(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs


U asked abt korean dramas? recently, i'm hooked with "Boys over flowers" korean version of Meteor Garden... wah, i'm hooked, man. not only me, my mom, my sis, my aunts all also hooked with the lead actor, Lee Min Ho... Gosh, he's super cute & handsome in the drama. can even dream of him...

<font color="aa00aa">Urgent Advice Needed, Mummies</font>

My boy has been having high fever for the past 2 days, brought him to GP n even to KK last nite, fever subsided for awhile and came bk high again.

Should i bring him to another doc again or wat? V worried ley. He juz wanna slp or cries whn he's up, dun wan any food, milk also drinks a little then go bk zzz. How ah??
Babies are very smart, when they are sick, their appetites will go down. So it's ok, keep him hydrated, n let him zzz. Sleep is more important than food when he's sick. Just offer, if he doesn't want, let him be n let him zzz. Aren't we the same when we are sick ourselves (don't want to eat n jus zzzz)?? Relax.

Monitor closely. Feed fever med. Take temperature. If going up and down, not too worry. If it's high fever (>39C) and no sign of going down, yes, better to consult a PD. Meanwhile, giving him fluid is the most important thing to do. If he doesn't want milk, it's okay. Give him other fluids, water, juice, fruit, or whatever he is willing to take. If he refuses any fluid, bring him immediate to PD. And sponge him will help bring the temp down. DON'T wrap him in thick clothes, no need for that. Keep the room airy.

Yes, most likely is viral infection. Can take up to a few days to subside.
Hi, Wendy, missed your hello last night. After my post, we tried to wake RaeAnne up for her last feed of cough med and cold med, ended she got so angry that she vomitted. Sigh, had to clean her up, pacify her, put her back to sleep again. So I switch off laptop after that, no mood liao. This morning she woke up at 7am, I quickly put the 2 med into her milk and she finished it. Heng ah. Mission accomplished.

wendyg, ya agree BF for me was not free too, even more costly than FM in fact after I count all the consultation fees that I paid to LC. Maxed out my outpatient medical claim $500 for the year so end up the last few bills I got to pay myself. :p

Babe, I play with her flashcards, teach her household items or colours or shapes and megablocks. I build things and show her, simple stuff like boxes, a bed for her doll, stuff like that. You have a maid right? Then it's even easier since you can delegate the housechores to her and you concentrate on the fun stuff. Anyway, you just started being a SAHM, can take some time to work out the best routine for you and Abel.

Mylife, I PM you my address liao. Thanks.
wendy/mylife, i think that my bf career would be ending really soon, cuz yesterday only yield 120ml. yea you are right, i also feel tired and no one can help me pump wor. also, i never take supplements for very long time liao... i think it's ok for me to stop bf now cuz i wanna get ready to be healthy and fit for second pregnancy.

blessedbaby: although i provided the link, i would be the one who will be stopping soon i think! cuz not much supply already even how hard i compressed...you wanna continue bf when pregnant?/

kam: i will be bringing my son back this weekend! yahoo! finally no need to be separated :p it's hard to maintain the ss when we are separated. think i dont have fresh milk for him liao when he comes back this weekend. think the one i had in freezer will last him for 1 week nia la. anyway, i hope you can successfully bf for your gal hor!

kam: you are giving advice like doctor leh!! hhe. last time i need advice when bb falls sick sure i come here seek for help haha.
what fever med is he on? if absolutely no other symptoms then likely it is viral.
most impt thing now is to control the fever and not let it spike too high as that is dangerous for the child.

when my girl had high fever the PD prescribe paracetamol and ibufen to be used in tandem. alternate the 2 meds every 3 hrs to control the fever. because these 2 are totally different types of medication, it is ok to take them together and in this way u have some medication to give yr bb every 3 hrs, if not only every 6 hrs then the fever will go up and down and very xin ku for the bb.

also keep a close monitoring on the temp cos if the fever is constantly high for more than 48 hrs, u have to bring him back to the PD

in the meantime, just let him sleep as much as he want and offer more fluids. for me i even carried my girl all the while she slept cos that way she was more comfortable and could rest better. i also used the fever cooling patches on her back and forehead. found that less disruptive than sponging. my girl got very irritated when i tried to sponge her.
now still can put med into their milk?
nowaday feed vernon med is like torturing him.. sygringe him

vernon also get very irritated when we tried to sponge him
boys over flower is good too.
i like the main lead, Jun Pyo too. i think the main actress Jandi like very plain for her role. like not very suitable but then again, they make a great on screen couple.
i watching this on cable weekdays nights.
but a lot of ups and downs in the drama, sometimes veryyyyyyyyyyyy slow....i look at you, you look at me...cant take it, start to channel surf liao hurhur
but all in all, not a bad show. BOF craze is all over korea now leh
pixie, violetice,
tks, will give Carousel a try since it has 1-1 deals hehe

are u frm soka? My beautician juz brought me to Soka Association at Telok Blangah just now, taught me to chant. I was abit confused, duno whether should continue chanting..
Cheryl, not top choice lor in case she doesn't finish the milk but last night, she puke until like that, and this morning, I'm alone with her leh. How to hold her down and syringe her with 2 types of medicine? Impossible task lor. That's why end up take easy way out. Hee. ;)
<font color="aa00aa">Thank you, mummies!! Docs said is virual infection as well. Prescribed both paracetamol and ibufen as well. So i can give 3hrs interval alternate med ah?? Cos i thot is 6hrs? Cos his fever shot up to 39.6 at 12, so i quickly gave ibufen. So does tat mean i can give the paracetamol at abt 3 plus?</font>

That's great!!! You must be so excited that you can finally "reunited" with your son! Save you all those time travel SIN-KL-SIN every week. Hope your son adapts to the new environment well.

