(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

ur boy so fast take porridge already?...my #1 only started porridge sometime in the 7-8mth...

care to share ur bbs esp boys' weight now? my boy seemed to be in the 'slim' range leh....

val, how much is your bb drinking?

wow bluelily, read in your blog that jerrell has hit 130! congratulations! i'm still struggling wif 120 for my ikan bilis.
okie okie. Thanks! my boy is drinking & peeing well
yah, I better check with my PD the next time.

haha .. so cute to see the bbs playing around together
alien, mal looks really big and strong in the photo. ya i know... really xin tong... poor thing.
Thanks everyone for sharing :)

Maybe I'm paranoid. Maybe I just want to do something so that my MIL will stop dropping hints about feeding cereal or complaining that my son is not drinking well.

His head always has this small sunken portion (the fontanelle) that is beating.

Pee and poo patterns are normal.

Ok will continue to monitor and not be too kan cheong about it.

Ivay - my son's feeding amount is a yo-yo. Ranges from 70-80ml to 150-160ml every 2-2.5 hrly. Always throwing milk away.

The 3 boys look quite alike. They all look very happy.
tub, actually.. I make 130ml hor.. but these few days sometimes he'll leave ard 5-10ml. So ard the same lah. :p Only last weekend we feed at home, most of the time he can 1 shot finish all. He only rejects his spoon-fed cereals now. Dunno wat happened. I ask my mum be stop spoon-feeding him for a few days 1st. Let him forget abt the terror of spoons then try again. Hope it works. :p

My microorganism 6.5kg nia...
val, ya.. mi 2. my mum has been hinting about feeding sumana solids too... cos she's not a good feeder, drinking about 100 - 120ml but every 3 hours. i'm trying to hold on till she reaches 6 months in about 10 days.

for ladies who have not started on solids, when do u intend to start? beginning of 6th month or end of 6th month?
tub, start cereals liao also the same. Mine not a gd drinker, not a gd eater a well. Forever gotta fight with him during mealtimes.
bluelily, actually 5-10 ml left considered v good le. my mum will say "finish liao" if sumana is left wif 5 -10 ml. think the older generation not as "ngeow" as us la... for me, i'll scrutinise and harp on the 5-10 mils. haha. even my husband can't stand me in this aspect.
Steffi, my boy only 6.4 kg n already 67cm long. Pd also said he's a bit on slim side. Ask me to give more milk. But he doesn't drink much n takes long to finish just like bluelily's boy. Maybe take over fr dad. I look at him, long legs n arms. To me, as long as he's healthy n doesn't fall sick, good enuf.
oh no bluelily, i think su will be the same as jerrell lor... have got this bad feeling that the war on food will spill over to solids.
Tub & Bluelily
At least your leftovers are 5-10ml, mine is always a good 40-60ml. My hub always says throw away ... he doesn't understand how passionately we feel for the milk.

My boy also not a good feeder, always waste my milk. Daytime if my mum feed him, he will only drink 40ml cos eager to play with my mum. And when he is really really hungry, he will finish 130ml, but that is rare.

my boy is 6.7kg and 67cm, he lose 0.2kg when he was down with sore throat last week.
hehehe, peek here for a while and i saw the 3 boys' pixs!!! ahahaa!

Now my beng start to drink 200ml per 3 hourly, is that too much? sometime he will drink 180ml instead...
Last time hor, my #1 got no serious teething sign except for diarrhea. His first tooth was like 13th mth old. Hoping that did also will have only diarrhea only. Some drank milk more, tretaing teat like teething toy mah. =)
Starting solids

I am thinking of starting my boy on solides when he is about 5.5 months old.. Those mummies who have started on cerels, can you share your kiddo's feeding schedule like? Thanks.. I'm returning to work soon so intend to start FM & cereal/porridge..
Hen & Zu,

I see how later.. not feeling well these few days.. weather is really bad
Got severe tension headache 2 days ago
my ger now drinking 140ml... haha i'm so happyyyy at last she cried for milk and sometimes 2hrly wanna drink! so happyyyyyy since 3rd months onwards she dun want milk leh... now want to drink haha really happy! hope she gain more weight!
bbngg, eve
my boy was 6.9kg last mth...but nurse at polyclinic say he is only at 50 percentile so was a bit concern...my gal was at 95% last time
wah crystal! Ur bb so fast up to 140 ah! Happy sia! Finally hor..

eh..steffi.. I tot 50th percentile is avg? Mine as 25th percentile 2 mths ago. Now din put on much weight maybe become 5th percentile liao. Cham.

Phy, my boy only have his cereal 3 teaspoons every noon. Initially when he 1st started, we just add 1 small teaspoon in his milk to try one for a few days. Then start feeding with spoon.

So when you give him cereal, do you still give him milk? I'm clueless about feeding leh... Right now my boy's schedule is like this:

8am ~ Milk
12pm ~ Milk
4pm ~ Milk
7pm ~ Milk
10pm ~ Milk

Does it mean I start giving cereal with milk for the 12pm feed? or no milk but just cereal?

