(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

yes I have renewed her work permit le but only until Feb 10 cos her passport expiring Mar 10. So once I renew her passport I will inform MOM and they will re-issue new work permit for her to a new expiry date.

how do u renew her passport ? thru agency ? I tot I can deduct from her salary ma hehehehe cos my hubby argue tat passport is personal item she shd pay and not us :p

yesterday my husband fetch her back from his RT .... my husband is outside the house putting his shoes on the rack and TT is putting her shoes inside the house .... hubby dunno she behind open the door and she got cut on the edge of the door ....
my plan is to bring #1 to weekday class in the morning & join #2 at my mum's hse in noon. Bring both home at nite. Hopefully, #2 will get use to our faces & home with this plan. Actually feel very sorry for #2, we neglected her a lot. My hubby tends to travel overseas quite frequently & usually i will bring #1 back home with me. We only bring #2 home over the weekend. Really hope that i can bond more with #2 when i become sahm ;)

Did u realise there's a lot of stray cats & dogs in our estate recently?? Aiyo, i really scared of them men. What number shld I call to report huh?? One of the ground floor neighbour unit next to the lift even start feeding the stray dog. Is those fierce black one & keep lingering around my blk... sob sob.. make me so scare to take lift alone ;(

oh dear. Look quite serious.. hope TT is fine.
wah... must be very very pain. see liao so heart pain hor.. luckily she is brave. nvm.. will recover soon. just dun eat those 'toxic' things for nw... like egg...?? am i rite?
Jess, Lousy mummy me did not ask what cannot eat leh ... *sigh* ..... JanBB the cut is very deep .... it cuts my heart too but she is so cute that when she is bandage up ... she told the nurse SOCKS! The nurse laff LOL
Poor TT. Quite a bloody cut. She is so brave. If my girl, will definitely cry.

Tough to be a FTWM... I think I am going to join your club too... Cos till now still have not employ maid and I am starting work next mth. Looks like I got to deposit my #1 in mum's place @ Boon Lay and only see her once or twice a week. My Hubby also gan cheong and asked me to find a maid quickly... But I really don't know how to go about it. So far, his sis is helping us to find but she said all not good. I think they have lots of requirements... That day, hubby's aunt came and talk abt maid... Say must find Christian, not Catholic... Blar blar blar... Hello, I am a Buddhist leh. I don't care. If they are so particular abt religion, I let them find one themselves. I told my hubby that and he kept quiet. So I more or less decided to wash my hands over the maid issue.
I also realised that! My neighbour has a cat and he always left the cat food in the corridor. So far, only his cat will eat but recently we spotted a 2nd cat appearing too!!! Dun know from where and how it came as I live in 13th floor leh. My hubby said once he saw the cat taking lift too! LOL... And then twice the cat managed to sneak into my hse loh. Then y'day, I was abt to bring #2 out to Mac to buy lunch for myself, I opened my door and saw a big pool of shit right outside my door! So angry. I think it is the cat leh... Ended up I got to clean...
ouch i see liao my skin crawlzzz

so if you employ maid then? she looks after your child when you start work? or still put at your mom's place @ BL?
we oso dun care religion. only ask her if she mind pork or not. but my maid phili mah so they dun care abt halal...
OUCH!!! I see liao also "xin tong"!! Thankfully TT is a brave gal. U muz sterilise the wound everyday, dun let it get infected oki. Take care ya..
Krystle ... there is once a cat outside my hse she look preggy ... i so scare she cheong to my house to give birth .... btw try buying your door number!

pixel painful right but am really surprise when she is being clean up she didnt even make a single noise .....
ur post very funny. yup my place got resident cat and he squeeze into my place before. or meow at my door before too.

i dont mind coz i animal lover. got shit i clean lor. got poo i clean lor. animals still need to poo and pee mah. they dont have the high intellect to know here can or cannot poo/pee.
The cat in your estate is so smart!! Know how to take lift, heehee... then how they press lift button?? LOL. I hope the dog in my estate dun do the same, cannot imagine if it appear at my door. My boy still alert me & say "DOG" at one time which i didn't even notice that the black stray dog is juz behind of me. I was so scared & quickly carried my son & run away...
If employ maid, the maid will be staying at MIL's place and help with the hsework only (maybe sometimes handle the children). Hsework will be her main responsibility. MIL will be still taking care of 2 kids. If got maid, then dun have to put #1 @ BL.

