(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

Gar, thanks for comments. Part time work schedule is flexi, can choose to work everyday for 4 hours or work on selected days, subject to boss's approval of course. Actually my work is ok, just that I got no time to interact with baby except weekends cos weekday nights, trying to put her to sleep early so that we can rest. Since no promotion in pipeline unless I want portfolio to be expanded, so thought of taking it easy and spending more time with baby since she's growing up so fast.

Artemis, you so slim already but still got 4kg to go ah??
aiyo, i want happy ppl but not bald hehe

kirsten, my son always wanna flip too when sleeping. so he will ngek ngek adn i got to pat him to zz. yesterday he did only one time, so ended up i latched him to make him zz again.

dor: cuz gervaise drink more of your milk, so you lack of more protein and vit so drop more hair as compared to your firfst gal?

water: how much ml of water do you feed your bb per day?
Hi ViNE_Gal, cheryl,

lol... I think I know what you gals mean but to me is I like to be guided when I am lost or inexperienced at something. So the BW book is my guide. In it she also said every baby is different and she specifies that we need to cater to our baby's needs first. The guide is not a schedule but a routine (she also emphasises this in the book).

Danica does not wake up like clockwork at the times when she is supposed to drink milk, always +- 15 to 30 minutes but we try to keep to that so as not to disrupt the rest of the day.

My HB and I get Danica into a routine and work our schedules around hers.
That's why we are actually less stressed than if we were to follow her timing and get stressed/angry if she were to suddenly change. This is versus during the first 1½ months of Danica's life when I have not read the BW book and had to guess when she wanted what and going out was a complete disaster if we read her cues wrongly.

Basically, I guess every parent is different too.
My mummy definitely did not read any books to bring me up and yet here I am all grown up. So it's really up to the individual I guess.
cannot remain status quo? no promotion also nvr mind so long as your current job gives you good work life balance. of course, nothing beats spending more time with baby. i agree that they are growing up really fast. every week i can see changes
Hi tongtong,

All the fats hidden in unmentionable places. :p

RE : Feeding water to baby

So far, I have not fed Danica any water. The one time my MIL tried, she just drink a bit then pui out. :p Her romper all wet and my MIL so pissed. So I think will only let her try again when she can sit up and handle sippy cup on her own. Give her 2 to confuse her and drink down. :D
i feed arielle abt 60 - 80 ml water per day. i asked my PD abt this debate on whether to feed or not feed water. she said depends on bb's water loss and the weather. so if bb tends to perspire a lot and weather is hot, then should feed water. but not excessive. she gave 100ml a day average as a guideline.
jass, diana
i go to Dr Dorothy, my friends recommended, and "warned" me before hand that she dresses very aunty (like wear shorts and t-shirt) and is quite a large size woman, so i wasn't too shocked when i saw her. i really like her because she is sooo jolly and talks q a bit to the baby.
dr yvonne i also went to see, and she's just down the road from me so i will "reserve" her for emergencies when dorothy is not available, hee. my hubby dun like her, say she v rude to her recep and scold her recep in front of us, also when she walked out of the clinic (we were the last patients) she never even say bye. i felt she was quite ok, i don't dislike her, but i DO like dorothy

anyway doctors are a very personal thing, one person might like, another one might not.

thanks for the rough schedule!

bb books
i agree that we shouldn't take each book word for word, it's good to read and then decide what you want for your own baby. but some of the concepts are also good, and i'm glad i read the books otherwise i wont know any better, and i'd probably be stressed out follow my MIL's methods :p
think in the beginning they might not like the water, my bb was like that at first but we keep giving him. now he chugs it down like milk :)

thanks for the guideline! i think my bb takes a bit less than that but sometimes can drink q a bit, so i was also wondering how much he shld drink...
you know smth! as i was reading your post about the hairloss and loss of vitamins from the food we eat when breastfeeding, i teared, hahahaha! *free hugs for you*
then i copy and paste and email your post show my hubby. telling him that we mummies are so wei-da!!
oh i saw this before! i think it looks nice! i bought the combi cocorro, which is ok lah, i think this graco one looks more comfy.

eh robinsons sale until when ha? i don't want to do a kiddy palace thing again and miss it, lol. i want to go buy a booster seat/high chair thing.
Isobellies, I went to check online and the review rating quite low so a bit worried. Did you physically try out the mechanism? Any reason why you didn't buy this?

