(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

marina barrage can only do water play.... i say we go qian hu see colourful fish, catch long kang fish and do fish spa :p

any1 has been to cameron? where do you recommend stay for a big family? 6 adults, 5 kids? with kitchen facilities.
Qian Hu

how ? anyone keen cos i can organise this since my hubs sort of knw the fish guy...thk can get him to close off the long kang fish catch g area for abt an hr, get someone to bring us ard etc etc. Not sure how much is the long kang fish catch though?

Venue : Marina Barrage Outing
Date : Apr 22, 2011 (Fri, pub hol)(??)
Time : 4pm (??)

Venue : Qian Hu (need at least 10 families)
Date : May 17, 2011 (Tues, pub hol)(??)(Can't cfm yet till i get hold of the fish guy)
Time : 4 pm (??)
Venue : Marina Barrage Outing
Date : Apr 22, 2011 (Fri, pub hol)(??)
Time : 4pm (??)

Venue : Qian Hu (need at least 10 families)
Date : May 17, 2011 (Tues, pub hol)(??)(Can't cfm yet till i get hold of the fish guy)
Time : 4 pm (??)
Err... very difficult to choose. Better find out more first. :p

Is there shower area for kids at Marina Barrage? Cos I'm reluctant to bring 2 wet kids, and take taxi all the way back to tampines (they may catch a cold)

Qian hu, is it a very ulu place? Easy to get taxi back from the place or not? :p

Like Eliaw, I prefer mornings too. Easier to control cos afternoon, the kids need to nap. :p
Hehe.. actually i was thinking since they are on different days, we can do 2 playdates rite? Must choose one?

Pauline.. erm.. i think i will skip the real estate agent course, my intention is just to learn a bit more and thot can broker my own house if i ever sell but since so troublesome.. forget abt it.. haha

Re: Phonics course
Anyone interested to pick up phonics to teach your kids, its specially designed for parents to teach their kids, 3 sat afternoons, px not cheap though.. $380. The next class they have is in April but i am quite keen to learn.

Re; Melbourne
Is anyone farmiliar with Melbourne? Can share what are the must go places? I will be there for about a week but got totally no idea where to fo. Can anyone share places that are kids friendly if any? or nice scenary or if you have and itinerary to share will be best! I remembered bkk and lezy went there the last 2 yrs? Got info to share?
Genice, good idea, Those who can make it can also go for both. But if there r two separate playdates can I suggest to change the marina barrage one to morning cos late afternoon should be very hot right? :p

You thinking of selling your house? Going to move nearer to ils?
I'm interested in the qianhu outing but I prefer morning.

Genice, the museum, queen victoria market is foc. I read the zoo is good too but admission fee (last checked in 2007) is A$18 for adult. Can bring them to beach, light house or the 12 apostles. Snow skiing..
i think no shower area at marina barrage, but can change them into dry clothes before going home?

erm mummies when you bring your maids to parties, do they eat? i went to a full month party and my friends let their maids eat the buffet there, so yesterday when i went to a 2-yr old party i let mine eat there too, but i think no one else let their maids eat! what do you all usually do?
for me, i will take a plate for my maid instead of allowing her to take freely.. But guess depends on the owner's preference also..
Playeum Alert!

We will be presenting new exhibits and works at South West's Fun Bliss next Sunday. Come join us as we build 'trees', make 'boats' and construct gigantic spheres together. Be ready to get creative with Playeum and our artists! 

Venue: Jurong Central Park

Date:    Sunday, 13 March 2011
Time:    8am - 12pm

Please refer to the banner below for the day's programme. Hope to see you there!

Best regards,
Playeum team
Iso, I see, always let them shower outside so that go home can straighaway sleep, easier. If I RSVP to the host including my maid then I will let her eat (take a plate of food for her) because my AP will have covered her 'buffet' share.

I'm interested in Phonics lessons. Could you please let me know more info----place & who teachs& how long? Thanks.

I'm interested in both Marina Barrage and Qian Hu but mornings preferable. Afternoons are naptime for my kids.


