(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

I like to join in your bp
i from feb08 thread.
let me know when to transfer. thanks
[email protected]

The Little Pocket Snack Pouch US$3.50

Diaper Bag Express US$8.00
1)miracle-1 denim/red interior
2)angelsky-1 blk/red interior
3)godsent-2 denim/red interior & 1 blk/red interior
4)ariesmum(jenie_1979) - 1 denim/red interior
5)dor11-1 denim/red interior

Joey Stroller Tote US$5.00
1)angelsky -1 choco/aqua interior
2)ariesmum(jenie_1979) - 1 navy/turquoise interior

Tag-along US$3.50
1) dor11-1 turquoise/lime

Tiny Treasure Bag US$1.50
Pole Dancing supposedly can help to trim. But must go for secret training first. Then can surprise your hubby.
blackbatz & Windy

Pole dancing? Great! =P But I think I can only dance around my baby's cot! *LOL*

I think my drawer full of sexy lingerie can throw away already. =,(


Oh yes, I do agree with baby's sucking is the best to clear ducts. Don't know what happened, but realised that my left breast harden very fast since last night. I woke up in the middle of the night to find it all harden. Must pump to clear the ducts. N now, I just pumped 2hrs ago, now hard again. =(

Both breasts are achy and sore now. Feel very sian.
Hi mummies,

Re: Nuk teats
Windy, does that mean that we have to use the Large hole when feeding FM coz I am now using medium hole for BM.

Not sure if u guys face the same prob. My bb sucks very hard till the latex teat flatens. Makes him very angry sometimes coz he can't get milk when the teat totally flattens. Wondering if I should use the silicon teat instead.

Re: sling
R any of you using the mother in mind sling? Got it a present and so eager to use. But somehow its seems very tough getting bb to fit inside, his head still not strong enough so dun know if its safe to put him inside. Even in the demo tape, am sure the bb they use is def a few mths old.
I'm using littlepod sling. I would support my boy's head with a hand. Maybe yours you need to do the same.

At least your breast fill up so fast. Mine also don't know what happen. Feels like water bomb. Must take more fenugeek liao.

I'm planning a trip to HK in May. Any idea when is the Golden Week in China? Don't want to jostle with them..
Hi Miracle,

U mind pm-ing me yr name? so tat i can mention u r the referral shld i call Mon Mon.

My house is in a frigging mess... i cannot stand it... ahahha...

Anymore part time maid recommendations??? I can use the maid on weekdays, as I am SAHM
i laughed when u say half naked...me too, during confinement time, perpetually walk around the house with top unbutton. My PJs is the one bought from Mothercare, u know those popping button, so, my hubby disturbed me say i'm like Superman now, every time baby cries, i have to pry the shirt open like superman to the rescue. Yah, totally agree with u...no more sexy wife, i also worried how hubby view me now...jus a cow milking. As for feeling not productive, yah, it IS a bit boring to be feeding, changing diapers at home..but think of it this way, taking full 3mths will enable u to care for child during the most important time of his life...he's developing so fast, before u know it, he's not an infant anymore and u will miss this stage of him soon.

When Icy said "tahan for 6mths" dats becos she mentioned her hubby going away for overseas assignment for 6mths, so she's alone handling this routine i think.

me too got the MIM sling as a gift...but i think the adjusting the ring part like very troublesome, i also bought the Pupsik sling, but when put bb inside, bb seems too tight, dunno if i got the sizing correctly, sigh. Would really like to master the sling so i can nurse handsfree.

i think u also have the "what to expect-the first year" book rite? I read it and it said by the time bb 3-4 weeks old, we shud have some demands of our own regarding the feeding. Shud slowly try to stretch the feeding interval. Also got some tips on how to wake a sleeping bb.

