(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

i oso use the ignore method leh. works sometimes. sometimes not. he mimic my niece (3yr), and nephew (5yo). i tell him cannot he just throw tantrum

is ignoring/time out the best way?


I haven't been to the Kota Tinggi waterfall, so can't comment :)

You are in the east right? If I live around your area, surely will send my child to your centre. I promise to pay my fees promptly every month :)
pixie, err..ignoring n time out is diff le. the child must understand that he is given a time out. i dont simply ignore my gal. When she throw tantrum, i pull her aside, tell her she shouldnt be doing that and she should stop throwing tantrum immediately, else she has to stay there till she stop. And I am still around/near her when she is in time out.

I must say that i am very firm with my gal yet she is very close to me one person only even though i am not her primary caregiver.

mylvera, once u give in or bribe him before, no way he will stop when he throw tantrum, cos he knows u will give in sooner or later. Kids are so clever these days...hehe..

but seeing him cry n wails till coughing ... cant bear leh. me not hard hearted nor do i wana scream with him (like wat my MIL did) haha she compete with him to see who is the loudest!
oh ok, u got any recommendation where can i go in malaysia for a day trip? thinking of bringing my gal for a day trip during the june holiday.
Wha.... Another preggy again!

Btw my EDD had moved to 26 OCT cos baby is small
1. Yunbb_____________#3 BOY 12Dec08
2. Steph77___________#2 BOY 08Feb09
3. Joyce_____________#2 BOY 11Feb09
4. Superbee__________#2 GIRL EDD <font color="0000ff">20June09</font>
5. Janbb_____________#2 GIRL EDD July09
6. Angelsky__________#2 GIRL EDD July09
7. Kam______________#2 GIRL EDD 07Sep09
8. Krystle ___________#2 BOY EDD EndSeo09
9. Mylvera___________#3 TBC EDD 16Oct09
10. Jacelyn__________#2 TBC EDD <font color="0000ff">26Oct09</font>
11. Shannonbaby_____#2 TBC EDD 04Nov09
12. Pinkstars_________#2 TBC EDD endNov09
13. Precious_moments #2 TBC EDD 09Dec09
14. Kitsune__________#2 TBC EDD 10Dec09
15. Yvonne(gerger66)__#2 TBC EDD Dec09
reading abt you mummies able to discipline your child....

maybe i am not firm in my stand or i just dun wish to spoilt the relationship with my in law and hubby...so i tends to weaken after a while even she is in a super big time shouting...

i do get super hot when she is getting out of control...but i tried to hold back of resorting physical...i have smack once big time on her butt at 11 mth when she just cant let me put on her diapers....and she cried so bitterly makes my heart turn soft...

how to improve Patience ???

For me - I keep reminding myself there must be a reason for everything - why my boy does something or refuse to do something or cry or unhappy about. Don't think like an adult, think as a kid, some of the common sense doens't work on child this age. For example, she doesn't let you to put on her diaper - why? Got diaper rash? You disturbed her activity? she wants to do something else? or she just simply doesn't want to put on the diaper at that very minute. No big deal, don't have to put on diaper there and then right, do something else with her, then try putting on the diaper again a few minutes later.
shannonbaby,for time out I realised that my kid will juz follow me and hang on my leg and won't stay where I place him. How huh? Are you still in the same childcare? It's in a cc right? Coz I visited one and realised it's quite small and some of the teachers look quite young. Correct or not?

Kam, it's ok. Hope you gals will enjoy the blog.

Kota Tinggi is alright but if you are just going for the waterfall, not fantastic. Coz actually didn't let Abel swim coz it was cold and slippery. The farms were nice though. You might wanna try resort stay at desaru.

Learning to be SAHM is not easy. Need support ya!!!! Just dunno how to take it easy, relax and be silly with my boy. Shannonbaby got more ideas?
kam, i also not pan tang, now got #1 how not to carry heavy stuff, my gal easily 8kg, so equals to carrying 1 sack of rice

luca, hmm not really anxious like look forward, but more like wanna get rid of the weight. :p

re: autism
sometimes when a child is diagnosed with autism, they may also have some form of speech impairment. Reason being is children with autism typically lack social skills, thus the lack of eye contact and speech, but that does not mean they dont talk, some children with autism are really gifted ie. musically, artistically, memory, mathematics etc. sometimes some children develop speech later say 3-4 years and may be misunderstood as having autism but it may not be true as well.

All in all, the most important is, if you see your child not developing according to normal developmental milestone, best to seek professional opinion, they have the skills and the various test to determine if a child has or dont have. Sometimes we think the child is, turn out not and vice versa

Also hor, usually autism is confirm when they are about 4 years old.

u r incorrect in the guessing game. I am not preggie. would love to try for one perhaps next yr. or till such time I got the perm position. This time round, there is a vacancy. I had expressed my interest. Wish me luck. keke.

all the best to u.


erm.. my #2 already 11.5kg .. i tink abit overweight liao haha but i still carry him n kena scolded by my hb :p
mummies, I will be taking the early child hood course in OZ next year. ;) Hubby is supporting for this. Yeah Kam, my dream is to set up a child care center, and do something related to children. I just want to spend a lot of time with my kids and discover something news and learning something news with them. Hubby is very keen even get a nanny to look after my girl for few hours per day so I can go to school or he &amp; my kids and go to school with me too. ;)
Meanwhile, i am preparing to get driving license. Doing knowledge test these few days online.

