(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Poor Jess, you went through so much trouble to find a CC for Javier. But I think CC it's like that, kids will keep falling sick until a few months later after their body build up resistance. If there's someone to look after him in the day, no need to send to CC. Playgroup will be good enough if you want him to learn things.
hi ladies...

Congrats to Mylvera !!!

been busy these few days cos moving house and network not up yet at new place. Singnet needs 4 working days to relocate line leh... so long .... so cant surf net at nite liao

ask u all ah... wat scissors do you bring out to cut your child's food ? I hv one but it start to rust leh although is written there clearly tat is stainless steel wor !
hope javier is better now. if rashes come out means fever will be gone.

Vernon oso started new CC since last thu... so far so good. but of cos he got cry, maybe becos of the environment. but the teacher say he very guai
Chaye, I borrow the fork and knife set from the restaurant cos I have not found a perfect pair of small scissors to cut food. Kitchen scissors too big to bring around. :p
ya lor... so sad for Javier. see him whining.. so xinku. tomorrow i have to go back to work. quite worried if maid can cope anot cos he very clingy these few days. and doc say the fake measles take about 1 week to subside.. haiz... worried worried.. need to replan all my things also.

gd to hear tat Vernon is doing well in CC. maybe i just made the wrong choice...
Jess, your CC is air conditioned? Is Javier used to that at home? Do they check the kids' temperature, palms and mouth everyday? Why so shuay? First day go to school, fever liao.

Think it's normal that the kid becomes very clingy and whiny. When I first started RaeAnne on playgroup, she didn't want anyone except me. I can't even shower or go to the loo in peace, she'll want to follow me even when my hubby is with her. But after a few weeks, she adjusted better to separation anxiety and know that everyday I'll pick her up. Also, it helped that I gatecrash the playgroup many times to get her more used to the teachers, classmates and classroom.

Your maid is not looking after Javier alone right? I thought you stay with your ILs?
Cheryal, You mean so long journey? FAINT. mY SON very fidgetive leh.

Now I am contemplating taking Air Aisa or Silk air. Really cant make up my mind. Is Air Asia really ok with seating and service ah? Cos my first time on budget airlines. Want to see your views before I confirm booking the flight tonight?

BTW Would it be very far to go down to Royal Bintang hotel should I take this budget plane? Advises please?

Also cam we bring water for infant to make milk onboard the plane? If not how? can request for them to give us warm water to make milk onboard?

Need advise on this soon.

i get my hb to send me to work so that i can knock off early....tonight go back visit my boy myself and travel back to home myself...
a 3hrs journey just to see my boy for 1 hr neh, so must knock off early mah

i realised i got ur hp number stored in my fonebook leh
morning ladies

Re : Scissors
Grumpus : stationery scissors wont rust ah ? tat's gd !
Pauling : tat's when u go restaurant leh. If go foodcourt or hawker centre leh. no hv knife n fork one de.. hahaha

Jacelyn !
when's your EDD ?
wow still hv 19 days but it can happen anytime now... jiayou ok !
He's on waiting list to cc
Chaye, hehe, we seldom go hawker centre or food court if we are with her cos not baby friendly. Will cook and bring her food out if we needs to go anywhere unfriendly for kids. But, we always bring RaeAnne's cutlery out when we go out. Most of the time, can use hers to cut cos she's still taking softer foods. But if really cannot, then I use the old fashion way and cut with my teeth lor. LOL.
usually i use fork. my mantra is, if fork cannot cut the meat blah blah it means most prob my boy cant chew it coz its too tough for him

but you can buy small scissors + sharp in daiso, coz its made in japan and very well made usually
Oh ya Daiso ! I love that store ! so many little little things to buy hor. Will look for one there !

Refuse to POO
Tate has refused to sit on potty to POO these 2 weeks ! He just endure his poo for 4-5 days and when it's really cannot tahan he will stand and POO leh... this is really bad...
These 2 days he always hv "feeling" to POO but he just refuse to sit and after a while the feeling is gone and he's back to his happy self again running up n down. Just refuse to sit down n POO patiently leh... sigh...

