(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

starry, vernon'sMummy
My son also like this. Cry and cry non stop and wants to be carried all the time. Sometimes, carry him also cry. I feel so frustrated at times that I just leave him on the bed to cry for a few minutes. Very cruel of me hor but dunno wat to do with him ow. Jus yesternite, I barely slept for 4 hrs thanks to him.

Re:burping. I realise need to find the best position to burp him. For my boy, he burps best when I carry him up with his head on my shoulder. But still not everytime will burp one, so I just place him sideways on the cot if he dun burp lor.

Dear Mums, good noon to you all!I came in to seek help, upon my friend, Sophia's suggestion. She is an avid member here and has actually help me seek successful help from here before and thus, here i am myself!

Allow me to intro abt myself..
I am Yiping, a postgraduate student in NUS..I am currently doing a research looking for a particular type of cells in breast milk.

This is my thesis for my Ph D actually and I am trying to culture cells found in breast milk and identify this group of cells. If our hypothesis is proven true, it might open a potential use of
breastmilk and its benefits for the breastfed infant might thus be more than what is already known.

With that note, I would like to seek your help to participate in this study by donating about 30 to 50ml of breastmilk (an amount that you are
comfortable with, at a frequency that you are confortable with) and I can go collect from you at your place when you are convenient. As I am using the cellular component, I would actually require fresh breastmilk (of not more than half a day old) for study and as freezing is detrimental for the cells, the milk should be kept at room temperature or at best 4deg such that they arent frozen, upon which cells that I am interested in would most likely be lysed.

Please feel free to contact me at 93826595, or email me at [email protected] if u have any queries. Hope you would be willing to help and hope to hear from
you soon. I would appreciate to start milk collection as soon as possible, with immediate effect, actually.

Hope to hear from you all soon!

P/S: i have been doing this for the last 3 years and there are promising results presented in various symposiums/ conferences and also published in a peer-reviewed journal..Study has also been approved by a local hospital's ethical review board.. So, neednt worry tt its weird study or wat, k....

Really hope to hear from you especially if you are able to express more than your baby's demand!! And u aint committed or obliged to help me for very long... that is to say, you can stop anytime you want.. If you have questions, please drop a line too! I will try my best to help!
No wonder... wanted to tell you I want 1 tube of the cream lah and to know how much so that I can transfer to you... that one just apply on problem area only right? no need entire belly and butts hor?

The salesgirl actually told us to wash the part with membrane with hot water, no need sterilise... Why use bm for bb bathing? good?

saw a no of mummies expressing interest. let me do a quick explanation 1st (gotta type briefly b4 my kids wake up fr their naps)

u can find out abt goat's rue fr tis link
http://www.luckyvitamin.com/759160543000.html OR fr www.motherlove.com

i took it when i was BFg my 2nd son n i find tat it helps betta than taking fernugreek. mummies, if u havent try fernugreek, mayb u like 2 try it 1st cos who knows fernugreek may help 4 u. cos goat's rue is supposedly e most potent herb around, it even claims tat it helps non-lactating mums who adopt children.

so far a few of my friens took goat's rue n every1 said it helped wif their BM ss BUT 1 GF complained of side effects. she kenna "feng mo" so had 2 stop.

e goat's rue bottle i buy has 60 capsules. u take 4capsules everyday. 4 me, cos i large sized mummy, i take up to 6capsules everyday BUT my intake not fixed. sometimes 4capsules, sometimes 2only, sometimes 6.

so 1 bottle can technically last me 10days IF i take 6capsules everyday. i usually buy 2-3bottles fr overseas sprees to last me abt 2mths.

mummies who cant wait for abt 3wks for e goat's rue 2 arrive fr e luckyvitamin spree, u can buy fr TMC pharmacy or camden medical centre 1st. it costs abt $45.

fr e luckyvitamin spree (which i juz bought 1bottle recently), i paid abt S$33per bottle including shipping.
i'll start e ball rolling n post some details of e spree here.

i'll b ordering fr luckyvitamin. exchange rate is USD1 = SGD1.50. shipping is via comgateway n shipping charges to b divided equally among every1 (cos i only buying goat's rue so shipping unit is e same). collection is at ikea tamp, pasir ris st71 or postage (abt $1.50 for 1bottle including envelope)

once tis spree is confirmed, i'll inform every1 my a/c #.

Goat's [email protected] per bottle (must hit 12bottles)
1) kelly
2) kelly

there is a liquid version 4 goat's rue which is supposedly gd too BUT i not considering tat, juz in case of spillage/breakage during shipping and/or handling overseas n locally.
re yao lan...
my parents have been bugging me about the benefits of yao lan lor. say that bb wants to be carried cos no yao lan. if got then just put her in and rock her to sleep. bb's head will be nicer shape, sleep on my arm will flatten her head. blah blah blah blah.....
so you detach the membrane from the valve then clean it with hot water? i dare not take it out from valve, it looks so fragile. how do you do it?
Hi, Garfield

I bought my electric Yao lan at $219 from kiddy palace. My gal sleeps at yao lan at daytime; cot at night. It helps when my gal takes a short nap. And we only need to rock her instead of carrying her to sleep at daytime.

