(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Kam, he is very busy with his project so he still got 30+ days that he hasn’t cleared. Yea he can bring forward lor, or encash when he resigns.

Pixie, erm, it doesn’t seem normal. Do you wanna check with doctor?

hehe thought u dont mind chinese songs? :p

btw, just curious how come the birthday bash is on 12/13 Dec, but not the 3rd/4th weekend har?
Lynn, kitsune, pixie,
Au Petit Salut is a nice place for family i think. I love the warm ambience of the restaurant
The food is generally nice too. U can view the photos in my FB

cos janbb's boy (Jayden) birthday on the 19th Dec
right janbb?? if 3rd/4th weekend then would be belated liow.

Think we can confirm on Go Go Bambini liao, what do you think?

<font color="0000ff">Birthday Bash cum X'mas party
Date: 13 Dec (Sunday)
Time: 10am
Venue: Go Go Bambini, http://www.gogobambini.com/ (Dempsey Rd)</font>

<font color="ff0000">If we have more than 15 mummies to confirm beofre 20th November (next Friday), we will book the party package. If less than 15 mummies, we will go without the party package</font>

Program includes:
1) Gift Exchange (buy a unisex present (budget $15) and we let the kids pick out the gifts or do lucky draw)
2) Cake cutting - Let's just get a simple cake from Four Leaves or some cake shop? Anyone driving there can volunteer to collect the cake?

1) Janbb - 2A + 2K - Ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
2) kam - 2A + 2K - Ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
3) tongtong - 2A + 2K - Ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
4) chaye - 2A + 2K - ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
5) Yvonne (ylim) - 2A + 1K - OK with budget - Both venue ok.
6) cherylkjh - 2A + 1K - OK with budget - Noth venue ok
7) Dorothy - 2A + 2K - OK with budget - Noth venue ok
8) Lynn -2A+1K Okie for both venue
9) Krystle - 2A + 1K - Ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
10) Mandy - 2A + 1K - ok with budget - GO Go Bambini

Yet to confirm:
1) pixie
2) aqua
3) Jacelyn
4) steph
5) grumpus
6) Godsent
7) Icy
8) blessed serene
9) elmo_78
10) Shannonbaby

Cannot confirm now
1) superbee
2) mcfluffy
oh ya hor, forgot some are early dec bbs hee :p

where's the double eyelid tape pic?

ur iphone ok already?
I thought people are usually busier when it's closer to Christmas? So better do it early so more mummies can come and join?

You sound like you have a good time dining out with your hub :)
Birthday Bash cum X'mas party
Date: 13 Dec (Sunday)
Time: 10am
Venue: Go Go Bambini, http://www.gogobambini.com/ (Dempsey Rd)

If we have more than 15 mummies to confirm beofre 20th November (next Friday), we will book the party package. If less than 15 mummies, we will go without the party package

Program includes:
1) Gift Exchange (buy a unisex present (budget $15) and we let the kids pick out the gifts or do lucky draw)
2) Cake cutting - Let's just get a simple cake from Four Leaves or some cake shop? Anyone driving there can volunteer to collect the cake?

1) Janbb - 2A + 2K - Ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
2) kam - 2A + 2K - Ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
3) tongtong - 2A + 2K - Ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
4) chaye - 2A + 2K - ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
5) Yvonne (ylim) - 2A + 1K - OK with budget - Both venue ok.
6) cherylkjh - 2A + 1K - OK with budget - Noth venue ok
7) Dorothy - 2A + 2K - OK with budget - Noth venue ok
8) Lynn -2A+1K Okie for both venue
9) Krystle - 2A + 1K - Ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
10) Mandy - 2A + 1K - ok with budget - GO Go Bambini
11) steph - 2A + 2K - ok with budget - GO Go Bambini

food was nice but i sianz cos hb not romantic, no gift (anyway i wasn't expecting one) &amp; he kept his eyes busy on his blackberry while we eat! i really felt like slapping him...hahahaha:p
luca &amp; Steph,
Yup, my boy actual b'day on the 19th ;)
And the week after that will be x'mas week which I will be at korea ;p That's why i propose early dec, hope u all dun mind ;)

I dun mind chinese songs but i didn't expect the singers can sing oldies like "Hong Dou".. Faint..

Same bad habits that our hubbies got!!! Feel that he look at the blackberries more than ME!!! Wanted to throw it away secretly, hahaha.

