(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

Pauline, no necc a Christian school will do wat R childcare does. In the 1st kindie that I registered my no 1, the kindie is non-christian school but run by christians n they stated learning about christian values in their mission statement. If R is excluded from the singing will she be upset? I tot group participation is important in their development now?
Clover, i think she will feel weird to be left out so yes that's why I didn't take up the principal's suggestion to stop Raeanne from singing the song. :p
hi mummies!

wanna ask if any mommies have any recommendations as to where to stay in sentosa??? ay, itch g to go somewhere but dun wanna get out of the cc wid bb yet.....

also, anyone wanna lelong their gal s konfidence swimwear (6-12 mths)?? wanna buy one but the new one soooooo exp esp if only to wear it a couple of times....
ya, i let her eat whatever i eat but at times in smaller portions (n if it's really inadequate, will buy smthg for her to munch later) or if it's an individual dish per person, i have the tendency to choose the most economical n the high carbo type of food for her. I usu don't ask her what she wants to eat. But i do ask if she wants rice or noodles. Or mayb spicy or non-spicy....ya, the way i treat her is similar to the way i treat my tod too...equal treatment mah....hahaha!!!

is ur maid here oredi??
Leila, I got a light blue one that the gals has outgrown but I think tampines collection will be too far for u right?

Iso, I do but order food to share most of the time cos more economical.
was it you who was asking for resources to teach your kids at home? I recently came across a home schooling site

I wish i had more time to teach the kids more, maybe when A is a little older, or maybe if he would just darn learn to crawl then he wouldn't be a koala all the time! ;)

ok thanks for sharing! ya my helper came like almost a month already, so far so good, can tahan her, haha! but sometimes i feel like i don't want to pay so much for her meals when we're outside, because after all she is the helper and not like my house guest, you know what i mean.
but leila i like your idea of giving smaller portion. maybe i just say everything got pork since she is indo. haha!! :p
hi ladies...

budget 2011
erm i thought i heard kids will have some form of rebate? but how - since they dun have a cda/government account? must we go and open one? to date I have not opened a separate bank account yet, all the bb bonus money goes to MY account *evil grins*

for me it depends on what we are eating. if we go to a western restaurant we'll order a separate meal for my helper. for chinese/asian dining we'll order to share but it gets a bit 'tricky' for us cos my help is indon so cant take pork but my hubs and G adores pork! so in the end we'll have to specially order a non pork dish for her (usually chicken) and it will appear like she has the whole dish to herself cos we will be busy with the other (pork) dishes. i dun ask her what she wants, i'll just order for her.
i want....i will ask my bro to collect fm u can?? his mil lives in tampines n he does visit frequently. can i get him to collect fm u??

also, i ve been want g to get the rainbow contact fm u. can u pm me the contact n ur no. pls??
Leila, I pm you regarding the swimsuit. My contact is for Delphin not rainbow, do u still want?
Iso, yeap.10qvelimuchy! :p. My helper eat the same food as us when we go out n I dun pick expensive places to go. If we hav to ta pao lunch, I will buy 2 portion n take some out for A3. She eats almost anything except for black colour food like black chicken n black sesame. Told her it's good for her but she won't eat. Then I ok lor.
so she eats the remaining portion from A3 only? usu i give her 1.5 portions since E will have some left over, or i will order 3 smaller portions then both of us can have a bit of E's leftover.
when going out i find myself deliberately choosing the cheaper places like macs, but i think not so good for E

also mummies
when you eat out with her, does she eat at the same time as you? or if necessary does she help with the kids first then eat later?

yesterday morning we were at the hakwer centre and hubby bought nasi lemak for all of us. he gave her her plate first, then she took it, went to the table then just started eating when the rest of us weren't even there yet. today at lunch time (again at hawker centre) i waited for her to finish first before i could pass A to her so that I could eat. not that I'm being mean, but I think, she's not here to be my house guest right??

i got rainbow contact if you want??
can u tell me which one is the one u lelong'g??

did u end up buy g the rainbow? n is the sales person pushy type?? those i cannot tahan....

maid -jus tell her that she can eat when u tell her so lor...is she a freshie? if she is, then she jus doesn't knw the unspoken "rules". i had to tell my maid that too when she first came, had a shock when the food came n she started eating first before even before feed g L!! so, i stopped her n told her she is to help feed L first n she wld only eat when i indicate to her so. Now, she s better, she knws how to play by ear n for eg if L goes to the washroom wid me or when he is off somewhere for a while, she wld eat some then when he is back, continue feed'g/help g him wid the food. But i notice, b'cos of this, L is now highly dependent on her to feed him. He is obviously taking advantage of the situation!!!!
ya i bought. my mum has known the brand for years, so it was pretty easy to convince her to get one, and i bought one too, so he didn't need to push much?

maid - ya freshie, haha, so just wanted to find out what is "normal" so that i can train her. actually E doesn't like her at all because she doesn't understand anything that he says, so only if he's watching tv during meals then he'll let her feed, hee. but i still think that she should be helping first!

if your helper don't feed L will he eat? or just slowly?
Leila, mine is the first one but for 6-12 months. Bp price so cheap, maybe u buy from there better.
thanks for the bp thread, I also need to get a bigger one for Raeanne so that Mei Mei can upgrade (ie take over cheh cheh's).

