(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB


only with yellow, $25 for toddler wear...

u post in niang jia and still need to post the pics here ah?
hehe...btw very good marketing skills though.

mimiole, keki, shryn,
welcome welcome!!
glad to know more people here.

your goon diapers has arrived at my house.
when u want to collect?
Got a qn to ask.
My bb got little red rashes/dots around his mouth. I suspect it's because of the cereals he eat, because he'll eat till the whole mouth also kena. Though we wipe off with wet cloth immediately, still got red rashes. Anyone's bb like tt? Does that mean he's allergic to the cereal? But he's been eating for the past 3 wks already. Any remedies?
Waa seh...so many good stuffs from adidas...should have find the entrance and go in that day.
I like the boy sandals too. But doubt belle still have any left...so many mummies interested.

does the rash subside maybe after 1 day? or its there for a few days?
Wat type of cereal you gave him?
You may want to try other cereal or stop for awhile and see if the rashes still develop.

As for my boy, i think he's not suitable to banana puree cause i find some rashes here and there after his twice intake, once from me and once from my MIL who feed him real fruit banana...Had already told her not to give but think she 4get about it.
So from then i dare not give him any.
Don't rush lah. Enjoy your baby as much as you can. Wz my #1, I used to be busy working, so I miss out her baby period which I feel quite sad abt.

My gal sleeps in the yaolan in the day n she wld sometimes use the bean sprout bolster to cover her face when she sleeps. What is more scary is that sometimes she sleeps face down, even on the bed. When she is sleeping sideways on the bed, occasionally, her face wld be covered wz the bean sprout bolster. When I carry her, she often 'burys' her head in betw my breasts. Always wonder how she breathes but she can lor.
pet, added u liao

Meet up at 6 jun, 1pm onwards at Motherhood show in expo -

1. Linda
2. Naf
3. chjas
4. Witty
5. Hazel
6. baby12
7. cocoangel
8. Eve78
9. Petrina
Beng Ma's,
is it starting at 3pm onwards only..?
i hav a fren hse warmin on the same day.
dun tink can jus "drop by" rite? will charge rite?
any1 got spare ameda tube and the adaptor for the pump? one of my has some sound n no suction....
or where can i get it?

really suayz this few days. back sprained for no reason and cant bfeed baby liao...mense came back when baby 5th month, low milk supply and now breast pump like tat..

think i am going to burst into tears in office again
cloverluv, I will be dropping by for the gathering also leh. Cos 3pm then got car. No car no outing with bb! :p If got charge then I poof liao.

naf sayang sayang. I also feeling rotten today. Shit work in office, quarrel with hb... over $ somemore. Always say poor poor poor.. I wanna go do parttime after work liao lah. ......... stupid stingy hb! Still dare to count $ with me. He wanna count then I count cent by cent with him ah! Pay him back all my spendings! @#$@#$@# Last time b4 bb so gd to me.. everything give in to me. Speak nicely to me. Now all different liao.. still can commmand me here n there. Not loving anymore. @$@#@#$@$@
added mine in.

Meet up at 6 jun, 1pm onwards at Motherhood show in expo -

1. Linda
2. Naf
3. chjas
4. Witty
5. Hazel
6. baby12
7. cocoangel
8. Eve78
9. Petrina

u poor thing.
try ask around in wtb or free items thread ah if those here don't have.
do not despair ok!

oh dear.
the quarrel with hubby sounds bad.
yah...my hubby has also been nagging at me about my spending.
but then again, i only shopped with my own money.
for my hubby he's quite frugal ah.
if he can save more, he will.

we women, see anything nice and cute will surely buy one.
for this month, i'm controlling myself not to spend in bp or sprees.
furthermore, there is GSS and motherhood fair to inflict more injuries to my pocket...haha.

don't let it get to u ah.
hubbies are like that sometimes.
the next day they will forget the quarrel liao.
cloverluv, no la, wont charge la, it from 3-6pm, hehe!

lynzi, aiyo, don say like dat, who don want u to go, tell me tell me, i get my ah beng to "bish" the mummy, ehhee! go la go la, add again, hehe!

Meet up at 6 jun, 1pm onwards at Motherhood show in expo -

1. Linda
2. Naf
3. chjas
4. Witty
5. Hazel
6. baby12
7. cocoangel
8. Eve78
9. Petrina
U all know lah.. I already v thrifty liao. I only join 1% of the BPs.. haha! He still dare to complain. Stupid miserly hb. Dun buy my own things can, but I will never save of bb's stuff. Only 1 son he also like tt.