Onz!! U lead us oki.. cos' i won't be so Onz to login the forum in 2 weeks time. Anything msg me oki, thks ;)

Will take a look at your photoshoot at FB later.
How much u pay?? How is their services?
i won this in nestle contest last year. so i got 5 shoots free... and i top up per pic at $20.
Service is normal .. maybe cos mine is free...
haha... they photographer is Korea, so abit hard to communicate. then he has an assistance who is a young chinese guy... overall, normal ba. only difference from those studio shoot is that they use nature. their terrence house itself is their studio. so each room has different theme, and can take photos in their garden etc...
nvm, if i bleed for more than 1 week then i will see gynae

aiyah forgot, tonite must go home and take pic liao...yest i went daiso, still OOS, else i sure grab 1 pkt for you...
ya its good to have the bash earlier.

why did last yr bash failed to happen?

hehe i think good company is more important right?

no hurry, take ur time, just reminding u :p
which daiso did u go? im going sembawang shopping centre after work, will check out the daiso there.
Birthday Bash cum X'mas party
Date: 13 Dec (Sunday)
Time: 10am
Venue: Go Go Bambini, http://www.gogobambini.com/ (Dempsey Rd)

If we have more than 15 mummies to confirm beofre 20th November (next Friday), we will book the party package. If less than 15 mummies, we will go without the party package

Program includes:
1) Gift Exchange (buy a unisex present (budget $15) and we let the kids pick out the gifts or do lucky draw)
2) Cake cutting - Let's just get a simple cake from Four Leaves or some cake shop? Anyone driving there can volunteer to collect the cake?

1) Janbb - 2A + 2K - Ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
2) kam - 2A + 2K - Ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
3) tongtong - 2A + 2K - Ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
4) chaye - 2A + 2K - ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
5) Yvonne (ylim) - 2A + 1K - OK with budget - Both venue ok.
6) cherylkjh - 2A + 1K - OK with budget - Noth venue ok
7) Dorothy - 2A + 2K - OK with budget - Noth venue ok
8) Lynn -2A+1K Okie for both venue
9) Krystle - 2A + 1K - Ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
10) Mandy - 2A + 1K - ok with budget - GO Go Bambini
11) steph - 2A + 2K - ok with budget - GO Go Bambini
12) blessed serene 2A +1k - ok with budget - GO go Bambini
Birthday Bash cum X'mas party
Date: 13 Dec (Sunday)
Time: 10am
Venue: Go Go Bambini, http://www.gogobambini.com/ (Dempsey Rd)

If we have more than 15 mummies to confirm beofre 20th November (next Friday), we will book the party package. If less than 15 mummies, we will go without the party package

Program includes:
1) Gift Exchange (buy a unisex present (budget $15) and we let the kids pick out the gifts or do lucky draw)
2) Cake cutting - Let's just get a simple cake from Four Leaves or some cake shop? Anyone driving there can volunteer to collect the cake?

1) Janbb - 2A + 2K - Ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
2) kam - 2A + 2K - Ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
3) tongtong - 2A + 2K - Ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
4) chaye - 2A + 2K - ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
5) Yvonne (ylim) - 2A + 1K - OK with budget - Both venue ok.
6) cherylkjh - 2A + 1K - OK with budget - Noth venue ok
7) Dorothy - 2A + 2K - OK with budget - Noth venue ok
8) Lynn -2A+1K Okie for both venue
9) Krystle - 2A + 1K - Ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
10) Mandy - 2A + 1K - ok with budget - GO Go Bambini
11) steph - 2A + 2K - ok with budget - GO Go Bambini
12) blessed serene 2A +1k - ok with budget - GO go Bambini
13) Jacelyn 2A + 2K - ok with budget - GO Go Bambini

since 2day the thread so quiet, may i have the honor to grumble? :p

my lady boss damn lazy to move her fingers, booking of meeting room also want me to do, when its just a click away. and after i booked for her, still want me to check this and that, makes me damn pissed off, spoilt my morning...duh!

yesterday went to my sis place for my nephew's birthday. my sis and her frens were chit chatting, all of them are either finance manager or at least managerial level, and hb also earning pretty well kind 1. anyway, they were talking abt branded stuff and where they had travelled. makes me feel so small.. no wonder they say the rich will only get richer, the poor will get poorer. i feel dejected, wonder when will my "big time" be. so lunch time i went to buy toto, hoping can kena some big bucks hee :p
Saw your pix in FB. Nice photos ;) Lucky u to win a free photoshoot. Think their package is quite expensive, still considering. Also dunno shld i make my way to the east or not... one end to the other.

Quiet afternoon...

ya... think cos no one participate. haha.
nothing particularly fantastic about them. so u compare prices with the other studios first ba
Ren Bi Ren Qi Si Ren. As long your family is healthy &amp; happy, that's most impt ;)

My Co also got many boss that got "no hand &amp; no leg", heehee ;) Hmm, hope they will put on more weight for being so lazy to move, haha...evil laughs...
I understand how you feel too. When I went for my class gatherings, most of my friends are already at managerial level. Of course I will envy too. But I asked myself, do I really want to be a manager badly? Actually I am quite contented with my current job. Less stress than before and can knock off timely. If future can become manager then maybe it is good. At least for now, still happy with my life. Got 2 beautiful babies and a husband who loves me (for now... Hahahah).
Lady boss is like that one lor. I felt generally men are better than women, for a boss.

