(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

mylife & Kam,
CUTE ah?...my little monster...cry very fierce too & a frequent milk drinker (wake up at least 3 times/nite)...my BM not enuff for him ah! 2 mths niah & he is able to lift his head abit when put him lie on tummy. sometimes i still ask hubby why HE is not GAL?? siow hor...maybe i wanted a gal very much:p

so pissed, waited for my parents to come over to my place from 2.15pm until 5pm then they appeared. 2.15pm i already told my father "pls come over anytime to play with tobey, he woke at 1.15pm and just had his lunch". i had to poo, pump, change bedsheets, go out to buy MMP, but no lor, all my plans on hold to entertain tobey and wait for them to appear. only managed to hang laundry and fold clothes. heck, my lunch was only cup noodles! had wanted to cook myself a nice meal. and dunno when i'm going to take leave again coz my colleague has lots of leave to clear.

now all my poo dunno go where liao. reabsorbed, just like my breast milk!!!!

and i hv runny nose and an ulcer under my tongue, and this weather threatens to give me a headache. arghhhhhhhh
hehe..i know what u mean worser/messier cos we have tried to let Zander self feed & drink from cup w/o assistant. End result = failed cos he tend to bite the cup than drink from it...end up his t-shirt & my floor is all wet! I am using Ikea plastic cup w/o handles for toddler type instead of adult glass cup cos very dangerous...sometimes he will throw his bottle/pigeon mag mag on the floor too!
oh and Zander love to eat the laksa bee hoon & curry potato leh & will stick out his tongue to show la la expression...this boy not scare of HOT stuff & will ask for more ah!
Grumpus and Pauline, thanks for your sharing. AFter working for awhile, now suddenly stay at home don't know what to do like that. No maid lah..do everything myself. Thanks for the tips to start off eventhough I've have 2. Can't imagine 2 at home and me after them..

Steph, Zander's great can feed himself. Mine still have to spoon by spoon. Too hard like meat he will choke some more.
not me but my MIL gave him try abit bit niah cos he will be making noise whenever our meal time so we let him try abit of our food & thot if spicy he might reject & not bother us but who knows he enjoy it:p
my nail spa - Polished hand+foot.spa was featured in a beauty blog


we are also reviewed in May 09 issue of Cleo, page 58. we are ranked alongside veterans like Serendipity at liang court and Polished Divas and we got the HIGHEST score (9/10!!), the rest only got 8/10....hehe
YO everyone I am backie!!!!

babe, me too, hmmmmm, wake up eat breakfast with her, bath time, TV time, baby can read if she is still interested, song time and reading, then pat pat her if she wanna sleep, else its lunch time and run errands time, like grocery shopping, sometimes nothing to do also find things to do. I find time passes the slowest mid afternoon to dinner time, coz by then exhaust all means of activities and its too hot to go outdoor except to shop. Sometimes I quite impromptu, can be flash cards, swimming, reading, songs or just masak masak time.

pixiepixel, is that so, you mean it finished already, ooops pai sei, I still watching now le. So I tot its showing concurrently, coz canto shows are shown concurrently especially the newer ones.

tong tong, you mean you BF full time and baby is not even staying with you? WOW, SALUTE!!!!

Anyway, I wonder why is my stomach so huge and I am not even into my third tri, I put on 6kg to date, but my tum tum is so much bigger than the last and I feel tired these few days. Sometimes I sit down, I dont even wanna stand up. Now must constantly tell myself to be patient with my gal and not lose my temper for no rhyme or reasons. Jia you to myself!!!!

Gwyneth has been up to lots of tricks recently, since her daddy went back, one instance is that she will lie on the floor flat with both arms and legs wide and pretend to be sick by closing her eyes. Then every once in a while, she will point to her backside and say poke poke.
Rayden is so so so cute!!.. looking at the photo makes me wana have #2 too.. hahaaaaa..... recently i have been asking Javier if he is ready to have didi or meimei.. he just ignore me and walk away.

Re: Feeding themselves
Zander can feed himself le? so gd... Javier only take the spoon and play.... but i am still trying to teach him
wish me luck.

Kam, i believe Hao Re's independance is alot due to his growin up in infant care.. Great!!.... ;)
kam, yea previosly she couldnt cuz she got to send her kid to school's activities. but now she has trained him to come back home himself, so she could take care of my son liao!
did you pay more than that amout to infant care?

steph, rayden so chubby!!! cute!!cvuz he drinks lots of your bm ma! hehe. want a gal, go for #3 one!!
angelsky: aiyo i din BF full time la!! eversince i am separated with my son and he no longer latch, my ss drops from 1000ml to today, 120ml nia :p
last month i can still ss him 2 to 3 feeds milk but this week onwards, not even 1 feed lor.
anyway, enjoy your pregnancy k!!
Steph, Rayden so cute, chubby cheeks, looks so much like gor gor. Hehe, want a gal then plan using the shettles method, chinese prediction calendar, whatever lar. But cannot be accident also hor... ;)

Poor Wendy, I think it's because you left it so open ended and the word 'anytime', if you say anytime then the old folks really think it's anytime. Next time, be frank and tell your folks you have thousand and one errands to run, that's why you took leave, then they'll understand and come quickly. Own parents still easy to talk lar, if ILs, got to 'zip zip', black face cannot show. :p

Angelsky, me too, now MS start full force liao. Whole day feeling nauseous, don't eat also cannot, eat also jialat. Super sian, ask hubby why I kenna MS twice, some pp don't get it at all.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi grumpus, thnx for concern! My boy's fever went dwn abit in the late afternoon (b4 wanting to rush to kk again, so end up din go).

Gave him para n iburfen @ 3hrs interval. But now fever going up again, so gotta keep track of temp, next burfen feed @ 12mn though.

