(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

hi nexyanne,

RE: combi / aprica strollers

I love their designs initially but after some comparison, i find that these brands are more exp and not too stable in my opinion. they are smaller and lighter but i find that they can be more flimsy. esp the slim wheels kind. had not really tried the aprica ones but i must say that theirs are so stylish and the colors are nicer.

btw i bought a campella.

Hi mummies,

didnt manage to log in for a long time. been so busy taking care of my baby gal since i am the only caregiver for her now. its so tiring especially since no one is helping me and she wants me to carry all the time. it doesnt help that my neighbour upstairs is doing renovation!!! drilling and knocking every 15 min!! I can put my baby to sleep and its driving me crazy already. brought my baby to my MIL place yesterday to escape the noise, but who knows my MIL neighbour downstair is also doing renovation!! I feel like going up to ask my neighbour when will they complete renovation.

At this rate, I cant pump in peace, cant do housework, cant eat, cant even go toilet as my gal keeps crying when they drill.

on happy note, my gal is now 3.95kg at 5 weeks old. gain 1.2kg since birth...
she went for her 1st 6-in-1 jab too. My PD charges me $470 for the 6-in-1 jab including monthly assessment and consultation. seems expensive but i dont care since my hubby's company is paying..hehe.

oh ya, anyone sending your baby to infant care?? mine going in april as no one can look after her.

I am using aprica stroller...love it alot. its like enough for me to travel alone with my baby and to take it in and out of the car..
I bought it from the distributer, so cheaper than outside rate.
nexyanne, my friends gave me them miracle turn, I bought the maclaren, but I find the maclaren now a bit heavy, so going to use the combi miracle turn when I am alone and the maclaren when with my hubbie. Not sure how, but I like the combi for being light and easy to fold and managed if I am alone. Likewise for these reasons, some may find it flimsy
Today brought my baby for Hep B injection and also do the jaundice check. Now is at 129. Doc wants me to go back 1 or 2 weeks time to ensure it drops to below 100. He is weighing 4.9 kg, head is 35cm and height 55 cm.

I have been using sarong sling and nurse him whenever he needs to drink milk. For the sling, have to try a few times to let them get used to it.
shannonbaby, u mind if i ask which model u bought and wat price u paid?

i too signed up for the package at raffles. quite expensive.

so yrs is the pink one... heehee... do u think its too small for baby??? 1 thing abt aprica is tat i find the seat a bit small (as in the width)..

i am seeing doc tan... juz had the 2nd hep b injection on mon...
talking about another one.. my mum already talking about me having #2 when i juz gave birth! haven't even full month and my mum is talking about giving my baby a sibling. siaooo..

is your bb on FM or BM? I'm afraid of overfeeding too. Sometimes cry and open mouth a bit, we feed her liaoz. Is there such a thing as overfeeding EBM? heh..

my gal doesn't like to be swaddled now too. will use her legs to kick kick kick until the swaddle flies everywhere. yet, she is very timid. a little bit of noise she will get startled and jump up. think i must get a sleeping bag for her too for night use..

ahahah.. i managed to fit into my pre-pregnancy denim skirt! have not tried the jeans yet. god knows where i have thrown it to to accomodate pregnancy clothes. but i still have lotsa flab at the tummy... think will take months to loose it.
windy, angelsky n mcfluffy

so envious that u all can manage to fit into ur pre-preggie clothes... i still got 12 kgs to lose , v sian leh.
then dare not to massage coz scare my wound not healed... wat shall i do?

my bb so cranky at nite, past few nites, dint manage to sleep at all... wan us to carry her whole nite till morn 7am...
i already add colic water into her formula milk before she sleeps, but it dont seem to help... she everytime gave me tht 'gek sai' face and she farts alot..like endless wind inside

yvonne: mebe my girl same as your bb, like to
'cry for attention'???

shanonbaby: i also intend to send my bb to infant care, but now do confinemt, havent start researching yet. i am looking into infantcare near my wrkplac at parkway or aljunied? u know of any gd recommendations?
Are you sure your bb after 45 not enough milk? Or fuss cos wan to suckle? Did she doze off in between or she suckle furiously for 45 min?

Well, block nipple pores... like there is no hole for the milk to come out, cos "exit" blocked. So need to squeeze the milk out hard from the nipple, then the flow can come thru eventually.
I also gave my boy Infacol wind drops since Sunday. Initially seems to be ok but on the 2nd and 3rd day, he started to wake up at night to cry and wants to be carried when he used to be able to go back to sleep after drinking his milk. So I stopped giving him the wind drops yesterday becos I suspect the wind in his stomach has already subsided but by continously giving him wind drops, it actually "created" alot of gas so he has to fart or burp more, thus making him uncomfortable. After I stopped the wind drops yesterday, he managed to sleep more peacefully last night. I think we should only give them the wind drops when necessary and not on a daily basis.
Mom2nat, how u know nipple blocked?