Iso, after Raeanne went to cc, she started to eat on her own n we stopped the maid from feeding her cos dun want her to revert to her bad habits but sometimes she is a bit slow ESP if she is not very hungry. :p
i lost your number along with my phone... can you let me know what you want again for the gift exchange?

found something for C - just need to wrap
50 bucks not cheap if my dd decides she doesn't like water leh....or i borrow fm u once can? :p ya, m buy g one for my ds cos at least i knw he now likes to be in the pool but for dd, m unsure so don't wanna spent 50 bucks upfront...the mummy get g more stingy as yrs go by....hahaha!!!

now, if i or my helper don't feed, he wld rather not eat. Will only self feed if he loves the food or he is extremely hungry. *sigh* told him nxt time mei mei wld help feed him instead when I or the helper is busy n he says OK!!! *faint*

ya, ur helper shd of course help first cos she is the helper mah, else employ her for wat???!!! but i notice that common sense to freshies is not common at all to them...so jus tell her straight in the face what u expect of ur helper as a matter of fact.

rainbow - what s the estimated pr of it now? is it user friendly enuf for the maid to use without spoiling it?? n wld u recommend buy g it ah?
being kpo here...tute,
eliaw says she wants a carebear then but don't knw which design....

bought the concrete mixer for L liao n wrapped liao so u don't need to do anything except pay....hahaha!!!
Leila, hehe, I'm also a stingy mum. If not selling, will maximise use for a few months by sticking the velcro parts more loosely. A bit ugly but never mind. Cos actually only the tummy area a bit tight for RL, the length is still ok cos RL is short for her age. kekeke. ;)
Iso, I buy 2 big portions n take some out for A3 from both portion. If the food is in small servings, then I will buy more lah. I dun eat fast-food so much and it's not cheap nor filling! My kid is deprived from his favorite fries. Heh.
haha... i know... but she says change her mind liao so i'm asking again.. just that i lost her mobile number so cannot sms :p
hi tute,

I got C's pressie already.. it's dinosaurs again.. haha.. i got it all wrapped up liao.. so no need to trouble you to buy..

will be posting shortly on updates of bash..
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">UPDATES of B'Dae BASH</font></font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Payment Status.. </font>
<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>Adults</TD><TD>Child</TD><TD>Total</TD><TD> Paid </TD></TR><TR><TD>Garfield</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $50.40 </TD><TD> . </TD></TR><TR><TD>Leila</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $64.25 </TD><TD> . </TD></TR><TR><TD>Genice</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $50.40 </TD><TD> $50.40 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tute</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $50.40 </TD><TD> $50.40 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Eliaw</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $50.40 </TD><TD> $50.40 </TD></TR><TR><TD>BX</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $50.40 </TD><TD> $50.40 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Thankful</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>2</TD><TD> $86.95 </TD><TD> . </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bluegin</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $50.40 </TD><TD> . </TD></TR><TR><TD>Qingling</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $64.25 </TD><TD> . </TD></TR><TR><TD>Artemis</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $64.25 </TD><TD> $64.25 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tubao</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> $50.40 </TD><TD> $50.40 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></font>

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Have yet to hear from BLUEGIN and THANKFUL..
Kindly respond to confirm your attendance n gift exchange ASAP!!

<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Cake</font> ordered already.. 1.5kg VANILLA cream.. I changed to this design becos the previous design chosen was minimum 2kg.. </font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Buffet Dinner</font></font> ordered from Naked Fish Shoppe (Genice, Gim Tim don't do catering for Sunday) so Naked Fish Shoppe is chosen because it's FREE delivery..
Menu (Not very fantastic cos it's $10 menu)
Breaded Fish Fillet with Tartar Sauce
Hainanese Style Mixed Vegetables
Braised Beancurd with Sliced Mushroom
Mix Vegetable Ball
Vegetarian Mushroom Rice
Spaghetti Napolitano
Almond Longan Jelly
Pink Guava Cordial

Note: only 1 meat dish.. if wanna have chicken, add $2.. Lemme know if there are any objections..
eliaw - sorry haven't make payment..still waiting for the darn IB chip to arrive since i requested it last last thur...so sorry..

rainbow is quite tough and no fanciful setting. so quite easy to operate. but then, not sure if the common sense of a maid is the same as us or not? :p

re: swim wear
i am a more stingy one.
never buy such expensive swimwear for them.
just apply more sunblock and cover them immediately get out from water. :p
today brought big&amp;small C for swimming. surprisingly small C never cry. :D

happy birthday to Gwen!
LOL about mei mei feeding!! heh

rainbow - so far my maid is q a smart girl, so so far so good, think she can handle it. but like XY says, it's pretty basic lah. and good thing it's tough, haha!
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">Updates of B'dae Bash</font></font>

Buffet Dinner
Apologies for my mistake.. There will be 10 items for the buffet menu.. Will post the updated menu shortly..