<font color="ff0000">Melbourne Aquarium</font> is really nice. Kate enjoyed it very much - she was only 18 months then. At 3 yo, I'm sure G will enjoy even more.

<font color="ff0000">Phillip Island</font> are you driving around? If you don't plan to go down the Great Ocean road but want to get out of the city, Phillip Island is wonderful for kids. If you are going in June, you'll have to brave the cold though but it's worth it cos you get to see the fairy penguins. They come up so near the stage that you can almost literally reach out and touch them. K was thrilled to see hundreds of waddling penguins coming up to shore.

Other attractions include a <font color="ff0000">koala conservation centre</font> and the <font color="ff0000">Churchill heritage farm</font>. The farm is nice - K enjoyed herself very much here - there's a petting barn, horses to see, cows to look at. If you do some research, can get to do some farm activities like milking cows, feeding.

All the tourist attractions on P. Island are child friendly - nursing/changing rooms, playgrounds, kiddie meals.
sent u something.

victoria is generally very child-friendly. if u r driving around, do google for playgrounds. I recall some internet site that had a whole list of playgrounds. Most of their parks have playgrounds and some are really solid.

there was one in phillip island that was totally very memorable and near our apartment. i wished we had playgrounds like that in SG.

Pictures of the trip here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lezy/sets/72157619560117403/

Playground I'm talking about is Erehwon Point at Phillip Island.
i am back to office world! I might need to go back to office on good friday cuz we are shifting building. If i can make it i will gate crash the gathering la.

We were at that same playground too! it was cold and drizzling that day but it's really nice. I remember thinking how nice if we could have a BBQ there and let K play there all day.

What I love abt Aussie playgrounds is they use these wood chips as fillers in the grounds, rather than sand or foam (like here). The woodchips feel so shiok under your feet as you run around.
clover,bkkgal and lezy

Thanks for the great recommendations! we have decided to spend 2 days at philips island staying 1 night at the caravan park. Hope it will not be too cold for the kids.. its pretty last min.. so haven prepare the thick clothings.. still got 1 week plus to go.

Did u all go to the amaze n things? Seems interesting, wonder how long we need to spend there?

Since u all have been there, can i check with you royghly how long we need to spend at these few places:
1) noobies
2) koala conservatory
3) Churchill farm ( btw , this is at the entrance towards philip island? i am making it the last stop after i exit)
4) Penguin parade ( starts in eveing, take how long?)

Thinking to squeeze in amaze n things too.

SAME playground? Philips island so small?

U all have any idea where to go at Mebourne city itself? i have 2 days there.

Melbourne City
1) Queens Victoria Mkt
2) Museum
3) Aquarium ( not sure whether we have the time, worth? How long?)
4) Any other places? Fitroy park?
5)St kilda ( we are staying there)
6) Any factory outlets? Cotton On?/ Targets?

Bkkgal, we are driving to great ocean road but intend to make it a 1 day thingy probab just reach 12 apostles then turn back.. is it a wise choice?

Lezy.. u drove till where along the grat ocean road? BTW, i told my SIL abt it .. haha.. she want to jio u for net ball.. they need a defender now!!

Thanks for sharing k!


You are working??? What? Wow.. since when? Where is S now?
Genice, if I rem correctly. There's a factory outlet near southern cross station?! There's krispy kreme doughnut shop near there too. Kpo a bit, best if u allocate 1 night motel stay otw to 12 apostles. There's weekend flea market at st kilda but things are not cheap. Must eat Old school cake shop there. There's also an amusement park.

Isobellies, I will let the host know whether I'm bringing maid. My helper not the yao kwee type so I let her take her own food.
Hi Genice,

I think koala, noobies and penguin parade can be done in 1 day. You can do Churchill Farm on the morning before you leave Phillip Island.

Agree with Clover, better stay one night on the Great Ocean Road cos it's quite shiong to drive all the way there, tiring if only 1 driver. Sometimes, if the weather is not good, you might encounter road blocks cos of fallen trees. We had to spend one extra night near there because of fallen trees near the 12 Apostles.

