(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

angelsky, shannonbaby
regarding reflux, my girl got it when she was about 5 weeks old. It was only until 10weeks then it subsided. She throws up alot of milk. And i mean alot. Like merlion like that. Not just spitting out some. It is like a big puddle lor. And my gal will everytime arch her back when she drink milk halfway, then will cry and cry. Very stressful time, but i'm glad its over. The solution was to give her smaller amt, but try to feed more frequently. Together with PD medicine, it gradually became better.

glad to hear that. yah, i agree that we shouldnt force them. with regards to milk consumption of about 600+, my PD didnt say its too much/little. I think it should be ok. He only say anything more than 500ml is fine. As long as they put on weight and is happy and active, i believe it means they are growing well.

still going for GUG? is it good? where ah? wah i scared i also like firework, start like very powerful but slowly diminishing keke. i'm trying to keep up cos realli ex. did she enjoy SM? why quit? other reasons than travel? can share? so you still doing flashcards at home? wanna sell me those u not using? me also just bought GD english, chinese n maths kits. very very broke liao.
You are really funny..Agree, even send kids for lessons, parents must be very hardworking. Need to reinforce at home. Otherwise, $$ will go down the drain.

BTW, had just PM you.

<u>young parents fiesta</u>
Was at Marina Square for the Young Parent Fiesta.
Most of the things don't excite me except Gerber food. 4 items selling $3 but 8 items selling $4
hello all
been busy last week. baby had his last 6 in 1 and had fever for 24hrs. and he has been waking up at 3am for milk thus I so zombie at work

i didn't relaised our babies have to go thru so many injections before they turn 2 yr old. anyone given baby pneumococcal injection?
Hi need some feedback here, i wanted to buy a Jumperoo/Exersaucer. And i searched through the internet. I love the Bright Starts Bounce in pink. But some reviews are not that great. Most ppl give high reviews on either the Rainforest Jumperoo or the Baby Einstein Motion....
Can any mommy who bought likewise toy let me know if ur babies are enjoying it?
Cos my girl is very active and thought she would really loved this cos can jump and jump.
Typo... I meant <font color="ff0000">1000</font> flashcards, not 100. Wah, you bought all the GD cards!! YOu prob spend more than me liao. How many kids you have? If your bb only 5 months and you buy so much, dunno will "punture" yourself soon or not. V overwhelming.

For SM, my hb and I sian liao lor, v repetitive. Then my girl bored liao, and dun wan to cooperate. I oso come to realise, not all the teachers are tat good. But of cos this is v subjective lor. Oso not cheap, dunno worth it or not. So tot stop first, wan to join next then say... Then they come up with a rule, wan to join next time need to go thru wat test $100 or so... my hb hear liao sian... Sorry, wont be selling the materials, cos hope my engine can start, so I can teach my kids lor.

GUG teaches phonics, art and craft, sing songs.. blah blah.. I am a SAHM, dun do housework, hardly cooks last time, so v free, decided to let my girl take up classes. THen realise, wah piang, so tiring and costly! My girl had separation anxiety, go class with me oso cry. But after the many classes she went, she is better liao. Aiya, you will soon come to realise there are many many enrichment classes out there, dunno which one to choose. BUt for me, I will see which one my girl enjoys lor. Acedemic not the priority, more for her to enjoy. Frankly, if I had lots of money, I will send her to the many classes she loves... but now I can only choose a few lor.

Your boy v strong leh, can be in tat push up position. Mine ah, will yell when on tummy!
I remember u mentioned abt ur exersaucer contact last mth. Can share with me?

or any mummies who have it? I remember quite a few mummies here request for it..

the contact that blessedbaby gave only carries older model ... checked with him already... hence i went ahead n ordered from USA myself... i bot a 3-in-1 pond ... which costs ard 400+ in sg after discount... but i paid less den 300 for it
(depending on the exchange rates and the rates quoted in amazon)

quite a worthwhile bargain i would say hehe
me 2 kids that's y i did the investment. very trying to flash 2 diff sets for the 2 kids. older one sometimes lose interest. realli hope u can start engine too as a gift for our kids. but i totally agree not all the teachers are good. she now has 2 teachers. the lesson was more interesting for the second one, phew. =) but coming new term hope it's same teacher sigh. me totally agree, sent them to class to see which one she enjoys not for academic at all. now turned sahm very tiring, learning to cook and look after house etc... got tips to share, do help =)
Bebeyan: i brought my bb for a swim yest, he cried wen i first put him into e water.. i tink e water was too cold for him, aft abt 5mins, he was enjoying it. i didnt use e handle at all, no use to mi. Aft i put on e neckfloat for him then i juz carry him together wif mi down e water.. i swim wif him, he feels more secure.

wat is GD cards? is it flashcard dat u gotta make urself?
hi mummies, yesterday i brought babies to swim at Huaxia again. noticed that the float is worn with the handles below, it is for the babies hold on while they float. ;) not for us adults to pull them...hee hee...
GD cards are Glenn Doman cards. can make by yourself if you read his books, all technical info is there. i no time to do so i bought the ready made cards. once exhausted gotta make myself too.

thanks for info. yah i realised too after my gal tried to play and wear the neckfloat haha. wanted to go swimming today but looks like going to rain here. sigh.
hi there

i also bought the mambo float. I put my gal in my bathtub to test first before bringing her down to the pool. But hor, i noticed she loves eating the float instead of the swimming, kicking water. Then after "gumming" it a while, the float become loose cos she kept pushing her chin downwards! So end up, she can actually touch the water!! How ah?
mylife, is the float too big? if she push her chin downwards quite dangerous rite? i also scared that they slip through the hole! ;)
Evening: whr can i get e cards?
popular bookstore? how does it look like? can tak a pic and show mi? how much did u pay for it?[email protected]

mylife: my bb keep lookin at mi, fr e time i put on e neckfloat for him till i carry him into e pool.. i was lookin aft my bb alone althot my sis was ard but she was buzi lookin aft her 2 gals so i keep talkin to my bb then sing song to him in e pool as to calm my bb and myself. hahahaa! Aft u put on e neckfloat u gotta lift up ur bb head a bit to see dat itz not too tight or loose.