This is day 2 war already. Last time war only last 1 day max. Yest go my mama's home he still can act nothing happen.
quite true ah.
we spend so much on our boys but not n ourselves.
i also very long time never shop for myself.

beng ma,
thanks thanks.
i was onli pulling your leg ah...hehehe.
belle, he MSN me to talk instead! Din even talk face to face! Yest at home he pretend nothing happen. I dun wanna let me parents know we quarrel, at least we can talk privately rite? Make me even more angry.
slimz, how come company got sponsor foto shoot? So nice! Looks like those photos that appear in lifestyle mag. N ur hb looks like my ex-col. :p

has anyone started their bbs on purees yet? i wld like to try sweet potato on my bb later but accd'g to my helper, she says tat e sweet potato will still b too 'hard' for e baby even after blending and must add milk..is it true? (i honestly cannot imagine wat e taste will b like addg e BM in..haaa..)


dun b too angry w ur hb..he prob is e thrifty kind n prefers saving up for e future or rainy days. it's true that guys are not impulsive buyers like us (women) and do not see e need to splurge on items which to them, r 'duplicates'. see e good in him instead. perhaps this will help simmer u down.
slimz, er... I was with DSTA too. But the ex-col i was talking abt was from surbana. Izzit har? I'm bad with recognizing faces. hahahaha!
long story leh.. my company wanna do a recruitment mag for university recruitment and my direct boz who oso heads HR dept asked his hr pple come interview me on work-life balance .. and i get to ve free foto shoot... haa.. so i agree lor .. can save on foto shoot =P
the person got that pose idea from another magazine de.. it was a lady on a sofa, toddler on her lap .. and hldg laptop..
but my girl stil tiny .. haa.. so dey change the pose abit lor ..
hi steffietan,

i started my son on pumpkin puree and he loves it. I steamed, mash and mix with breastmilk the 1st day, 2nd day I add in rice cereal.
No problem!
Don't let $ matters come in the way between you and hb. Like what Steffietan said, try to see the good side of him. You also give in a bit and meet halfway.

My hb also don't want to buy this don't want to buy that, that's why I hardly join BPs (although I will likely be using my own $ to join BPs). For him, it is not the money but whether there is a need.

Nice photo! You look very different.
my hubby kiam kiam siap one, he very thrifty while i'm the one spending away. *actually i dunno where my money go oso
he bought macmini using his money i cannot complaint... then when i buy baby things i charge him 50%, then he'd nagnagnag.

slimz, very nice le the setting.. minimalist. ur baby very chubby! :p

shyryn, your baby is kayden is it? are you the one who's blogging as well?

i finally tasted my own breastmilk. tried tasting twice out of curiousity...tasted sweet le... cham. dunno whether it's all the chocolate and sweet cakes that i have been eating so far...
You're brave! I've been wondering for the longest time how my BM taste like but somehow there's a psychological barrier preventing me from tasing it. Strange especially for someone who loves milk. Maybe I should pluck up the courage and taste it soon ... hmmmmm.
Started brown rice powder TODAY! His first taste of solid is damn funny, somemore he shivers.

Me started solid today only. I tried Eu Yan Seng's Si Shen Brown Rice powder before for my #1... not as aromatic leh. Or is it I lost touch liao? This organic brown rice powder very aromatic, very nice tasting... Tasted a bit like slightly burnt coffee... Made him like 2 tablespoons then add half a scoop of milk powder, he finished it! Waa...
heehee...re tasting BM. I tasted mine when my gal was 2 mths old. It was by accident. hahaha. Coz that time let down reflex was strong. Then baby choked so she'll "unlatch". Then milk spraying out mah...so use hand to quickly cover so wun spray over my gal's face. So since on finger/hand liaoz, just lick off lorh. hahahaha. It was sweet then. Now, still sweet. hahaha. Think next time my gal will like sweet stuff...coz she's been tasting sweet milk. haha.
yap jeelomeelo...thats right...kekekke
hmmmm...let me guess...are u shawn's mummy?

Wow mummies...So envy with you gals that you are still breastfeeding your kiddos...jia you jia you.
My milkflow so little throughout and I've stopped after bb is 2 month old.
val, ya lah. My hb same as urs. Cos our $ share share use.. din count whose whose. Until yest he go n calculate.. break down some more.. then make me even angrier.

I taste mine b4 too. Cos last time always put a drop on my hand to taste temp.. then taste it loh. Sweet n clear taste. Shd be quite nice ba? hahaha.

missylan, salty cos got sweat izzit? :p
Mine also sweet.

I taste when I express during 2nd month. kekeke... now also still sweet. HB taste also cos he say my son waste milk so he help him finish. Hahaha
