(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

dun eat ..... too much carbo ba .... last few mths i cut down ... it works for me but now gain back liao LOL cos of mcdonalds LOL

But I dun believe fat cannot conceive ..... is just a bit hard only especially if we are gg to have 2nd or 3rd cos after 1st one will be very fertile le

TASKS for the birthday cum xmas bash:
1) name tag: mummy's name/nickname/tod's name-1 per mummy => take care by (janbb, i can help to print. But last call will be next wed cos on lve liao, can't print the label in office ^.^)
2) cake => take care by pixiepixel
3) goodie bag => take care by (??)
4) party wear (eg hats, whistles) => take care by (??)

Confirmed list:
1) Janbb - 2A + 2K (Jayden)
2) kam - 2A + 2K (Hao Re)
3) tongtong - 2A + 1K (Shaun) Real Name: Angie
4) chaye - 2A + 2K (Tate)
5) Yvonne(ylim) - 2A + 1K (Brien)
6) cherylkjh - 2A + 1K (Vernon)
7) Dorothy - 2A + 2K (Gervaise)
8) Lynn - 2A + 1K (Rayden)
9) Krystle - 2A + 1K (Issyen)
10) Mandy - 2A + 1K (Jayden)
11) steph - 2A + 2K (Zander)
12) blessed serene - 2A +1K
13) Jacelyn - 2A + 2K (Javin)
14) elmo_78 - 2A + 1K (Amanda)
15) pixiepixel - 2A + 1K (Xandall)
16) grumpus - 2A + 1K (Lexie)
17) QQ - 2A + 1K (Alyssa)
18) Godsent - 2A + 1C (Evangeline)

Yet to confirm:
1) Icy
2) Shannonbaby

Cannot confirm now:
1) superbee
2) mcfluffy

hehe not to pour cold water.. u tink 20 yrs only? i tink more than tat.. cos when they marry, have kids, they want us to help look aft their kids
Hai so guilty now.

Just now, I was very frustrated, trying to do my work. Need to rush something out for Sat's event. I spent 1+hr doing it but just couldn't get the damn thing right.

To add flames to the fuels, Celeste came back and ran to my work room to disturb me. keep asking me to let her see "Korkor"'s photo and asking me to carry her. My stupid hubby happily sat at the side, using his laptop, not helping me take care of Celeste. Dunno what the F he is doing on the laptop.

I tried my best not to lose my temper with Celeste messing with my papers and tugging my shirt and what not. But the last straw came when she stepped on my feet SO HARD that I screamed in pain very loudly. She got a shock and cried. Then I flew up and glared at her. She cried even more, needless to say. After that, I shouted at my hubby for not taking care of her while I did my work.

HAIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Very guilty now. Coz I scream at Celeste and make her cry again.
:~( The last time I promised myself not to shout at her.... but I did it again.


Why must women work? Stay at home and cook can liao. I go and work for what? SIGH.
Can never get any work done at home.
It is ok. We lose our tempers at times. Cannot blame you nor Celeste. You had a job to do and she is only a 22mth toddler and does not understand why mummy cannot let her see the pics. Next time, maybe try to voice up to hubby and ask he to take care of Celeste for a while. Cannot expect the guys to be "automatic" in taking care of children. My hubby also the same too. Sometimes I will try to entertain Issyen until I cannot tahan and voice up to him.

Don't be upset. Shower Celeste with many kisses and she will be ok.
Waaaa...got birthday bash then our thread really "COMES ALIVE"...hahaha. So many posts to catch up in one day.

Thanks Kam/JanBB for making this happen! Thanks Pixie and Grumpus for helping with the cake and booking
I can volunteer my hubby to be the photograhper! He can help to take family photo during cake-cutting...heehee
Hi JanBB,
Thanks for informing about this bash..But I'm a bit lost in the threads. Can I just find out so how much do I have to pay for it in total? There is a package cost + cake cost + present cost in total is it?
And with the package, there is food provided is it? adults can just eat too?

Re: Birthday bash

I can't confirm if I can come along. Javier has lesson till 10am on sundays and after that he feels sleepy at times. Also got wedding dinner that night so hubby may not be keen cos Javier may missed his nap time.