Btw, if you are intending to move from Great Ocean Road to Phillip Island, I recommend taking the ferry to cut down your driving time.


For Melbourne itself, I guess QVB is a must-go. We did the Melbourne Botanical Gardens too - very nice walk. To us, it was nice because we are the kinda of pp who like nature walks and parks viz shopping and museums. We did go for outlet shopping for MIL's sake (sorry, can't even rem where the outlet shopping was). It was ok, nothing exciting...maybe only Pumpkin Patch was cheaper there.

Heard abt St. Kilda weekend flea market. Since you are staying there and if it coincides with weekend,why not pop in for a look.
Venue : Marina Barrage Outing
Date : Apr 22, 2011 (Fri, pub hol)(??)
Time : 4pm (??)
2)eliaw (am preferred)
5)bkkgal (am preferred)

Venue : Qian Hu (need at least 10 families)
Date : May 17, 2011 (Tues, pub hol)(??)(Can't cfm yet till i get hold of the fish guy)
Time : 4 pm (??)
4)clover (am preferred)
6)bkkgal (am preferred)
or if they sleep on the way back home, also convenient to shower first hor.

ok thanks ladies! i think i have a better idea of what to do next time.. guess will see each situation and what is "appropriate".
Any mummies with coldwear/windbreaker for boys to lend? K is 9 mths now but i think he can easily wear 1-2 yrs.. i just need for the upcoming trip, dun really wanna spend $ on cold wear cause a bit wasted. Any #1 boys have cold wear to lend?
Genice, when r u going to Melbourne? So nice, last min trip? Thought u r already planning to go to Thailand and Phuket in Aug?

Iso, yup, although I dun look forward to that cos RaeAnne will cat nap in the car/taxi then wake up at home and totally refuse to nap again. Then she will be grouchy by evening time. :p

Venue : Marina Barrage Outing
Date : Apr 22, 2011 (Fri, pub hol)(??)
Time : 4pm (??)
2)eliaw (am preferred)
5)bkkgal (am preferred)
6)Pauline (am preferred)

Venue : Qian Hu (need at least 10 families)
Date : May 17, 2011 (Tues, pub hol)(??)(Can't cfm yet till i get hold of the fish guy)
Time : 4 pm (??)
4)clover (am preferred)
6)bkkgal (am preferred)
8)Pauline (am preferred)
shucks, don't think i can do public holidays... :S

anyone want to do weekday playdate in mornings? just the other day i saw that the Fish &amp; Co at Great World City (ok a bit swa ku) has a playroom!

SAHMs: anyone going for the dialogue with the 3 women MPs at Polliwogs this Thursday? or any SAHMs have any thoughts on how the govt can help you better? Actually I'm not v sure what their agenda is, but I think that's probably it :D maybe that and try to make us happy so we'll vote for them. LOL.
I got her friend request in FB. was wondering who it was - until I logged in and saw photo - cuz she use English name which i'm not aware of. heh.

Netball ah..erm....am totally too unfit to play now leh. plus I haven't done defending in the last 10 years - had a 'career' change to be a shooter actually right after your SIL &amp; I 'parted ways'. Anyway, see how la.

Melbourne, paiseh but I can hardly remember the places I went - have to go through the photos and find my travel diary (handwritten while I was there). Compared to past trips, that trip I hardly wrote cuz of looking after Ruth.

Playground @ Phillip Island - I stayed at the apartments just next to it, so it was very convenient to just go there. It's part of the reason why I stay at certain places - close to playground/supermarket/market etc.

Great Ocean Road - is super long. I stayed at Lorne for about 3 days. Just the drive up to 12 Apostles and back took about a full day lor. If you dun wanna pack-n-unpack with 2 kids in tow, then you can try doing it in a day if your kids can tahan the drive.

Fairy Penguins - I went in June. It was very cold to sit around and wait for the penguins. The waiting is compulsory - cuz you can't have people walking all over the place when the penguins come out so everyone must be seated by a certain time and then wait for the penguins.