Jialat, my leappad system kena shipped over liao...i didnt open it to test at all
I can totally agree with ur fear of falling off the bed..when i was alone in the room without my hubby, i also very scared of falling asleep and dropping baby. Last time a fren told me a joke, she said she latch and latch and latch until so tired, one day she woke up and frantically look for baby cos disappear from her arms! Turns out, she was so tired she doesnt even rem CL taking baby away from her and the feeding has long ended before then.

sorry forgot to answer ur question about insurance. Actually when the agent came to our house, my hubby was the one who settled all the decision on wat policies to buy...i jus roughly know got endowment and life policy. If u wan i can intro my agent to u, he's also a long time fren.
Hi mylife/blackbatz,

I tot the news mentioned that they going to "abolish" the golden week holiday and split up their public holidays. dun noe whether they started on this new plan.
ya! did u c the demo tape? dun look v ez to put newborn bb in.

Re flabby fats
besides the spare tyre, my belly button looks horrible.. last time look nice and tight... can't even c the inside.... but now my belly button look so brown and big... like a pothole in my belly. :eek:p

Aiya, my breats so hard so fast last night that when my hb kissed me last night, i told him can touch everywhere except for my breasts! =S They have been achy and sore since last night. Even when I was trying to sleep. Don't know what happened ah. =( If every day like this, I think really makes me put pumping milk forever man.


Finally managed to call thru and booked the first 6-in-1 for 27th (Wed). When are u going there next week? I am soo looking forward to seeing the PD as I really have no idea how's my baby's growth. The last time we saw a PD was when he was 1 week old. I realised that a lot of u have brought your babies to see PD a no. of times already. But I have not leh. Am I doing it correctly?


Superman is good. =) For me, I have to heat up the milk really fast to satisfy his royal highness! =S Sometimes, I have to feed him slightly cold milk as he just cried soo loudly.

I am also trying to stretch my baby's feeding interval especially at night. I also have "what to expect - the first year". But currently, I am reading "the contented little baby - sleeping" by Gina Ford. Her theory is we must feed our babies as much as possible from 7am to 11pm. So that our babies will not be hungry and kept on waking up. She also wrote that for certain feed, eg the 11pm one (if I r'ber correctly), we should increase the feed size (or give 1 more breast) so that baby can last longer at night. But the problem right, my baby will fall asleep after drinking 100ml. How to increase feed leh? Hmmm...

Mine is 28 days. But very weird, my CL only stayed for 27 days. i.e. she came on a Fri afternoon, but she left 27 days later, on a thur afternoon. She claimed that this is 28 days. But she is good with my baby, so I also don't calculate with her so much.

But for some, they extend their confinement period if I am not wrong. For me, 28 days is more than enough. I was more than happy to shower properly again. Like a mummy mentioned before, don't have to feel like a theif when we bath. ;P

Well, same for my belly button. I bought the milk body scrub from my massage lady. It is supposed to lighten up my arm pits. I used it for my belly button too. But so far, not result yet. =(

I told my hb that the dark long mark will be permanently on my tummy, as told by my gynae. He said sure or not. Those celebrities how come can still wear bikini after childbirth? Maybe they went for laser treatment or something.
confinement period:
my first CL came on the afternoon of 26th Jan, till 6th Feb morning (CNY eve), for 12 days (actually if you think about it, the 12th day is "give-away" type...

my second CL came on the 11th Feb, and will be doing 28 days... So effectively my Confinement period is 12+4+28 days... (faint)... already getting sick of confinement food... went to supermarket to buy apples and bread on my 27th day.., came back with Tim Tam cookies and chips already! Sigh...

my first CL said she could not do CNY, and our second CL could only come on the 5th day of CNY (and still charge CNY price)... so for 5 days, hubby and I had to "bao ga liao"... now the second CL said I must "bu" back, so double boiling tonic soups twice a day!

the nuk teats for 0-6 mths bb comes in 3 different size... thin liquids (water/bm), thick liquids (thickened fm) and milk (formula). dun think you need to upgrade when you are using the correct teat for feeding. i have switched to pigeon peristaltic teats and find it very good. i have thrown away lotsa nul latex teats as it turns white easily. luckily my gal loves the new pigeon peristaltic teats as its soft and resembles ours. the standard ones can fit the nuk bottles. i bought both the standard and wide-neck... thumbs up


there is no more golden week, 7 days holiday in PRC anymore. they have shortened it to 3 days only.
latching vs pumping:
i latch my boy in the daytime, and try not to pump during the daytime... only pump at 6pm and midnight...