Robinsons sale end this Sunday.
i pm u my contacts liao. thanks a lot *muack*

Matt has been drinking 30-80ml daily. I'll see if his lips is dry.. if it is then give a bit more. if its a cold rainy day i guess not much water loss

ya hor... hahaha can go back w cheryl leh. but u noe how to get there a not? i'm mountain tortoise.

iso jie:
thanks for sharing abt the PD. Dr Dor is @ Bukit timah plaza? Dr Yvonne @ sunset way?

btw, order the birkies liao? later i'm going marina heheh any shop there i can try out the size?
i din. i got the coccoro for my mum's car cos small and light. for our own we use maxi cosi infant carrier now, not sure what we going to buy later on, have to start looking soon.

jass mei
stil got time, marina i think got one small sports shop that sells. one level up from the information counter (if i remember correctly). tonight i send out the list to double check everyone's order. u let me know lah

yah, Dor at BTP and Yvonne at Sunset

the pilates is 8 sessions, bbs from 3-9 months. the girl said their main concern is whther bb's neck is strong. if not strong cannot go. after the 8 sessions they have 2 makeup sessions which u can attend, so i guess max is u can miss 2 classes...
RE: Gap.com / OldNavy.com Spree 30 June 2008

The items have been matched at SingPost US collection site.
Will wait for the status to say ready for billing before calculating the shipping charges. Base charge shared by all ladies. If you are in both the Children's Place spree and the Gap.com/OldNavy.com, you will be charged 2 units of the base charge. Hope that is okay with you ladies.

I am so looking forward to the sunglasses :p
jass1408 $andrea

Must i used beansprout pillow or any other pillow also can?

Tong tong
My boy get up few time becos he flip. Whenever he cry i let him latch but after a while he cry again.. haiz
Hi kirsten,

Pardon me for saying this but if you latch him on every time he wakes up cause he flipped, are you not "rewarding" his behaviour?

Maybe I'm a very harsh mummy but when Danica did that, I did not talk to her, just adjust her sleepsuit, reswaddle and pat/shush her to sleep. Even at her worst, 4 times a night I did that even though it was very tempting to latch her on and let her doze off. Thus, the whole episode only lasted 4 days. Or maybe it's just pure luck. :p

Danica has a bean sprout pillow too. But during that phase, it did not work as it did for the other ladies.
kirsten.. abt the insurance stuffs.. if need info.. can pm me.. Anyway.. just to share.. i will be getting wholelife and hospitalisation plan for her. Perhaps not endowement now as the difference netwwen buying endowment now and later is not much difference. Buying endowment is like another form of savings.. but higher interest than bank of coz.. but i may think of putting the money somewhere else to grow it.
Amy.. if u see this pm me k.. any updates on the discovery ball?? like quite long already.. have they sent out the shipping bill?Can i get the ball first? Pm me k..

Isobellies.. think i will give the birkie spree a miss.. no time to check.

Kirsten.. my baby attempts to flip everytime she sleeps. for the past 2 weeks... at night.. she will move and rotate herself.. i swaddle her and put the beansprout pillow ( actually, think mine is not beansprout but beans!! quite heavy..) she will struggle and struggle.. haven been sleeping well for the past few nights.. and whenever she struggle.. she will unswadddle herself and the beans pillow ended up at her neck.. almost choking her.. then she will cry for help.. so i have to be very alert whenever i sleep.. I think its just a phase.. i just pat her.. shush her.. give her pacifier.. or millk if necessary and reswaddle her... I dun carry her.. else think she may wake up.
yest so busy and forum so slow.. forgot to say, your bb is sooo cute! so chubby!! aiyo! some more give me such a sweet smile... :D

re: the baking class can i join the wed 7-10?

re: insurance can ask me coz hubby is agent. so can give advise. but personal view is not to buy endowment coz its just savings. wholelife with investments are better as you get much better returns.
oh noticed that you all have started on solid feeding. but i just read that babies should not be fed anything else other then milk for the first 6 mths. my son still on tbf. should i start him on solids?
Gar, my boss knows, I'm very open with her, everytime there is potential changes to portfolio, I told her I have not decided if I want to switch to PT. But to be fair to her, I must also make a decision, cos it's either she expand my portfolio so that she can put me up for promotion again or go part time and she will cut down my portfolio. Cannot keep whaffling lor... :p

Jasmine, my baby is 11 days to 6 months, still TBF, holding off solids but counting down....

isobellies, I see, Robinsons don't carry combi coccoro and Tai Sing said Combi fixed price, no discount one, only freebies. Sian, that's why I switched target to Graco. I ordered from Robinsons liao, can give credit card through phone, no need to go down plus got free delivery. Love their service.

hair loss
My hair loss is worse and worse, can see obvious gap in my fringe liao, so sad. Must start going for my scalp treatment at Phyto liao, signed up but haven't go.
Re: hair loss

I also having hair loss problems, very sad to see handfull of hair when i wash..thinking of going to Beijing 101, dunno will help or not and not sure the price..anyone tried before?
happybee, my dermatologist said a lot of these salons including yun nan do hair weaving instead then they tie you down cos as your hair grows, got to go back and 'retie' the hair for the hair to look natural. Even wash hair also must go back to wash so they earn $ again. Not sure how true it is though.
berry, I think any card also can, cos I gave them the credit card no first, subsequently then they ask if it's robinsons card because they need to call the bank for approval code. best of all, can still refund as long as I keep the receipt if the car seat doesn't fit. I was going to go down on Sunday just to buy then my colleague reminded me to ask them if can pay offline. I asked and really can. Haha, save me a trip down, petrol, ERP plus avoid the crowd.

thanks for checking out the pilates class. Wonder if I can go for a trial lesson? Cuz I really don't exercise much and don't know what to expect! I am also a SAHM so I can make it on tuesdays.