Who is next preggie mummy?? Steph, give us more hints. ;))
Morning all

i don't have permission from the mummy to give more hints le...let's wait for her to announce when she is ready

It has been almost 2wks since i stop bfing but how come breast still leak milk?? izit normal?

My boy is almost 12.5kg (more than 1 pack of rice =P) already and I still carry him EVERYDAY! We were concern and asked my gynae, my gynae said okay as long as don't tired myself and don't cause backpain, but sooner or later can't carry him anymore. He is still very sticky to me. But we are trying very hard now to get him off me, slowly. I would miss this dearly.........


:) Just guessing. A very best of luck to you in getting the vacancy.


Good for you, to study the early childhood course. And all the best for your license tests.
how are u? are u back in spore? heard u went for holiday izit?
wah... u wana open CC? like tat i dun enrol Javier first la, i wait for u to open.... will be near ur house rite? keke....

Gd morning everyone!!!

how is ur sister?

how are u??? really want to ask u how u cope with 3 kids man.. salute... i really duno if i shld start trying for #2... haha

long time no see. now can login ar? i oso duno how to cope with 3 kids. tink the boat will be straight when it reached harbour? haha

try to start #2 asap lah. cos once yr momentum slow down, u will not find the energy to wake up middle of nite to BF or make milk.
mylvera, nw my ger dunwake up for nite feed since 3mths...keke.

hw much weight did u gain for ur first 2 pregancy ?
wow, congrats to preggy mummies.

Being super busy with work and hardly got time to come in and peek the forum.

My office is looking for a HR Assistant. If you have friends looking for this role can let me know?

kam, mylvera,

ya agree, how not to carry them, i wonder if next time we carry the baby, will they be jealous, sure one I think.

Last time when I discipline my students, I always feel its for their own good, then will explain to parents that its for their own good etc. But now, after having my own, I look from their perspective, can totally understand how they feel. Worse, I feel I have more patient with my students than with my gal. Hmmmm, ponder think I need to go reflect a bit. But hor, seriously 24/7 face her sometimes temper tantrum, sometimes how not to blood boil. Now, she knows what she wants, she will keep insisting until she gets it, in her dictionary dont have forget one. If the night before she wanna play with crayons, we dont give coz its night already, the next morning she wakes up, she will go get in on her own and in the process mess up the whole room, which is worse.
<font color="ff0000">Fisher Price Sales</font>
lok yang fisher price sales
21 to 23 may
10am to 6pm
no 1 lok yang way

sian. its today. and at lok yang. cannot go. urgh. i wanna buy new toys for my girls!!
<font color="0000ff">Kidzloft 50% off voucher - for expecting mum ONLY!</font>

Print out the voucher from the link below:

Which program did u use to do up the Month by month picture of HaoRe in your blog??

SSO, which day are you looking at? Maybe we can go together??

Do u websites to watch HK dramas online??
SSO, Can still get tickets??
Mom2nat: yes, study and being preggie at the same time. ;)) I hope all my pregnancy will be as smooth as for # 1. ;)) Like that I can do anything I want. ;) Why you cant study huh? You have a helper to help you with your kids right? Actually, hubby asked me if I want to study Master of accounting, but i said NO because my mind is not for all the numbers anymore. I can't study those subject anymore. At least childcare is something is related to what i am doing everyday. ;) and some more, am not planning to work again unless for my own, so if I study Master of accounting, it will be a waste of time and money. ;)

Kam: why you think it's Lynn who is the next mummy? ;) She only said she tried for past 2 months and the mummy i &amp; steph mention are at her second trimester if I am right steph? ;)) (Hoping we are referring to 1 mummy here). Hahha
sso babies proms tix only out for sale on 1 sep 09 for priority sale. me grabbing so can help u grab if i can grab. haha. let me know which day? which slot? how many tix? in case no have, give me choice #2.

hk dramas - my bil rent and we all take turns watch.

u also let me know if u nid me to buy for u hor.
morning mummies

long time no 'see'! how is your new job?
my sis ah...she is ok..struggling with expressing coz cannot latch bb, bb still in nicu, we still cant get to see baby at all....breathing tube out but the rest of the tubes still there...making slow but steady progress lah, thanks for asking

american idol
i want kris to win!!

Oh wrong guess again. Oh 2nd trimester already huh. Then very difficult to guess, since she is able to keep the "secret" for so long already.....


I used Powerpoint, not very good leh. Use Photoshop if you have one (my home PC have, but I am not good at it, hubby is expect of Photoshop, but he has no time :-(). Or try Picasa, but Picasa have defaulted layout, easy to use, but not flexible. I am still looking for free software to do picture collage. Share with me if you find any.

SSO will be going on Saturday. Sure we can go together!


Confirm - please book for me tickets for 2 adults (my boy <2 years old then, still no need ticket right?). Many thanks!