any idea how to attract him to sit on the potty and POO har ? buy a new beautifuly potty ? kekeke
Chaye, RaeAnne can only poo well in certain potties. Those old fashioned ones that my MIL and Mum has cannot. The toilet seat (on our adult toilet) also cannot unless she really got very strong urge to poo. But there's a cheapo low potty with a handle in front which I bought from KP, that one is good. Maybe it's low and wide enough so when she squat on it, physiologically more conducive for pooing (anus open bigger? ;P). A few times, I put her on potty seat, she won't poo then when I transfer her to the low potty, she'll poo.
Hi Pauline
LOL.. think I shd get a new potty hor.. saw a few at KP really fun one but I think it will be a waste of money to get too expensive ones cos he simply not a patient guy who will sit, play n poo at the same time

pixie ! then your boy poo on diapers ?
Pixie, RaeAnne also seldom do that so lucky strike when she managed to do it. But recently, she's been saying 'ng ng' more often, sometimes before she starts to poo. So, I may want to start to potty train her sooner. Scared she regress when Mei Mei is born then I waste my efforts though. :p
my elder boy never sit in potty leh...he was trained in cc. The teacher there says that potty not the way to train....just always bring him to toilet...=)

my potty at home never been used at all
eNemum, I thought that too lor, that's why wanted to skip the potty stage (more mafan to clean up also) and bought a toilet seat for her to use at home instead. But end up she still prefers the potty lor. Sigh. :p

cc will trained them sit toilet bowl ah ?! good news ! I really hope to throw him into cc soon !!!! but argghhh still long waiting list !
kitsune, chaye
apart from vivo, imm...they have a new outlet, at rivervale mall (sengkang). its just opp my house!! heehee so happy. anytime lack kitchen utensils i can just pop over and grab...i bought so much toys for my boy. heeheee

when my boy is poo-ing in diapers, he will half raise his 1 leg up, stand up to poo kind leh. i doubt he likes to sit down or squat down to poo...he still wont tell me ng ng leh but everytime i tell him poopoo must tell mummy "ng ng"...............
about meeting @ last cabin...
did we agree on 9.30am ah?? issit too early for you?
coz i was thinking we will rubberband the time till 9.45, train from sk to clark quay is only 25mins max, walk to central another 5 mins, oredi 10.15am, then warm up to the environment like steph said for 15mins lor
ok or not?
S&S recommended warm up (5-10mins) de:p
if your tods dun need warm up...then u can reach there on the dot...but good for them to warm up with new frds also mah
Then maybe S&S need us to fill up our particulars/payment etc before class start wor...ok, see u guys there! sooo excited leh..
Oh one last thingy...recommended mummy to wear pants/jeans...easier than dress/mini-skirt:p
i oredi planned to wear non dress/skirt on that day liao. ask me squat down etc and wear skirt, siao eh i cannot take it.
im a pants person

fri very packed. after lunch will rush him home for nap. wakie from nap liao will bring him to my mom's place myself...aiyoooo i sure very zzzzzzzz the whole day
Playdate this Friday
> I am very excited too. First time to meet with so many mummies and toddlers. But I am worry also I will be looking so auntie, as all of you are young and hot mamas wor :) i am an old and outdated woman :-(
no lah...me also plain plain mah...most of us in the 30s club so sama sama. We gotta take a group photo with our tods!
not play date...

Stage and Such Bilingual Speech & Drama Trial THIS FRIDAY!
Date & Time : 9th Oct @ 10.30am
6 Eu Tong Sen Street
SOHO 1 @ CENTRAL #05-09

1)Janbb - Jayden.K (M) DOB 19Dec07
2)VioletIce - Ian.N (M) DOB 24Dec07
3)Luca - Javian.N (M) DOB 26Dec07
4)Kam - HaoRe.K (M) DOB 04Jan08
5)steph - Zander.T (M) DOB 07Jan08
6)Mandy - Jayden.T (M) DOB 10Jan08
7)Grumpus - Lexie.C (F) DOB 14Jan08
8)pixie - Xandall.K (M) DOB 29Jan08
cut my kids' food using my own utensils or my own teeth, so i can't fall sick o'wise they'll get it also.

re: potty training
>> for da-bian, my boy initially started off by reading potty book. Then whatever type book i could grab. Then whatever toy i could grab. All the while i make the 'ng ng' sound.
Mandy, Pixie, I love Daiso too. Wa, now it's at rivervale mall. Closer to home, maybe can convince hubby to go on weekend. What else is there at rivervale mall? Is that the place with the 'qiang tan da xing dong' nasi lemak or something like that?

Genice, is the thread missing? I always bookmark my links so didn't realise it's missing. No wonder so quiet at Feb08 forum. Only me, Gar and bkkgal talking among ourselves. Hee. Here's the link http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/578191/841438.html.

Wendy, long time no see.
