(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Enfalac A+ to Enfapro A+

hello mummies, anyone giving Enfalac A+ to your baby? Have you switched to Enfapro A+ already? Any idea whether Enfapro is a follow-on frrom Enfalac? According to the teachers at infant care, if we are sure that it's a follow-up, can switch baby to Enfapro straight away. But if it's not, then have to mix Enfalac and Enfapro for the start, and then slowly switch 100% to Enfapro. Any idea, mummies? Or if you have Enfa contact?

hi mummies!

heard a few bb fell... i tink they r getting more active. my hse not baby friendly, i tink i gotta do someting before my bb starts crawling...
wen doing reno 2yrs ago, never thot of having bb juz wanna enjoy couple lifestyle..

bbdear: hav a safe trip to US.. bb stuff r cheap over there, enjoy ur shopping.
Kam, my bb is on enfalac nw. And Enfapro is the follow-up for it. But I'm thinking whether is it a muz to switch bb over to Enfapro as Enfalac can still be consumed till 12m.
hmm, dear all, i am not quite sure whether you can use zambuk for babies leh. cos they tend to rub face here and there and put in mouth.

My number one that time, if kanna bruise, doctor only recommend cold compress and let it subside on its own...i only use zambuk at 2yo.

Mayb check with your doctor first before you use....a lot of things not suitable for babies

I've got some pics on maths dot card. PM me ur email address.

I also think of DIY the cards. buy plenty of red sticker n big empty flash card.
Got a question.

There is restriction of bringing >1 litre liquid when boarding a plane. liquid shld be pack in small transparent bottle of 100ml, total qty <1 litre. but i will be binging EBM in a bottle amount 125ml, and also in frozen pack of 160ml, is there any problem? Any mummies can advice?
Hi Grumpus,

Thank you thank you... was very stressed with this for the pass whole week... phew... and hopefully i still can produce enough milk throughout the journey.
Dawn / eRnMum,

Thanks for the link/info.


How's your baby? Better at night?

I compared the nutrition for Enfalac and Enfapro a couple of months before. There are some differences, but can't remember now. After comparing, I decided to change to Enfapro A+. I consulted PD, he said up to personal choice.

Enfa price has increased a lot in Singapore, right? I always get it from JB, but that day I saw the price in Sheng Siong, thought has increased a lot leh, right? Enfa price still not increased yet in Malaysia. Bought EnfalacA+ at RM62.5 at Giant, but lowest I can find is RM59.5 in one of the Chinese medical shop, but because must pay in cash.
Kam, QQ, blessedbaby,

Wow! I'm the next mummy whr my gal fell off bed last nite!!! First time! She was drinking milk fm me den I fell aslp as well as her. nx moment i heard, ko-ko-kok... down she is on the flr (luckily my hb was slpg on the flr wif mattress &amp; my gal landed on him) She had bruise near her left eye! Alamak, so heartache too. Cry, cry, cry for a while. Latch her on, she stops and after dat starts smiling...
Hi Kam

My bb is still the same...still wakes up once for nite feed, so no diff to me.

I hv nt switched him to enfapro yet though, cos stock up a few tins of enfalac b4 the prices increased...hee. Bought a tin of enfapro though, maybe will try after he'd finished up all the enfalac 1st n decide frm there, but most probably will switch if he's ok wif enfapro la. Ya, i did a comparison on the two n there's a slight diff.

So u decided to switch to enfapro already ah?
Hi Mummies,

I have a stupid question on weaning off breast feeding. Thinking of weaning my boy fm TBF to formula but no idea how to do it. Any advise?

Yup, decided to switch slowly to Enfapro when he turns 6 months this Friday. My calculation pretty accurate, only have 1 tin of Enfalac left, so just the right time :)

My baby also woke up once for night feed. Yesterday was quite bad, after finished his milk at 1.30am, he refused to be put on bed (either his cot or our bed), but he wanted to sleep, only when I put him down, he made noice until I carried him. This repeated 4-5x, then i decided to carry him and not to put him down to bed.... he slept on my body for 3-4 hours.... wah this morning, my shoulder so stiff and sore..... hope won't repeat tonight, otherwise must get mc and rest at home already!
Hi mummies,

long time didnt post here.
Can check with mummies who put yr baby in infant care. do u bring yr own food for yr baby or do yr infant care provide??