Anyone can advise? Thanks ya
give cereal then follow by milk.
feed them soild food in the afternoon, preferably lunch so that u can observe their reaction towards the solid food after the meal.
babies who are fearful of the spoon, u can spoonfeed them with water first. let them get use to the spoon. eventually switch to solid food using the same spoon.
I'm reading the Super Baby Food book. Actually, recommended is bottle feed milk halfway, till he's not as hungry, then spoon feed cereal. Start with 1 teaspoon with milk/water added in. Then finish then continue with the rest of his milk. And they say try new food in the morn better lah.. in case got any reactions still can monitor. I feed during noon cos of convinience leh.. Morn too sleepy. :p Then some mummies alsp add to milk n bottle feed during the last nite feed so can last him longer.. I did add to milk n bottle feed once in a while.. see mood. haha
180ml is ok lah....

mine is night feeding will be 150ml+150ml= 300ml of milk....
think he used to drink his milk before his sleeping time which is 10pm+
So, even if my mil had fed him at 9+, I still have to feed him at 10+ or 11pm....else he will be very frustrated (if its at my hse)....cos its a routine that he will sleep by 10:20pm in my hse...
however if at my IL pl, he will keep playing n playing till 11pm+
ah bie! my naughty boy has been drinking water from the spoon all these while..cos he dun like water! Dun wanna suck. I think he's not fearful of the spoon.. more like he dun want to eat! Once I tie the bib on him.. he cry liao cos he knows I'm going to feed him cereal. Then he see my spoon coming.. lagi worse! The 1st wk we tried cereals, he still can eat happily.. then suddenly change. Dunno y. hai..
mine starts in the morning too...but not by me...its by my bbsitter..
So he gets to eat at 8am+ every morning. Hence if my FIL made any milk for him before this timing, he wont bother to drink...
He seems to like this "semi-solid" food.
did u try switching to another brand of cereal?

my michelin always give those ^&?!!@*%$# look whenever he takes bellamy's organic rice cereal. HAHAHA

Think the organic rice cereal not as "xiang" compared to the traditional brands due to the absence of flavouring etc.
hazel, mine oso tank up before he sleep ard 10pm, 200ml+120ml every nite. he die die will want me to tank him up before he sleep, no matter if we feed him at 9pm, but by 10pm he will want the feed again, if nt he will keep "singing" his cranky songs till the milk bot is pop into his mouth.

bluelily, jerrell so notty har!! jovan like to be spooned, he get excited if he see the cereal or puree on his spoon
beng ma! I like ur beng.. he's a so guai n happy boy. unlike mine.......

Ah bie izzit? Din try changing.. I got frisocrem at home.. maybe will try out this weekend. :p
hahahaha ... my gal also tank up b4 sleep. day time she s taking 180ml. her afternoon & evening feed always finish as we add 1 tablespoon of cereal in her milk. Other than that she can't really finish. sometime left 10ml, some 40ml taht depends.

mummies who giving bb solid, wanna check you add milk or water to the cereal? After cereal continue wif milk hor?
i add milk to the cereal. after cereal, feed milk.

if michelin dun finish all his milk, i will drop 1 oz in the next feed. when he bottoms up his milk, the next feed i will up 1 oz. less wastage. milk powder expensive. sob sob
thanks for your email

mine treat teats as teething toy. he will put the teat in between his gum and turn his head left right left right left right... non stop.. and start crying.. non stop too.. sigh sigh sigh.. i am so phobia when mealtimes come
beng ma
jovan really guai.. if my mal 50% guai of him i am happy liao..

my hb feels more heartpain when our son can't finish ebm. he always told our son recession coming, dun waste milk milk. mom's milk dun come cheap! it made up from sobe soya bean milk!! so funny!
Hi Steffi,

My boy is 8.2kg and 69.5cm last month. PD mentioned that he is in the 75th percentile..
Quite afraid of him being overweight come this month for the PD's appt. Plus everyone's complaining about aching arms from carrying him already..haiz
re: feeding cereals
i have been adding 1x avent teaspoon cereals into son's milk bottle for nearly every feed. also, spoon feeding him with 2x avent teaspoons cereals + ebm once a day. after spoon feed cereals, continue with normal bottle feed
val! go for gathering la! then we can catch up! when was the last time i saw you? think when i left edb right? go la go la... ask them to turn up the light la.. then your boy won't scream. :p
now u got new nick, called beng ma
So far, I havent personally feed my bb solid.
hence he only get to eat during weekday.
Now its twice per weekday.

my MIL wants everything natural...
so we extract our own apple juice
then cook brown rice for him...of cos grinded to powder lah...
Ivay - No lah we met on the job when you were reporting, but that was many years ago. I very much want to meet up with everyone too but I really fear the hysteria from my son. Let me think about it again lah.
mal ma, u really think my beng guai har!! hahaa, aiyo, he is angel outside, devil at home!
hazel, now then u know my new nick har, maybe i go and change my nick again.. hehee
I started cereal on my girl already.
Mixing with BM and she love it though still learning how to swallow.
My girl is coming to 5 months and she weight abt6kg only.
she drinks 180ml of milk now.
val, really ah? the past seems to be in a haze now. i think when i was a journalist, life just wheezed by. can't remember much about the job now. only know i was very busy then. haha.

go ok??? we help u wif your boy. haha.

if happen that any bb here is afraid of spoon, we can finger feed. I learnt fr a bb recipe book that we can start feeding them by our finger since certain solid are pretty mashy. Watery ones cannot... Breastmilk tends to make solid becomes watery pretty fast, that is normal too.