Shopping &amp; Melbourne - didn't do much shopping actually. Always only necessities. Went to Victoria St market. Quite nice and plenty of stuff - but with Ruth around, mostly following her 'lead' and not really buying stuff. We mostly bought fruits for our stay only.

FERRY - bkk...is the ferry much faster? I thought it was marginally faster but really expensive so I gave it a miss.
Morning mummies!

Lezy, the ferry cut our driving time by 3-4 hours....worthwhile when travelling with a small fidgety kid. It's not very expensive, $70 for a car, 4 adults and 1 kid. That's the amount you'd have to pay for petrol if you drive anyway.

Oh, so that's what your FB post is about. Please rep us Feb Moms and let MPs know the trials and tribulations of being a FTWM, PTWM, SAHM in Spore.
hello mummies!

G has been sick sick sick for 1 month and it's terrible. coughing non stop and on the nabulizer and other meds. recover for 1 week and it's back again and the coughing start 4 hrs after the last nab session and it's non-stop if i don't put on the nabulizer again. naturally, no sleep for G and me.
*yawns and rubs my panda eyes*
it all started right he took the flu vaccine and hb thinks that's the cause. of cos the pd says that's nonscence and i'm not sure as this co-incide with the time he started CC. (i brought him to have the vaccination becos he's starting CC mah). Or is it due to the act of me bathing him soon after he wakes up in the morning before sending him off to CC that he 'kam tio'?

the pd says it's all becos of CC - lots of kids in an enclosed environment. so in worst case scenario, i may want to consider stop CC if his gets sick very often and seriously.

so many factors to trouble shoot... haiz
haha ok.. but i think for tomorrow they're only interested in SAHMs.

One of the things I thought about that could help support SAHMs was more neighbourhood playgroups, like maybe in their PCF kindys, for the kids who are too young to go to Nursery, since some social time with other kids and a little variety for the mums would be good, and doesn't have to be every day?

For FTWMs, after reading this letter in Today newspaper
I think that's EXACTLY what Singapore needs to do - focus on culture rather than $ handouts if they want the middle and upper classes to have more kids.

Perhaps when you meet them on Thurs, tell them that both genders - men and women, fathers and mothers - face similar challenges as parents. We differ maybe slightly as FTWM or SAHMs but fact of the matter remains, as that forum writer said, the work culture is so unforgiving. She moved to a govt job but still no worklife balance. One thing that could help SAHMs, esp those without domestic helpers or parents to help them, is to have their spouse relieve them. For that to happen, it means the men must be able to exercise some flexibility too. One starting point is to give paternity leave. The current 3 days allocation is frankly a joke. And I don't think it's a case of the men being unwilling to help out. I know lots of fathers who are eager and keen to help out with their newborns and to be engaged with their children's devtal milestones. They need to have the time.

Housework questions:
1) Do you wash your kitchen towels and floor cloths by hand?
2) How often do you change your bedsheets? once a week? fortnightly?
3) Do you iron T-shirts and Jeans?
4) How often do you clean windows?
1. Kitchen towel in washing machine/floormat by hand
2. Kids' bedsheet weekly/ adult bi-weekly
3. Jeans no. Tee shirt depends
4. Used to be every 6mth once. :p Now I ask my helper to clean it bi-monthly
1) Do you wash your kitchen towels and floor cloths by hand?
kitchen towel by hand.
floor cloths scrub once by hand then washing machine.
2) How often do you change your bedsheets? once a week? fortnightly?
when i can remember. *oops*
3) Do you iron T-shirts and Jeans?
T-shirt yes for going out.
Jeans no.
4) How often do you clean windows?
probably once a year - or longer? *oopss*
Clover, why kitchen towel in machine but floormat by hand?

Xiaoyun, why floormat by machine but kitchen towel by hand?