Formula has to bring your own. Cereal provided by the centre. Later all lunch/fruit/biscuit provided by the centre also.

yup, i am back from HK last Friday. Weekends busy wif laundry (so many clothing aft the trip) &amp; taking care of bb. Today just return work &amp; bz clearing my inbox (emails), In-tray pile up liao:[ no time to eat snake!
Well well..my HK trip was enjoyable despite the typhoon. Will update in my blog when i find time ya.
hey, thanks for the info
Will chk out with Dr Heng/nurse on 11th Jul when Zander is due for his 3rd jab. Ever since he started rice cereal 2wks ago, his milk intake also drop...dunno why leh
milk strike? intake onli 30ml for 3 to 4 hrs. Coaxing him to drink more like forcing him drink poison...he struggle &amp; struggle &amp; eh eh eh.

my gal infant care has to bring my own cereal. then when start with solid have to provide my own. e.g banana, then i need to bring my own banana for a week. the teachers say they will test for allegries if we bring our own food. same goes for vegetables.
do u use the 4 days wait rule??
Hi Mummies who been to HK

I be travelling up this Thursday. Saw news re TB where british woman died while in Hk.. Plus the storms and rain. Is it really advisable to go up this Thursday.. Pretty worried lor.. Cos we cant take vaccine now as too last mintue. So me brining a whole box of mask.

Is the situation undercontrolled now? esp TB which is contagious and also storms? Saw the weather forecast that its drizzle and some rain and sunny.. So I guess its ok huh?

Zambuk is to apply after bb felt lor as well as for bruises. Thats what my friends, who has 3 kids advises me. So I just follow and keep one at home. ;))

You can buy at Guardian stores, only S$4.30.

I haven't introduced anything else rather than the rice cereal. At home, I only have the plain rice cereal. But at the infant care, they have all types of different flavours. According to the teacher, as long as the baby taking the cereal well, he should be taking in any type of flavouring and the flavouring won't make the baby prone to allergy or sort. The main purpose to give the baby dif flavour is so the baby doesn't get bored with rice cereal and thus refusing to take cereal. They also gave him brown rice once, seems okay also.

My baby will turn 6 months this Friday. So will be making fresh vege or fruit puree for him. Will only give him one type of food, and I am a bit kiasu, I will wait for at least 1 week to see if baby is taking the vege or fruit well before introducing the next.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi, mummies.

Been MIA for a long while. Really busy at work &amp; organizing BPs.

I got a tin of Mamil Gold Stage 2 400g (exp 28/9/2009). Would like to exchange for Similac Stage 2 400g tin.

Please PM me if interested.


I got a tin of Mamil Gold Stage 2 400g to
exchange for enfapro A+... pls pm me.

violetice, i have post out the voucher today. keep a lookout in your mailbox.
ok noted, will check my a/c later. thks.

saw your hk pix in ur blog.. so fun.. so envy, long time i dun have "er ren shi jie" wif hubby ; )

Re: Rejecting Milk
My boy has been seriously rejecting milk since started solid food. Really force him to drink until like having battle with him. Any idea how to improve his appetite??
Hi Lynn,

Good to hear that. I am actually thinking of giving avocado to my boy boy as first food also, since there is so much good things said about avocado.

Which blender did you use? Mind to share? I am yet to get a blender though I want to make puree this weekend :)
How many tablespoon of cereal yr baby take per feed and how many times per day? My baby will take cereal during noon time at infantcare. Then at the evening ard 7pm, I will feed her fruit/veg pureen. She keeps waking up every 3hrly for milk recently...dun know why le, like very hungry.
I thought after started solid food, my gal will reduce her milk intake. But no le, she still drink every 3hrly, 130ml per feed, 8x per day. Total is 1040ml per day of BM. Me faint ar... I think next step is introduce her Formula to see can prolong her milk intake or not.

I also plan to stop BF soon...I will start introduce my gal FM next week, start with replacing one feed with FM, then slowly increase to 2, then 3 feeds...

For the past 2-3 weeks, only fed my baby 1x cereal at noon time. Started this week, increased to 2x cereal, 1 noon time, 1 5-6pm.

Feeding cereal also didn't help my baby to sleep through the night. He still woke up once for feed.

