or BH?
<font color="0000ff">Kea, life is so funny de... when we r a FTWM, how we wish to be a SAHM.. then when we becm a SAHM, hw we wish to be out in wrkforce... haiz.. we can never satisfied ourselves.. hehehe.. now i also wish i can stay at home like last time, spent all my time wif my gal n ned not face wrk load, and face ppl polities... =P

jerejoy, I think i lost leh but still not very sure heehee.. I also thinking of gng to see gynae tml n check if i am dilated... cos i think now i also in my wk38 or wk39 ler.. hope gd news from u!! hehe

Serene, wah... soften ler mus be abt time ler.. hehehe =P

mummy_norman, how true lor... once bb is out of our tummy, we miss the feeling so much... now jus got to wait tml see wht gynae say... ehhe

Fei, exactly... when after my 1st was out 3 mths, I always tell my mum n sis that i wan to put her back inside again.. they say i siao!!! haahaa... realli will miss the feeling..so i gonna feel it for a few more days b4 my #2 is out.. hehe.. U too enjoy the moments wif ur bb!! even thou she's out but the direct touching is even more nice isnt it?.. =))

Melissa, ya i think so leh, heehe okok... will observe if got any contraction etc... hehe</font>
<font color="0000ff">cloudme, contraction feeling is like haveing menstual cramp... u observe the interval.. shld be regular de... not tummy pain, wan go poopoo kinda of pain... </font>
for me i dun have much menses cramp b4 i preggi only have the feeling of wanna go poopoo kind of pain...so i thought my contractions will be like the feeling of my pre-af kind of feeling...
thanks mummies for info on breastfeeding n expressing. guess mine is still nt ready for pumping. hv to wait few weeks later bah.

I took fenugreek too. 3pills 3 times a day. but guess because I m doing full time latching tat's y no milk for me to express out? <font color="ff0000">pls correct me if i'm wrong</font>.

When milk supply is more established , hw do I go abt expressing if I still wan latch on full time? anyone can share schedule? btw when will bb b drinking every 3h? mine seem to b drinking every 1-1.5h. on days he's very tired mayb 2h.. n he love to suck for comfort! I jus let him suck since someone says it's normal n can promote more supply...

usu after hw long will 2nd let-down comes after d first?
for me, i can get 2nd let down 10 mins after the first or when i manually re-stimulate my nipples. sometimes i adjust my pump to simulate my baby latching again, then i will get another let down.

btw forgot to mention that i will only store EBM about a week before i return to work. reason being that breast milk evolves and change according to baby's age. so if i pump early like right now and go back to work only a month later, my baby will be lacking the nutrients of my BM, which was expressed when she's less than a month old. your body will create BM and change its content as baby grows, so sometimes kiasuism doesn't pay. i'm not a kiasu person lor. more boh chup than kiasu hehe. that's why i appear more relaxed.
Thanks for advice. So meaning i jus let the pump run and dun worry so much when pumping? Usu will let the pump run for how long?
longest i go is 30 mins. but usually 15-20 mins. too long your nipples will sore. pump frequently rather than wait too long to pump to maintain your supply.
Wonder when then i can achieve let-down?
when i express then i know righ?
bf-ing seems like an art to learn! now she is latching well but i have a problem.

She tend to vomit out milk if i latch on right side.. and dont if i latch on left side. Why ah?
After latching on right side, when i carry her up to burp, the milk just gushes out from her mouth..! then after burp i put her down, another time the milk come out!
So envious of those counting down to end of confinement! I can't leave home esp now rainy season, plus no one to take care of bb, how to go out?

Clover &amp; Melissa,
I don't offer ebm unless someone specifically asked for it. The last time I gave ebm to my sister's friend, it's very stressful on my part. If it's my own child, I just lift up t-shirt to nurse, no need to clean boobs. But when I'm expressing for another bb, I feel very stressed up, must make sure I observe hygiene and wash the pump thoroughly. Aiyoh.. very stressful leh...