Qingling, no problem about the payment becos i know you will be attending.. just wondering about Thankful and Bluegin.. anyone has their contact?
Hi Eliaw,

Need to correct.
Now my status need to change to 2A &amp; 2C.
Amt is different. Pls confirm before I transfer.
Thank you.
Hi eliaw i just made the transfer today via atm. 64.25. Sorry dun have the ref since atm could not issue the receipt. tks!
re: budget 2011
i think need to open a CDA account to receive the child development credit.
wait for banks to release more info bah.
sharing: why the grandparents nowadays don't like to take care of grandkids.





XY, Clover, maybe still too early to say but I will help my gals look after my grandkids but provided they stay near to me, I'm still physically able and I get along with my son-in-laws.
actually my mom behaves like dat...that s why i gotto be a sahm lor...i thk nxt time i wld have the same mentality too...thks to my mom :p

btw, my ds don't mind the powder leh...i want to buy can?? u got extra rite?? btw, what supplements r u buy g for urself? thk m get g old n weak liao...every other mth fall g sick!!!!

also, the rainbow salesperson s contact u have, is he the pushy type ah? n how much did u habe to pay for urs??

BB inflatable bath tub
Does anyone knw where to buy the tub? saw it during L's time when he was a bb but can't find it ard anymore.

i get the drift....hahaha!!! looks like i need to fork out more money liao. Btw, r u buy g the wetsuit or the jacket for #1? which one do u thk is better?
My MIL has similar thought. But my husband and I will offer to look after grandchildren, let my daughters concentrate on their career if they'd like. Hehe.....we joked that we may even need to hire maids with our own pocket money, if they are financially tight^_^.

We may bring my MIL travel around from 2 years later, to compensate her sacrifice.
the case i posted earlier is that the old grandma took care of her children. so she wants to enjoy life later.
how about the case that she didn't take care of her children (due to work)? should take care of grandchildren now?
i think i fall into the category that not able to take care of own children and hopefully can help to take care of the grandchildren.

i got the teething powder liao. thanks for letting me know.
next time can go Suntec if I need it again.

ok. you need the powder urgently?
i am getting calcium, fish oil for myself. am taking multivits too.

for the cereal, i ordered happybellies through drugstore spree organiser near my place liao cos iherb is still OOS.
i Happybellies, Healthy Times, Bellamy all no sugar. Avoid Nestle, they are very sweet.

i need to go dig out the rainbow salesperson contact.
same as iso, i dun know if he's pushy or not cos we just contacted him to buy. PIL was using it for many years and he offered free service.
i bought a refurbished set. $800. used for about 3 yrs liao. still working fine.
Leila, thanks for the reminder, I already have the float, maybe since our tots r already 3 plus, can just buy the float n normal swimsuits since the float can also keep them warm? Can also help them when learning swimming? Keke.
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">B'dae Bash Updates</font>

As the matter of hygiene, all children are advised to remove their shoes,
wear sock or bake foot while game inside children's playround.
no japanese slippers, Singlet inside the club.

Please do not smoke in non-smoking areas ie all covered areas. Advised to smoke in outdoor areas and at least 5 metres from any entrance and covered area.

What is 'bake' foot? HAHA..

<font color="119911">Anyone has Thankful's contact? Has she responded to anyone?</font>
tute.. can u pm me ur acct no. will trf $15 to u.. haha.. so i dun need to bring any present hor.. :p

eliaw, sorry.. dun have her contacts.. i dunno her real name also.

iso, gdbaby, e tanagram i think u can even get from skp shops.. only $3.0 i think.. but gwen not interested in it now.. i dun have time to do with her also.. haha.. think its a phase.. sigh now so bz.. dunno how to organise my life w e kids and.. hope to sort out my rooms, organize everything properly...create proper reading and sleeping area. think K is gonna outgrown the cot soon.. need to change a bed..

Re: kids
How are u all going to let the kids sleep?

sleep arrangement:
i just lowered the cot as small C trying to stand. worse things is she flip, turn a lot when sleep. always knock her head.
future arrangement is to let 2 of them sleep together on 2 single size matteress on the floor.
vacate study room as their room and move them to their room when they are older.