sometimes i try to pump out in between feeds, about 180-280 per pump of 20mins (or sometimes just 10mins after 6hrs of non-pumping and non-latching), but seems hard to satisfy my boy for the next feed... so now trying to tahan the engorgement till the next feeds...

any idea if after latching one side, should we pump out totally for both breasts or leave some "spare" in one breast for the next latch???
will the supply decrease if we do not pump out the excess?
ya lorz... i dun understand how those celebrities keep their figures le.... :eek:p

my cl also stay for 27 days. quite weird way of counting but like ahcapp my cl nice so didnt wanna dispute.
Actually strictly speaking, confinement is 40 days.. that wat my cl say la... but after my bb full-mth I went back to taking showers and drinking plain water. my MIL wanted me to drink red dates water for 40 days! *faint*...

i have the dark long mark on from tummy too... starting from my belly button to my c-sect scar. wat did ur gynae say and the cause of this permanent unsightly scar???
I actually continued to eat confinement food and red dates water for 40 days except that I don't follow the no bathing/touching of cold water rules. I was thinking since I am BF-ing, need to drink lots of water and fish. So no harm continuing. Anyway red dates drink sweet, drink liao BM will also be sweet and tasty.

3 days of golden holiday. Any idea starting from which date?
My hubby will never touch me cos I have the milk smell all over and he is very scared of milk smell, will make him puke!
I like to join in your bp, as i m not a frequent user. P/s email me the amount to pay once we have hit the quota. I have order one diaper bag express & one Joey Stroller Tote
My email [email protected]

The Little Pocket Snack Pouch US$3.50

Diaper Bag Express US$8.00
1)miracle-1 denim/red interior
2)angelsky-1 blk/red interior
3)godsent-2 denim/red interior & 1 blk/red interior
4)ariesmum(jenie_1979) - 1 denim/red interior
5)dor11-1 denim/red interior
6)Deep_dreamer-1 black/red interior

Joey Stroller Tote US$5.00
1)angelsky -1 choco/aqua interior
2)ariesmum(jenie_1979) - 1 navy/turquoise interior
3)deep_dreamer-1 Red/pink interior

Tag-along US$3.50
1) dor11-1 turquoise/lime

Tiny Treasure Bag US$1.50
Hi all,

I am finally home after my confinrmnt period... hahaha... finally my Elias is a month old!
Will post his pics when I find the time...body aching... men.. worried due to epidural....
you all having same thing those who took epi..

i never reallu took care of bb.. had confinment lady and back home my mil sleeps with bb at nite and does all feeding and changing with my maid.. I just spent time bonding and playing... and breadtfeeing.. inetend to go back to the workforce in 6 months time due to BF.. haha
i'm using the MIM sling, got to support my girl's head on my arms so can't totally put her in there else her head looks like no support like that but at least the sling can support her body.

My girl can sleep quite soon in the sling makes me wonder if i should get a yao lan.

Any mummies using yao lan?

According to my gynae, the mark is due to hormones change (if I remember correctly) and it's like a 'trademark' or 'medal' to tell that we have been pregnant before. She said it's going to be permanent, but I don't think so. If so, I think Victoria Beckam and other celebrities will not want to give birth already. ;)

Any other mummies also have this mark down their tummy?
Hi Fern,

I also experience veri bad lower backache since 2 days ago. I can't even bend down to change diapers! Am also worried is it the epi tat i took....

Re: Sarong sling

I bought 1 from born bond sling also dunno how to use. When i place my baby in it my BB is like nott comfortable and i still need to use alot of strength to support him!

