(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs


I just had my wisdom tooth remove at my dentist. Kwok, Ng & Lum at IOI Plaza at Middle Road there. If you want I can give you more details. I find they are good. Old dentist, haha hands no tremble :p


jz to make u feel better... me moo moo too
Wow...me also 79 lehz...heehee...more goaties around?

Lynn, which mindchamps is ur boy attending?

Hey how you girls get so much time online? I'm like trying to read n follow up..
Same her..can roar loudly together.

I use Dr Eileen Neo, Atria Pan at Wisma..she sees my boy too and very patient with kids as well
The photoshoot was quite good. As I took the last time slot, at 5pm so we had more time to change props. Joyce was patient. And she charged me the old price.
Topic of the day
Like Kam, I want to have a big MBR and like Luca, I want another bedroom. ;P

Saw gynae today. Baby gal is 2.6kg and engaged liao at 35w6d but zero dilation. I'm surprised cos didn't feel any big difference in the last 2 weeks. Got to arrange for her cot to be delivered earlier liao cos Dr Wong said see me in 2 weeks time unless you pop earlier. Stressed. :p
whole day bo see u post, thought u deliver liao.. hehe but u are still here.

so its almost time liao lar, but looks like u r not prepared at all huh?
u same age as pixie, but yet u got 2 kids liao, so u married quite early lor?

now u log in only at night?
Very fast leh. Another 2 weeks? Now still early for dilation. Don't worry.

Mom2nat & Yvonne,
** Wave ** I am a Dragon too!!!
Although that year was a Fire dragon, most of my classmates are not fierce. In fact quite gentle leh. Hahahaha...

Re: Topic
Yes, I would love to have another room for my boy. Coz now 3 bedrooms, 1 for MBR, 1 for study and 1 for kids. As got 1 boy and 1 girl, I wish they can have their own rooms (privacy) without me sacrificing the study room. I know how that feel to share room coz I got to share room with my brother until I was 25 yr old!!!
i know the feeling of sharing bedroom with bro, me too. my bro doesnt like it either, so sometimes when i come back late, he'll lock the door, and i end up sleeping with my parents coz dat time we were living in 3 room flat meaning 2 rooms nia. haiz those were the days. hated my bro for it, so selfish!!

even till now, he still is, but my parents always side him and want me to give in to him. zhong nan qing nu..haiz!!
Your bro locked you out? Quite bad hoh, especially you are a girl. Should give in to you bah. Luckily my bro never did that to me. But still hate the idea of sharing room coz really no privacy. Last time when my bro was dating my SIL and me with my hubby, just imagine all 4 of us got to squeezed into the room when they stayed overnight.

I think I will let my kids share room until they go sec school (coz teenagers by then). After that, really need to move house or convert study to a room for my boy. That will be another 10 years...
Luca, no leh, actually preparation 7788 liao. Hospital bag 60-70% packed, bb's clothes all washed and ironed liao. Breast pump already charged last week. BB car seat borrowed from friend and cover washed liao. But the cot delivery only weekdays and I hate to have another thing to clutter up the baby room too early so I arranged a few days before 38 weeks. But since engaged liao, better don't play play. Cos last time during my last gynae check for RaeAnne, I was only almost engaged, gynae said not so soon but I delivered 5-6 days later. :p But I'm still hoping that Raelynn will wait until hubby's school hols lor and don't come in the middle of the night cos very troublesome to call ILs in the middle of the night, wake and send RaeAnne and the maid to ILs house. ;P

krystle, ya, previously I also don't have any cervix dilation at gynae visit. Contraction pain started on and off over the weekend. By the time, water bag burst on Mon morning, go hospital, 2 cm dilated. :p
morning mummies!

wah time flies very very fast leh, soon you will be popping champange like that liao

a lot of old ppl are like that dont worry lah. abt u saying babe and me being 79 but she got 2 kids liao, harnor i agree (about her being young). i gave birth when i was 28, she must've given birth when she was 25-26 or so?

my flu now better BUT my voice changed

Wow so fast yr turn very soon. Hope yr delivery will be a fast & smooth one

hey, u collected yr bloom pics already? wanna see le..
Thanks, Pixie, Luca, Steph, tongtong.

Steph, no lor, need 3 weeks before can collect bloom pix. I went on 34 weeks plus. :p Now wondering whether got enough time to collect before popping? :p By the way, did you ask Maryann to touch up the dark tummy line for your photos? She asked me then but I said no, now wondering whether the line will look awful in the photo or not. :p
yalor, so very bad! he's my elder brother but yet i've to treat him as my younger brother like that.. sux!!
i wonder how four of u manage to squeeze in the room leh, like dat cant hanky panky liao hehe :p

then good luck to you, and try to rest more so that u got more energy to push.

so fb games more important than chit chatting with us lar :p
btw, how's ur 2 boys doing in childcare? they attending full day?

yalor, if she married at dat age, then its quite young coz nowadays people settle down at least after 30, like me haha :p
kitsune, congrats, looks like raelynn is v eager to see daddy,mummy n sis... pls enjoy more these 2 weeks , esp with raeanne...
Hi5 to mylvera ! mooooo......

so excited for u leh..