My baby also likes to flip when she's about to fall asleep and this makes her upset and she wakes up all over again!

As for insurance, we bought our baby a life insurance with accelerated premium payment. Meaning we pay for her for the next 20 years and she's covered for life. I think we bought it from Great Eastern.
wow, that sounds good to me (as in the insurance coverage)

hmm... my hair loss also... every time i comb hair with hand also get bunch full... washing my hair is even worse.. the drainage pipe always covered with my hair dont know what to do.

re: solid feeding...
kitsune, i take my hat off to you. its so tough with everyone telling you that can feed baby pureed food already i cant seem to put them off. my ds son is leap year baby so only 4 mths plus. haiz.....
Jasmine, know how you feel. Everytime my MIL comes back from one of her aunties gathering, she'll tell me her friends say bb can take 'bee gor' liao, or can take apple or banana liao. Then I'll keep telling her dr say cannot eat yet. Bb below 6 mths digestive system not mature, can cause allergies like eczema, asthma if introduce allergens accidentally. Whatever lar, the more cheem it is, the more she don't understand, the less likely it is for her to argue. haha. But sometimes I see my daughter I know she's psychologically ready for solids, cos she always swallow saliva and moves her mouth when she sees us eating. Sometimes, see her like that, I also feel very 'chan ren'. :p
do what you think is best for your bb and not what others are doing
check w your PD also? my bb has been feeding well and regularly recently (before q erratic and sometimes hardly eat) so i'm reluctant to start solids so soon. will probably ask PD at the end of this month when i see her and bb is about 5.5mths old.

wow so good! give us a report when you get it ;) is there a min charge for delivery? i will probably go down tmm night to shop, i love shopping there after 8pm cos traffic going there is good, parking easy to find, and not many shoppers

m mummy
good idea, i will call them again tmm to ask cos i've also never been there. hmm but u sure u want to do pilates? tuesdays are bad for me.. the sat one is a bit early, actually i'm more interested in their baby yoga but the last module the timing was even worse
Isobellies, min charge for free delivery is $150, most car seats above $150 so sure qualify. With baby, I hate going out at night cos it'll disrupt her final feed & bedtime, come back from shopping she may be overstimulated and don't want to sleep. Unless I leave her at ILs place then can go out after my 730pm pump. haha.
mine actually still plays with his saliva through out the day. his clothes are constantly wet and so do anyone who carries him. but then he will move his mouth with us when he sees us eat. heheh at that time i also feel very "chan ren"
hahah mine watches tv with my dad even to the point of how my dad lies on the floor to watch the tv.... faints... even my dad says that he is at a loss at what to do..
oh true true! i stay with ILs so the upside is that when bb goes to sleep, at least i have some time to surf, go shopping, even can meet my friends for some (non alco) drinks for a short while nearby..
not by choice! my flat not ready. i think i can have another bb before it's ever ready *roll eyes*

but day time i often escape my mummy's place..
i started stella on solids a few days ago liao. she was 24wks old (but based on mths, she's 5.5mths old lah) last tues. stella's eating well. i prepared 1 heaped tablespoon cereal+a lil FM. she finished everything so far. i weighed her last mon...7.3kg

i guess it's alright 2 start now if u tik raeanne's ready. 1-2wks not much difference.
h@ppymum i saw your name on the crocs BP thread. eh what's going on with the bp ah? everyone getting refund? i also saw in another thread that these crocs by bbrainbow is fake one!!
re: hair loss

my bro tried yun nan abt 10 yrs back. spent 5k over a period of 6 mths and barely any improvement. they sell package e.g. a treatment course of $xxx and another of $xxx. i understand that once u buy their treatment, wash/cut is foc. my bro is hormonal prob, it improved after taking medicine fr gp.

for me, i hav very fragile n fine hair. used to drop alot b4 pregnant n i noticed that condition improved after using nature's gate organics fruit blend fortifying shampoo. can get fr guardian n abt $18/btl. no hair loss prob even after delivery.
jass1408, my ds has reflux prob so will merlion too, therefore i intend to 'ren' until he's 6 mths. i oso thinking of starting him with avocado. how come u tried avocado n not cereal? any particular reason?
