(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

i hardly go out shopping nowadays.
evening time always rush home to bring back milk.
weekend is just too tired to go place with lots of ppl.
that's why currently prefer online shopping. :p

re: rejecting milk
my gal also. 1 feed will normally take 1 hr to finish (by bottle). latch on no problem, but 10 minutes and she's satisified already. not sure if she can get enough this way.

Yes, erlene is happy & active.. Always in her cheerful self.. when i pretend to scold her for not drinking, she will smile back at mi.. lol
Same ! erlene drank at 3am this morning.. then at 7am, she only drank 80ml (instead of her normal 120ml).. sigh..
Ok, will update after she seen the doctor.. oh btw, she is seeing our usual GP and not PD..
looks like many of u bring bb to hwa xia to swim but all bb less than 6 mths rite? I very sua ku, is this a heated pool? Must book in advance and pay how much huh? I so tempted to bring my boy cos he loves water, but din dare to bring to public pool cos scared dirty and too cold for him.
sassy toys www.babymallonline.com also have
think they have 20% off now - check the overseas spree threads!
OMG I have to share! My bb can sit up without support on the bed! :D Just yesterday he can only manage 1 second before he topples, today he could do it for 4-6 seconds before he falls! :D

(PS: I am sharing cause I am jumping for joy, not meant to brag about it. BTW he is no where near flipping yet at 4 months (he turned 4 mths on sun) cause he has absolutely no interest in being on his front/back when awake hence no chance for practise, and it doesnt bother me one bit hehe.)
hmm...u went morn?
me took 1/2 day today so planning to try my luck at Mt E later...
maybe i'll call them up now and see if they entertain or not first...
xiaoyun, sassy toys are everywhere- robinsons, isetan, mothrworks, and other najor dept stores. BTW, you might not wanna get their SOFT coloured toys- I once bought a doll for my DD from sassy, and she was only 6 or 7mths I think, so naturally chew on it- and the printed colour came off!! This is a big no-bo to me, cause baby toys should be made to be chewed on safely, right? I didnt buy anymore sassytoys again. BTW if u are still keen, they always have a 20% on now n then.
happymumtobe, teeheehee yar! Its SO amazing to see them reach milestones, even tho its my second child, its just as exciting and incredible haha. BTW, my bb finally drink at 9am (last feed was 2am) and he drank a miserable 50ml(?!). Haiz, I give up liao. :p
swimming- just curious hehe, how come u all dun bring bb to swimming pool instead? Is it because the water in these tubs are warm?
if bring bb to swim in tub, i dun hv to be in swimming costume mah !! dun hv to show pple all my fats.. haha..
Also, cleaning up after that is much easier..
of cos will still bring bb to the swimming pool when she is older..
that's so exciting berry!! i can imagine how excited u must be now

all these milestones get me so thrilled too!

i suspect my daughter megan is starting to teeth...
Hi p1nk1e,

I am using the Avent IQ bottle and food warmer so the water is still hot from the heating of the bottle. I just pop the bottle into the warmer without reheating it. Normally can only last 30 to 45 minutes but Danica usually finishes her milk by then.

Hi Isobellies,

Yes, before Danica was on EASY, I nearly fainted with exhaustion since she wanted to nap only on me or a warm body and refused to sleep in her cot. :p There is a heaven and hell difference bewteen then and now. My only wish was that I had implemented EASY on Day 1 and not have suffered and not really enjoyed her 1st 2 months.

Hi sunny,

Yes, Danica especially like the smiling Humpty Dumpty. I think you can try to start delaying his feeds by 15 to 30 minutes if you really want him to be on 4 hourly feeds.

RE : feeding outside

I normally feed in the car or nursing room too. Danica very kay po :p Like to look around when there is noise. Even at home, I cannot watch TV while feeding her or she will turn to watch TV instead of drinking her milk! :D

Hi Andrea,

No problem.

Hi Berry,

I believe you must be ecstatic.

