(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Good morning mummies,

talking about enrichment, i stopped my C1's swim class last year and tried to put her in a normal swim class but she cannot adapt to the new teaching style so i stopped completely, thinking to continue after my delivery cos too tiring for me now also.

She just started her dance class and was very excited since she look forward to it for the longest time. So far that's the only enrichment class. I would prefer her classes to be on weekdays only.

Thought of enrolling her in Berries this year or next year only as her mandarin is really terok...:p

luvv, berries teaching method quite interesting and able to capture kids attention to learn the character/words

my neighbour put all her 3 kids at Berries and told me the same thing, and her "kan dang" son had very good mandarin foundation when he entered primary sch thereafter. Good thing is, there's a berries branch just opposite my place, so it's very convenient for me too.
wah i cannot load this thread!!!!
btw, x1's cc chinese teacher also teaches in berries. she told me dont start on "BPMF" for now coz it will confuse the child. i dunno how true but she is from china and young. seems quite educated and not those anyhow anyhow kind

mine also 60 per mth for swimming leh. 300 is double me or mom2nat fees
babyling, oic, wa, her weekend mornings really quite packed. No wonder you cannot squeeze anymore time for swimming class. RA is at Elfa CC. I am trying not to send her for chinese enrichment as far as possible. We speak Mandarin to them very often.

Elfa is quite pro Chinese. This yr, she has also been selected to go to the Mandarin teacher Nursery class instead of English speaking Nursery class so I think she is already immersed in Chinese whether in school or at home. haha.

Luvv, RA went for ballet trial class at Crestar and she likes it but parent cannot accompany so she didn't want to continue. Maybe when she is older say 5 yrs old then I see if she wants to go for class alone.
Pixie, $300 is for 2 kids, RA and RL. Which swim school did you enrol X1 in? Is it happy fish also? Looks like I am really paying too much for her swimming lessons. Oh well, maybe after 1 mth, then I switch her if they have group classes at suitable timings. :p
kitsune, so coincidence, my gal also in elfa cc. cc at tampines central cc?? she is in english speaking nursery. i am aware that elfa cc is gd in chinese but feel that to let her to grow more interest in learning chinese easier for her rather than memoriising the character

my gal is in crestar school for her ballet lesson, initially she need me to go in with her. think after about 2 months of talking to her constantly that mummy cannt go in anymore, she has learnt that she need to go in by herself ;)
Hi mummies,

TT is attending her Berries, 2nd year this year .... she love the class and I have sit in last year for a few lesson ... teaching method really interesting hahah imagine I am being attracted
babyling, oh really? So qiao! All along, I didn't know that. What's your gal's name? When did she start with Elfa Tampines CC? RA has been there since Dec 10. Last yr, she is in teacher Irene's class. This yr, in Yang Laoshi's class. We are always speaking Mandarin to RA. If she doesn't learn, she won't understand what we are talking about. haha.

That's good, RA warms up very very slowly to new teacher and the PRC ballet teacher for the trial lesson was quite impatient to chase parents out even for the first lesson so I think it will be difficult to continue. :p

Looks like quite a few mummies send their kids to Berries. How much is school fees btw?
I didn't send her to ballet class, personal preference. She's attending class at NAFA now, parents cannot accompany too but she's very happy to go in by herself while i waited outside.
hi, Luvv, oops, ya, should be babyling. Hubby doesn't like ballet lessons, he is worried that she will end up walking funny. But I want her to be graceful not clumsy like me. Wanted her to try and see if she has interest or passion. But if she doesn't want to go, dun want to force her.

Thanks, QQ. That means $30 for almost 2 hrs lesson. Not bad, at least rates are reasonable.
Since RA gg cc all day, 5days a wk, dun load too much academic classes on wkends. U will have no bonding time.

We have kids to play n enjoy, not load with classes. My #1 has many classes, I naturally have more expectation of her too. Quite sad lor. But I thankful I m sahm, so I have a lot of time with her too. Imagine when they growvup n look back, they remember mommy send me this this tat tat... Dunno will they b grateful or they prefer lazing at home playing toys with us. So now I let them play more when young. Gg pri sch then say. Lol

I think berries do "bpmf" in k2. My girl attended when she was N2 but later refused. Only last yr started P1 then start again.
Everyday Elliot dun wan go sch now. Can faint ah. After coaxing he still guai guai go. Sad lor, cos usually he dun give me such prob. I so tempted pull him out.
Oh Berries class is 2 hours long? that's very long...can anyone confirm?