If your parents insist, then better get one oh... tiring for old people to carry baby neh...
Last month I also felt bad because of just attending to baby everyday, and I dreamt of having project discussions with colleagues. My hubby joked with me whether I will volunteer to go back to work after confinement.

This week my baby smiles a lot and responds to me well. Now I am waiting her to wake up sooner to play with me. ^_^. Then I even think of being SAHM.
re: burping
my boy abt one month old. i still have not succeed in burping him

i also anti yaolan!!

Goat's [email protected] per bottle (must hit 12bottles)
1) kelly
2) kelly
3) garfield9 (postage)
4) garfield9
5) bx
6) snowbelle
7) snowbelle
8) dor11
9) dor11
tubao - so nice yr little one smiles back to u.. mine only smiles to himself..
u another workaholic.. u still interested to go yoga? they might be doing postnatal sessions but have to wait for the March mummies..
Thanks xiaoyun, jeannie and happymum for the info.
Really duno wic shifu is good.


do you have the no to the shifu u recommend and the px

my baby also doesn't sleep soundly,always ee..eh..eh. when wake up will cry loudly.
Dun know what happen to him. sometimes he will wake up every 1.5 hrs.
Goat's [email protected] per bottle (must hit 12bottles)
1) kelly
2) kelly
3) garfield9 (postage)
4) garfield9
5) bx
6) snowbelle
7) snowbelle
8) dor11
9) dor11
10) eliaw
11) happymum2b
12) star70(postage)
13) star70
Garfield, thanks for asking hehe
Hmmm Its exactly what I expected- that I will need quite some time to adjust properly. Its a world of difference caring for only a 3.5 year old and a 3.5yo PLUS a newborn whose feeding/diapering needs and nap times are all unfixed. I just gotta be v disciplined and organised I guess, learning how to do that. But I guess once bb is a little older and my DD is more used to having her bb brother ard, everything will be much better. I amworking on not letting the tiring and lousy bits of this period interfere with me enjoying the newness and littleness of my bb.

bx, dont feel bad about small things like burping, some bbs are just harder to burp than others, I really dont think its about you.

Burping- I find that it helps to change several different positions per burping session. Somehow the moving around (when changing positions) help to 'move' the wind in the tummy- if I recall correctly, I learnt this from the antenatal class I attended last time. Usually I keep alternating the lie-on-my-chest position and the sitting-bb-down-my-hand-supporting-chin (haha hope u all know wat I mean :p) position. If it still doesnt work, sometimes I find it it kinda helps to lie him down and very gently rub his belly in circular motions then try burping again.
Goat's [email protected] per bottle (must hit 12bottles)
1) kelly
2) kelly
3) garfield9 (postage)
4) garfield9
5) bx
6) snowbelle
7) snowbelle
8) dor11
9) dor11
10) eliaw
11) happymum2b
12) star70(postage)
13) star70
14) Vine_gal
yipy - maybe bb not comfortable.. check if he's too hot/cold..? swaddle?

starry - ya lor.. the work is just super piling up! need to go back 2-3 days for few hours to start clearing work..

gar - i can collect n pass to u.. since we stay quite close by.. :p
Goat's Rue at USD19.05 per bottle (excluding shipping)

Batch 1
1) kelly
2) kelly
3) garfield9 (postage)
4) garfield9
5) bx
6) snowbelle
7) snowbelle
8) dor11
9) dor11
10) eliaw
11) happymum2b
12) vine_gal

1) star70 (postage)
2) star70
Goat's Rue at USD19.05 per bottle (excluding shipping)

Batch 1
1) kelly
2) kelly
3) garfield9 (postage)
4) garfield9
5) bx
6) snowbelle
7) snowbelle
8) dor11
9) dor11
10) eliaw
11) happymum2b
12) vine_gal

1) star70 (postage)
2) star70
3) Winnie (postage)
4) Winnie
Goat's Rue at USD19.05 per bottle (excluding shipping)

Batch 1
1) kelly
2) kelly
3) garfield9 (postage)
4) garfield9
5) bx
6) snowbelle
7) snowbelle
8) dor11
9) dor11
10) eliaw
11) happymum2b
12) vine_gal

1) star70 (postage)
2) star70
3) Winnie (postage)
4) Winnie
5) bkkgal (postage)
Yah, look forward to doing Yoga again. Now my waistline is 31 inch compared to 24 inch before pregancy. Still hope to squeeze into my jeans.