RE : rejecting milk

According to what I read in the BW books, if you want them to drink regularly in the day, should not feed at night, especially after they are more than 3 months. Just tank them up in the day, then at night if they cry and you have eliminated all other possibilities of why they could be crying or know for sure they are hungry, don't feed them a full feed. If BF, reduce the amount of time you feed by 1 or 2 minutes each night. If giving bottle, reduce 1 ounce every 3 nights. Or something like that. Until finally, no more night feeds. Even if they wake up at night for milk don't feed them. Just continue to increase the amount they drink in the day. Cause if you know they are filled up in the day, you are less likely to cave in and feed them in the night. Then once they know that waking up in the night also no feed or play, there is no more incentive to wake up. :p Also in the day when Danica drinks milk. I do not play with her at all. If bottle feeding, I told my maid not to talk to her except to encourage her to drink. If she attempts to play, tell her firmly that she can only play after finishing her milk. But if she uses her tongue to push out the teat, burp/change/play with her before trying again. When I latch on, I also don't play with her. I let her grip my finger while she drinks and pat her back softly to encourage her to drink up. Normally, she empties each side within 10 minutes. Then we will play with her so that she knows after milk is play and will finish up.

RE : napping

When I first started, Danica also could not nap for more than 45 minutes. Then she got tired just 45 minutes to 1 hour after waking up. No time for quality learning or playing. So I gradually increased the time that she slept by:

1. Cause I know she wakes up around 45 minutes after napping, I reswaddle and jostle her about 40 minutes into her nap and put back her pacifier if it has fallen out. Must jostle hard enough so that she almost but not quite wake up.
2. If she still woke up before the 1½ nap time she is supposed to have when she was on 3 hourly feeds, I shush/pat her and continue to try to let her nap. I do NOT talk or play or have any eye contact with her during this time so that she got no incentive to be awake. Now that she is on 4 hourly feeds I just make sure she naps for 2 hours.
3. I always wake her up on the dot for milk. No "oh, she is sleeping, let her sleep longer" that my mum and MIL preaches (They actually frown on my methods initially). When trying to establish a routine I find that is very important to let the baby know that we mean it when we feed/play/make them sleep. They should be aware and trust that when you do some actions, they respond by doing the appropriate things.

For Danica, at 2 months, it took about only 1 week for her to get established into the 3 hourly feeds routine. At the same time, I also implemented the nap only in cot cause I was tired of being a human mattress. :p So far, she almost automatically gives her tired cues about 20 minutes before her nap times and we put her in the cot to relax after drawing the blind, putting on her Lullabies CD, swaddling and giving her pacifier. Then if she is too tired to fall asleep on her own, we shush/pat her. Otherwise, she just stares or talks to the animals on her mobile and nods off about 10 to 15 minutes later. Nowadays, she almost auto wakes up after 2 hours and cries out if no one is around to let us know she is awake and hungry or plays happily with her stuffed monkey that we put beside her while she sleeps (she always manages to get 1 hand out of the swaddle by the time she is awake).

If you gals are starting to establish routine now, it may take longer as the baby is slightly older and already been in their routine for most of their little lives. So do hang in there. :p Even as stubborn a person as I wanted to give up after shush/pat for nearly an hour before Danica slept for the first time in her cot for her nap. But it will get better. Try to record down how long it took so that you will see the little steps in progression and don't feel discouraged.
Be consistent and don't give up! You are not torturing the baby, just getting him/her into a routine so that everyone in the family can be in a better position to know when to do what. Not being on a routine can be very draining for caregiver and the family.
Oops, sorry for the long post.

