(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Thanks! I thought its very wed

So the next one is supposedly next week? I better call them to register hehe...


the pics so nice!!!

i also gian gian to take my girl for photo session liao.. hhahaha..

any good discount?? can post in niangjia?? hehehee..
Been wondering too, is the baby cafe at BabyBreeze a regular thingy? Only went there the one time n met up wz ankh, cookiemz, n few others, have not been back there cos dunno whether Dec mummies here r meeting there regularly. My #1 been asking me cos she wants to meet the Dec babies again.
Sigh, my gal been wasting a lot of milk n solids lately. Her intake very unpredictable. For milk, she has been waking up every 2hrs for the past few nites, wldn't stop crying til I give her the bottle but she never finished it, sometimes only drinks 10ml n she's back into dreamland. As for solids, when first started wz rice cereal n brown rice cereal, she can finished half a bowl. The other day, I introduced Japanese sweet potato puree, she finished everything. Few days later, I tried pumpkin puree, seems like she didn't like it. I ended up replacing it wz rice cereal. Last 2 days, she didn't want to finish her rice cereal or brown rice cereal. In between spoonfuls of cereal, she wld cry for milk. She finished the bottle of milk but not the cereal. I have this feeling that after trying Japanese sweet potato, she develops sweet tooth. How how how now?
i replied on email. Did u receive?

oh ya, can go thru me.. i fight for u all.. let see wad he say.. hahaha...

Petrina, as per ur request i posted in niangjia le..

yupz yupz.. i saw it liao.. hehe.. thank u!


my girl has been wasting lots of cereal too! HT brand somemore! pocket pain ah.. sianz..

when i prepare a little bit.. she wants more and cries coz i'm too slow to prepare more.. when i prepare more.. she clamps her mouth shut.. dun want to eat.. aiyoh!
so angry & Stress up by maid agency!!!

Btw, those wan to hire maid.. dun go to JPB... i got big headache with them esp katong branch. They jus run away with my $$.. now i call the person in charge, the person answering the phone kept saying the person in charge is busi.. Will call mi bk.. Alreadi delayed for 20 days.. no calls fm them...

My maid was sent bk for 2 weeks alreadi. Till now, they are not following up or refund money.

They onli serve u gd for once.. after tt, if u got any replacement.. they jus entertain u.. say will get bk to u.. i waited and waited..
anyone interested in bringing your baby for this Positive Infant programme at BabyBreeze? (more details, can check out BabyBreeze website. www.babybreeze.biz). I'll be bringing my gal for a trial class next Sunday (15 June at 11.30am). Trial class costs $35 for 1 parent + baby. The person in charge (Ellen) informed that they are having a 1-for-1 promo for the trial class. If there are 2 sets of babies, the parents just pay $35 for the trial (i.e. each would be $17). Anyone interested? I'll be bringing my baby there lah (rather, hb will be bringing), regardless of whether I can get a friend to go along or not. But of course, if got another friend to join, can lower cost...why not right? heehee...
on cereals...
yesterday i gave HT. think it's not so overpowering compared to nestle (which i tried on sunday). nestle one very sweet le i find... waiting for bellamy's this weekend.

nice pics of ur boy boy leh... think ur boy looks like u hor =P

can good lobang on the photography, let me know also
belle, ah bie,
thks for the concern. I always constipation lah.. even b4 preg. But last time the skin not so tender.. now gek abit then bleed liao.
Hb tot wound tear? Shd not be rite? So long liao?

ah bie u with Dr Koh also ah? I cant rem le..

hen, ya, my col did warn me of not starting sweet potatoe so early. Cos will develop sweet tooth. I tried apple puree.. think v sweet also leh. He eat till so shiok! Maybe stop a while then try again ba. Let bb forget abt the taste 1st. heehee

abt not finishing cereals... eh.. I will try to feed using spoon. When he cant finish the little bit of cereal, I just add to his milk n let him drink. like tt no waste!
oh ya belle...
sorry sorry...i forget to reply to you.
I think i'll pass your good deal.
Done too many purchases from BP...faintz
ya.. nice mtg u ytd too. Welcome to my humble hse. Sorry hse a little empty & dusty.. cos jus sent bk the maid. =( so sad... no one helping mi..Next time our bb can meet.. heehee..