Love your triplets pic!! Reminds me of "Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil"

I started off with very anti breastfeeding CL, kept saying my milk not enough for my bb (#1 then). After reading up and calling a few hotlines, I know I can do it. I only supplemented with FM on 1st week as I was ignorant then. When I knew I was doing the right thing by nursing direct and stop expressing, I persisted and direct feed throughout. Both my MIL and CL were very surprised I managed so well.

After this incident, I've been telling MTB, it's all in your mind. Do not stock up FM for just in case. When you have no alternative, you just have to nurse directly ;-)

I think you are too stressed up with the pumping and not getting the correct letdown. Did you tandem pump or you pump after bb's finished drinking? Anyway, you actually don't have to pump so soon. Try expressing and store 2 weeks before you return to work since you can't keep frozen ebm in the freezer for too long anyway.

How to achieve letdown?
For me, I'll either be reading some leisure magazines or watching TV programs, that helps to keep me distracted. When I was pumping for #1 then, my max is only 2 letdowns. But with #2, I'm more experience and relax, can get up to 4 letdowns in 1 pumping session.

Some pple just need to look at their bb photo or smell their bb clothes and they'll get a letdown but these 2 don't work on me :p

Any method is nipple stimulation. Massage your breasts with warm towel and stimulate your nipple for a few mins. That may triggle letdown too. It works for me sometimes.

My take is, don't depend on such supplements to increase your supply. It's NOT natural. If you are too dependant on the supplement, once you stop them, your supply will dip. Actually, breastfeeding is a very simple equation. DEMAND = SUPPLY. The more you let your bb suckle, the more milk your body will produce. Very simple logic.

I'm using the excess ebm to wash my face :p

If it's breastfeed jaundice, I was told to supplement with FM but I refused :p Still continue to nurse bb but will take a longer time for the bilirubin to be expelled from their body. Accordingly to PD, it's recommended to reduce seasame oil and ginger intake, and strictly no alcohol.
Pumping schedule for FTWM
It'll be ideal if you can maintain a pumping schedule. Eg, if you can only spare time to pump twice a day in the office, says 12pm and 6pm. Try to start pumping at around this timing at home, 1 - 2 weeks before returning to work. This is to "tell" your body you need milk at these timing. When you're home with bb, just continue to nurse as and when needed.

during my number 1, i also feeding her every other hour. full latch on. so not much milk to express out.

dont worry so much about the expressing milk. take it as it comes. you are still in your confinment.

like what melissa say BM will change as baby grows; becomes thicker by the third mth. so just be boh chup. eat well drink well. pray hard that you can sleep well soon. the rest take it as it comes.
i did both. Tandem and after latch. But i latch full time. Tandem can get 25ml. After latch pump is pathetic.. 5-10ml.

Thanks mummies. Decided not to express anymore. Jus latch full time. But jus wonderign when to start pumping when goign back work and also how will the schedule be like then since will still be latching full time right? Will it be like now where pump after latch still no milk? If so how? Thanks for advise
so funny u use the excess ebm to wash your face! haha...i hope when i am pumping, i will also have so much excess milk.

me too hope to do without fenugreek etc...will use them if milk really doesn't seem enuff but right now i am hoping 2nd time around will be much easier

seeing my gynae tomorrow at 37.5 weeks
i'm really relaxed right now and in no rush....baby tommy can come out at 40 weeks if he so pleases hehe....once #2 is out, it's irreversible change yah? better enjoy having just one kid while i can
Use it as facial mask lor kekeke Last time I pour into pail and use it as milk bath :p But now still on confinement, can only bathe herbal water...

Don't worry, you are doing great! Just relax and enjoy nursing. Just keep reminding yourself, demand = supply. When there's a demand, there'll ALWAYS be supply.

another rainy day. feel like sleep on my office table now.

ur mucus plug out? i remembered my #1, the mucus plug was out 1 wk before my water bag burst.. ONE WK manz... at that time, i m so happy cos thinkin can go into labour soon. hehehe. then i waited &amp; waited. Somemore overdue manz.. supposed to go on a MON for induce but think baby noe is induced hor, she came out the day b4.. hohoho.

