(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

heehee... u can't blame ur hubby cos he's a teacher.
I've a common room at tampines st 33 blk 337 for rent. Family of 4 (2 teenage kids) & occassionally old MIL staying in. Does ur cousin wanna take a look at the unit. Nice family.

Godsent, roughly how much is the room? My cousin is starting out on her own biz so budget quite tight. Chinese family? The room got aircon or not?
yes, Chinese family. now avg rm rate from $550 - $650. depending on ac & fully furnished or not. Yes, the rm has a/c installed. but if dun want a/c, fan will be provided.
i rem when i go KL this yr. i take jetstar. and i landed at KLIA. i think budget flight will be enuff if u r going to KL. haha
Wow, I wish I got a room to rent. Can earn extra pocket money. Okie, I'll check with her. By the way, do you know if the unit is high floor or low floor? Roughly how many bus stops to MRT?
i oso helped my mom to rent out her rooms. just a small study room (really very small) can oredi fetch $400 leh.
Pixie, hah, really? I really don't know the market for room rental lor. But looks like if I rent out a room, enough to pay for my maid liao. Haha.
Low floor. but quiet surrounding. Opp is Tampines Mart, I dunno how many bus-stops but it's abt 10mins bus journey. If she's keen to view, call me or sms me to arrange. 93888393.
i oso dunno market rate but i go online and do some research, post liao then get swamped with calls.
yah, fyi, my parents old liao but they lived by the rent they received from the 2 rooms. used to be 3 rooms rented out but recently my sis took back her original room
Godsent, oic, I roughly know where Tampines Mart is.
Okie, I just sms her. See what she says. By the way, how much is your commission for room rental? You charge to landlord or the tenant? Sorry, I blur about such things.

Ya, pixie, initially before we started our family, also thought of renting out rooms but scared loss of privacy so never rent out lor. :p
Low floor. but quiet surrounding. Opp is Tampines Mart, I dunno how many bus-stops but it's abt 10mins bus journey. If she's keen to view, call me or sms me to arrange. 93888393.
Hurry bring Ian to a doc, scratches can become scar. Naughty Jayden played at the letter box & his forehead kana a deep scratch with some dry blood when we discovered. We didn't even know when he was hurt cos he didn't cry. Though the scratch has healed now but seem to see a faint scar there. See liao very xin tong!!

Re: Julia Gabriel
Bot my boy there on sun, JB is similar to Gracekids except JB is bilingual. Kind of worry whether he will behave the same for the coming trial on fri or not. Guess what happen, he cried & was so scared during the "drama role play" part where the teacher is trying to tell a story & dressed herself in the form of witch. He also scream in fear when the teacher bring the muppet close to him. Hai, he is really a timid boy. I dun think i can sign up JB again, feel very upset that i make him suffer instead of making him happy. Keep my fingers cross for the fri drama trial.
coz they dunno how much it costs to buy groceries/replenish toiletries/food etc mah hor
my hb only say "eh toilet paper no more liao" hahahahah

I went for the trial on Saturday...
There was waterplay at the last part right?? Was the witch a teacher from China with short hair??
Yup is waterplay but sun morning is cold & all mummies prefer to let their todd to play at the playground instead. Yes, is the china teacher with short hair. Is it "Green" theme on sat too?
So u signing up?
Godsent, Aqua.

Ok. But I understand that for budget airlines we will take flights form both budget airport in Singapore and KL? Is it going to be really inconvenient?

Like for air asia. who taken before? Must take airbus from the KL budget airport?

How far? to Royal Bintang hotel in KL?

Advises please?


Yeap green theme. Maybe not cos the timing on Saturday is not a good timing for us. Jayden's nap time. How many babies were there in the class. We had 16. Thought it was a bit big.
Morning =)

the trial slot for this friday is already full. If trial is good, we'll go for another one, that's water play theme. I will let u know again ya!

yesterday only visit doc at 4pm...asked for time off, boss ok. I LS 5 times
Doc wanna gave MC for today but i decline cos need to coordinate with contractors for exhibition stuff. 1st time i kenna bad diarrhoea till it aggravate my piles...painful even when i sit down!Ouch...
sun 9am only 8 todd which i think is good. But sun library is closed. Btw i went to Evans branch, u too? Pity that J dun enjoy the story telling part.

Check with you guys ah:

Whats the difference in taking air asia and SIlk air? With a differnce of $150 is it really worth it? Is the comfort of seat really so uncomftable in Air asia? Can we opt for a emgerency seat with more leg space since Elias will be on our
lap most of the time?
i doubt i will join the waterplay from S&S coz my boy is sfraid of water @ swimming pool neh...

aiyah, you so hardworking ah...heeheee
you got piles? push it back lor. my fren taught me to push it back when i squeeze too hard when pangsai-ing
i got the piles from preggy time *faintz*

coz i post my sis's bp thread @ here, i will tell her which mummies are from jan08. i told her to consider giving discount for jan08 mummies. but she havent reply me leh
steph, pls take care and drinking porridge water helpd with diarrhoea . keep urself hydrated!

fern, i never take budgeted airlines, so no comments.

pixie, today v sleepy and bored...woke up at 6am to close my hse windows coz of heavy rain, afterthat cant sleep liao! nw so deprived of sleep, sian!!!
can!! durian is heaty, so even though confinement can still eat!