Re: Yao lan

Mummies using yao lan, when do u all use the yao lan? Whenever the bb wanna slp or wen he is cranky before slp? nowadays i need to carry my boy till he deep sleep then i lace him on bed when he is cranky. Afraid tat he is used to carryimg to asleep. Sometimes i put him on bed and 1-2 hrs later he is still wide awake. So just resort to carry and pat him. Think now he is used to it liao!
Please email me for the payment. [email protected]

The Little Pocket Snack Pouch US$3.50

Diaper Bag Express US$8.00
1)miracle-1 denim/red interior
2)angelsky-1 blk/red interior
3)godsent-2 denim/red interior & 1 blk/red interior
4)ariesmum(jenie_1979) - 1 denim/red interior
5)dor11-1 denim/red interior
6)Deep_dreamer-1 black/red interior

Joey Stroller Tote US$5.00
1)angelsky -1 choco/aqua interior
2)ariesmum(jenie_1979) - 1 navy/turquoise interior
3)deep_dreamer-1 Red/pink interior
4)jacelyn - 1 navy/turquoise interior

Tag-along US$3.50
1) dor11-1 turquoise/lime

Tiny Treasure Bag US$1.50

I have the mark as well.... Even my arm pits are darken!! Dun dare to wear sleeveless liao. But heard from my colleagus the mark will lighten as time goes. But not sure how long. I also kinda worried tat the mark will be there permanent as it looks so ugly!!!!
I think very tough to handle night feed, must get hb help, each one handle 1 shift.. me yesterday never take afternoon nap, end up the night feed, all can't tahan.. cant get up to pump.. this morning my breasts hurts so much.

I intend to pump and do total breastfeed at least 6 months. Hope I can tahan. :p I drink more water these days, it seemed to help to increase my supply but still take longer time to pump out.

my hb company keep changing their minds abt the posting. so sian.. I give up already.. just wait and see.. anything can happen and not happen.. sian
re: no more sexy wife
>> I make my husband tell me "u're so beautiful". hahahaha.

re: pole dancing
>> I can volunteer some poles that i use for laundry. They're aluminium & can vary length. Who's the teacher? I think i may laugh so hard i'll fall off the chair normally used as a prop.
Anyways, i dun think pole dancing will work coz gotto turn on pumping music.. nowadays we gotto keep the volume down.. can only do it when the kids are asleep. & make it a chop chop one in case they suddenly wake up.

ah capp
ya my boobies also OFF LIMITS to husband. Anyways he wun touch until i stop bfg, which is some months later. He dowan to dirty the source of bb's nutrition. haha
and the line is not a scar.. it'll fade, but very very very slowwwwwly. it's called Linea Nigra
Icy, sure no problem. I also heard friend told me electric is not as good as manual. Some said ameda is good.

Everytime I expressed my milk, what I hate is the maid walk in and out of the room and ask me this and that. I am so fed up told her. Next time I pump milk don't talk to me. Now I express milk with the door closed. Everytime I read all your posts saying got so much milk, how come mine never increase. Already 6 weeks, have been latching and pump 2/3hrly but don't see any increase.

Jacelyn, I am using it now. My baby also want to carry. If I carry him to sleep now then I will be using one hand to type.
Dunno if you guys have this prob. Yest I went to try nursing bra, and my milk was leaking!! Wah piang, so hard to try, half the time I was trying to clean the milk.

When I had engorgement, I sat in living room, Cl dill massage for me. My mom, mil, maid, all watch. As if I TV. There isn't many places to sit, and these pple buay zi dong. Then one day while I was pumping, my maid stop right in front of me and watch, I ask wat she doing, she say seeing. I told scolded her!
My mom lagi best. I pump, she came over and squeeze my breast, "help" squeeze some milk out for bb! So pissed!
Hi Miracle,
I m interested too! Email me at [email protected] for payment.

The Little Pocket Snack Pouch US$3.50

Diaper Bag Express US$8.00
1)miracle-1 denim/red interior
2)angelsky-1 blk/red interior
3)godsent-2 denim/red interior & 1 blk/red interior
4)ariesmum(jenie_1979) - 1 denim/red interior
5)dor11-1 denim/red interior
6)Deep_dreamer-1 black/red interior
7)elmo_78 - 1 denim/red interior

Joey Stroller Tote US$5.00
1)angelsky -1 choco/aqua interior
2)ariesmum(jenie_1979) - 1 navy/turquoise interior
3)deep_dreamer-1 Red/pink interior
4)jacelyn - 1 navy/turquoise interior

Tag-along US$3.50
1) dor11-1 turquoise/lime

Tiny Treasure Bag US$1.50

Many thanks!