Shryn, no prob.

Bluelily, i think normal leh. my sis said usually happen for natural delivery.. on top since u always got constipation, then i think normal la.. but gd to see doc too.. Drink more water & eat more vegetable with fibers as well.. Help u to poo poo.. eat papaya lo.. U can do it big time.. hahaha...cos not gd to eat medicine often since u always haf this prob. (not gd for ur health)

ya lo.. initally i also din wan to let my boy take or pay money.. but then after they grow up le. the cute precious moments will be gone. i dun wan to regret leh.. haha.. i tried doing myself but those photos taken are not nice =(
anyway, my fren's one also cheap cheap so okie la.. At least not so heart pain spend 100 of dollars for that..

I saw my photos when i was young, all nt nicely taken..so know how it feel.. Show pple my boy in nice photo also happy..
Pin on my desk area i see already also will b happy! hahaha.. tt my view pt lo.. do smth good and cheap.. oh no.. i sound like aunty liao...
Pretty, i think ur gal so sweet.. shld go la.. later everyone will envy u lo... ur gal really SWEET... u also got a lot of pretty accessories for her.. sure look gd..
hahaha! Ya, he say the same thing to everyone. Kinda miss him. :p

belle ya, think i must eat more fruits. :p Shy to see doc...
i tried nestle too.. i mean i tasted .. quite sweet.. plus BM even more sweet ..
waiting to collect HT from elaine.. elaine u here?? heee... .. mabbe i drop her a sms... .. cant wait to let shirui start =D
haha.. was lookng at the package tt Doris Sent. Wow.. it's so costly to take photos..

Glad my ROM's one not so exp... Piew..!! I hope if i do my customary, i can ask my colleague do too.. Sure can bargain for cheaper.. haha...
i think he can do for events too..
I got my maid from Loyal Maid Agency at Katong. She was a transfer. So far so good. Perhaps you can try the agency.

Re: Positive Babies. There's one at Inspire Mum& Baby at Katong too. I prefer weekdays too but so far don't have.
i want!!!
but hor, what is positive infant?
sori ah...me suaku and yet still want to join...hehe.
post this in niang jia leh.
what happened at JPB?
why dun you go to their branch in person and ask?
My contract with JPB says that i wont have a refund if my maid or replacement maids dun last for more than 7 mths leh.
Constance, i got a v scary moments with them. Pretty disappointed cos they are such big company.

14May08 - send maid bk, they promised to call me when there are new bio-data of maid
Waited and waited.. (no call)

4days later - Called them. They said oh ya, they wanted to call me.. Check with them if i can hire my ex-maid not..
Without thinking, they promised they able to do it..& will get bk to me 1 day later. My ex-maid fm another training centre (Centre B) has not dealing with JPB.

No news fm JPB for 2 days. I called them, they jus pushing everything ard.. so we called and followed up for another week.. Thry jus happily pushing things ard.. Centre B even called mi saying they will not SELL their maid to another agency becos of their bad reputation.. But JPB insisted tt their boss is gd terms with CENTRE B.

Waited another few days.. Those in charge either on leave/ outstation/ lunch/ on the line..

The guy JAMES even promised to get that exmaid in.. 4days have passed, no news fm him.. i called him jus now, on LEAVE. He said even cannot, will come n visit my mum on the requirement.. till now.. No news!! total coming to 1 month of waiting.. without any maid..
service so bad man
I am with the hougang green branch, but my maid was transferred from the katong branch.
You change maid 2nd time already rite?
their std no good?
ok this is out of the blue but i want to share some natural ways of cleaning the house! sorry ah... i suaku!

clean toilet: can use vinegar to clean wall tiles and soda powder to clean the floor!

table tops: vinegar, effective and kills germs!

floor/baby playmat: use a gallon of water with a few drops of tea tree oil!

then i even more suaku! didn't even know about these tips.


just call baby breeze for baby cafe dates lor. dunno if it's gonna be a regular thing for dec mummies, but last week bumped into miraclebaby & cookiemz there.
the vinegar thingy one of my colli, one uncle, just shared with us last week. We very bad, luff at him for being "auntie" .

not luffing at you ah. anyway, what he told us was to use vinegar mixed with tap water and wipe the floor. He say even marble and granite also can!
i ever tried cleaning my toilet bowl with coke.
my dad said its acidic so sure very clean.
true lor, the toilet bowl very clean and sparkly..hehe.
Hahaha... now hor super mini sumo drinks 180ml every 5-6 hours. He not very interested in his milk liao. Maybe you see this photo, took yesterday. Hahaha... This angle looks fatter.

