(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

you can get those clips from those one dollar shop. I bought quite a lot for my botak gal last time.
I tried making sweet potatoe puree over the weekend. Bought the Japanese sweet potatoe (red skin, longish type). Inside is yellow colour...correct? hahaha. i'm a klutz at marketing.

Then after boiling, it's still yellow (duh) [hb thot those were cut bananas...hahahaha]. But after puree-ing, it became yellowish-green. So strange. haha.
oh yah,

is it possible to (or how to) wash the interior of a washing machine???

Coz my helper told me yesterday that she washed the interior of the machine, before putting in baby's clothes to wash. I was tired, so didn't question her further. but now that I think about it, I'm wondering...how to wash the insides?? And she said she wash and drained out water. HUH?? Coz my machine is those super simple kind of machine. 3 buttons nia...1. Start/Pause 2. The different types of washing - regular, heavy duty, delicate, soak. 3. On/off. So how to drain out the water? I dun even know how to drain the water off my own machine...hahahaha

Then I also noticed yesterday that the laundry bags (empty ones) were soaking wet. No reason mah...coz even if spin dry etc, it wouldn't be so wet. And she can tell me, "it's very wet...so strange"...riiiiittteee...

I dunno, is it me or is it her? I'm not that savvy with wahing machines. hahaha.
hmm.. went to c the clips on the webby... looks like can ownself diy oso leh .. .. hee.. mabbe if i ve the time =P can try

I stayed in HK Disneyland Hotel. I think the kids will love it. There's mascots in the morning in the breaskfast room, and the environment is nice too. Not sure abt the other one, but from the outlook, I prefer the one I stayed in. It's built to look like a plantation estate, so feel more relaxed and holiday mood. the other is like a typical hotel.
deerdeer, I started using Bumbo for my gal when she was abt 4 mths+. But each time is only for a few minutes only. Coz at that time, not so steady yet. Dun want to strain her back or anything. Then 5 mths plus, stretched the time a bit longer than a few minutes. Then when started solids, even longer lorh. She will let us know when she has had enough of the seat. She will fuss and make movements like trying to get out of the seat. hahaha.

washing machine: u can call the tech helpline for yr washing machine brand and ask them. most have the function to wash the interior. hehe i also know how to wash it manually but hard to explain lah! cos my machine is samsung... and i had to witness one serviceman doing it for me so now i am part-time washing machine service woman also..hahah
deerdeer, like csi's gal, my boy will sit on the bumbo seat till he will make a fuss and that's where we know he want to be out of the seat.

pretty, ur gal so prettttttyyyy! big big eyes, getting more pretter! actually hor the clips i oso can diy, but i need to find time to do it and then show u gals, hehee too bad mine is a boy if nt, hehehe, i will make a lot of clips for her liao..
i tried cereal feeding yesterday. 1st spoon ok. then subsequently shawn sticked out his tongue to push out the spoon. it's normal rite?
tink i'll try again tonite.
hehe, finally i put my baby cubes to good use, ytd noon went to make spinach puree! havent let him try the puree yet, prob tonight, :p
Next week going to try making carrot puree, hehe!
beng's ma,
how do you make spinach puree har? i oso thinking of making lei... must steam, then use blender izit?? yest, make pumpkin puree for my boy and he enjoyed it very much! finished every drop. but the girl took a couple of mouthfuls only and vomitted out some water... she's always more resistant to new food la.. need to feed a few days then she will accept, haha...
yup yup, dodo, first i cut into small pcs, then steam for abt 2 min, let them drain and cool then use blender, after that i pout into the cubes and freeze them.
Cos my #1 got eczema so didi got a 30% chance willhave eczema too. I can start him most of the grains, veggies and fruits but not meat(including fish, white meat or red meat), nuts and egg. So up to 1 year old will be fruit, veggies puree and porridge.
tks beng ma...1st day as a SAHM, see what i did:

DIY crochet headband

DIY headband

someone talk about bumbo, just took a pic today, tot wanna show to u...for mummies who hv bumbo seat, how long can bb use it ah? mine like cannot go in liao, the leg space abit tight..feel like selling it away...today 1st time using it...
thanks for your info!

my #1 & 2 are both confirmed eczema cases. no 3 skin also very sensitive. but i didnt pay particular attention to what they eat.
very bad hor?

wow, you r so hands on!! So Nice! just like blessed. Hmmm.. 2 talented dec mummies.
so envy i see ur gal go swimming.hope my gal can go soon.duno can go bo coz she juz undergo major surgery last month.my gal like to play water wenever she bath.

ur girl really cute n pretty wif the big big eyes
Think yours coming 6th mth old or 6th mth +, bumbo actually can start as young as 3mths plus(depending on each development). My #1 started 4th mth and #2 started 3rd mths+. I seldom use it on my #2 already cos now he can use his walker. Roam about it his walker... You really talented, very good in handifcraft!

