(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Luca, don't know leh.. I don't even know how many pieces in the M size that I ordered. Mummies say good deal so I just tompang lor. Haha. Think you can check the fitti website bah.

Just got the reply for Fitti diaper:
NB52's / S48's / M44's / L38's / XL34's

For mixing, have to be 3 packs each, no more no less.
tks. its cheap indeed.

good excuse to get married early. but u must be much more happier than ur bro :p
Pixie, i am keen to buy a pair of jeans. but i bought size s maternity jeans the previous spree, too small for me. anyone keen to take over? LELONG!!!!
anyone using those compact blusher brush that wont shed hairs (aka sturdy) kind? what brand?
dont tell me bobbi brown, mac etc i bo $$ buy all these leh...

kam siah in advance
pixie, it doesnt look like maternity jeans, coz it is low waist. but it has elastic wasit band, more comforty..i like.

who else is preggie and wana buy from me, so tht i can buy another pair???
i saw the sale too, but i browsed through the website, nothing nice to buy for the boys leh, wasted man!
grumpus, pixie,

i finally managed to get thru mygym busy hotline at great world city. Their line seem forever engaged & mailbox is FULL. Apparantly, My Gym @ Great World City are wholly owned by Grace Kids Pte Ltd so their trial is $45/hr instead of $30/hr at tampines outlet. They got 9.30am & 10.30am slot available for Gymster class. The trial is ex le...hmm...sianz

I think will try JG trial first, at least it's 2hrs at $55+. <font color="0000ff">Anyone keen to join me at Evans Rd for bilingual playclub on 14th or 21st Nov for 9AM slot ?</font>
blessedbaby, i paid around $46 inc of shipping, but i can sell u cheaper, u give me ur best offer? Brandnew one, coz i wana buy another pair SIZE M one... ;p
[email protected], email me , pls.
share with us your juicy gossip

forgot to ask you, why you keep saying your job is boring

would love to go for JG trial but evans road is simply too far. i havent moved my butt to start all these, every weekend sure got something to attend to
hiyo... she is in the company longer than me. but all the password to the different website also lazy to apply for login. nw always use mine. so i purposely change everything she take 1 time from me. she wants to play i play with her.
then quotation, brainless de... of cos i choose shorter lead time and higher profit de. always tell me earn minimum earn minimum. ask her go eat shit la. everyday late for work... 2 hours lunch. forward all her work to me.. i wonder wat she do lor... ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ya the trial ex hor....i didn't pay the trial cos i signed up after the trial.

re: JG, haha i already signed my girl up for bilingual playclub at forum starting next yr....
Birthday Bash cum X'mas party
Date: 13 Dec (Sunday)
<font color="0000ff">Time: 10.30am - 12.30pm</font>
Venue: Go Go Bambini, http://www.gogobambini.com/ (Dempsey Rd)

If we have more than 15 mummies to confirm beofre 20th November (next Friday), we will book the party package. If less than 15 mummies, we will go without the party package

Program includes:
1) Gift Exchange (buy a unisex present (budget $15) and we let the kids pick out the gifts or do lucky draw)
2) Cake cutting - Let's just get a simple cake from Four Leaves or some cake shop? Anyone driving there can volunteer to collect the cake?

1) Janbb - 2A + 2K - Ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
2) kam - 2A + 2K - Ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
3) tongtong - 2A + 1K - Ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
4) chaye - 2A + 2K - ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
5) Yvonne (ylim) - 2A + 1K - OK with budget - Both venue ok.
6) cherylkjh - 2A + 1K - OK with budget - Noth venue ok
7) Dorothy - 2A + 2K - OK with budget - Noth venue ok
8) Lynn -2A+1K Okie for both venue
9) Krystle - 2A + 1K - Ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
10) Mandy - 2A + 1K - ok with budget - GO Go Bambini
11) steph - 2A + 2K - ok with budget - GO Go Bambini
12) blessed serene 2A +1k - ok with budget - GO go Bambini
13) Jacelyn 2A + 2K - ok with budget - GO Go Bambini
14) elmo_78 2A + 1K - ok with budget - Go Go Bambini
15) pixiepixel 2A + 1K - ok with budget - Go Go Bambini

Yet to confirm:
1) grumpus
2) Godsent
3) Icy
4) Shannonbaby

Cannot confirm now
1) superbee
2) mcfluffy

<font color="aa00aa">Kam &amp; mummies,</font>
<font color="0000ff">I have juz called Go-Go Bambini on the payment &amp; to check on the party room availability.

