(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

bluelily, ya... hubby said the people at ica give chance cos ikan bilis lao nuah, drooling to go overseas. haha.
Tub... my baby passport photo also behind a nappy

What a coincidence! I was just checking out the Positive Infant program at BabyBreeze website. Yesterday din log in cos baby seems to hv running nose, very cranky, keep crying. I din sleep last nite cos she woke up every hr crying.

I don't mind going wz u for the trial class on Sun. You found anyone yet?
kekeke... my bb has been "overseas" for many times liao. We have been driving to Malaysia for short breaks n to JB during weekends. So her passports got quite a nbr of stamps liao.

I got the Coppertone sunscreen for babies (pink bottle) from either Watsons or Guardian, cant remember. I know Avent has it too. So try dept stores.
constance, sorry for the late response. in training now..

ya second time already.. but their svc sucks when comes to changing maid... u go shout at them, they also dun care... too used to it le..

once u pay $4, they run away.. nv ans my call.. ask mi hold and hang up my call lo... so scary.. now i m stuck lo

any lawyer here? Can maid agency here? I need help!!!!!!!1
can can...I'll drop u an email.

Ginger, the trial promotion of 1-for-1 will end on 15 June. I just asked. heehee...
beng ma, scary leh... 200ml every 3 hours... going to burnt a big hole liao... dilute with water. Hahahhaa...

Just came back fr dentist... cos found a tiny black hole on my #1's back tooth. Ended up 2 decayed teeth. She reviewed on the 2 front teeth, phew don't need to extract due to that fell. Mended 2 decay teeth, polishing and 1 teeth mousse. Cost me $200+. FAINT! Damn x!

Haahaa... dentist praises #1 and saying that he belongs to the 10% group of toddler. So well-behaved! Hahaha... I don't understand why he will be so obedient when comes to doctor, dentist and teacher.... at home hor, get him to take medicine is a breeze! Sometimes, he even volunteer.
u gals just give me an idea of taking beng's passport pix! hiak hiak hiak!

bell, shryn, slimz, i dono leh, he at mil place drink 180ml every 3 hours, but if at my place, he drink 200ml every 3 hours, scary!!! lucky i change zoe tay's brand to diana ser's brand, if nt u gals wont see me spree here spree there liao hehee! oo btw, i do add some cereals into his milk wor but he still can finish all his milk.
don want la, his bones heavy, his weight now is 7.7kg, i already carried him very siong, cant imagine if he is sumo size, ahhaa!

bluelily, if urs is ikan bilis, then mine is ???, he is neither ikan bilis nor sumo leh... the other day ur hb carried him, he is ok right? my beng is heavy-bone bb...

sumo ma, ya lor very scary! if nt for his cough the last time, he will have reach over 8kg liao. even hb say heng ah now can start solid if nt sure pok big pocket hole!
beng ma, urs is normal. Not skinny not fat. Mine dun look skinny, but small in size overrall I guess. Yest my dad say he's 6.7 I so happy already. Up another 0.1kg over 1 or 2 wks. hahaha
Missylan, ex-sumo still look skinny in that recent pix. But...........................................................................

....... he is still cute cute de.
Kekeke... I also photo my boi using nappy as his background.

Hen, my boi is a frequent traveller to Malaysia. He goes in with his popo to visit his popo's mummy, that is his tai-po.
Dentist treatment for adults or kids are real ex. But thats singapore....sighz

beng's ma,
Yah, luckily you change the milk powder if not really very siong. Think you can start to give beng more cereal intake so he will drink at a longer interval. But no matter how, he loves milk and thats good rather than some bbs who don really like and need to take a longer time to finish his milk which happen to my friend's 6 months kiddo.
He was telling me he needs to take 1 hour to finish his milk which makes him got frustated everytime. Even if there's cereal input, also the same....
Dont understand why.
Different babies really have different character.
Slim down liao... hahaha...

Very expensive... You can imagine how long I didn't patronise dentist liao, me phobia since kid time.
wah!!! jovan drinking a lot le! FM somemore... good le heavy bones.. mine is ahpui liao drinking FOC MOM's MILK.. hopefully he got mass in his bones oso, but i really like to see his puipui thighs.. haha siao liao. think he's more interested in human interaction than milk nowadays. recently got problem getting to finish his bottle at one go. hai....

my girl is like tat lor...
now 6 months plus oni drinks 120-140 max every 3 hours. she'll take 1 hour to finish one bottle at times. drink, then play play boo boo, then drink, then coax to drink, then finish her milk. SIGH...
has anyone started feeding carrot puree to ur baby? That one need to mix with milk? Sweet potato puree shd mix with milk right? Then what about other vege puree? heehee...
My boy also struggle to finish his milk every 3 hrs, so now I "starve" him until 3and a half or 4 hrs then feed him. Then he will guai guai sit on my lap and finish 150ml in less than 15 mins. haha..
I believe hor when feeding try not to play with them, if not will make into a habit. Feeding for 1 hour can stress mummies out.