I din sleep well the whole nite. my #1 is down wif flu again. coughing whole nite and sudden high fever too. Lucky I'm still on mc so I can take care of her if not sure very tired at work de
OMG, feeling very kancheong for you already. Good luck and have a smooth delivery! And hope you have a good stay at TMC (so good that it makes you considering having #3!)
i didn't ask her to touch up my tummy line cos mine wasn't dark/obvious. Maryann said my pics dun really need touch up cos my stretchmarks was not dark/reddish/obvious as it was on my lower abdominal & hidden by my 3/4 maternity pant. The nude shots perhaps need alittle touch up bah.
Aqua, luca, Kam, Chaye, thanks, thanks. I'm trying to take stock of all my unfinished business now (eg. uncollected items from BPs/sprees: California baby, breast pump accessories, Lucky vitamins, Fitti diapers, Crayola orders etc. ) and other pending (Oops, Mygym trial which is this Sat!). Don't know what details they need. Hope the trial is still available. Called just now, but they are not open yet. :p

-Sat, 14 Nov, 4-5pm (max 5 kids for trial, can take in 4 more kids for permanent class)
1. pixiepixel
2. vereneting
3. kitsune_sg
4. lynn chong
5. mom2nat???
<font color="0000ff">Kitsune</font>
Can you please share where did you order the Fitti diaper from? You order online?

I have finally let HR tried out Huggies. Don't like it at like, luckily haven't done bulk order from BP. My girl is using Fitti and we quite like it. For night use, will have to stick to the XXL MP for HR. For day time, would like to try Fitti XL for him.
haiz....i hate ulcers...my braces is grinding my lips bleeding and they grew from broken skin to ulcers, and everytime its about to heal, the braces will grind them even deeper...neverending leh
now my lips so swollen until very obvious. as though done a lopsided botched-up botox/filler job
Sigh, I don’t like my job

Kam, I bought huggies ultra for Shaun to try when I run out of pampers active. He is wearing huggies ultra now, still ok la. Maybe when you wanna have #3 I will wanna have #2 liao :p

pixie, oouch!!
Pixie, okie, I also don't know how many vacancies are left and whether I can make it cos got to celebrate my parents' BD early this weekend liao in case I pop early. Will try calling later and update.

Kam, I'm just tompang-ing my orders with the Jan10 MTBs, got a few friends eg. Lyn, blessedbaby and an excolleague.
This was the info one of the Jan10 mummies posted. I'm not the one coordinating but think need 6 packs of same size or at most can only mix and match 3 packs of 2 different sizes.


[email protected]
Thanks pixie, Chaye and blackbatz.
I need to remove wisdom tooth and feel like putting on braces.

Blackbatz, your dentist sounds nearer to me. Can give me her details? Price wise ok? Good with kids also ah? Then good, can bring Celeste there next time. When should kids start going to the dentist?
pixie,your braces is the normal type of braces? My fren put on smaller kind of braces it seems and she says she has no ulcers. Recently there's this invisalign. I wonder if it costs a lot more or not.
chaye, how much u paid for ur wisdom toothe extraction? i also need to extract, and i was quoted $600, v costly... so still considering nw
Looks like quite a few mummies can't make it liao. Only left with 3 and myself also not confirmed. :p

-Sat, 14 Nov, 4-5pm (max 5 kids for trial, can take in 4 more kids for permanent class)
1. vereneting
2. kitsune_sg
3. lynn chong
Ok, just managed to get through to Mygym. This Sat, 4pm is NO LONGER AVAILABLE cos they have a few kids doing make up lessons.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Verene, Lyn, please note that mygym trial on Sat, 14 Nov, 4-5pm is CANCELLED.</font></font>
mine is $500 but cannot pay by medisave. Some dental clinic allow to use medisave to pay. Like my colleague dentist charge him $700 he use medisave to pay $600 and he top up cash $100.
u hv braces ah ? is it painful to put it ? I tot of putting it now for my bottom set cos all crooked bcos of the wisdom tooth keep pushing. now very difficult to brush and always have cavity very easily cos a lot of hidden corners.
chaye, hw come cannot pay by medisave? tot it is consider minor sugery, can claim tru medisave...
$500 isnt cheap, my heart n my tooth will ache....
yes mine are the normal ones. usually this wont hurt. i never have probs with unable to eat etc. just that when my teeth moves then the metal parts changed position and when i sleep at night, i clamp my mouth very tight (my orthodontist says due to stress haha) and hence will leave imprints of the metal bits on my inner lips, then start to break the skin, then start to have ulcers.
never ending cycle

but the invisible ones are obviously more expensive. i've heard of those inner ones but was advised they are not as effective

do up your teeth, so that when you old liao you wont have a prob of receeding gums, which will result in teeth dropping off at a faster rate than normal.
chaye, braces is initially painful for the first 2 weeks u put on, therafter shldnt be painful. hw, u mus use a special toothbrush to brush ur teeth n u may also be prone to ulcers coz the braces may cause abrasion with ur mouth.
dentist wont put lower set for you one lar, they will do full. why pay and do half half only? if your upper is fine, they will sure have ways to make it even better :)
its NOT painful at all to put in...initially when i started, my orthodontist said i'll be so used to it until i feel weird if i remove it. i feel like this lor now. if remove my braces now, i'll feel so...naked... LOL LOL LOL

i oso removed all my wisdom teeth coz they all impacting my other teeth. then started on braces.

must floss lar, esp if you have lots of hidden corners

chaye, uh? like that also can???

anyway, u can request to lower braces only, hw, most dentist recommend u to upper n lower to see better results