RE : swimming

Now that Danica has fully recovered from her cough and cold, am tempted to bring her swimming at hwa xia given that it is so near my place. :p
m_mummy, try rubbing on her gums, see if you can feel any bumps underneath. And check her gums for little slits of emerging teeth. Teething is v exciting too!
qingling, can check with u which tub u fren bought from huaxia. is it mambo? they sell many brands of tubs there. me also thinking of buying one tub, so no need to bring them there to swim. really leak v badly ah??? oh dear.
re: rejecting milk
my ger rejecting milk too! PD ask me to start on rice cereal coz he say she may be one of those who doesn't like milk. oso he mentioned that her gums may be feeling uncomfortable. for the whole weekend, she kept drinking only 60ml instead of her usual 120-130ml. we are so worried.

her weight is 6.09kg. PD say below average for a 4mth old baby. very sad. after knowing she is below average, now i see her i feel that she looks tiny and skinny. oso like no strength. sob sob...

ya, i went in the morning.
was there something wrong with forum this afternoon? couldn't get through...

wanted to tell you that kate lynn is 6.105 kg and my pd said that she is within 25th-50th percentile - average growth. ashlynn is only few grams lighter, dun understand why your PD says she's underweight. You can check the growth chart in your bb's health booklet.

I also agree with berry to get a second opinion on rejection of milk and intro of solids early.
thanks for sharing, i will experiment and hopefully can share some success stories in time to come

re flash cards
do we need to look for printer? i have a contact i can ask...

my MIL says that babies can learn to nap without darkening a room, and with noise. what do you mummies think about that? i know for me, i would definitely prefer less noise and a darkened room!
oic! i called mt e, no bottles for me... sigh

re: rejecting milk
agree with Berry & bkkgal, get 2nd opinion - juz to be sure
bkkgal/bx, 50th percentile is midpoint on the bell curve, something like the average. So if 25-50th percentile, think PD consider as underweight/below average bah. My daughter has been on 50th percentile, she also not the heavy weight type. :p But the bell curves moves all the time so they can still catch up.
the pd din really say she's underweight. but said she is smaller compared to her peers.

re: milk intake
will continue to monitor. today mil she she is improving... if never get better, then i seek 2nd opinion.

There's a PAW WALK08 for Babies & Toddlers happening on 20th July Sun at Bishan Park. Official flag-off time for the walk is 9am. can register there at the site on that day :>
This Paw Walk event is organised by Singapore Paediatric Society and Wyeth Pharmaceuticals to raise public and parent awareness about Pneumococcal Disease. There'll be goodie bags, baby competitions and a whole galore of activities for children like balloon scultping, face painting etc.

hi Artemis,

i have pm u,need ur help,thanks so much!
dawn - its the green color tub, i din check the brand though. it leaked quite a bit so the kitchen have puddles of water, luckily i discovered in time.

re: flashcard
wats the status now? do we order ourselves? i think i will call n ask the supplier tmr.

re: kindermusik
any1 wans to join? sorry i din really follow up...can those interested mummies pm me? i rem bkkgal, jeannie expressed interest?
Goodbb, Kitsune, Snowbelle,

Sorry for taking so long to get this done. Am finally heading off to the post office tomorrow to post out the legwarmers.

Postage is $0.50 so please transfer to my account. Thanks!
PDs sometimes need to manage the parents, not the patients by saying the right things. For my PD, anywhere btw 25-50th would say average to me to reassure me. When i asked him abt decreasing milk intake, all he said was that as long as bb is gaining weight consistently, it's ok. I guess as parents we are worried when we compare to other bbs or when we see that weight gain is not exponential like when they were newborns.

The general rule of thumb i think is to double the birthweight by 6 mths? So bx, i think our babies are ok.
I'm secretly pleased last night cos kate lynn woke up screaming and crying (bad dream i think) and my MIL and hb tried to calm her but she just couldn't be soothed. When I asked to carry her, immediately she stopped crying. hee hee still have my magic touch :>
you mean after you shave Vernon, he still got cradle cap?
then u helped him peel away? hehe.. i also like to peel =x

what has it gotta do with shoes =S
did you shave Gwen?

well done =P
re: milk intake
yest erlene went for her 2nd jab and GP told us nt to worry abt her inconsistent drinking pattern as she is growing well (she weighs 6.5kg and 63cm long)..
but yest aftn, she refused milk (again) and after much coaxing, she managed to drink abt half the amount..
in fact yesterday the total milk intake was the lowest at abt 490ml compared to her average..
really concerned with this.. will bring her to a PD this evening for 2nd opinion..

re: PAW WALK08
sounds interesting.. do u know if there is a website on this ? would like to find out more details..