But these 2 nights, he can't sleep well. Have a bit of high temp, around 38C, diarrahe, and can't sleep well at night. Have consulted doctor on Sunday, because high fever that day, 39.5C. After these few days, still a bit of high temp. Wondering why. Wanted to bring him to see doctor again. But just talked to mum just now, she said very likely is teething (based on her experience with 4 kids!). So I shall wait 1-2 days and see, if the slight fever is still there, and teeth not coming out, better consult doctor. Just to play safe.
kitsune: my bb born on 3rd Jan 08, coming 6mths tomoro.. since only 2 days away so i juz gav him avocado to try out. As for cereal, i started 2wks ago. PD said can start giving avocado 5mths onwards..
i'm not avocado lover and buzi wif work so always forget to buy till now.. ;p

kam: i juz used e back of his pigeon spoon to mashed it.. mi too. havnt buy any blender yet.

Thanks! My baby is just one day younger than yours :) Hope he likes the avocado. Like you, I am not an avocado lover either. If I can't get avocado, maybe I will start with sweet potato.
Hi Yen,

I feed my gal 4 teaspoon of cereal in infant care. She still having her usual 150 x 6 feeds of milk per day. but i realised that her milk intake drop (cant finish her first n last feed, although she managed to finish all her feed in infant care). Maybe u can try to increase her cereal intake to 1.5 tablespoon?

when should we start giving 2 solids a day? I intend to give her 1 solid meal a day until she is 8 mths old. is it right?

Baby Ian took his last 6 in 1 jab at his 6 months. He was 9kg, 70cm and head circumference 46cm.

He put on about 500 grams, increases 2 cm in length and 3 cm around his head circumference.

He's like 90-95% percentile. =(

Wah, congrates, you have a big and healthy baby! Are both or either of you and your hubby a tall persons?

My hubby is tall, 178cm, but me very short :-( My baby Hao Re was 67cm when he was 5.5 months. Hopefully he got the "tall" gene from daddy.
Baby Ian really growing well ; ) Soooo envy, I like chubby baby ; ) Similac Power is it? Have u start porridge since he is 6 mth already?

Maybe FM will make your baby more full. But can drink is a good thing, isn't it.


Would you like to try this trial class together?


The activities are:
Music and Movements (with single words on flash cards)
Photographic Memory Enhancement
Eye Training / Sensory Play
Gym (Physical Intelligence)
General Knowledge
Chinese Words Recognition
Mathematics (Dots Card)
Encyclopedic Knowledge
Hi mummies,

I got a free sample of Mamil Gold Stage 2 400g and i would like to exchange for Similac Stage 2 400g .

Please PM me if interested.

Yes, can drink is good but I hope she can sleep throughout the nite so that I can sleep also
. If not, I can't concentrate on my work, so sleepy.
<font color="aa00aa">Re: Baby Jumper Gym</font>


I have just called up &amp; check for more info.
The trial lesson is $37. 1 hr in each lesson &amp; they will cover those activities that i hv highlighted above. 1 class can accomodate 6-7 babies with 1 accompany parent each. The venue is at Bukit Batok..

<font color="0000ff">Calling Steph, Godsent, angelsky &amp; the WEST Side mummies or any other mummies who dun mind to travel there,</font> u all onz to go for the trial??

(*P/s : me not earning commission or getting free trial from them oki...heehee.. juz wanna bring my baby out to learn &amp; have fun together ;p )

Hm, hubby is about 1.78m and I'm about 1.67m. Both of us are pretty big-boned thus I guessed Baby Ian is one of those too. However, am worried as he's of such high percentile.


I like chubby babies too. My nephew has those lotus arms, so cute! But Baby Ian don't have leh. Yes, he's drinking Similac, I have stopped breastfeeding when he turned 6 months. Haven't started porridge as he doesn't know how to sit unsupported. Still giving Heniz rice cereal.

The class is whole day event?
how u stop breastfeeding? reduce pump frequent or take med? now i pump 3x per day, always leak and kena my bra. If reduce to 2x sure leak like crazy.
My boy reject milk again. Each feed only about 2 oz. Dun noe why my mil at home dun want to feedhim cereals. I have to try on weekends again.

wow, power baby, Ian grow so well. my boy turn 6 months on 2 july, weigh 6.9kg (50 percentile)only... height 65cm n head (43cm)...
will start cereal 2 days later when arrive in US.

I also at west side, am keen with the trial but got to miss it this time. do update if you'll attend the trial.
