(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs


my sweet potato puree recipe (from First Food book) is slightly different from Shannonbaby. I cut it into medium size pieces first before steaming. And I add water only if the puree is too thick, I never add milk to the puree so that baby can taste the real taste of sweet potato and not masked by the milk taste.


Today I am a SAHM. The feeling is so different from working.
Hi shannon & zhu_baby,

Thanks for ur recipe...for the peeling is it done before or after steaming? how abt pumpkin? i am thking of letting my bb to try out these two purees so that she can swop between carrot n spinach purees

peeling after steaming.

My experience is that if the local sweet potato and pumpkin is sufficiently steamed, the flesh is kind of "tearing off" from the skin "automatically. So very easy to scoop the flesh out using a spoon. With the Japanese sweet potato, the flesh stick quite firmly to the skin, so more difficult to scoop out the flesh. Have to cool it down long enough then use hand to peel off the skin. Pumpkin is easiest to handle, and to blend, and taste good in my experience.

According to the lady i spoke to, they only have one class every sat and sun. for mth of aug, suns are fully book unless someone back out then she will call you. sats, 2aug 16aug and 23 aug left 2slot for each class. NDP weekends they are closed.
Info accurate as of thursday afternoon. so u better call her to check.
yup..me also don't think so. But juz chat with the jfbag's lady. She said authentic wor bcos direct from factory.
Kam & babyling: thks for ur info on e spinach.. hehee! i was tinkin e spinach is so green datz means if i make into puree then looks like monster puree?

Yen: u wanna buy branded stuff? i'm gg Rome next thur nitz, need mi help u get anything?

no profit earn will show u e receipt..
drop mi a mail if u keen.. so far i got 3 orders.. [email protected]

<font color="0077aa">violetice</font>
U on leave ah... SAHM for half day only is it? Got sneak out for shopping or not, Opps ; )

<font color="0077aa">Flashcard</font>
My hubby bot a box of flashcard, i thot is fruits/vege or colors which i told him to buy. Almost faint when i see the box, is "PHONICS". Can someone teach me how to read Phonics?? My generation got no such thingy leh...

<font color="0077aa">4 Mths Maternity Leave:</font>
Anybody heard abt this news that maternity leave is going to increase to 4 MTHS??? I dunno how true...hope to hear this gd news in the coming National Day Rally ; )
<font color="0000ff">JanBB,</font>

Yup, on leave. Not half day, full day SAHM hor. Not going out but got parenting class tonight.
I saw a Taiwanese entertainment show last weekend, it said that male capricorns tend to be "sticky" and very depedent to their mums...dunno how true? I think some of our baby boys are capricorns...mine is and now I know why he's so attached to me...haha.
Oh..male capricorns r sticky to mummy??!! Mine also one! He's kinda attached to me too but maybe becos I'm the only care giver ard since he's born?? dunno ley..wait till he's older then c..hee.
janbb> where did you managed to get the news about maternity leave from the national day rally?
me search the net cannot find lei..

Dun u think SAHM is more "xin gu" than working in office? Is diff type of "stress" compare to work hor. But of cos' the "quality" time spend with baby is also enjoyable. I look forward to bring him out tmr!!!

Btw, Jayden LS 3 times yez cos' my mum gave him mashed potato. She boiled the potato together with pork ribs. Think Pork Ribs soup is veri oily though she only fed him the potato &amp; not the soup. Luckily today ok liao. Muz really watch Baby's diet carefully since we are all now "testing" new food on them.
Oh, dun get me wrong, I heard the "news" or dunno is it "rumours" from my friend. And I was hoping that they announce in Rally.
JanBB, is it? But don't apply for me liao. Me closed factory already. Hopefully there are more other benefits other than maternity leave.
JanBB...yah, i agree wif u on being a SAHM is more "xin ku" than wking outside, cos I'm a SAHM myself!! haha...but only we knw hw "xin ku" we r, my hb think i'm enjoying at hm so gd, dun need to wk! And that makes us argued alot of times! haiz...men men men
JanBB, violetIce, mylife,
As for the gathering, i see how ok. Now, still feeling no good

Vio, i saw yr note in my blog. Thanks &amp; will take care

Re: 4 mths maternity leave
JanBB, i prefer gov increase baby bonus &amp; more childcare subsidy. Paternity leave for Fathers to be, from 2days to 2wks perhaps!
dunno is it true or not too.. heehee..scarely they purposely "leaked out" fake info to increase our productivity rate ;(

shld ask hubby to be SAHD for 1 day, haha.. See they can Tahan or not.
<font color="0000ff">JanBB,</font>

I think SAHM without maid is more "xin ku" because still need to juggle house chores. Like just now, when Baby Ian was taking a nap, I had to wash our laundry, hang out since today's sunny. Clean house a bit, prepare his puree ingredients etc. Then I can eat a bit. If I SAHM, think will slim down faster. Haha.

<font color="0000ff">Steph,</font>

Maybe it's the first trimester, that's why more tired. Sleep more and rest more. If no appetite, just eat a bit.