But they have so many requirements, so I think better to let my SIL to continue to help us look for maid. Coz the maid will be helping her mum and as her daughter, she will know better bah.

Or another choice is to let my MIL handle 2 kids until Feb next yr. Coz got 1 new CC opening in the blk in front of my MIL's blk. Very convenient right? So can consider to put #1 there.
It is difficult to strike a balance for time/attention spend on #1 & #2 hor. Hope yr plan work out well for you when u bcum sahm. It's not easy but alot of mummies here also likdat & can managed so well like kam. Jia You Jia You!
i seldom see stray dogs in our estate but cats yes & alot le. I dunno what no to call le...SPCA??
Poor TT, hugz hugz. A braze girl she is.

For me, life is getting busier and busier, but I think we are coping well, thankfully. Usually hubby can't knock off work on time. So I fetch both kids alone. Put HR in the stroller, hang all the bags (including my precious BM) on the stroller, sling my baby, and off we go. Reach home, put baby down while HR waits in his stroller, unload all the bags, then HR can finally come down to play. Amazing for the past 3 weeks, HR is so coopearative (touch wood) that he has never fussed during the car ride and while in his stroller till we reach home!

While at home, if both are in good mood, I play with both of them together, and also let HR play (I have to teach him how and have to supervise) with his meimei. Until either one of them need my attention, then usually let HR watch tv for a while. And that's when both of them are behaving well. On a bad day, both of them cry, both want my attention at the same time. So I can only attend to 1 first and let the other 1 cry. And usually after that, my mood affected and got a bit impatient with them. But luckily usually by this time, hubby will reach home for the rescue! Hubby has been of great help, he does things automatically - do laundry, wash dishes, put baby to sleep, feed baby EBM, play with HR. And have to thank HR to be so 懂事. He plays on his own when he sees I am busy with Meimei. Of course is not always that good, but I am very happy already with him being such a good boy thus far.

In short, I am happy to have 2 jobs for now - my "official" job during day time, and the more demanding mothering job at night :)
oic, actually no hard and fast rule i think....can also deduct from maid salary if u want...usually we will 'discuss' with the maid first lor...
yr maid filipino or indonesian? usually filipino maid we go through agency cos the embassy very difficult to deal with
I am not an animal lover that's why not so happy to clean other pet's shit. But happened to land on the corridor nearer to my door so I LL loh.

How the cat take lift? I think the cat is not afraid of humans so maybe it somehow get into the lift and wait for someone to enter into the lift and press any button for them. If landed on lower levels, maybe they just climb up the remaining floors by themselves???

You are right! But I think my hubby has been buying my unit no. on regular basis so should have bought liao. Thanks! Hope will strike. BTW, hubby just striked $500 last week on #2 BC no. Hehehehe... He bought a new swim suit for me.
thanks mummies for the hugz for TT ...

Kam wow HR very guai loh ... TT dun like to sit in stroller she always tell me walk walk ... Kam can see u are very happy with the busy life ... Good job mummy!
Krystle wow good leh ... for me i never buy only open ... sigh hubby car plate 1467 last wed open consolation
Think NEA should be the one to call? I can imagine how you "run away from the dog" - just like how you "run away from the hot sun" the other day :)
U are really a blessed woman with both kids that are easy to handle. *Envy*
Plus you are also very independent, can fetch #1 & #2 on your own, really peifu ;)

My friend always suan me, i cannot survive without my hubby & mother. Which is true, i m too dependent on them.
ya mine filipino so I will go thru agency. think if not much we'll bear la how much they earn nia.. thks
LOL, so you know what can make me run fast next time, haha. My face almost turn white when i saw that black dog. Inside my heart was praying that dog pls dun come near us or attack us. I even tell my boy jokingly, aiyo, pls dun "alert" mummy next time if u see the dog ok, hahaha... i rather i bypass blindly than to realise the dog "existence".