A rich family is not necessary a happy family. I don't buy branded stuff, I don't travel a lot, but I have a very happy family, and that's most important, to me. 话在当下, 珍惜眼前 :)
Kam &amp; Krystle,
Hi-Fi!!! Think we 3 are very contented little woman, haha ;p Perhaps this is due to our NewBorn #2 this year, is it?
harlo luca, janbb,

ya loh why so quiet today...refresh until i Zzzz

aiya...my coll (sales engineer) bought a new bravo car le. Now coe so ex &amp; times are bad but pple are still buying/upgrading new things/car!
I console myself as long as my bank acct can provide for my family &amp; child education can liow...dun need branded stuff/car. rich not equal to happy/healthier le.
U wanna join the zoophonic 5days holiday prog at J west?? Is 30 Nov - 4 Dec. Go with me leh. Our hse got direct bus to J West ; )

Me too!! Refresh so many times...
Topics Topics Topics??
luca,i also wana complain my boss! v birdy, everything push to us to do and he also 'talk cock', dunno anything and wana act smart!

i am also earning muc less than my peers, but the good thing here is i can go home on time...otherwise, i tink i can stay in this co for 3 yrs! nw i reali wish i can work from home like pixie...
Hi-Ten to all mummies here! I do believe that we are all happy mummies. That's why we can chat our ups (and downs) in this thread for so long. Sharing our happiness in lives.

That day my BIL's contractor came to my hse. Coz we need him to help to replace 1 glass panel on my kitchen cabinet, leaking tap in kitchen toilet and a basin full of scratches in my MBR toilet. Then I also need to get a new wardrobe and books/toys shelf for the children... All are money.... HAiz...
If there is one thing for you to change about your house, what do you want to change?

Just asking for curosity since no topics today.
I want to change my NEIGHBOUR, hahaha ;)

what is studioloft website?
Want to compare their package. Thks.
i want to change the 'house'... such a messy house.. dun like it.... want to throw away things also cannot.. ILs will go and pick it back again... argh.. hahahaa...
jess, my house also v messy! and i wan change my toilet flooring, trap dirt easily, everyday mus scrub, v sian...
haha thats a good one. ya lor, lazy people tend to grow fat faster. hehe

i noe ren bi ren qi si ren, and $ cant buy happiness. maybe its my zhi bei gan zai zuo sui, dats y.. just duno why some people dont need to work so hard, just instruct people to do things can liao, and yet can earn big $. feel unfair lor. tong ren bu tong ming..
Jess, yes! i am v fed up with the flooring. my dad chose tht texture homogenous tiles for me coz he said less slippery and unbreakable! however, it got texture and it trapped dirt...faint.
you are always welcomed to grumble...
my boss female but she lazy or not...perhaps not. however, she is stick in the mud for procedures and such...

abt ppl in high up positions, i oso envy leh. i oso not earning big pay etc, but i think im contended enuff liao. everyone will have probs every now and then but thats life isnt it? although i cant enjoy holidays, got maid, got branded stuff, but i got love, family, friends, and getting bz with life
If there is one thing for you to change about your house, what do you want to change?

> I want to have a BIG master bedroom, like double of the one I have now.
my mil house is like your house coz both got IL and they are hoarders. every crook and cranny oso got things to stuff there kind...

however, i beg to differ. we always see the good sides of ppl coz thats what they like to display. do you mean ppl like to display their bad sides? no lor. so in the way we always get perception of them in good life etc but in fact they have their own sets of problems. especially the richer ones coz higher expectations of life and of ppl ard them, more problems surely...
so their life is not rosy. no one life is. even paris hilton oso got prob. she got small boobs. now she augment her boobs, become big boobs. then she need to worry in future if they will become bad or cannot bfeed etc

optimism is the keyword. resilency is the keyword. aiyoh i machiam chanting liao haha
i have discussed with hb &amp; we both agree that Z still not ready for zoophonic classes cos he's simply too active to sit still.
We are planning for him to attend CC next year...one step at a time.

studioloft - http://www.thestudioloft.com.sg/

i wanna shift house if $ is not a concern! so far, nothing to change but need to clear my store-room, alot of barang barang (toys,toiletries,mini-fridge,designer paper-bags,vacuum cleaner,rugs,tool box,coffee maker,pails,ikea chairs,ladder,spare bulbs etc)
i think you would love my toilet leh. i did that for 2k. its all dark so "kam lah zhar" in cantonese. means cant see dirt. close 1 eyes lah
nowadays toilet if you wan budget budget can do for 1k - 2k bah?

If there is one thing for you to change about your house, what do you want to change?

>i wan a more ventilated kitchen. coz nowadays if upstairs or downstairs ppl cook, my clothes all stinkoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
hi mummies,

i need to look for a contractor/id for my new place. Any recommendation pls?

being so busy that i can hardly post anything, just able to randomly read
u are right, who doesnt have problems in their life. its all me lar, sometimes i will feel so small, that i feel like i dun even exist at all.. :p

If there is one thing for you to change about your house, what do you want to change?

i want another bedroom, so that i can turn it into a mini playground for my boys to play.
