(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

my HB refuse to take my BM lor .. to tink he was breastfed by his mum till 14mths old in the past.. haa... .. mabe is bo pian .. haaa ...

val: that day u saw me w/o makeup mah.. haa.. makeup does wonders .. haaa... sounds like some comestic ads logo .. hiak.. den the hairstylist comb my hair one side .. say "the empty patch (aka balding aft birth) can darken using computer technique" faintz!

den dat day aft the foto shoot we went to our bridal shop oso ard the area.. the designer still rem us!!! haa... and he said "wow.. so fast?!" eyes looking at my girl .. he even wanted to ask girl or boy lor.. but he saw the headband she wearing so he said "she" =P

bluelily and slimz,

my hb very cute de, he feel so heartpain when my son waste my bm. kekeke... he always tell him, mummy express very xin ku lei so you must finish ok. But my son never listen to him one cos my son drinking is eratic. Some feed only finish 40ml.

My hb has this theroy that everything my boy eats, parents must taste before feeding to baby in order for us to know the taste.
ei.. now a bit worried, tried introducing water to ahboy, but then his face smirked until like kiam chai.. then he toss the magmag cup away...
wow! your boy can really eat! hope my girl will be like yours when she starts solid.
how old is your boy now?
btw first time can feed so much meh? i tot can only start w half teaspoon?
Hmm... not a lot leh. Think not tablespoon bah, should be kid's soup spoon(chinese type). My boy is 6th mth old today. =) Hahaha, their expression of first taste is really funny, maybe you can get someone to video for you.

Oh, never thought of might mixed with some sweat. Hahhahaa...

So people hor, especially eldery... me not trying to be ill-mannered BUT sometimes really don't know what is going on with their mind. You know, my niece, wearing FULL PINK... with a PINK headband... they still can ask,"Boy or Girl?" My SIL will give them a -.- expression. She will reply,"Auntie/Uncle, wearing PINK, is boy or girl?" HAHAHHAHAHAAA.... BUT my niece looks more boyish than girlish.
haha... i also tasted my milk... think m the onli 1 who drink back my own BM ba... haha... when i just delivered.. i tasted a bit out of curiosity... taste sweet.. my hubby also drank a couple of cups.. taste sweet.. haha... now, gg to 6 mths le.. milks till taste sweet..

wa.. seems like most of u alreadi started intro cereal.. me not yet.. mum say gotto wait till 6mths.. which is about 11 days later ba... say let her intestines mature??
hahahaha missylan, 2 tablespoon my gal find too little for her after that she can finish 180ml of BM. This week tried 3 table spoon and after that she drink 140ml of BM. She really like to take cereal
Gabby's mum,
Think 2 spoonfuls are too little too, but test out onli, scared he don't like or reject the brown rice then very wasteful. Tomorrow can try a little bit more liao...
i don't dare to taste my own milk. think it's psychological ba...but i heard the taste is pretty much dependent on what we eat. take for ex if we eat a lot of fruits, then the milk will be sweet. if it's fish, then the milk will have a fishy taste. not sure if it's true. anyone wants to experiment? hee
about solids:
my mum was suggesting start after su's 6 months jab cos afraid she may develop a temperature.

gals, ask u all ah... do u give rice cereal after their jabs? my mum has this logic that rice cereal will increase the temp after jabs. any advise?

p/s: she's coming to 6 months in 2 days.
missylan,jasmine, tub
i am also starting my girl w solid only she turns 6 mths
all my readings said so...their everything inside only fully develop and is ready by 6th mth.

i didnt know starts solid may develop fever. her 6th mth jab happens to fall on her actual 6th mth.
so how har? can still feed her solid?
my girl usually don eat much after jab. don know is it still good idea to start then?
my hubby suggest to start a week b4 jab. so that if anything, can ask doc...but that is contrary to wat i read leh. what do u gals think?
The 1st day I started my gal on plain rice cereal (mixed wz FM), I thought she wld struggle wz 1 tablespoon. But in the end, she finished half a small bowl. Few days later, I started her on brown rice cereal. Same thing, can finish half a small bowl. Slowly introducing puree to her. So far, she tried Japanese sweet potato. I usually made 150ml of FM, use it to mix wz the cereal or puree, then wld let her finished whatever FM that is remaining.

Yeah, the older gen often said fever dun take rice stuff. So, I actually waited for the last shot of 6-1 jab at 5mths 1wk, aft 2 days, no fever, then started cereal when she's abt 5mths 3wks.
U gals very brave. I dun dare to taste my own ebm too. My fren hb tasted both fresh and thawed ebm and told her that thawed one got fishy taste.
tried e japanese sweet potato puree on her yesterday. din go down that well wif her taste palette apparently.. MIL said not to feed too much sweet potato cz of 'too much wind'? dunno la..my helper also said normal potatoes r even better and softer..not so dry..

anyways, helper said she will cook bb's porridge wif carrots, pumpkin and potatoes today. =)
So fast onto porridge? Do u add milk to the potato puree? I add milk so that it is not so dry n bb loves it.