Must watch out la, ah boh, later see their skin red red very sian 1. Then ppl keep asking what happen etc...

Its ok, wait for her wound to a complete recovery. Health is more important. Ren Yi Ren Pa. Mine also play in tub only though swimming pool is accessible. Me lazy leh. =P
re: bumbo seat
my boy has been using bumbo since the last taka fair.
cos that was when i just bought it...hahaha!
from the looks of it, i think he can only fit at the most until he's 7 or 8 mths.
the thighs getting meatier like chicken drumstick..hehe.

postings pics of our outing to sentosa and underwater world yesterday.

my boy with the i play hat i ordered from u. thanks yah!


ur sumo still can sit in the tub ar?i tot the tub too small for him to swim liao lol.juz kidding hor no offence.miss ur sumo leh.got recent pic bo?
mini pretty very pretty le!

lynzi, your boy look different liao le... :p

this evening, i fed shawn cereal again, he was very hungry then. he wolfed down quite a fair bit of cereal but i pulled the brakes coz i'm worried tomolo he constipation... :p so after that i gave him milk.

Oh... he can still sit inside, but to lay him down to wash butt cannot already, think he is too long for that. Sometimes I am lazy to use the tub, I just seated him on the floor(but with anti-slip plastic tiles) to bathe him. Now know how to sit liao, easier to wash him.
hello mummies...
is there babycafe tmr or near future? if yes please count me in hor.. thanks! me not working now (yippie!) so can be tai tai liao
both your girls are so pretty, big big eyes

you are so good with your hands, i wished i could get some from you but mine is boy boy leh
ya pretty .. can make n sell .. i sure will buy frm u leh .. or can i place orders .. hee... like karen's suckling pad for baby carriers =P
Yes, pretty .. u are really gd in tt.. i think u ca start class with those mummies interested! or can do and sell...

For me, i think i got butter finger! Or fat fingers.. Terrible with Art & Craft.. tt day did a milk bottle for hubby as part of anniversary present.. decorate until i wanna die.. hahaha...
normally doc will do a pap smear test for the post check up...if you r worried, maybe can just go to any GP etc for the test?

btw, mummies, r u all still dropping hair...me still dropping quite a lot every day leh
Alrite.. means after post natal, we have do test. jus call & check, mus do the test..$85 buy gynae very far..

Did ur gynae do the ultra scan for u? to see got any blood clot not? -- > Hubby's concern

If no scanned needed, then i jus go GP will do for the PAP Smear or go polyclinic this Sat since i m bringin my boy for jab
no scan done for both my pregnancies.....additional svc provided by gynae, ...gave me a booklet on family planning and contraceptives :p
Hi mummies,

got a question to ask, if it ok to mix the rice cereal into the FM or to feed the rice cereal by spoon? My babysitter wanted to mix it into the milk feed but I'm not really keen on it. .. :p
my nanny did that for my #1 the last time...it was ok leh, though at home i will still feed her using spoon
my gynae did check on my wound n did a scan for me.

But hor.. now my skin there like v tender leh.. sometimes got constipation will poo till got blood. anyone like tt?
hi leejo,
my mum has been wanting to do e same.. but i actually prefer to strt e weaning wif proper spoon feeds rather than adding to bottle.

jus chckd wif bb's pead.. she said better to use spoon feed. smthing abt if in bottle more tendancy to choke as hole will be bigger to let tickr milk flow thru. then it is gd to get them to practice e 'chew' swallow process. she said if in bottle bb may get lazy.
I fed my boy with spoon too.. he likes his cereal thick.. more texture i think..
after tt feed him with water/juice..

He poos everyday. so no prob..

bluelily,wad happen? Got drink lots of water..i tend to have this also..even before i pregnant...

u can get stool softener medicine from dr koh or from pharmacy.

v effective. no need to gek until face green green. kekeke

Belle....yr boyboy so cute...
The photos are great.
Your friend's a photographer, if said recommended by you got special discount or not....kekeke

btw, the shooting was done at his studio or in your house?

Btw My post delivery check did include scanning to check for blood clot.