Re: compact brush
u mean travel size brush or what. I have a set from Inouvi. quite good. think body shop ones are ok too.
just saw u asking for the contact of the dental clinic.
435 Orchard Road
#11-01/02/03 Wisma Atria Singapore 238877
Tel: (65) 6733 3133

Operating Hours (Wisma Atria location)
Mondays to Fridays 9am - 6pm

Saturdays 9am - 2pm

As for ur girl disturbing u while u are working. No choice..U need to get used to it. It gets harder and harder to do work at home as ur child gets older. They will do anything to demand ur attention. It happens to me all the time.
I hardly can do any serious work at home excpt only after they have gone to bed..That means marking at weird hours etc. Sometimes go to void deck..

As for my dentist, do give them a call to enquire about the charges. I paid about $120 fo my polishing and cleaning (incl first time consultation). Some people found it expensive but I was happy with the thorough job. I think she felt that my previous dentist did a horrible job cos she asked if I visited dentist regularly.

Re: Desitin Creamy
Checking on my friend's behalf. Any idea what's the expiry date of the Desiting creamy which ur sister is selling? If can't recall, it's ok, will email her directly.
Keen on setting up a Home-based business opportunity (not MLM)

Ruben & Shire is a premier lifestyle healthy dried fruits & nuts provider. The company is looking for resellers to expand its network. Very low start up cost but profitable margins.

Very suitable for mommies looking to supplement their income.

Please note that this is NOT an MLM biz.

Please PM me if keen

morning mummies!!
very sianzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ah....my boss emailed me yest nite saying my "come early to work from, leave early from work" scheme is revoked, everyday back to 9-6 leh...
like that simply no time to see my boy liao...

later must "war" liao. make my point clear
guys not auto one lah. i eating, my boy come n disturb me, then my hb sat there watching tv, and i very fedup oso. wat to do?

aiyah ^5 lor. my hb not complain king. he just dont like doing stuff for ppl kind leh. very suspicious of ppl and doesnt believe that "all human are kind hence we should be kind too"...selfish? his whole family like that one leh. i listen to them tok...i wan to vomit. culture shock

tell u when my sis steps into work
Thanks Blackbatz. $120 sounds expensive! I think the last time I went dentist (maybe half a yr ago :p) was just about $60 or $40!! Super cheap! Haha.. Thanks for the details. I will call to check.

Hai... it's true that I can hardly get anywork done at home so I usually finish up my work in school first. But I needed to use my home pc yest coz my sch laptop doesn't have the stupid program. So die die must do it at home and at that time. Imagine yesterday got 3 other pple at home and no one bothered to help me take care!!! Grrr...

Anyway, just feel guilty for screaming my Celeste la.... I always lose my temper on her.

Yest after crying, my mum comforted her and she went straight to sleep. I didn't even get to say goodnight to her. bleah.

Today is MEETING DAY. Whole day of meeting and slacking. So boring.
usually if i'm doing other non-important things, my girl come and disturb me I will just entertain her la. Hubby sit there, I just let him watch lor. Unless I cannot cope.

But yest i was WORKING leh!!! RUSHING my work and already freaking frustrated with the stupid printer :p and had a headache. So very irritated with my hubby for sitting there, not helping. hmpf.
hi grumpus,

Sure sure we share the task. U really done so much with the booking. But I really hv no idea what to get for the goodies bag. Like u say, $5 per pack okay? If okay, then I start sourcing for nice stuff for the kiddos.
Hi mcfluffy,

Don't b upset la....I also had the same problem with my girl. She simply likes to disturb me when I m working at home.

But no choice, they are so young....we just need to be patient with them. I always tell her that I am working and pls do not disturb mummy...I think after a while, she understands and went to her daddy instead. I guess we just need to tell them properly...I m sure they can understand.

Btw, I also feel guilty when I made her cry....sometimes when I smack her too hard, I also heartpain. Really in a dilemma sometimes lor....
Good morning mummies,

(Hi Hammies, take a look here!! So are you onz??)