1) Yes, the date on 13 Dec (Sun) is still available as at now. But time given is 10.30am - 12.30pm. Is a 2 hrs structured program party by them. This include snack/drinks &amp; games suitable for todd (close to 2yo) &amp; their playscape.

2) Room size is either up to 18 children or 30 children with 1 Accompany adult. But our the other half can also hang around as there are Nail Spa &amp; cafe out there.

3) I have juz put my name &amp; contact down to chop the slot. But we got to make a 50% deposit payment by this Fri. Anyone is able to make a trip there? If not, someone pls call on next mon &amp; reserve the same slots &amp; need to pay the deposit in 3 days time then. They also mentioned that they will release the slots to other people who is interested in that slot &amp; able to make deposit immediately. First come First Pay basis.

4) Our todd is only suitable for their Premium Package at $475 for 15 kids. Additional Kids is $25. Baby below 1 year old is free. Adults are also free.
Premium Birthday Party
From $475 for 15 kids
$25 per extra child
Children enjoy playing age-appropriate games together before proceeding to the playscape for playtime. Every child receives small goodies and balloons.

Package Includes:

GGB birthday party host to supervise and assist
Exclusive use of birthday party room for 2 hours
Birthday party food and drinks as per above
Active playtime in the playscape
Birthday Party balloons and simple body tattoos (non-toxic body paint)
Fun age-appropriate games lead by our hosts
Candies and stickers
Cake-cutting ceremony
Complimentary invitations for your guests
Complete set-up and clean-up

So how? What's next? Can a kind mummy allow us to transfer to her a/c &amp; make payment for us?</font>
btw, talking about weekends.
last fri i reached my mil place, i went to bao bao my boy, i realised he was very hot. i thought he is 'hot' as in "re" so i didnt think much and went to eat dinner. after that bao him again i realised he was running a fever...i quickly gave him paracetamol.
following that, i got few points to grumble about:

1. my hb say dont give him paracetamol, dont want him to be dependent on med. wtf??!! if slight fever, quick give, so that it wont be full blown wat! then what can we do? sponge him and dont let him take, knowing it will go full blown and in the end must give bufen?? SEOEW

2. NO ONE at the place detected it. not my mil, not my sil, not my bil. my mil was sick, she got the sore throat virus from my bil (who has recovered since then), and still allow my boy to mingle FREELY in their room. f**k lor, if you know you got commando-virus running around, just chase my boy out lar, still keep playing with him. machiam my boy is a TOY.
...i forgave my mil coz she sick she not concentrated on looking after my boy

really bae tahan

yest wfh, my mil super fedup with my sil coz my niece WHOLE day watching tv. WHOLE day while i was at home leh.
btw, i realised my mil used more n more tv to settle the kids liao.
-9.30am reached; tv for 1 hr after shower &amp; snack.
-lunch at 11.30, then half hr tv before sleep
-after nap, tv for another 1 hr, followed by play and dinner
-after dinner, tv again while my mil eat her own dinner...
although they are educational dvds like wordworld, barney etc but i dont think 2+ hr of tv is good for my boy

hmmmm maybe im too strict?

sorry for long post, i wanna grumble :p
jess, i also got one colleague, everyday comes to work late by 30mins, then u ask her to rush deadlines, she says cannot and she also cant do OT, need to fetch her kid from cc.
i cant take it lei. i wonder y i same team as her. it is just same team.. but she behave as if she is my boss. take leave she also want to question me. F lor. tell me this cannot that cannot.