Tat's the magic of mother !! Yeah !!!
Good morning ladies! Got problem posting here yesterday…

Wow... so cute.. ur boy can sit! hahaha so happy for you. can imagine your excitement.

Wah.. u have got twins! they are cute. i'm already v tired w 1 bb.. you are quite power wor, can managed with 2 bb! *thumbs up*

I’m using avent teat #3. that is for 3months+. I have been using it for abt 1mth + liao. My boy is 4mths now. It drinks more and is faster with this teat. Previously he suck until very tired hence often stop when he finished abt 60 or so. So far, I do not have problem latching him on. I’ll use Avent size 1 for feeding water.

Re: sleeping thru the night
wow... matthew slept through the night for 4 nights already. i guess previously i was worried that he didnt have enough to drink so when he make noise or cry slightly i will try to latch him at night. Now i just leave him alone when he thrash aroud. Yeah... no more sleepless night! *fingers cross*

Re: Reduced feeding
Matt has been drinking on abt 80 - 100 lately (for the past 1 week). He was originally drinking 125 @ 2.5h interval. I switched from 2.5 hours to 3 hours straight and he dun even seemed to feel hungry. He will drink till abt 80-100 then started to bite the teat of bot liao.
It's ok. Thanks a lot!
Will let you know after transfer.

Really pei-fu you leh... Tonight, I'm going to try to make Elise sleep in playpen at night... now usually got to carry her or put her in her rocker first, until she's asleep, then transfer her to playpen... I tried to put her in playpen at her sleeping time... after staring at the mobile for a while, she will cry out loud and want us to get her out of there...

I went to huaxia at Punggol last weekend to see-see-look-look... do they change the tub water? 'Coz I saw all tubs are half filled with water... they drain only half? if really like that, dunno how clean is the water lah...

qingling & dawn,
Your bbs soooo cute... can't wait to bring my girl to swim-swim

You bring your bb to public swimming pool? How do you bathe your bb huh?
Andrea, Cheryl,
I also sama-sama... feel shiok to peel... but secretly lah... then my mom said "hmmm... her cradle cap reduced a lot... maybe the bb oil really helps!" :p
i think its quite normal for baby to reject milk after injection? Hillary did that the previous time when we brought her to jab.

so adorable your twins! they must be enjoying the swim! and ya kudos to you for being able to handle 2 babies at a time! i find that its so tough to handle 1 baby =P

so glad for you! Matthew can sleep through the night! you mean you just leave him alone when he makes noise at night? i realised after i stopped swaddle Hillary, if she makes noise at night, she will cry if i dont pick her up fast enough!
yeah bb knows you are MUMMY!

o great you have lobang!
can you help to check w the printers on the pricing and quality?

re: flash cards
so far no one has confirmed. i already shared with someone else. i can order for you gers if you all wan. i don't mind having a bit more cards
anyone has a list of words that we can print? i undrestand DG has 1005 words.

cheryl / andrea:
hahah i'm still peeling too... shiok. i'll do tat when no one's looking hee~
cheryl, snowbellw
ya!! i always tempted to peel when latching on!! see already very uneasy! but doesnt seem to reduce leh, infact like growing more! what else did you do?
yes, tat's wat my mum said too.. but erlene already started to reject milk or reduce milk intake for the past 2-3 weeks already.. maybe the jab made it worse yesterday..

can't help but to worry cos i dun hv this problem with Ervin.. so really at a loss of wat to do..

Matthew used to cry when i dun pick him up previously. he is will make noise and move about for like 15 min but eventually go back to sleep. quite happy.

when i brough bb to polyclinic for jab, the nurse also commented that bb's height is 25-50percentile. when i see the dr for developmental check up, he said nnathew's height is ave. dun worry. he mentioned that the graph is very small (in the health booklet), so the nurse may not see very well. as long as bb is growing well and there's growth noted that each check up, it should be fine.