Was thinking to complain to town council. Hmm, give the dog another chance...see i still can spot it next few days or not.
Just want to share a joke...

Friend A: My son watches the TV whole day at home. What should I do?
Friend B: Well, just buy a bigger TV so that your son's head will appear smaller and will not block your view to the TV loh.
Friend A: .....
HR likes to walk also. He will say "go, go, go, 走走".

I don't have a choice lor. I call my hubby at 530pm everyday, hoping that he would tell me he can knock off work on time and go fetch the kids together. But good news only come about once or twice a week. So bo bian lor. If not, how?

My mum was actually very very worried how am I going to cope. So I have to call her every other day if not everyday to update her about the kids. Think now she is more "fang xin". How I wish my mum can be here stay with me :-(

But hor, only 1 thing we still can't find a solution - dinner! We ordered Tingkat, started on Monday. A big no no, cannot make it, and it's like we force ourselves to eat the food lor. Don't bother to try with another caterer. Think for now, I will have to stock up biscuits. Hubby will ta pao for me when he comes back, but if he is late, I just fill my tummy with biscuits first lor. Though I also don't like take away food, but that's definitely better than Tingkat. Till my girl is older so I can cook again.
A good one!

But for my hubby hor, I think the answer will be buy another tv so that he doens't need to fight with the kids which channel to watch!
No, durian season is ending (ended).

His cc does provide dinner. That's one of the reasons I let him continue to stay in this cc. But his dinner is quite early, at 5+pm. So I still give him something to eat - fruits, cheese, nuts, biscuits, etc.
Thanks mom2nat and blessedbaby .....

Kam but at least HR is so guai to sit loh ... TT can even climb out of her car seat leh so dangerous sometimes i feel.
strap tightly lah, i tot mine very tight liao, i tried grumpus's car seat hers is even tighter :p. no way kids can climb out. abrasions better than flung out (choi choi!!) rite?
Back from lunch. Had vegetarian fried beehoon.

Talking about car seat. HR has "upgraded" to toddler car seat liao. And also has "promoted" to sit at the front passenger seat liao. No choice ah, if put him at the back, he just wail and wail and wail. Maybe he likes to be different from his Meimei, that he is a big kid already :)
Oh i like vegetrain bee honn but my side dun sell .... now just bought lunch back to eat and watch mobtv haha .....

pixel tight liao leh ... hmmmmm i dunno why oso ... maybe ask my hubby again

HR's toddler car seat is it still the one we saw when we topang yr car the other day?
Hmm...my current combi car seat is up to 4YO, so i don't think will need any upgrade for Z. Maybe after 4YO, will change into a booster car seat for him perhaps. Now Z is happy to sit behind with his DiDi accompany & most of the time with me in the middle of them!
photo i took yesterday...so difficult to take pic for both of them together!

And Z not afraid of cats/dogs...he loves following my frd's cat everywhere the hse & touch the cat's tail & caress the body!
Yes, it's that car seat you saw last time. Cos we didn't buy new car seat for XY, but got a boaster car seat for HR instead. The old car seat can also last till 4yo (think most car seats do?) but it looked like HR is too big in it.

Z ALWAYS smile :-0
papa got stronger gene BUT both their mouth/lip look like me...hehe both love to EAT!hehe..

yes most car seat can last till 4YO but i was just puzzled why u didn't hang on to HR old car seat...so now i know cos he outgrow it. HR really big size hor...since he is wearing XXL diaper while Z still can fit L size.

Re: Birthday Bash
Is the gift exchange still on? Coz I was thinking if there will be goodies bag, then maybe we could do away gift exchange... What do you mummies think?
