(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

woody got give u a more powerful painkiller? he gave me 1 super power one (in addition of the normal painkiller) and it really helps cos don't feel much pain and recover faster too! take good care!

ya loh buying enbloc flat very mah fan... hubby nearly give up that time but i very die hard so i tell him to persist on. now he appreciate & very proud of the cheap SERS flat that we got! :p i have already told him our nxt property target will b a place where there is good school! ;) we both from ah beng ah lian school so we have to move house & be a parent volunteer b4 my girl go p1. me is a typical kiasu singaporean parent! hahaa....

u r rite that mature estate is very costly! the price never go down.

u stayed at jalan tenteram is it?
i also hope i can a new home, cant wait to sell my existing flat coz i dun like my kitchen n toilet tiles n m toilet dun even hav shower screen!!! faint
thanks all for the well wishes.


I m at TMC.


we told my parents not to bring the boys to hospital. my #1 jz recovered fr virus attack and we dun wan him to tiok again. so they have yet to see their sister.

my ILs?? hahaha my hb's mother already told him "nowadays the process of visiting patients are so complicated n tedious, we will not be visiting u." better yet... at least i can rest, n my princess can still b cheerful

even PD oso mention tat out of the 3 babies she is handling at TMC now, my gal seems to be the quieter one.


u mean tramadol? not yet. currently still on synflex. see how it goes, cannot tahan will ask for tramadol.
I went to kaypoh kaypoh the HDB website but like Pixie said, it doesn't even say which block and which unit, how to decide whether to apply or not? Duh... :p

Congrats Mylvera. Like that even better, you can have a peaceful time recuperating without your ILs to bother you.
yup back from swim, x sleep liao at 1230pm...
he was shivering lah. even during shower oso shivering. but after swim and shower go to macs, he forgot what is "cold" liao.
today's water very cold coz hardly anyone in the swimming pools
hehe, really got units for sale near me, 1 near my house and one near my ILs place. My ideal home should have 4 bedrooms so that my gals no need to share room when they grow up. And we can still have a study room for hubby. Just dreaming... hee. ;)

CONGRATES!!! Have a great time with your gal (minus the trouble from your ILs) :)

People said baby girl is easier than boy. It's true for me, see if the same for you.
Congrats! Glad to see you posting. Indeed, I also felt more energetic after my #2 delivery. I wonder why too? Coz we are already more acustomed to giving birth liao???

I second what Kam said. Baby girl is easier to handle than baby boy. Now my 20th day baby is driving me crazy everyday. I had not been sleeping since last night 8pm till now... Need to catch some ZZZZZ....
Hehe, just the myth mah :) Just my luck that my girl is an easy baby. Or maybe because my mum is here, so make every baby an easy baby :) My girl never cry during the night from birth till now, as long as I give her my breast in time when she is hungry, and she goes back to sleep after feed most of the time. During day time, also seldom cry, only last 2 days a bit difficult, wanting to be carried most of the time for don't know what reason, but my mum managed to soothe her and she is back to the normal self already.

Jia You, once he passes these few months, all the effort is well paid off. That's why you have 4 months ML and I only have 2 months lor :)

Forgot to thank you for sharing your BF experience. Great to hear you are still going strong with BF. I still remember a few months back you told us about your engorgement problem. Time flies, ya!
aiyah i made some drinks in the cup liao...took few sips before noticing it...
later go pour away

few hundred mugs but me kena a stained one PUIZ
went swimming on fri; yest went to east coast park for a picnic. brought mat and all but hb wanted to sit in shade/bench...spoil the picnic mood. but it was sooooooooo hot. great eastern got a carnival so we got free popcorn, icecream etc

yah, how was JG class ah? what was being taught?
It was a 2 hour class with water play at the end. It was a bilingual class taught in English and Mandarin. Quite fun. There is snack at the end too.
<font color="aa00aa">pixie,</font>

Maybe can try your luck at tonight's TOTO? LOL!

<font color="aa00aa">Twinky,</font>

Hmm, think JanBB also brought her Jayden to a Sunday class.
morning all =)

today not monday blues but arghhh LS bluessss....stomache...must be the curry chix last nite

Yesterday brought my #2 for his very 1st shave (Botak)...he's turning 8 months in 3 days time
time flies...
Before &amp; after
I love R with hair but too fine liow so hopefully regrowth will be thicker...his head very round &amp; BIG..haha

diarrhoea again...