Reason I'm asking...I"m considering using washing machine for one or other or both. I've been washing by hand kitchen towels every 3 days and floorcloth...well, I try to avoid washing cos it's so heavy and difficult to dry but at some point, I guess I got to wash it. Prolly MIL will freak out knowing that I used washing machine to wash these "dirty" cloths. haha but too bad, I have no energy left.
Kitchen towel - Presoak in dettol then washing machine
Floor mat - my in laws bring home to wash in their machine
Sheets - kids once a week or fortnightly, adults once a month
T shirts and jeans - no, hip to look scruffy

Windows - never!!!
1) Do you wash your kitchen towels and floor cloths by hand?
-----by hand

2) How often do you change your bedsheets? once a week? fortnightly?
----Once a week

3) Do you iron T-shirts and Jeans?
----Yes before twins were born. Not any more.

4) How often do you clean windows?
------every 2 month.

>>breakfast planner
Any one got breakfast planner from brenda before?

I lost mine, asked her about another copy recently, no reply yet. Any one can forward it to me? Thanks thanks.
bkkgal, my answers.
1) Do you wash your kitchen towels and floor cloths by hand? My maid washes by hand but will spin dry in washing machine for the heavy floor rugs
2) How often do you change your bedsheets? once a week? fortnightly? Er, longer than that. :p
3) Do you iron T-shirts and Jeans? No for hubby's. Yes for my t shirts.
4) How often do you clean windows? Before CNY :p
ooh.. hope all goes well!

my hubby also want a steam cleaner! he said for our bathroom.. i'm not convinced we need it.

I use washing machine to wash everything, floor mats, etc.

Housework questions (of cos, my maid do, not me)
1) Do you wash your kitchen towels and floor cloths by hand?
- machine!
2) How often do you change your bedsheets? once a week? fortnightly?
- about fortnightly. we also rainbow the mattress!
3) Do you iron T-shirts and Jeans?
- some t-shirts, and i think she does do jeans as well
4) How often do you clean windows?
- ad hoc, our grilles are internal so that part gets dusty q fast, have to do more often than once a month.

SAHM/FTWM dialogue:
Everyone wanted to say something today, so i didn't get to say anything! But when a Today reporter asked me for some quotes i did mention to her the work-life balance thing. Maybe you'll see me and A in tomorrow's issue of Today ;)
Oooh, how exciting Isobellies! Will definitely look out for Today tomorrow! But how was the dialogue otherwise? What's everyone's pet peeve? Were the women ministers empathetic or are they already "been-there-done-that" with the whole childraising, work juggling business?

Steam cleaner
I had a handheld steam cleaner before - very shiok to shoot hot steam at the kitchen stove top and watch the grease melt away. Therapeutic! haha. I still have it but the voltage doesn't match here and I have to wait for it to cool down before I depressurize it to refill water. The Karcher one I saw can even mop the floor! That means, no need to use harsh detergents and cleaners. I hate squeeezing the mop out lor! and the detergent causes my skin to itch soo bad.

Kitchen/Floor cloth - hmm...so looks like it's ok to wash everything by machine right? Dun care liao, I"m gonna accumulate all my kitchen cloths and dump all in together haha.

Gar, wah so nice your ILs bring home to wash.

I'm going on a hardware tool spree this weekend man! But first, must convince hb NO MAID. NO NO NO NO NO NO MAID. If no maid, then no need to cough up $2-3K to get one. That means, my 2-3K can go and buy dishwasher, clothes dryer, steam cleaner, iRobot...

it's due to the size.
floor cloth bigger difficult to squeeze out the water. however, i do scrub the dirty part first before wash 2nd time in the machine.
i anyhow throw things into machine one. my machine, no one can scold me. :p

re: part time helper
i've got a part time helper for my MIL many years ago.
she stopped working cos kena cancer and went for chemo, etc.
now she recovered liao wanted to find job to earn some $ for medical fee. so poorthing.
problem is, she declared that she can't climb up to clean curtain/window grilles/ceiling fan cos of the health constraint. only can do ironing, vacuuming, mopping.
if you were me, will you offer her a job?