Brought my girl for swim yest. First 5mins she gave me that shock face then after that she was ok. Tried the float but she didnt like it i guess cos she not used to it but she kepp holding on to the float. haha. So i just carry her and swim around with her. She's seems to enjoy it a lot! Shall bring her for swim more often. It's so fun..
Ok, noted. Will check my a/c. Thks.

Juz mail the nkfloat to u this morning. Msg me when u transfer &amp; when got the float oki ; )

Enjoy swimming with your babies!!
check out gdbaby.com.sg on their flashcards kit. can't buy from popular but popular retails many different kinds of flashcards of diff sizes. if bb still 5-6mths o. do note that too small flashcards not suitable for them. you may want to improve on visual stimulation (black &amp; white/red black white) before starting on flashcards. i'm new on this too just my 2 cents worth. =P fyi GD cards are word cards paid about 500 but encyclopedic has pix but very very ex so didn't buy. do read his books before embarking. you may diy.
Baby fell off bed!!!

My little darling fell off from our double bed yesterday morning. My hubby FORGOT he can now flip on both sides just few days ago (before that he can only flip on the right). He was preparing for the bath time upstairs, while I was doing housework downstairs, and left my baby on the bed alone, only to block him from falling using pillow on his right. That poor little fellow happily flip and flip and flip, then suddenly over-flip (make 2 turns at once), and fell off from the bed. Luckily he was all right, only cried for a few minutes, and didn’t get a bump on his head.

LESSON LEARNED – you will never know what you little darling capable of doing the next minute, so be prepared always. The mistake we made was to assume that he won’t flip that much, but he did!

Very heart pain……. But luckily he is all right, and remained active/alert and happy and playful. Tell myself, this should NEVER happen again!
my TT fell off bed yesterday oso .... my hubby bathing and I just step out to get some stuffs into the room some more I left her on the bed in the middle with pillow. she cried less than a min and fell asleep hahah
evening &amp; bbdear: thks on e info for flashcards..
dont kw which to get.. bbdear, u bought fr their spree?

evening: u spend $500+ for it?? dont hav time to check out e website, will do so tonitz.
kam ... mine is 1st time I so scare .... cos I try not to let her fall ... but i failed kinda sad .,...

mei am leaving on wed morning
is ur double bed very high?
now i so scare... cos my bed is actually very high plus my matteres height is 15cm!

when is the right time to lower the cot bed?

eng + chinese $1020 without the books
maths $380 with the book

website no price. i got before the motherhood fair so cheaper cos i tink their px gone up.

Do you all experienced irregular menstration after child birth? I am having irregular menstration after child birh. Keep delaying for a week then i have not menstrate for the month of jun! Sould i see doctor or its just part of recoving after child birth...
hi marmies,

im frm Aug thread marmie..

sorie to interput
juz wan to check any one keen on similac follow on stage 2 900g fm

im letting it go at $215 for 7 tins
or $32 for 1 tins.
exirpy on 2009 manf in ireland
bot in by Singapore Abbott

keen parties, please pm me.

My bed is about ~50cm height? Don't know exactly leh.

I read from the Nov 07 thread that one of the babies almost fell out of the cot, as the baby suddenly able to pull herself up holding on to the side of the cot.

So I have lower the cot since last week...... just to make sure.
Kam/ QQ

My bb also felt of the bed. -(( Very heart pain. A friend of mine, advised that I should have a zambuk at home as bb will fall off more and more when they grow.. I applied it on bb' face shoulder as she got bruises, and it works amazingly.

My bb felt off bed when I was in toilet prearing myself to work and my hubby was halfawake and half sleeping.
Same here, i told myself, it should not never happen again.

not buying now cos gg US this Friday. bringing some blank flash card there to DIY... maybe when back by october, will consider the chinese cards. my cousin is interested to get some cards from them but waitiing for someone to organize the spree...
really arh? the baby must have strong arms... i think this sat must really make my hubby adjust the cot lower... scared...

enjoy ur trip! i guess TT not gg right? then ur mum will look after her?
Hello mummies,

Hai, is only Tue!!! Seem that the thread has slowed down...

Steph - Are u back from HK??

Ah Capp &amp; Steph,
Juz for info, I brought my boy to Dr Heng's clinic for his last dose of injection on sat &amp; the nurse asked me what FM is my boy drinking &amp; then gave me a tin of 400g similac. Mayb u can check it out in your next visit ; )

thks for your baby photoshoot attachment!
Btw, may i know the growth rate of baby Ian from 5 - 6 mth? Jayden only put on 300g from 5th to 6th mth but PD said is ok. Find him rejecting milk very often &amp; can "tahan no milk" for 5-6hrs during the day. And his length is only 66cm...think only increase 3cm...Always fight &amp; nag at him when forcing him to drink, dun drink, won't grow fat &amp; tall..