Any of u feel ur breasts forever soft soft when bb feeding 2-3hly n no let down feeling?

Maureen, what's the gain wt n length for ur bb? Looks like our bb born abt same time
hi all, me long time never log in liao.

my boy will be 8 weeks by next week and will be going for 6-in-1.

he weighs 5.5kg at 4wks 5 days...gained 2.4kg.. dun ask me why cos i also dunno

he looks like a 3 mths baby.

next monday when go for jab will weigh him again...got a feeling he will be abt 7kg....super overweight...haha
Wah!! Thread moved so fast..Looks like all of you had a breather just now..

Mcfluffy and Wendgy,
I'm in the same boat. Just ended confinement, MIL asked me to try for 3rd one cos they want 10 grandchildren. Now, only 9. With 2 boys now, they can drive me up the wall.
hi everyone

reading all your postings and laughing away...all sounds so familiar.

re: Bb bullying mommies
I read from the Jo Frost Baby Care book, it said dat babies are very smart. We have to have a sense of confidence when handling babies, cos they can tell when we're not confident, i guess this is the bullying part bah? Perhaps dats why some of your babies all kept quiet when passed to CL cos your CL very experienced in handling babies, so they shut up once they reach the CL's hands. For me, it's the total opp during my confinement time. Some of u may rem the 2 horrible CLs i had...when Rylee passed to her while me and mom wan to eat dinner she will cry cry cry...she will only keep quiet when i carry or best, my mom carry, she sure keep quiet. Even the CL also noticed and commented dunno why she doesnt like me. When my hubby around, he cheekily told me, maybe Rylee knows her mommy dont like the CL, so she also doesnt like lo...kekeke. But even now, i noticed she also got bully me one, my mom take over only, she will keep quiet. So i think we really need to build up our confidence level and be more "sud" in handling them.

Re: our body
pre preggie i oredi have super big hips..now aft preggie, altho i have lost a substantial amount of weight, i STILL cant fit in my pre preggie pants!!! I think my hips expanded even more during pregnancy! Boo hoo hoo! But becos i went thru csect, i'm so helpless now, cannot exercise, breastfeeding so cannot go on diet. So, have to endure!

your hubby very funny...#2 also havent go pass 3mths, talking about #3 oredi? kekeke

re: baby pooing
i tell u all ah, yday during the night time about 3-4am, i woke up to change diaper and feed Rylee. When i open her diaper, she peed, and then she poo one BIG one, shoot out until it reaches the floor!!! *faint*

How's ur bb aft taking the Colimix? I dunno if the explosive bowel movement is due to the Colimix!
Jus now went out to buy more long sleeve and thicker sleepsuits for my baby cos HK very cold.
Hi mummies,

Anyone brought their precious for vaccination already?
Can share where you bring them and how much is the cost? Heard that KKH have a package deal for the 3 vaccinations but not sure how much cheaper.
Hi all bf mums,
Can I check if any mums got vein appear on the chest to breast? Look like my breast is very stress, it look very awful, like alot of green line on the chest..
will it go away or anything to help?

Hi sticky,
for SGH they charge at 450 for the 6-in-1
Hi! I'm delivering in July 08, anyone wants to recommend your CL to me? Am a bit worried now cos i've not found one yet. Looking for someone who is pro-breastfeeding, hygenic and can cook well. You can pm me or e-mail me at [email protected] Thanks in advance!
hi mylife,

after taking the colimix, javier is much better..vomiting subsided almost...but still will puke abit thro the mouth but luckily not thro nose. no more fountain vomiting liao. his nose congestion much better.

when are u moving to hk? will be staying there for how long? hubby going hk for 3 days biz trip...too bad I cant join.

javier farts alot all the time with or without colimix...haha..so far, his bowel movements ok leh. in fact, not so hard nw. no explosive kind.
me moving to HK on 23rd feb. Will be staying there indefinitely as long as hubby works there lo. When is your hubby going to HK for his biz trip? Why cant join? Bring javier along la! kekeke
Babe, he is 4.9 kg and 55 cm tall.

Wendy, better don't tied first in case you really want 3rd child. I already did mine when delivered my baby. And my womb is getting thinner so can't have another kid anymore. Too dangerous. That why when gynae told me I have to deliver my baby at 37 weeks instead of 40 weeks but he is born on 36 weeks and 2 days.
there's a smell but not as bad as adult poo coz we eat junk. haha.

it's my #2 and i'm sure i'm confident to handle him. 1 month post c-sect, carry a fussy 5.3kg bb with 1 arm, the other arm open and close a Combi. My dad just stare at me.. he must think, "Since she can manage, dun need to help la".