<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">*Birthday Bash cum X'mas party*
Date: 13 Dec (Sunday)
Time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
Venue: Go Go Bambini, http://www.gogobambini.com/ (Dempsey Rd) </font>

Confirmed list:
1) Janbb - 2A + 2K (Jayden)
2) kam - 2A + 2K (Hao Re)
3) tongtong - 2A + 1K (Shaun)
4) chaye - 2A + 2K (Tate)
5) Yvonne(ylim) - 2A + 1K (Brien)
6) cherylkjh - 2A + 1K (Vernon)
7) Dorothy - 2A + 2K (Gervaise)
8) Lynn - 2A + 1K (Rayden)
9) Krystle - 2A + 1K (Issyen)
10) Mandy - 2A + 1K (Jayden)
11) steph - 2A + 2K (Zander)
12) blessed serene - 2A +1K (Benjamin)
13) Jacelyn - 2A + 2K (Javin)
14) elmo_78 - 2A + 1K (Amanda)
15) pixiepixel - 2A + 1K (Xandall)
16) grumpus - 2A + 1K (Lexie)
17) QQ - 2A + 1K (Alyssa)
18) Godsent - 2A + 1C (Evangeline)

Yet to confirm:
1) Icy
2) Shannonbaby

Cannot confirm now:
1) superbee
2) mcfluffy

<font color="ff0000">Payment:
Premium Package at $475 for 15 kids. Additional Kid is $25. Baby below 1 year old is free. Adults are also free.

*We got 18 toddler as at now which mean $475 + ($25 x 3kids) = $550 (Total).
1 pax pay abt $30.56. In additional muz also pay the cake &amp; goodies bag after they have finalised the cost.</font> Is there any accountant out there to take care of this huh??</font>

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">TASKS for the birthday cum xmas bash: </font>
1) name tag (2 sets): mummy's name/nickname &amp; tod's name => take care by janbb (I manage to get all real name &amp; nick from Mei's contact list.)

2) cake => take care by pixiepixel

3) goodie bag &amp; party wear (i.e hats or whistles or stickers or sweets??) => take care by elmo_78 (Think we mix the 2 item in a goodies bag? abt $5 per bag)

4) Payment (50% deposit) => take care by grumpus
<font size="+1">(Can we have your A/C &amp; we do transfer by this fri??)</font>

5) Photographer => take care by ylim's hubby

6) Accountant (To sum all the cost everything up) => take care by ??</font>

<font color="ff6000">Program includes:
Do you all still want to do this??
1) Gift Exchange (buy a unisex present (budget $15) and we let the kids pick out the gifts or do lucky draw) </font>

Excited sia, think we are almost there ^.^
no prob, we share share lah....ideas ah, errr...
- noise making party thingies?
- bottle of bubbles?
- those other kind of bubble things we use to play when young, squeeze out from a tube and use straw to blow (err dunno u know wat i'm toking abt)
- a small snack? (e.g raisins or biscuits)
- simple game?
- colour paper and simple instructions to make some origami?

err i think of some more will let u know....i'm sure the other mummies also will have some good suggestions
since i hv to collect $$ from all the mummies, i can also do the accounting lor....easier that way...one person handle all the $$

my a/c no.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">DBS Savings Plus 065-5-010231
UOB 104-372-379-6</font></font>
desitin: mar 2011 or even later, my sis waiting for carton to arrive. take it at least mar 2011 bah

i understand what you mean, so many ppl ard but no one help to take care rite. but think it in another way: celeste chose you over the rest of the 3 ppl at home to be with, so you must treasure her willingness to be with you.
ok lah nevermind la, we all lose our temper all the time. tonite go home and HUG HUG her big big to make it all up. like kitsune said, she doesnt know what happens frm birth -3yo. so will our kids
grumpus &amp; elmo,
dun worri abt the games. Our party package include an entertainer to host the whole prog include cake cutting ; ) For the goodies bag, u may wish to include party wear &amp; exclude stickers and candies cos' they will provide in the party. ; )

Package Includes:

GGB birthday party host to supervise and assist
Exclusive use of birthday party room for 2 hours
Birthday party food and drinks as per above
Active playtime in the playscape
Birthday Party balloons and simple body tattoos (non-toxic body paint)
Fun age-appropriate games lead by our hosts
Candies and stickers
Cake-cutting ceremony
Complimentary invitations for your guests
Complete set-up and clean-up

Yeah, thanks grumpus ;) After we transfer, we let you know so that you will know who has paid oki... Xie Xie Ni ^.^

<font size="+1">Let's transfer $15 to grumpus by this fri oki.</font>
Thought Chaye's #1 is >1 year old, so has to pay also? And how about Dorothy's, not sure if her Feb09 baby is #1 or #2.