Mine from JPB Katong, I liase with Alice, the manager branch. So far so good... Usually refund will take around 1 month. Or you drop down to ask for biodata, he should have those one otherwise how to do business? I went to Hougang Green before to collect my maid's WP and passport. That outlet cannot make it la, all the agent look super unfriendly and like most newbie agents. Maybe you change to another outlet lor...
lynzi, yaya! i heard about the cleaning properties of coke b4 but gosh... u've got one expensive toilet bowl!

constance: :x eh... i'm an organic auntie, ok??? haha
i onli tried it oce cos i was curious.
did not do it again cos hubby said coke may clean it but ants will start coming.
wat he said makes sense so i stopped lor.
furthermore, i hate ants, lizards and cockroaches in the house.
if see will sure die die find and kill.
not sure when the 1-for-1 lasts till leh. Coz it's HB who called them, then he pass the infor to me. hahaha. (yah, see...I'm such a lazy mummy. This kind of thing, it's my hb who go do and find out one. I just shop and shop only. muahahahahaha). I think they have a Monday class too...that's what he said. Coz I told him, "boh pian mah, I gotta work...cannot afford to be SAHM, so cannot go for weekday slot". hiak hiak hiak....hahahaha. No offense to SAHMs...I was just poking at hb. kekekekeke.
any tips on cleaning bath tubs?
i install one @ my new hse .. hee.. wanted let my girl "swim" in it .. but duno how to maintain it .. its aryclic (duno spell rite anot..=P) material..

u r with dr " hello my fren" oso?

besides his favourite taglines, think he is oso famous for the waiting time. hahaha =P
Just a piece of info to share:
"Dr Titzer - Your Baby Can Read series creator is in town ... saw an article in "My Paper" tis morning ... here to conduct a workshop on Friday 10am @ Island Cafe Tangs Orchard .. "
haaa.. ya lar... but we alwys go library walk walk .. or worst .. heee go kiddy palace shop shop =P

dat time i went bk for pap smear he ask me ve a "Rat" baby to accompany my "Golden Pig" girl..

bluelily oso under him i tink .. and bb born 5dec issit? @ Mt A oso?
my girl was born 6dec .. and on 5dec PM i visited him, he chk me n say i'll prob b in labor soon..and he quoted a lady who visited him on 4dec and he told her will due..and true enuf, bb born on 5dec ard 8AM.. i gathered its bluelily .. hahaaaaa
same here! shop shop shop while waiting for the Q number to jump. kekeke

aiyo, he told me the same thing oso... 5 yrs 3 babies! in front of my husband somemore! pengzzz

i went to him on 4 dec oso! michelin came out the next day, in the evening. tink the 3 of us plus our babies kept dr " hello my fren" busy ....kekeke

But one thing we can't deny is that he is a very experience gynae lah.
isssit!!!! mabbe its u n not bluelily dat he was telling me abt ?? hee

aiyoh.. he told u 3 in 5yrs too.. haa... he tells all the preggy mummies lor .. =P
Ya lor, one of his favourite tagline oso. hahaha

no lah, my little michelin came out in the evening. maybe he is referring to bluelily. kekeke
slimz, can use baking soda to clean. i use it to clean my basin, sparkling clean! oh! btw, ntuc thomson sells cheap baking soda. it's in a box.
i'm so happy ICA accepted my little ikan bilis' photo for her passport! we took it at home with the nappy cloth as the background! haha.
slimz, ya i think that shd be me. I went to him on 4th Dec evening, 5th Dec 6.15am bb out. Not 8 am though. Oh ah bie, ur bb also 5th Dec ah. Ya, think Dr Koh is really gd. He even came n visit me when I admit on 4th Dec. V nice.