i don't like ballet lessons too but she kept asking for it, so i put her to general dancing class (split into ballet or chinese dance when they are 5 yrs old.Same foundation so she get to choose by then)
kitsune, my gal valerie has been there since july 2009. i put her in cc when she turn 18mths. she seems like big sister over there. hee she was in teacher irene class last yr
Thanks for the info. I'm considering weekday night classes cos her daily class is in the afternoon. The lessons are really long.
Babyling, you are Valerie's mummy!?! Valerie is RA's best friend in school! Paiseh, met u once or twice but didn't know u r babyling. Did u know me before that? RA idolises Valerie. Even the milk RA drinks also must be same brand as Valerie, Marigold. She even mimicks Valerie's speech: 'Mother give you $, go n buy your thing.' When she changed class this yr, i protested to Teacher Li ching cos she is one of the 5 kids who had to switch class n I was anxious cos she will be different class from Valerie until she reassured me that they will still see each other during assembly n dismissal. LOL. Where do u stay btw? I am at blk 704. Next time, can meet for playdates. ;)

Mom2nat, yup, agree, no weekend academic classes for RA at all. Only music n swimming. One arts n one sports, the way I like it. Did the P give u any updates on when they can slot Elliot in? Come n join me n Babyling lar.
When did Valerie join her ballet class? Aiyah, If i have known earlier, I would have brought RA to go for same ballet class with Valerie, then she would not have been so resistant to attend class alone. Lol. Later, I will PM u my hp no. Can keep in touch. Today, most likely I am not going to pick up the gal's though cos RA has been requesting for her Nai Nai to fetch her since Monday. :p
Luvv, oic, nafa too far for me, Bo Bian. RA wants to learn ballet so that she can wear the tutu. But she is too clingy, cry n cry when I had to leave the room.
kitsune, V told me that her best friend is Raeanne but i dunno that Raeanne is RA :p paiseh...
really? same milk brand...as for the speech, ''Mother give you $, go n buy your thing' haha V has shorten the whole msg, making into another meaning :p
i am staying in blk 876

she joined ballet class since apr 2010
teacher saying they are going for exam this november...so stressed
Babyling, haha, for the last week of dec when they switch classes, RA nagged to me everyday why she is not in same class as V. Last yr, both V n Ow xuan Kai even quarreled outside tge toilet over who should hold RA's hand. The kids at this age so cute. RA doesn't have many friends. Glad to know V regards her as her best friend too. Wa, so fast, got ballet exam? Is V born in dec 09 or Jan 10?
kitsune, haha really? V dun like to play xuankai, dunno why. V even complain that audrey used train track to hit her neck. kids ah hee. ya gng for pre-primary level exam.
V born in Jan 08
Babyling, haha, yes, RA even complained that he flashed himself at her. :p Strange, the crestar counter staff told me RA should start on bebe ballet at 4 yrs old cos now, must be 7 yrs old before can take grade 1 ballet exam. By then, it will be just nice. How come V taking exams so soon? ;p

Mom2nat, eh, I thought I told u twice that she is at Tampines central cc branch. I am staying at Tampines mah. Your friend's 2 sons were from Elfa Simei or Tampines?
Opps! I must have overlooked. I know you stay in tampines though. My fren's kids went Elfa Simei, she stays opposite Poi Ching.

Hmmm... then the teacher must have mistaken I went over?? I called Tampines Elfa, oso full, so I din go down. This CC thing is such a headache.
kitsune, babyling
wah found long lost friends here! LOL

x1 swimming lesson is 1hr weekly 930-1030
this weekend im bringing x2 along, dip in baby pool, while hb observes the swimminglesson lor

its maxswim
they are like network, have teachers in every public pool de le

about berries
i spoke to x1 chinese teacher who formerly taught in berries, she say can consider enroll x1, for night classes, but i dun bear to, coz x1 sleep early and i dont want to intro classes so early. but his english sux totally. he said mei you (dont have) as in "mei1 you1"....winner...but teacher said his chinese is better than some other kids who dont even comprehend spoken chinese....
waiting list is very long i heard so if i put my name now it would be for next yr k1...

also put x2 into waiting list for the same cc, planned to put her there in 2013 jan/feb, just before my maid goes for home leave. when shes's back, she will be at home then at 5pm fetch the kids, settle their bath and dinner etc...
totally different new schedule next yr for all of us

btw, i waiting list#6 ok! but because sibling got priority, i jumped to #1 in queue :p
babyling, never mind, since she is a bit young for the exam, maybe just go for the experience. If she really cannot make, still can try again next yr and it won't affect her progress. But I think V can do it, I saw her at the school concert, at least she dares to speak up on stage, my RA is too timid. :p

mom2nat, I asked Teacher Liching twice for you in total. Once last yr in around Sept, that time, Tampines Central had no vacancy, but Simei had one. But before you confirmed, it was given to a sibling. I asked for you again last week, but Teacher Liching remembered that this is the second time I am asking. I did ask her if my friend P came to ask for her son but she said too many parents enquiring, she can't remember names. :p