I like your idea of getting a bottle of bubbles for the kiddo, sure they will LOVE it!!!

Hurray! Having your hubby to take photos for us will be as good as having a pro photographer wor. So nice of you (and your hubby). We will bring our camera along, but not sure if we have time (and hands) to take photos or not with 2 kids to handle :)

So nice to see all the mummies are chipping in to help out. Yes, we make it happen, finally!
hihi.. morning ladies *yawn* today is "work from home" day.. everybody will hv to work from home ! yeah but still have to wake up early leh

Oh wat does this $15 include ? Just the deposit ? I very luan leh.. how much in total I have to pay huh ? cos I have 2A 2C. Ya Kam is rite my #1 is 6yrs old le. No need to pay ah ? wah good good
Yup, u are sharp!! i guess mummy who has #1 > 1 year old got to pay accordingly. Chaye &amp; Dorothy?? Pls let us know oki...We will need to re-calculate the whole cost.

Wow, your #1 is 6years old already ah... hmm, got to call &amp; check whether to pay or not.. cos' the party are for young toddler. A bit unfair if u pay 2 pax...

<font size="+1">The party package will be max $30.56 per pax (Get lesser if more mummies join in). We pay $15 first to Grumpus which is the 50% deposit. The remaining like cake &amp; goodies bag &amp; last 50% balance will settle later.</font>
how early is your early?? 8am??
I cum to work everyday before 8am &amp; lve at 7pm+ though officially can lve at 5.30pm... siong men..

This morning, my boy point to me and say "BAR" which mean barney... Faint becos' i' m wearing a purple dress, LOL ^.^ I told him mummy is not barney. This is purple dress not barney. He always like to relate things in "purple" as "bar".
not that i dont want to chit chat with u all lah, i just very sianz. i run here and there everyday like mad woman, until i have so many side effects, then now, i get to see my boy less than an hr a day...
wheres my work life balance?
i very tulanz, i sms my hb say i can only think of 2 solutions - cc or quit my job. he very panic and called me wahahahhaha
dont want to laff liao, i very bad de mood...seriously, work and my boy is really total end of SG. if work doesnt allow me to be with my boy, why work?
logical rite haha
pixie, understand ur situation. so have you made up your mind which solutions?

kam, ya dorothy's #1 is > 6 yo . her #2 is same age as our #1
so serous ah ? work la.. dun be sahm... send to cc... work still can wear nice clothes and nice shoes
8am-5pm (flexi) VS 9am-6pm (official). if my hb *agrees* to drop me off work, i reach office at 7am

6pm-7.15pm: travel back to JE
7.15pm-8pm: eat dinner, play with my boy
8pm-9pm: travel back to sengkang
means i see my boy less than an hr a day leh.

like yest hor, my hb no go back to JE, i reached JE 6.30pm, left JE 7.30pm, and reached SK at 9pm coz i take mrt myself
if i leave work at 6pm, reach JE 7pm+, leaves at 8pm, surely reach SK via mrt at ard 9pm+

what the fu*k this life is? sibeh sianz
J so cute &amp; this show he pay attention to details like barney's color when watching barney

This morning, Z made a big fuss...WHINE &amp; CRY until want to vomit le. He wanted his toothbrush &amp; we gave it to him....dunno how he play/brush, we didn't watched over him cos both me &amp; hubby busy dress up for work. Suddenly he cried so loud we thot die liow...brush poke his throat?? aiyo..rushed over to him but nothing le, his mouth no bleeding &amp; he is still holding onto his toothbrush. He refused to let us touch/carry him at all. He cry &amp; cry &amp; cry...hb wanna keep his toothbrush but he refused &amp; throw the toothbrush on the floor so fiercely. We guess he must have used the toothbrush to brush his teeth too harshly until his gum or inner mouth hurts otherwise we really dunno what's wrong with him. We tried to soothe him down &amp; that took us 15mins or so to be able to wear his shoes successfully...he still whine in the lift!gosh...what a struggle
Think the solution for you is shift hse or u take over your hubby's car.