My mum thinks its better to let bb on cereal abt 1mth before moving on to porridge. Me think like wise so will wait few more weeks before I introduce porridge. Let the stomach n digestive systems have some time to adapt to soft solids (like cereal) first.
some says porriage can only starts when bb 7 mths...think dun rush things...always double check with PD if got queries...my next visit is next wed...i'll see what he has to say abt porriage...
hen, yea, i added BM..it helped to make it real smooth but somehow she din seem to like it. =( i liked it tho (w/o e BM)..haaa..

well, i'll b starting her onto porridge cz she's been on cereal for a while already n seems to enjoy eating. she's 6.5mths already so i'm just goin to give it a try. just a few spoons i guess for starters. =) anyway, my porridge only has veggies in it (no meat as yet) so its almost as good as eatg a puree. =)
So nice of mummies can start many ingredients... porridge with fish, etc. Mine cannot start after 1 year old...

Ya ya.... the one coming out fr fridge one hor, got fishy smell. Hahahhaa... I thought my MIL prepared raw fish then go touch my bottles you know. Sorry, mother!!!

Though you experienced mummy liao, it is good to introduce new veggies, new food and continue for 3-4 weeks... if sway sway allergic to it, at least you know which one. My niece hor, very funny... allergic to SPINACH! Hahahaa...
haha, you have wronged your mil liao.

my no 2 who is allergic to cows milk, also has the same symptoms. Even if we just let her lick 1-2 times of our ice cream (those cone type), she will immediately develop rash around the mouth area.
Hahahhaa... I apologised liao mah. T.T
So poor thing... so sensitive aah! Hope she will outgrow of it when she gets bigger. Like mine now 3 yrs old liao, at least can take egg and flare up only once a month.
i tasted my ebm too... hmmm... its sweet, very mild tasted. but i nvr tried thawed ones.... i think it's not so nice cos got abit fishy smell.

how do u feed ur babies with cereal? make them sit on bumbo seat or put them on a rocker chair?
shld make sure bb is sitting upright before feeding. If your rocker chair can be fixed and upright, shldnt be a prob.
I planning to feed mine on bumbo seat.
I placed mine in walker which has stoppers.

Just now made him a slightly bigger bowl of brown rice cereal, he was so excited when he saw the bowl. So amazing that he recalls the feeding bowl. I used those stainless steel type... don't really buy nice kiddo's feeding bowl. =P My #2 I very bochap.

He pooed and I see that his poo is slightly more solid than usual, hope tomorrow's will not be harder than today's. Cos heard alot of bb took brown rice got constipation.
today shawn went for his jab. he eeekkk twice (coz got two jabs one left one right). after that bo tai chi liao. when he came back, he gave us a one good time. throughout the whole day he slept only for 1.5hrs. the rest of the time he was hyper active and playful. so tired la entertaining him... anyway, he is at 8.39kg/67cm now. doc said his weight on the 90percentile but din tell me to put him on diet. so ok la...
I'm not an experienced mummy lor. I was working like shit during #1 time, so it was my sis who helped to take care during the 1st few years. Now #2, I trial n error, ask pple or read info on Internet. Its help a lot getting to know the mummies here, read their expert advices n experiences. #2 tends to be slightly less kan cheong n more bo chap. Very bad hor?

My bb either sits in those traditional bamboo chair or high chair when I feed her. Once, I tried feeding her in semi lying down cos we were outside n got no baby chair, very difficult lor.

My bb abt the same weight as yours, also 90percentile. No need diet lah. Now 'pang4 pang4', later reach toddler age will naturally slim down one. Thatz the case for my #1.
hi mummies,

long time no come here... buzi with the twins and work! my twins have just turned 6 mths recently and i have started them on porridge. the girl is taking it well but not the boy. he just take a couple of mouthfuls and refuses to open his mouth!! ai yo... naughty naughty boy! then when i give him grated apple, he open his mouth and eats it happily!! anyone started on porridge already and is successful? what ingredients do u put in the porridge har? i put pork and carrots yesterday...
anyone stayed in hk disneyland hotel before? There are two. which one is good? I am bringing no 1 & 2 to HK coming Oct. thinking of staying one nite at disneyland hotel. Can recommend?
RE: feeding

My cousin-in-law says feeding pumpkin so soon will give baby a sweet tooth leh... i've been feeding baby the whole week liao. She also says don't feed too much wait bb turns yellow...

bought bb swimming over the weekend!

yesterday one of my gf gave this to my girl, didnt know got such clips out there...really useful for my bb who has only few strands of hair...now she really look like a real princess with her tiara on! hahah


pretty... ur gal so sweet! Oh mine.. see le, heart will melt...

oh ya, my fren doing her bb gal photograhy at my place next sun.. Heehee.. She onli paying mininal amt.. Will post photo and show u all again.. Heeehee!!
THen i m trying to put my son as "EXTRA" in her photos as well....

constance/Naf, i jus replied u on the shoes & Sweater
Re:Feeding cereal via bottle

Lets say, my gal is drinking 5 scoops of FM, i must mix 4 scoops of FM w 1 scoop of cereal? Then the teat muz be 1 size bigger then the usual teat or use back the normal teat?

Please advise

hi fanny tks..but those clips are mainly alligator type...my girl botak head, very difficult to make the clip stay on the hair...

this clip that i got from my gf is wired typed..just pull and then clip onto hair...very good...i sms her where she got it, no reply yet...