KILL ME... i am in a terrible mood and she still irritate me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
**hi-5** We really do think alike leh! I just called Go Go Bambibi also, but that lady said person-in-charge is in a meeting and asked me to leave no so she can call me back. Duh, never called me till now. You are more efficient than me!

Personally, I think we should go for the party package, cos it's more fun for our tods.

<font color="ff0000">$475 for 15 children = $31.7 per kid. And if we want to buy a cake, say we collect $35 for each child? ONZ????</font>
haiz.. he always travelling.. not in office... i told him b4 already.. he ask me to bear with it. the rest of the colleagues here all dun wana team with her tats y i was hired de... SHIT!
Haha, so cute cos we are both Gemini!! Same action at same time ;)

Are you driving? Is it convenient for you to go down to make payment? If so, we transfer to u?? $35 is fine ;) They open until 7pm on weekday. I can't make my way down cos' my hubby usually fetch me at 7pm+.
Not possible for me though I am driving, cos everyday have to rush to pick up my 2 kids before 7pm, and I only knock off at 6pm. Cannot do IB or cheque huh?
Janbb, Kam,

I can go down either tom or fri to make payment...
should we book for 15 children first? for additional child do we need to inform b4 hand or on that day still can?

GREAT!! Think only need to pay the 50% of the $475 for now.

Then you give us your account no to transfer $$ to you, ok for you?
errr... my daughter also watches a lot of tv leh. my mum will let her watch tv in the morning, once at noon after she wakes up from her nap and den she will watch tv with us the moment someone comes back from home and switches off the tv.

But boh pian coz my family is like that. My dad and hubby both love to watch tv. Tv can be on from 530pm to all the way 10pm and my gal will watch here and there.

how much was ur braces?
Acutally my lower set of teeth is very straight but i have an underbite (?) and I think if i put braces on top, sure must put below.
I think the snacks shld be for kids ;)
Hello Gemini, rem pixie also another gemini ^.^

Thanks so much!!! Really appreciate your kind act ;p What is your a/c no? Shld we all transfer $35 to you? Btw, quote my name as i have reserved the slot &amp; perhaps change to your name since you are there to pay oki ;)

ok then i will just pay the 50% deposit first.
i can give my acct no. for mummies to transfer to me..no prob...
but if collect $35 from each mummy now if got excess how? must refund very mah fun leh...
^tongtong, kam, janbb
i oso gemini but i am goatie

gemini very fickle minded hor? i very typical gemini. dual personality, dual everything.

sure must put coz even if your teeth is straight, the orthodontist will make it even nicer and must align your bite correctly.
i got bunny teeth so i have overbite. until my bite affects my lower set of teeth and they are all very tiny coz compressed by my upper set for so many years liao. end up my teeth very small AND a lot of spaces in my mouth. doc needs lots of time to close the gap. thats why my braces is on for so long...
its good to have overcrowding than undercrowding. overcrowding can extract, undercrowding cant do anything. cant expect me to grow extra teeth now rite...sianzzzzzzzzzzzz
then until cfm-ed liao then we start to IB to you. now dont IB to you can? means you cough up 200+ first. thanks ah heeheehee

My ON stuffs reached le. Whn can u help me to collect frm yr sis then i can collect frm u?? But if u nt free then it's ok la, i'll try to c hw to collect frm her?
reached liao? aiyah i forgot ah. and did you inform my sis? coz i went back to her place yest leh. are you in a rush for it? coz i can only see her this weekend.
if you havent inform my sis, can you do so? then my sis will come n call me liao haha then see what she say (how to pass me etc)

after i take from her, meet u either sk mrt or you come my place take? u stay at the buangkok BTO there rite...


Oh...i juz PM yr sis to tell her. I'm nt in a rush to collect. I can meet u at yr plc/SK mrt, we'll arrange again...n yappi, i stay at buangkok the BTO there
TQ v muchie~~