<font color="0000ff">RE: Capricorn Males</font>

Not true leh, I have friends who are Capricorn males and they are the complete opposite. I think he visits his Mum once a month. Haha. Or they just aren't close to their mothers.
JanBB...he'll juz let him cry n cry lor. Haha. There's once whn bb abt 3 mths, i go out half a day to run errands n hb take over. Come bk i ask him hw, he say ok, n i ask bb no cranky? He say juz dun care, put him in the cot n cry! And happily waiting for me to be hm to bath bb somemore..give up!
Steph: first trimester? u pregnant ar? Congrats!

Janbb: if 4mths maternity leave, v gd.. can start planning .. heehee! Actually 1 is enuf for mi but hb prefer 2 so i told him okie then max 2. After no.2 will start plannin for more holiday trips..
sound like SAHM is maid cum baby-sitter job... 2 hands also not enuff!! Even go toilet also muz find the right time hor ; )
Really salute to SAHM!

Your hubby funny leh!! I doubt u dare to lve baby with him alone again ;p
Me too!! want to stop at one!! But hubby wants to have TWO... I hope really got 4 mths Maternity Lve, this will motivate me more..heehee
this time round, MS very jialat. Having throbbing headache
Hopefully this is only the passing phase. Hope 2nd trimester will be better.

yup i am in my 8wks. Thanks
Wah, congrats!! I am sure you not SAHM... cos usually SAHM wont have #2 so soon... heee.... My mensus not even here yet you already 8 weeks preg!

My hb wants 4!! Hahaha... I hear liao faint... later you hear someone shouting at her kids from across the block you know who lor.
Mom2nat: Wow! 4??! then u can buy all e branded &amp; gd baby stuff becos if use by 4 babies very worth it.. i bought e fisher &amp; price high chair then hb complained e chair so exp..
i told him "Hey! u wanna hav 2 babies so if divided by 2 babies then okie ma..."

Steph: so happy for u...
congrats! u already in ur 8 wks liao!

ya the spinach puree's color seen yucky ...:p will go for my next one in next 2 - 3 times ;) if nw have another one, will be quite tired....
so u hope to have a ger ger or boi boi this time ;)

Heehee, hope my factory can function after baby reach 1 year old. Sometime, the more you want to have, the harder to conceive...
If earlier hear gd news from me, confirm is acccident, kekeke.. Then after #2, permanently SHUTDOWN ;p

How abt u? Got plan?
I am a SAHM too. yah lor.. Huuby always feel that we having a easy time at home. I have a helper but its MIL.. so hor cannot command one lah. And I still have to do some hsework for my own room or help out in some way or the others. Anyway, have to appreciate her help. Else I dun need to eat already.

Heng my boy is daddy boy, He will stick to Daddy when daddy back.. some relieve for me.

I also havent get my mense.. But I going natural, still fully BF, have some controlling effect but dunno how long will it last.. Later I preggy liaos also dunno hahahaha.
saw you all talking about ndp..
I managed to get tickets for NDP but got a bit of problem. My mum cannot take care of baby coz she has a function at night. WOndering if it's possible to bring baby along to NDP? Haha.. dunno whether she will cry or not.. coz rather long hours and hot... hmmm...
wow wow!! Steph!!! Congrats!!! So fast trying oredi? Btw, I went to ur blog, but under journal I don't see any entries leh, I tot u no time to update but seems like got people say saw ur entries...do u hv a different blog?

u also trying oredi?

u are absolutely correct. Me SAHM and fully BF...still find it a bit unnerving to try for #2 so soon...must get #1 settle down first before even thinking of trying for #2!! Can die ah!
mcfluffy, when I was expecting my girl, I actually went to the NDP, nearly fainted. Now think back I really gungho. But I really enjoy, it would be really fun for your baby, but hopefully she will not be frighten by the loud sounds.

steph, congratulations!!!!! So excited for you. Guess initially you will feel tired and then very anxious, but in the long run when you see your kids grow up, it will be worth it.

Now, I am taking things naturally, agree with JanBB, sometimes the more you want it, the harder it is for you to get it, so just enjoy everyday with my girl for now. Last time I thought I will want 3, so at least they got companion, but looking at the cost of living now, slowly coming back to reality, I think having #2 is just nice. I was telling my sis, I still have like 3kg left on me, imagine if I dont lose the weight, then after #2 in the future, another 3kg, wa piang thats like 6kg
steph, CONGRATULATIONS! get more more rest.

yeah man, SAHM + no helper, gotta find time to pee or eat also kang kor... bathe also wee hours... dunno why hubby always tink we zuo bo @ home. like got time to shake leg.

re: menses
pregnant + TBF my girl for 1 half years, total 2 yrs plus no menses. shiok! but once stop TBF, den menses came which i really lost lots lots of blood till face pale haha... then the following month no show liao cos confirm with #2... =)

<font color="0000ff">JanBB,</font>

Wow, today Baby Ian really can make me want to spank him already. Cannot let me out of his sight. Screamed bloody murder when he cannot see me. Make milk, also cry. Make puree, also cry. Go toilet, also cry, go shower, also cry. Want to faint already. *pengz*

<font color="0000ff">Steph,</font>

If headache, try to minimise the noise/sound around your environment, rest in darker room or something, pull curtains if resting in the afternoon to help headache.