re: Combi
oh they're v lasting! I bought a $200+ combi 3yr ago for #1, now using for #2. In addition, my cousin gave me her boy's umbrella stroller, also a Combi. It's 6 yrs old liao. It has been with us twice to HK.. both times we were ready for it to break down so that we can junk it there, but hor, check in without any extra wrapping still can emerge victorious. My vote goes to Combi for good value, clever design, easy handling & durability. But hor, it's a bit narrow lor. Who ask me, both my boys so big sized.. after a while outgrow liao.
oh yes..me definitely miss being preggie alot! Right after i gave birth, i oredi miss the feeling of preggie liao

kekeke...your dad must be thinking u damn good ah! super woman! Talking about open and closing the stroller, i had a hard time opening and closing my maclaren...si beh sia suay...at tampines mall and fiddling with the stroller, so heavy!
Hi, mummies. Been sleeping for 2 days cos of my hives problem. Went to A&E on Thurs at 12+am and the dr gave me a jab that knocked me out. The medicine he gave also not suitable for BF and make me drowsy. Tried to stop the med yesterday so that can pump for BB but my hives came back in full force last night so scared liao, will take med until I fully recover. So today, BB on TFM. But have to keep pumping if not SS will drop. :p

I don't miss being preggie leh. Sometimes, I still have dreams of me not preggie and haven't give birth yet. Wake up and hear my BB crying then realise I'm already a mummy. Wierd hor, maybe I'm still adjusting. :p
<font color="0077aa">QQ</font>

ya back to work liao, cos own business mah.. earlier go back earlier cut loses.. i'm going to call MCYS, i think can claim maternity pay from government wor.

<font color="0077aa">to all who envy i can get back into pre-preggers clothes</font>

dang!! u all read sala lah... i still wearing pregnant clothes.. is only my husband who ownself imaging that i can and should dig out pre-preg clothes to wear.
hi kitsune,

mind me asking wat's hive problems? take care ok.

Hi mylife,

hubby going to HK form 26 - 28 Feb. cant bring javier lor...he is still so small..I cant handle.
Thanks Verene, hives is like raised bumps and weals. Also known as Feng1 Mo4. Very itchy, normally pp get it if they are allergic to seafood, certain med, alchohol etc. But I didn't take any of this so dr concluded it may be due to dust mites. My house very dusty cos no time to spring clean since popped close to CNY. But today, CL helped me change bedsheet again and mop floor twice. Hope it'll help. Really need to get a part time cleaner after CL goes back liao. :p
Windy yes i think u can claim the baby bonus ....

eh i can fit into my pre preggie clothing liao wor .....
quality is good and i like it. I like the fact dat it's got a loop-like thing to jus hook around your neck and BF and still can see bb thru the loop. I've already bought a 2nd hand one from one of the mommies here, find it easy to use, dats why bought another one from Small Small World so i can have a spare one

yah...quite difficult to handle alone! But my hubby use only one hand leh. Open still quite ok...it's the closing part dat needs to squat and snap it shut.

aiyah...if only u can bring javier along and meet me there hor? Actually lots of PDs say the younger the infant, the easier to bring for travelling, jus dat we're not sure how to handle them cos when babies young, they jus eat and sleep hahaha

baby bonus claimed liao. but i tot self employed can claim maternity pay? claim 1 month or something like that.. not sure, must call them.


the small small world nursing cover good huh? u got which designs?
<font color="0077aa">angelsky</font>

u got the miracle turn combi also huh? u find the maneuvering a bit difficult ma? we got 1 too.. find it abit difficult to move about when the front wheels are turned wrongly. also, this pram got no nifty gadgets to hold shopping bags or baby bag wan.. the net thingy at the bottom so small.. agree?
<font color="0077aa">grumpus</font>

orh.. i'm quite swayed towards the medala pump.. ok can seriously consider.

<font color="0077aa">pooh25</font>

bjorn u use for #1 until how old?
combi are v light, if hang shpg bags, bb bag etc, pram may topple backwards if your bb too light.

u're right! the smaller the bb, the easier for travelling coz they zzzzzzz and easier to carry also. went HK twice with my elder son.. first time 17m, 2nd time 26m. He was easier to handle during first trip coz can't really express his opinions yet. 2nd trip he kept wanting to stay in the hotel room. when we went out he wanted to be carried or sit in pram o'wise will squat in the middle of the road &amp; refuse to walk! so imagine just going across the road for b'fast can turn into such a battle. and he totally lost his appetite &amp; didn't want to eat ANYTHING, even yummy dim sum! i had to scour the convenience shops for healthy snacks eg calcium fortified biscuits
husband &amp; i felt more tired than refreshed after the trip. waste $$ !

I will bring my newborn travelling in a flash, but for toddlers... i really gotto think twice, thrice, 100 times...

mylife, there r many nice n cute nursing cover inHK. Seen my frns get them..so fast u going to leave us..any gathering before that? Maclaren sturdy but need more hands than 1 to open n close. Used yo have that..

Maureen, what is his birth weight n length?
Pei fu u, how u handle 3...