How to know if it's food poisoning (vomit &amp; diarrhoea)?

<font color="ff0000">Stage and Such Bilingual Speech &amp; Drama Trial THIS FRIDAY!</font>
Date &amp; Time : 9th Oct @ 10.30am
6 Eu Tong Sen Street
SOHO 1 @ CENTRAL #05-09

1)Janbb - Jayden.K (M) DOB 19Dec07
2)VioletIce - Ian.N (M) DOB 24Dec07
3)Luca - Javian.N (M) DOB 26Dec07
4)Kam - HaoRe.K (M) DOB 04Jan08
5)steph - Zander.T (M) DOB 07Jan08
6)Mandy - Jayden.T (M) DOB 10Jan08
7)Grumpus - Lexie.C (F) DOB 14Jan08
8)pixie - Xandall.K (M) DOB 29Jan08

- Have u all (FTWM) applied leave ?
- After trial, lunch at Waraku Japanese Casual Dining @ The Central level 3
eat carbon pills, diarrhoea no cure until the phase is over. unless you vomit too much until dehydrated, can get anti-vomit shot from doc. i always get that from doc coz one i start merlion-ing, i cant stop. body on auto pilot mode

then stay at home, zzzz, early go to fetch your boys...shiok leh heehee
I think your in laws bo sim. Wat troublesome to visit lah. IF it is their 1st grandson, how troublesome they oso cheong ah! HOho...
Good tat your so guai... then you not so siong
juz now went to town centre and help colleague bot some food.
gave $10 to stallholder, and got back 4x$2...but...
a pc of $2 looked so weird, as though counterfeit. i suspect its a fake note...so i went back to change the note with another.
heng auntie never insist not to change for me...

but never had the encounter of getting a fake note before...hmmm...
<font color="aa00aa">Mozzie Bites</font>

Ian got mozzie bites all over his face when Hubby brought him to playground yesterday. Dunno if it's sand flies. Zzzz.. so ke lian. He scratched till the bite bleeds.
OMG poor Ian...is he ok now? Sand fly bites will be itchy &amp; swollen...very uncomfy de. Better to bring him see doc if very jialat, at least got proper cream to ease the scratch skin.
can have my own cup or shared...we have at least a hundred over cups how to know mine is the rotten one heehee

morning mummies!! countdown to friday!!
Hi mummies, long time nvr log in..

ur #2 really grow fast &amp; mould of #1. Hey, is it too late to join the trial class of Stage &amp; Such Bilingual class??? I wanna bring Evangeline too leh. Or the lot oredi full? If full, den it's ok. Just hear feedback from u guys.

You selling your place? Can I help you to market ur place, huh? I'm in ERA.
godsent, i am nt selling now, havent find an ideal location at reasonable prices. so will continue to see-look till i find a suitable one.
Godsent, good that you are online. Wanted to check with you if you help people to find rooms for rental at Tampines. My cousin is looking for a room to rent at Tampines area.

Which airline did you take when you holiday in Kuala Lumpur?

How was the service of the airline?

Comparing Air Asia with Silk air. Difference of $150. Not sure if should take budget airline or Silk air especially with Elias in tow.

Understand that we need take the air bus or something. Is it really inconvenient as understand that we will only be landing in the budget airport not international KL one?

Advises please?

okok... wat is reasonable price to you? u looking at condo or hdb? wat i can say is now, hdb prices escalating with Cash over valuation of min $15k.

Yes, i do. actually i got some rooms avail in Tampines &amp; Pasir Ris. Wat's ur cousin's profile? Why dun u let him/her stay in ur hse??!

Hi Fern,
I tink if u r going to KL, budget airline is gd enuf. the flight time is only 40mins! no svc needed!!! The budget airport is not too bad too. I was travelling to KL quite a far bit when i was in my last job!.
Godsent, My cousin is 32 and single. She's a very considerate and gentle person.

I really don't mind to rent a room to her lor cos she is a very close cousin. But I really don't have enough rooms with 2 kids. The study room is already so full with 2 tall bookshelves, 1 big square table and 1 computer table and an ikea clothes rack (for frequently worn and ironed clothes). I nagged my hubby umpteen times but his books collection only increase, never decrease. Sigh.

heehee... u can't blame ur hubby cos he's a teacher.
I've a common room at tampines st 33 blk 337 for rent. Family of 4 (2 teenage kids) &amp; occassionally old MIL staying in. Does ur cousin wanna take a look at the unit. Nice family.