Pixie, ya lor, long lost friends indeed. keke. 930-1030am, did Xandall find the water cold? Mine is at 10am but RL already refused to touch the cold water, had to let her slowly warm up by the side of the pool first. :p
angelwind, ya kitsune and myself like long lost friend :p we are too excited as we tok to each other once or twice outside cc but din no each other nick in the forum :p

kitsune, u can try to ask crestar whether can RA join the same class as V..as rgd to the exam, it is optional..but teacher encourage to go for it to gain experience.
V is quite outspoken...she practice almost everyday...but i am quite surprise she actually can remember every word of the speech made by the students from Teacher Wang class..
kitsune,u called poi ching regarding the parent support? i yet to have time to check with the school, regarding is there going to have any relocation of the school for any upgrading to go into single session....as i read from MOE website, all primary school will be going for single session by the year of 2016 ;p
Babyling, ya lor, we so cartoon. ;) RA remembers the speech by heart too, she will show off to me at home but even in front of her teacher n classmates, quiet like a mouse. -_- yes, V is not shy, so good, this morning when I dropped RA off, she even smiled at me. When is V's birthday btw? RA's on 22 Jan, going to celebrate for her next fri pm cos too close to cny. Yes, I must go ask Crestar again but timing will be difficult if clash with music class. :p

oh yes, I just called Poi Ching a few days ago, asking when to reg for pv. Last few yrs, no need to ballot within 1 km but she said cannot guarantee for 2015 intake. Anyway, she said too early to reg for pv, can only register after our gals are finishing nursery so should be nov, dec 12. I dun think they will move again since the moved from toa payoh to here but they should go single session. Imagine until now, their p1 n p2 in pm session. I hope they can start school a bit later though. Waking up at 630am is really tiring for kids n parents. :p
aiyoh, I didn't post for so long until I don't receive e-mail notification liao :-( Wonder why no post these few days..... Actually wrote quite a long post early of the week, but somehow gone missing, then didn't bother to retype again :)

A quick question - for those who have iPAD, do you sign up any line with the Telco, or you just use home broadband? If only using wifi, no need to get sim for the 3G right? Where's the best place to get a iPAD?

kitsune,V bday is on 2 jan. RA music lesson is
on sat right. V ballet class is on sun 1145 to 1230pm.
heard from my friends, currently for P1 is sharing classrooms
with P3. think not enuff classrooms. if the sch really nd to upgrade, hopefully dun relocate. otherwise very difficult for us
If u wan later, u go for Elias park primary. They start Sch 8am. Frankly I prefer early so can come home early. If cca, v late Liao.

I got mine from Singtel. Not called line, but data plan I think. Mine 3G & I oso use my home broadband.
Pixie, good that X2 is #1 in queue for CC. Just imagine my SIL asked for CC placement near my house for her baby who is coming out next month for Yr 2013 tooz Guess what?? She is #38!!!! Scary right??? Maybe yr of dragon lah so everyone KS.

Not going to Disney on Ice this time as has been twice in a roll for 2 years, the performance is abt the same.. Rather save $$$ to go Disneyland.

My ipad is wifi only but we hardly need to use when outside as we normally play apps which don't need wifi. Even need, we can tether via our phone so no need to waste $$$ to get data plan..
Start late, end late..It's more tiring for the kids when they have CCA and supplementary classes at the later stage.

For P5, if take higher mother tongue, it is held after school. Then they have supplementary classes at least twice a week for 1.5 hours. If school starts at 8.00 am, dismissal at 1.30 pm..30 minutes break before their supplementary class starts at 2pm till 4.00pm. Then some will have another 30 minutes break before they go for CCA for another 2 hours (from 4.30 to 6.30)..By the time they are home, it is 7.00pm.
Poiching I think offers higher Chinese for all levels. I think SAP Sch? My girl is back quite late, 2.40pm & 3.20pm, dep long or short days. Think gotta move nearer. Are u gg shopping tmrw? I m bringing bb for vaccine at paragon tmrw.

I'm planning to put my girls at your Nat's school but i'm staying in Tampines, think she got to wake up really early, i'm quite worried if she's going to get overly tired but think i don't really have much of a choice here.
you can sign up for multi-sim with your current line, just pay $5/month to share the data plan with your HP line.
Kam, welcome back. Are you all settled in your new place? I don't have 3G for my ipad too. But started to think I should sign up for one. Iphone too small to see prop pics. :p

mom2nat, thanks, but I prefer schools within walking distance. If not even if school starts late, they also need to leave the house early. Unless I move to Pasir Ris, hahaha. :p

blackbatz, yes, Mom2nat is right, Poi Ching is a SAP primary school. Pri 1, start taking higher chinese liao. Ya, never thought about CCA. Pri school kids must take CCA? How many? When I was young, it was optional not compulsory. :p
you stayed within 1km of Poi Ching still need to ballot ah? My place here within 1km no good schools, tampines really limited choice la!
Luvv, the teacher said for the last few years, within 1 km, no need to ballot. Only those within 1-2km, need to ballot. But 2008 is bumper yr for babies, I remember reading in the newspapers so I don't know if need to ballot for RA's intake. I also feel lazy to sign up for PV, don't know if I should just take my chances. :p

Where are you staying? Near Gongshang or St Hilda? I heard Chong Zheng also not bad.

Not near Gongshang nor St Hilda's. I'm at St 34. Those staying within 1km of St Hilda already had to ballot for this year's enrolment.