Btw, mei, I m looking for u. Wanna get some tupperware from u? Can u pm or email me your contacts?
Just to check with all bf mummies who using single pump, normally how do you express? One side 15 mins first then change to the other side or what?
Hi wendyg,
me at buangkok...near u too!

Hi fern,
U r back! Hope everything is fine for u! Can't wait to see bb Elias's pic. Take care!
maybe u can try using electric pump. I am currently using Medela PIS Adv. I would say that it is very good as I only need to take abt 15-20min to pump abt 200ml every 4-5hr. Its helps in the way that I can have more sleeping time especially at nite!
Just to check any mummies taking care of baby all by yourself without any help?? How do u gals manage?
I think I am breaking down soon. Simply no time to rest. Its so tiring as I am the ONLY one taking care of my gal day n nite. All the feeding n diaper changing etc. Occasionally I did get some help from my husband but he is currently very busy with his work. And not forgeting the housework!! Just feel so tired...no afternoon nap, no time to eat lunch, n only a few hrs of sleep per day

i look forward to weekend, at least i hav some help fr my husband
hi mummies,
will not be taking any order for diaper express cos my fren told me two mummies' account were revoke because they conveniently organize bp in their thread which was not allowed.I din kn that.
pls pm me if you have any queries.
hey, not to forget no time to pee, no time to poo, no time to shower etc. I dun even bother with the TV. By the time i find a program i like, i gotto go..

luvv, verene, pixiepixel

mei & i



anyone else nearby? Can have NEL party liaoz.. haha
Hi Miracle,
I m interested too! PM me for payment.

The Little Pocket Snack Pouch US$3.50

Diaper Bag Express US$8.00
1)miracle-1 denim/red interior
2)angelsky-1 blk/red interior
3)godsent-2 denim/red interior & 1 blk/red interior
4)ariesmum(jenie_1979) - 1 denim/red interior
5)dor11-1 denim/red interior
6)Deep_dreamer-1 black/red interior
7)elmo_78 - 1 denim/red interior
8) ernmum - 1 black/red interior

Joey Stroller Tote US$5.00
1)angelsky -1 choco/aqua interior
2)ariesmum(jenie_1979) - 1 navy/turquoise interior
3)deep_dreamer-1 Red/pink interior
4)jacelyn - 1 navy/turquoise interior
5)ernmum - 1 navy/turquoise interior

Tag-along US$3.50
1) dor11-1 turquoise/lime

Tiny Treasure Bag US$1.50
pls refer to the above post,will not be taking any order,sorry had to cancel.

Diaper Bag Express US$8.00
1)miracle-1 denim/red interior
2)angelsky-1 blk/red interior
3)godsent-2 denim/red interior & 1 blk/red interior
4)ariesmum(jenie_1979) - 1 denim/red interior
5)dor11-1 denim/red interior
6)Deep_dreamer-1 black/red interior
7)elmo_78 - 1 denim/red interior
8) ernmum - 1 black/red interior

Joey Stroller Tote US$5.00
1)angelsky -1 choco/aqua interior
2)ariesmum(jenie_1979) - 1 navy/turquoise interior
3)deep_dreamer-1 Red/pink interior
4)jacelyn - 1 navy/turquoise interior
5)ernmum - 1 navy/turquoise interior

Tag-along US$3.50
1) dor11-1 turquoise/lime
<font color="119911">AhCapp,

my appoint with Kidslink on 25thFeb(Mon) for 6in1 vaccine. By then, Zander will be 7wks old.
So far, we visited the PD twice. 1st visit was when he was 1wk old &amp; 2nd visit suspect colic &amp; also thot baby r due to take the 2nd dose HepB jab (turn out nurse gave us wrong review date for next jab) but lucky clinic didn't charge us for consultation.

Re: linea nigra
Yes, i also have this mark down my tummy

After baby is born, the line should gradually fade all on its own. AhCapp, why yr gynae say is permanent?

<font color="0077aa">Maureen,

ME! I stay in Jurong West

When i was BFing &amp; pumping using single pump (medela mini electric), one side 10 to 15mins then switch over to another breast. Normally if i pump one side, the other breast tends to leak or having let-down so i use my VIA cup to act as a breast shield to collect the milk which is dripping