As for me, my boy is drinking alright cause i drag his feeding interval to also 4-5 hours. So he also finished his milk cause stomach hungry. But I will be frustated if he still doesnt sleep even if i pat him for 1 hour....Arghh.
If he's too tired and gets to nap at around 8pm then i will die....mummy won't even get to sleep at ard 11.30pm
tub, I really understand how u feel. haha. Cos mine naughty boy is exactly the same!

shryn, not tt we wanna play with bb. Dun play bb also dun wanna drink. Gotta play with him.. distract him.. while drinking.. then sometimes he'll guai guai finish his milk. I already used to it le.
hi mummies,

i'm kinda worried that I'm overfeeding my boy..went for his jabs last sat and gotten his height and weight taken - 9.2kg and 70.5cm. He is 5mths and 2 weeks now. asked the PD if he is overweight but PD commented that my boy is on the heavier side..also checked with PD what should be the amount of milk that Bb should be drinking, he mentioned that should be around 600 - 800ml per day. Me and husband calculated my boy's intake and realised that he is drinking close to 1.1 litres a day!! His feed is something like 180ml every 3.5hrly...Oops....

Any advise if the milk is too much for my boy?..He seems happy enough and been putting on weight every month...
Check with you one thing hor.. can we start introducing stage 2 formula a few days before bb turns 6 months old?
shryn, ya boy! phew! maybe i shld put more cereals in his milk then, ok will try later, will let u know if it's workable or nt, *crossing fingers*

sumo ma, yup yup, hehee normal ok liao!

alien, ur towkay still very towkay, my beng still very beng, very hard to be towkay, but i like mal's smile, cuteeeeee!!!

jeelo, ya, scary hor! but now i like his fat fat thighs, everytime go press his thighs hehe, me pai tai!
<font color="ff0000">btw, pls remember our HOT DATES on 6 jun, 1pm at motherhood and 7 jun, 3pm at hrc</font>

7 Jun 2008 (SAT), 3pm onwards

3. baby12+bb (hb - KIV)
4. bluelily+hb+bb (will be late)
5. elaine+hb+bb
6. ankh+hb+bb
7. cocoangel+hb+bb
8. missylan+2 kiddos+helper
9. hentang+hb+bb+#1
10. fanny+hb+bb
11. Jaime+hb+bb
12. alien+hb+bb
13. pierced+bb
14. petrina+bb
15. zu+boy+bb
16. lynzi+bb
17. fairylander+hb+bb
18. bbngg+hb+bb
19. steffietan+bb (hb+#1: not sure)
20. tub+hb+bb
21. rachel18+hb+bb (rachel cheng)
22. slimz+bb+hb

Note: The cocktail menu is at S$20++ per pax. (They have $25++ and $35++, but don think we will eat a lot). Free flow of coffee/tea/coke and sprite is at S$5++ per adult.
(Children between the ages of 5 years to 10 years will be charged at half price per child &amp; children from the ages of 11 years &amp; above will be charged at adult price per child for the buffet only. Children from the ages of 5 years &amp; above will be charged at S$5++ per child for the freeflow of coke/sprite/coffee/tea).

HRC require me to make 30% non-refundable deposit as a form of confirmation. just fyi, so don sabo me hor, hehe!

Cocktail Menu
- Chips &amp; Salsa
- Mini fish &amp; Chips
- Assorted Sandwiches
- Vietnamese Sugarcane Prawns
- Pandan Chicken
- Spring Rolls
- Mini Burger
cute? he is devil.. sure know how to torture his parents. everyday kun gao gao at his nanny's place and come back torture us!

beng ma
ya, our son still behave like they suppose to be, keke.. h5! mal hates apple puree too! but he seemed like the banana leh, keke..

I think the idea of adding milk to the food is to let ur bb have a taste of familiar food. And won't reject the fruits/vege that u going to introduce.
beng ma...u must choose sweet sweet apples. my apple puree turned out sweet leh. hehs...just worry wait she get sweet tooth. hahaha.

so u give carrot puree straight like that?

Crystalz, oh...hmmm...true. hee...

Oh, do u gals freeze up the puree? Then how to warm it up? Defrost, I more or less know...but warm it up leh? Coz it's a cube, when it's frozen...then after defrost, it doesn't liquidify like water. It still stays in its cube-shape....sounds like a stupid question? hahahaha
Beng's ma...
You hot hot mummies have HOT DATES Ah...
Seems so fun...feel like joining and meeting you gals &amp; babies t00...Can still join or not arh? If yes, let me check with hubby &amp; get back to you for the hrc gathering at 7 jun.
If not, shall join u next time...
hi csi, i actually k kiang, go and buy EB's first apples, sour de... hehee! but he try EB first carrots, he like leh, ya i give him straight. i put a bit into the bowl and feed him.

Ya, i freeze up then when i want to feed him, i put into the milk warmer, ^5 alien, cos milk waarmer buy liao, don waste it, hehee!

shryn, can can, join us join us! but hor, must give u warning, the mummies very poisonous when talking abt sprees n shopping, ahhaa!

Ok...i come back to you again, got to check with the man..

kekeke....shopping, sprees, cheap buys...i will sure get addicted manz :p
But hor...if i'll to go there hor..i dont know any mummy and can only search for babies who i seen before...hehehe...
i only know bb jovan, bb shawn, now with bb mal....kekeke..