Saw my gynae on mon, he say if 1st one is waterbag burst, likely no. 2 will also follow suit.

So 2nd time mummies who had popped... is that true??


Anyone goin tomm? I wish to go but thinkin of haulin my tummy there... make me think twice now.. hehehehe

WRU? U popped already?

No need to throw away ur EBM. Put into bathtub and hv a milk bath
When I had my #1, my mucus plug was also out 1 wk before I delivered. Same goes for #2. With #3, it's just a few days before delivery.
<font color="0000ff">Its still raining outside.. hw i wish i was on bed now... hehe =P I eb taking leave tml n go n see gynae to check... hopefully some progress can be seen but another hand abit dun feel like delivering so soon leh.. alamak...

Reena, wah yr CL really so negative!!.. in fact mus encourage u to try mah, n also say gd wrds.. hw cn lidat de... lucky u really very persistent n din give up!! have to learn from u ... totally agree, its all depends on our mind n perservances... =)) If other can, we also can!!... wah... so I mus be prepare now right?.. my first one is C-sec... hopefully can succeed in natural.. =)) pray hard!!

So latching fully is better than expressing out?.. hehe

Dor, dunno leh, i tink so.. this mrning went toilet n got mucus leh... quite alot.. so suppose it is the mucus plug ba.. hehe so tml i be gng dwn to see gynae n check check lor.. as i delayed the appt since 3 mar until now liao.. wahaha....

Uhmm milk bath!! gd idea hor!! natural milk!!! but the smell hor.. smell ok anot har>.. hehehehehehehhehehe =P

ISETAN BB SALES... I also feel like gng leh, but aiya tummy so heavy.. sianz... also i saw that expo bb fair is cming soon... hehehe... but also cnt go.. mayb i aldy pop, who knows hor... hehe</font>
is it regurgitation....

anyone has any idea the playtex milkbag can be put in avent warmer?

u cant let pump to run too long too...so as to avoid sore nipples...

u dun have to worry abt not enuff storage for him...cos when u go to work...u express at work...and those u express in the day will provide for his feed the next day when u at work...

congrats cladi.....3.24 kg....not easy....n u did it w/o epi..

Pls update my details too

BB's weight: 2.6kg
Name: Francesca
Nat w/o epi

me too gian to go the pte sale...too bad confinement....was interested in the hellow kitty trolley bag....and to see any car seat....

face wash...hee....will oily?
<font color="0000ff">yalor heehee I was seein the time of her post &amp; delivered time.. hahah still can manage to post info for us!!! great leh!! MUST rest well ya Cladi!!.. =)) Great job done!!!

Mummy_norman.. hehe... u gonna stay at home!! keke... but u can go for the expo bb fair if its near u... on the 21st to 23rd.. hheehee... =)) </font>
Anyone wanna buy the Breast Pump conversion set? I have a brand new one:

Lets you collect milk directly from your breast pump
Can be used with both Avent's reusuable bottles and disposable bottles
Two breast pump converters for Avent Natural Feeding Bottles
Two breast pump converters for Avent Via Disposable Bases
Four disposable breast pads

Selling @ $20

Congras Cladi ! You did it w/o epidural ! Great Job! Take good rest.

My EDD is the same as yours and my bb is already 3.2kg as at 38 week and 6 days.

So many concerns about bf-ing.

Can i ask another thing.. cause if only every 2 to 3 hrs she latch right breast.. then another 2to 3 hrs she latch left breast.. means that each breast she only latch every 5 to 6 hours..
will my supply drop?

If i drink dom, how long then i can bf? Cause this few days raining.. and i ate wrong things.. my legs very soft and aching.. my aunty ask me drink dom..