My baby is 6th week from today. Hehe... after a few days you'll see your boy smile to you.
Thk my hb didn't detach the membrane... anyway, not just rinse with water only... you sterilise the whole thing right?

full month celebration,
I just calculated the no of ppl to invite... abt 70 ppl... it will be held at home, a bit worried that my house will 'explode' leh... do you think we can ask some guests to arrive before 12noon and some after 12noon? Or just tell them a timing like from 10am to 2pm will do?
Goat's Rue at USD19.05 per bottle (excluding shipping)

Batch 1
1) kelly
2) kelly
3) garfield9 (postage)
4) garfield9
5) bx
6) snowbelle
7) snowbelle
8) dor11
9) dor11
10) eliaw
11) happymum2b
12) vine_gal

1) star70 (postage)
2) star70
3) Winnie (postage)
4) Winnie
5) bkkgal (postage)
6) goodbaby
hope u dun mind me moving u 2 batch2 cos vine_gal only ordered 1 bottle so easier 4 me 2 fill batch1. if u need e goat's rue urgently, i can give u my 2bottles 1st. let me know.

mummies, pls transfer SGD28.56 to my posb savings a/c 107470123 n pls email to [email protected] or PM me ur transfer details. sorry, i cant keep up wif tis thread so betta dun post here.

once i've collected all e $$, i'll place order cos i using my debit card ($$ will b deducted fr my a/c immediately). e exchange rate 4 debit card is much betta. i'll use e excesses 2 offset shipping charge.

bx, dorothy, eliaw, happymum2b, vine_gal, goodbaby & other mummies, pls advise mode of collection.

mummies who r opting 4 postage, pls advise normal or registered. if i not wrong, e practice in tis forum is tat if u r opting 4 registered, there's an additional $2.24. u'll also bear e cost of e envelope (i'll use e bubble envelope 2 prevent any breakage) & postage.

hope every1 understands n clear abt tis. i'll also email every1 e invoice fr luckyvitamin & e shipping charges.
Goat's Rue at USD19.05 per bottle (excluding shipping)

Batch 1
1) kelly
2) kelly
3) garfield9 (postage)
4) garfield9
5) bx
6) snowbelle
7) snowbelle
8) dor11
9) dor11
10) eliaw
11) happymum2b
12) vine_gal

1) star70 (postage)
2) star70
3) Winnie (postage)
4) Winnie
5) bkkgal (postage)
6) goodbaby
7) annabelle
8) annabelle
9) annabelle
Gim Poh restaurant does not have a website. Their contact no. is 6481 2986. Can ask them to fax their menu to you. Btw, below a certain no. of pax, drinks is not included. but they do provide you with the container (with ice included) so that you can prepare your own drinks.

mine also seldom burp no matter how long i tried. sometimes, he'll burp on his own. whether or not he burps, he'll still end up regurgitating milk almost 80-90% of the time. dunno why leh. even in upright position will regurgitate too. sigh....

think quite impossible to ask guest to come b4 or after 12. even if you state 10am - 2pm, they will come at a time convenient to them. esp those with kids, sometimes difficult for them to control their time. why not split to 2 sessions: lunch and dinner. else 70 pax will be very crowded. didn't count what's the final pax who turned up for my bb's full mth, should be around 70 pax or more (including children). i used the function room where we had our gathering last time, and would say it's just spacious enuf (even tho some guests have left when others came).

ever since i got to know that you long zi uses computer to 'churn' out the bb's name, i have bad impression of him. cos dun feel 'worthwhile' paying $100 for a computerised name. after hearing your feedback on the shifu getting annoyed with your questions, all the more i 'blacklisted' him. we used Dong Nong Zheng for both our bb's name. he'll ask for names of family members as well as siblings of ours to come up with name of bb. so i thought this way is more personalised. cost $80 but need to go down to his office instead of him coming to our place [happymum2b's shifu seems good in terms of price and service

so you are going back to office though you are officially still on maternity leave? wow, you are a very good employee leh.

personally, i don't support the use of yaolan. cos feel that next time if gotta go travelling or watsoever, bb may get so used to slpg to yaolan that she will refuse to nap/slp without one. my fren brought her yaolan with her when she went genting cos her bb was so used to slpg in one. but i do hear of bbs (who sleep in yaolan at home) who are perfectly ok even when need to sleep without a yaolan. so i guess depends on how adaptable the bb is bah.
hihi sorry.. still settling in.. didnt have chance to catch up on the thread here.. may i know what the goat's rue is for?

saw some questions abt the breast pump.. not sure if we're talking abt same one.. i'm using medela swing.. i read the manual.. and it says must detach the membrance to wash after each pump before putting back to sterilise..
Xiao Yun,
Hi, I just give birth to my DD on 1 Feb, Can I check with you how to use EBM to bath bb? the whole bathtub must be fill with EBM or mix with water? Is it good for baby skin? Thanks..


i have just transfered the $. Pls check ur email and bank acct.

i will like to collect from ikea tampines.

Thanks for organising this spree!
