we r actually planning for that part time aunties to help out once a week but my fil said dun need he will come once awhile to help out. Really very tiring when my hubby works late n I need to jagar everything. Sleepless nite nowadays. When wat u said about p1 now I'm not tat worried believe my son should be able to make it.
my son said very tired n bad news he got alot of mosquito bites. Both leg got it now quite bad. Have to bring him to see doc.
never see the leaflet u said. Be patient. Think registration should be on may.
we r actually planning for that part time aunties to help out once a week but my fil said dun need he will come once awhile to help out. Really very tiring when my hubby works late n I need to jagar everything. Sleepless nite nowadays. When wat u said about p1 now I'm not tat worried believe my son should be able to make it.
my son said very tired n bad news he got alot of mosquito bites. Both leg got it now quite bad. Have to bring him to see doc.
never see the leaflet u said. Be patient. Think registration should be on may.