Btw, u mentioned abt the para to para is 6 hrs and bufen to bufen is 6 hrs rite? If eg. 12pm feed burfen whn temp is <38.5, then 3pm still <38.5, i still juz give para?? Maybe is a stupid qns la, but me abit blur lah...</font>
congrats congrats
itching to go back to polished again but then again, tight on da pockets...when i have the $$, will visit again since so near office
good to hear tat ur boy is better now. can understand ur worries. u must take gd care of urself too.

wah... u watching K drama isit? so late le still online.. heeehehe
<font color="aa00aa">Jess, juz now is ok liaoz, but nw temp climbing bit by bit again. Haiz...me also dwn wif flu n headache now...opps, he's crying liaoz!</font>
hi nez

In-between same type of medicine, at least 6 hr interval

if temperature is < 38.5, do not give ibufen. Ibufen is meant for higher temperature.

but pd told me if using the ear thermometer, the reading is 0.5deg higher than armpit. So does that mean > 39deg then take ibufen?

mommies pls enlighten
let him drink barley if he is willing to drink.. or snow pear water also can.... drink those cooling stuff shld be alrite.

take gd care of urself k. try to catch some slp when he slps...
u have to judge for yourself whether to continue with the para/bufen regime.
this method only meant for high fever where one med alone does not really help to bring down the fever. if after u give para, yr boy actually feels cool to the touch meaning the fever has gone down, then i would not give the bufen. if still feel warm meaning para only help a bit then i would give the bufen.

for my girl that time i only did the para/bufen for 2 days, after that was just para until the fever totally went away.

usually for viral fever, tends to be higher at night, so not surprising that it's climbing up now.

u also better take care since u have flu and headache. maybe ask mother/mil/hb to take over tomorrow so u can rest? i can imagine u hv hardly slept also cos every few hrs feed med, take temp, checking on yr boy.
congrats on the gd review ratings! me west zone..very far ah otherwise will sure visit yr nail spa!

u take care wor &amp; hope yr boy get well soon.
Hi Mummies,

Anyone interested to get Clarks shoes for your kids?

I can get quite an attractive discount. If you are interested, PM me alright. Thanks!
good morning everyone.


wow.. so early in office? missed office too much? hehe do we have u as a refresher too? :p


see steph's #2 makes yr heart itchy bor?? quick join us
Join the refreshing club!! Membership open now! Please register... wahahahaaa......

once my company retrechment exercise over.. and if me and hubby never gana... i will start trying

but like i mentioned, javier like still not keen on having a bro/sis yet when we asked him. (i knw its abit stupid to ask him though) keke.
thanks thanks

it's ok, just continue to look out for our specials every 2 weeks and when u see something u like then whack...hehe

now they duno anything. but once u preg, u must keep asking Javier to sayang didi/meimei. tat's wat i did to my #1. daily will ask him hug my tummy n kiss my tummy haha but cos we duno the gender, i "let" him decide. today can b didi, tmr can b meimei

Yes, I have to give some credits to my infant care teachers, they do take good care of my son. But they don't let him self feed, cos very messy mah. Only after he has promoted to playgroup, then they start to let him self feed. At home we also very relax type, Hao Re has the freedom to do anything he wants, and that helps him to grow pretty fast.


Hoho, the cost for the infant care is DOUBLE the cost of the nanny, cos I don't get any subsidy. If Singaporeans, then it's about the same price as nanny after subsidy. But then my infant care is not branded type, so cost is lower. My colleague sends her daughter to a more branded centre, and it's $1500 per month, after subsidy still have to pay $900!

<font color="0000ff">nez</font>,

As what you have described, looks not too bad, as in temp go up and down, which is a good sign. Continue to give him lots of fluids, feed the fever med and monitor. In my experience, taking more fluids and sponging are more efficient than the fever med.

Theorectically ibufen is for fever >38.5C and para is for fever <38.5C. BUT, not every child reacts to these 2 meds similarly. Para might also works for high fever in some kids. But usually PD don't recommend ibufen for mild fever, cos it's a "stronger" med. And bear in mind that there are many many different variants of para and ibufen in the market (made by different manufacturers), and again, not every child reacts to all these variants.

tmr will b exactly 14 weeks liao .. haha but there are still some colleagues tat doubt i m preg cos i dun behave /look like preg :p my tummy is still quite small as compared to my last 2 preg
jess: i wan join the club! my auditors left liao, so today i can afford to refresh again n again

steph: both ur boys look alike! ur hubby genes v strong hor..

you so poor thing. MS so bad ah. Hope it'll be gone soon....... You have MS for your 2 previous pregnancy also?

Don't think will go to zoo this saturady, unless we really have nothing else to do.

i have MS for past 2 preg but this is the worst! n tis time i m still wearing my normal clothes haha yet to wear maternity clothes but i have fluid retention ard my feet liao.
mylvera, aiyoh, so poor thing, 14 weeks still like that ah. Sigh, I also joined your MS club. Just went NTUC to buy fresh lemons to make honey lemon for myself. Finally got a chance to use my WMF lemon scrapper liao for lemon zest. Hee.

Later, going to cook yong tau foo 'chu' bee hoon for myself. Sian, don't know what to eat, always feeling bloated and nauseous. :p

Thought of going to the zoo too, but some people say preggie don't go zoo. I forgot why... :p

wa, I've not been following the thread constantly and realised a few mummies preg with #2/#3???

pauline, u preg??? were u the mystery one mummies are talking abt &amp; i didn't have a clue.... CONGRATS leh... though a bit late lah... RaeAnne gonna get a didi or meimei??

ur little Rayden really reminds me of his gorgor, Zander when he was his age... very cute indeed.