It's ok, my girl is like that also when she goes for class for the 1st time, she will be koala bear, dun let the teacher touch her and certain sections she will cry also.
i oso wakie at 6 today to go early to work.
wore office attire but wore flipflops coz need to walk 2 bustop to take bus...i looked so comical

of coz can eat
eat all you want

Yup, finally I ordered some CB products!

And yes, luliian is back. We already chiong 717 last weekend. Mao Shan Wang is going at $12/kg before discount. Good and cheap. That guy said this is a short season, only going to last for 1 month only.

You are back to Singapore already ah. How's your holiday back home?

bb is fine. a little jaundice but PD say shd b ok. so no nid phototherapy! yeah! as for me, a little stress ahah cos bb milk intake alot ... n my milk ss not tat much esp when i m stress n had fever yday. told CL not to boil red dates water n not to add so much ginger, wine in my food for time being.

best is, no other ppl in my hse liao! no one disturb how i wan things to be done! my mom oso not in liao ... my hb's mother oso never once visited me (aft delivery)! yeah! i m the queen!!! hahah

yet to post haha i lazy .. hvn dl the photo in my hp haha n i lazy, seldom take photo haha

but tis lazy mummy kept playing FB games haha n even got hb to play on my behalf when i m sleeping/ resting haha
Ok, thks!

Yes, i took air asia before. the seat abit steep, v vertical. but for short flight, np lah. i took taxi from the airport to and from PJ. so dunno abt the bus thingy.
tks, will take care

X afraid of water?? u still bring him for swim last wk right? public pool? Hm...Z love water very much...he not scare...always wanna cheong to the swimming pool. I scare not he scare ah..
hey...prior exhibition, alot of stuff to prepare leh...no one helping me wor & have to work within budget but good is my boss let me decide most of the things from booth design, show engine, door gifts, brochures etc.
ehh..i got piles even before i preggy. During preggy & after, i kenna 3 small peanut size piles but shrink liow & now came back with vengeance...painful (red & swollen)...cannot push back...must slowly wait to heal 1st.
thanks for your durian info!!

yes i applied. hope i kena chosen when balloting lor
can you imagine how much HDB earns?:

eg: 500units on offer, but 2500 applications
each pays $10
so....($10 x 2500 applications) - ($10 x 500units)=$20,000

easily each opening earns xx,000K rite

no wonder singaporeans so poor
Pixie, wow! tht alot of $$$ they generated. imagine u apply but u dun get the ballot, need to waste more $$$ for more applications.

mylvera, jiayou on BF!!!
yah last week bot x to swim coz we knew he is afraid of water so must regularly bring him to pool to adjust him. we dont like him to be afraid of water lah.
x oso afraid of thunder leh. i think hes quite timid.

hor? a lot hor? hdb earns quite a tidy sum everytime they have openings for flats application like this.
my fren apply for new flat, oredi applied more than 10 times means at least $100 gone..all for nothing liao leh
Pixie, haha, my hubby not so bad lar, he is keen on saving $, but not as zealous to earn extra $ lar. Basically, he's not a risk taker. Stocks and shares he doesn't touch but unit trust he'll buy. Rent room he not keen but write books or draw cartoons to earn $, he's keen cos his passion mah. Hee. ;)
wah, 2010 public holidays very shiokz leh:
new yr - fri (long weekend)
CNY - sun, mon, tue
good friday - fri (long weekend)
labour day - sat (some company gives off)
vesak day - fri (long weekend)
national day - mon (long weekend)
hari raya puasa - fri (long weekend)
deepvali - fri (long weekend) *tbc*
hari raya haji- wed **only this hols not long weekend*
xmas - sat (some company gives off)

Pixie, haha, wa if I were still working, I'll lugi quite a few PHs over the 4 months ML starting from this year Xmas then. No wonder Dec MTBs are complaining. ;)

tat time i stay royale bintang too.. i rem it took us abt 1.5 hours from KLIA to royal bintang. if u talk direct taxi, shd be ard 1 hour. cos tat time we talk coach from KLIA to KL sentral, den at there take cab to the hotel
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Steph!,</font>

We brought him to a GP. He said it’s mozzie bites but because he is fair skinned, when spread, the swollen-ness looks redder and bigger too.

<font color="aa00aa">JanBB,</font>

Wah. Jayden can “ren tong!” Zzz. I see Ian’s face I also feel “xin tong” but the GP thinks I’m like very “kua zhang!” Coz I asked about scarring, he said it will fade s-l-o-w-l-y…

hi mummies..
been a few days since i last logged in.
Javier has been having fever since the 1st day he at CC. i brought him home after half day. so nw i decide to defer/withdraw him. Fri fever until sunday. Monday got red spots on his body, today even more. so brought him to the doc. doc say it may be fake measles.. so got to monitor him nw... hais.. so poor thing....