Can I ask how much the nanny charge? Do you know what't the market price now?
yes i am from soka
when i first heard of it, i was skeptical, too
chanting makes you want to action on your problems, instead of waiting for problems to disappear magically.
i always say "chanting is free. if you chant and it works, good for you; if you chant and it doesnt works, then dont believe lor"
so chant for a while, work or no work out, see your fate bah...i not those kind preach preach kind so i have this attitude
but i have to tell you, chanting lets you change your bad karma to good karma. its a long journey.

religion very sensitive issue so if you wanna tok about this, pm me horrrrrrrrr
my PD gave me a chart on interchanging bufen and para, she gave me 3hour sessions too if the fever is consistently very high...so yes, some PDs will tell you to take in 3hrs time
<font color="aa00aa">Thnx pixie, think will do an interval of both med 3hrs for now, fever still at abt 38 now. Poor boy is shivering the whole nite yest and fever went up to 40 too. Haiz...</font>
yup if the fever is consistently high then alternate the para and bufen.
12pm - para
3pm - bufen
6pm - para
9pm - bufen
and so on

so between para to para is 6 hrs and bufen to bufen is 6 hrs....got it?

this method really helps to control the fever so that yr bb can sleep and rest better which is what he needs most now.
my PD ask us to feed para after 1 hr if fever nvr drop den feed brufen. so para every 4 hour, brufen every 6 hours....

i m thinking to use ur method. think will be better
<font color="aa00aa">Thanx alot, grumpus! Noted that!

Btw, do virual infection affect the poo poo? Cos my son is having watery n v smelly poo as well, but only twice a day the most.</font>
my boy wont have smelly poo leh
he will have very clammy hands and feet, and sweat A LOT

yes, grumpus's method is the same as what my PD prescribed....it is effective this way

do u have the bullet med (suppository) where u insert into ur boy's rectum? this is v effective for high fever. the active ingredient is similar to ibrufen so if u intend to insert bullet, must wait 6hrs later before feeding ibrufen.
thanks for sparing the effort.
try it out and tell me how you feel or if you see any transformations to your problems that you are chanting about
kam, i havent talked to the nanny about the charge yet becuase she is my neighbour:p think she will ask for market rate. issit $600 now?

pixie: is soka an indian religion?
aiyah!! forgot
no need to quote names, i heard from my dad that he is one of the cheapest. i did some asking around and what he quoted was really cheap.
just aunty aunty a bit and arrhh that you want discount lor hehe

oh issit? soka got a wide membership so here and there oso have
my ex companies, all got soka ppl one hurhur

Huh, so cheap meh? $600 only? I am not sure what's the market rate is like now. So good!!! Your neighbour to be your nanny, that's really good. You are lucky!

Thanks for the info. It's difficult not to consider this option for my #2....... only if I find a good nanny. But if the principal of the infant care centre can maintain the current rate for me, most likely I would still send #2 to the centre.
thanks, got your pm, ahah, no need to plant lah, i AM a buddhist all along hehe..jus never chant nia

Bad news, i called Hard Rock at The Peak, they said their My First tshirt XS size (meant for 1-2 yrs old) has run out of stock (and dunno when new stocks will come). Only left size S (for 3-4 yrs old). Do u want Size S? They say the sizing actually quite big, American size, dont think can fit ur #2 leh...how? If u still want to buy, i can get for u. Let me know.
Has yr toddler learn to eat/feed him/herself? Need to buy any training spoon/fork for them? Can i know where to buy the baby scissors so when dine out can cut food into smaller portion for them to chew?
We are surprise that Zander able to use the plastic spoon to feed himself! though abit messy la:p He enjoy eating the KFC whipped potato w/o gravy.


Hao Re can self feed himself for quite some time already. I didn't get him any training set. Just use normal spoon and fork. He manages the spoon pretty well now, but still learning to use the fork. I didn't get the baby scissors also, cos he knows how to chew/eat a long strand of noodle or a relatively big piece of food very well :) He learns through play, no special "training" enforced.

According to the Health Booklet, it doesn't mention self feed as one of the development milestones for toddlers at 15-18 months. But it mentions to train toddler this age to hold and drink from the cup without assistant. I just started to let Hao Re learn this, and I can tell you, this is a lot more WORSER/MESSIER than the self feed.