Your journey is simply longer than the time spent with your boy. U are really a good mummy, despite your hubby dun wan to go back to JE, u still go all the way by public transport.
tongtong, steph, chaye
say in fit of anger lah, how to be SAHM, no $$, my hb take home is only 2k+ kind leh...got bb, got car, got flat....
put my boy to cc is the DREAM solution:
1. i dont have to rush N S E W everyday
2. i can see my boy everynight and be with him
3. my boy wont have bad influences frm my niece and nephew
4. my boy can learn loads

downside is he'll get sick and learn new "bad tricks" from others easily

the worst is my hb dont allow...
i daydreaming lah. everyday i pray that my hb allows me...sianz
I used to be weekend parents too and I dun see my #1 daily de cos it's very very tiring cos I knock off around 6.30pm and my mum stay AMK I stay CCK plus we dun drive

So I only c her once a week i.e Wed and then pick her up on Sat back to CCK and we r fine with that lor. If we have to go visit her daily then I no time to do housework and my own stuff le cos by the time we reached home is usually 11pm cos we will leave my mum's at 10pm which is her bed time.
i believe all of us here understand ur situation. and same of us are in similar shoes. maybe like what JanBB says, u take over the car lor.
u have listed down the PROS and CONS... so u have to weigh and see which is ur priority now. for me, cos my hubby nw no job, my stand is to let my boy stay at home first... and his health is more impt. so maybe i will drag until 2 years plus or 3 years old (latest) then put him in either CC or play group (those few hours kind).

but are u still able to work from home 1 day per week?
maybe can start looking out for other job opportunities? u may find a better or equal opportuity nearer to SK or JE
Think grumpus' suggestion is a good one. Have you ever considered to change your job, since you can't change your house and can't change your hubby's mind?

Again, 家家有本难念的经ah. No matter what, we ALWAYS have things to worry about, and there will never be a perfect solution for all. Just relax and take 1 thing at 1 time, k!
so u still bring #1 &amp; #2 alternate home daily? My #2 will sulk &amp; cry when we bring her home esp at nite. Very poor thing, she will need to go thru' this crying episode every fri.
grumpus, kam
change job has been on my mind for the longest time ever. however, i cannot change job just because of these small setbacks. then i will not be "true" to my job/role in this company. i believe my company is flexible, not my boss. so i cannot just quit like that until i have exhausted all avenues.

jess, chaye, janbb
i wish i can take over my hb's car but he is doing sales so he bought the car coz of the job. i cannot afford to have another car, and i cannot move out of my hdb flat (less than 5 yr). my hb dont want to rent out the place and stay near JE. his stand is, everyone has to sacrifice and thinks this is the best arrangement for the whole family.
you are right, i spend 3 hours travelling just to see my boy for 1 hr. singapore is small but still....i spend 3 hours back and forth just to see my boy. it doesnt make sense right?
i tell myself these are the sacrifices i have to make lor. i need the salary. LL bo bian

hmmmm maybe internal transfer? heehee then switch BOSS, not switch COMPANY :p :p :p
who has maid here ah ? wanna ask if your maid's passport expire and need to renew do you pay for her or shd she pay ? cos passport is considered as personal item right ?
yes i still bring #1 &amp; #2 alternate home daily.
Mon-Thurs hb work late so i will take bus home myself. #185 always full of pple but most of the time got kind soul gave up their seat to me. I still remb Monday, it was raining when i alight at our bus-stop...i didn't birng any umbrella but a kind indian lady offered to shelter me &amp; R across to our block...so nice &amp; kind of her. touched le.
Last time Z also will cry if we only bring him home on wkends but now R got no problem adjusting since i bring him home quite often

Now babies very clever de so will recognize pple &amp; different surroundings especially their sleeping nest...gotta let them get used to their own home instead of your mil/mum place since u will be sahm soon. U taking care of #2 yrself when u bcum sahm?
if yr maid passport expiring means her work permit also expiring right? Cos usually MOM will only issue work permit up to 2 years or until passport expiry date.

if really work permit expiring also then it depends on whether u are renewing her contract lor...for us usually if the maid is staying on then we pay for her passport renewal also...otherwise we just send her back...

Yesterday TT got a cut on her toe ..... got a shock, send her to ESH A&amp;E..... but she is a brave girl when the nurse clean her she never cry at all!
