(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Beng ma,
my boy same as your boy.. drinking 200ml liao but its every 4 or 5 hourly... usually no need to tank him up before he sleeps. but lately he's been waking up earlier so will start him on cereal soon (tried once on him liao)

Thanks for posting the pix! The boys are so handsome!
And as usual Jovan alot of pattern leh hehe..

Wah you bought so many things!! but they are cheap wor~ Dun think hubby wans to go cos surely will be crowded

Dylan's ma,
my boy is opp of yours, not interested in my breast (prefers his fingers!) and has shown interest in adult food liao
wah...botanist, yours boy mah...hahaha. so still interested in boobs. hahaha. Kidding!!

My gal can stuff her fingers into her mouth, with my nipple still inside also. Always poke me with her fingernails.

Fed her brown rice cereal just now. heehee...so fun!! prepared so many things etc...all the hype for her first foods....that only lasted 10 mins. hahahha...must remember to take pictures of your babies' first food tasting session horh. very cute one....heehee...
my hb also play soccer. I always luff at him play old man soccer. hehe. cos he is not young anymore mah.
So now he plays more golf than soccer. hehe

but i think if i tell him about the addidas sale, he will wanna go too. cos he likes addidas.

I also have not started my didi on solids. not cos he is not ready, but cos i super lazy mummy, kept delaying. hehe
wanted to get the video cam ready, seat him in the bumbo properly before giving that first feed. But hor, every weekend rush here rush there, no time to sit down yet.
Coco, same lo..cos HB also dun like crowd too... but no choice, he got to work lo... Tt y he said shop at 8am.. anyway he hates shopping.. He went there blur, no idea how to start shopping while his operation manager jus throw everything in box and start walking ard... he jus followed lo.. hahah...

Oh ya, Adidas they also sell Golf Club too..
wah power leh ur boy drinks 200ml. My Boy still stuck at 130ml since he is 3 mths old. pd ask me not to worry as long as he gaining weight..

Me stop cereal temporaily cos he is sick last week. Dunno why got so much phlegm
yalor so cute when they 1st tasted solid food
i even video the whole process cos daddy not around to witness mah

Beng ma,
should laff lah cos so cute!!

my boy was already drinking 90ml when he was at hospital and by 1st month, already 120ml!! tats why he put on 2kg during 1st month hehe.. but i'm already trying to slow down his intake in the mths that follow, so far still able to sustain his hunger. dun worry abt how much they drink, every baby different needs mah, so long as they are growing well and healthy can liao
oh yah...been wanting to ask...

do you all sterilise your baby's feeding equipment? like, the bowl, spoon...then what abt the container containing the cereal? hahaha...sorry if it sounds like stupid question. I didn't lah. then my fren commented. So got me wondering if I shd. I just wash with the Pigeon detergent.

Another friend also commented that at this age no need to sterilise liaoz, afterall, the babies are putting everything and anything into their mouths... True??
CSI , i also agree with you.. i tried my best to sterilise if i can. I jus rinse it with hot water before use..

actually true lo.. cos my boy put everything in his mouth.. Means his nakin also got to sterlise.. towels.. his hand also need? Cook his hand liao ...

i jus try to stay as clean as possible
actually i hve asked the same question last week too... someone replied me saying that she did not sterilise it cos since baby put everything into their mouth liao mah.. i agree but hor, me very ks, i try to sterilise everything if i can lah
My boy also drinks 90ml when he was born then even shoot to 190ml when he is 1 mth old, but somehow as he grow older he drank less...

So funny the cook his hand statement! hahah...how I wish my mother-in-law can see this, she super overly paranoid one. cannot even rinse my boy's tutu with tap water, must rinse with cooked water and the cooled boiled water must be fresh somemore...
belle, cocoangel...

hahaha...belle, you so funny. cook his hands? hahaha...

Yah lorh. I think we just try to do what we can lah, horh? If can sterilise, we sterilise lorh. cannot, then cannot lorh. hehs.
belle - they find some open field at bedok res, near kaki bukit to kick/...but now they sourcing for another place..usually starts abt 9am and last till 12+pm!

probably let them have a match one of these days...haha my hubby said next time must get 2 soccer boots for both son to learn soccer...

wow jean, ur mil really power man!! hahaha.... of cos mus balance with clean and dirty, too much also not gd ma...

Yalo.. how to cook his hands... aiyo... we last time also dirty eat, dirty big ma.. of cos.. not too dirty la.. i also cannot stand...
alerting mommies&babies interested to meet up in the East :)

some mommies are coming over to my humble flat in Kembangan coming Wed 28May, 3pm, for a little meet up session. (I'm just 5mins walk from Kembangan MRT. For those driving I'm just beside the Kampong Kembangan CC)

So far, we have 3 five-mth olds, 1 six-mth old & 1 seven-mth old.

If interested to join us, pls let me know your email add so I can give you my details.

*note: this is not a regular meet up session. time & venue might change for future meet ups

Meet up on Wed, 28May, 3pm at Kembangan
My son also perspires ALOT! He sleeps with the aircon on and the fan blowing directly at him but his head and whole back is always wet (and smelly). I don't know how else to keep him cool. His latest nickname is 'smelly boy'.
i am a SAHM today. not tat difficult afterall.. now i can understand why my babysitter got time to bake cake during baby sitting.. hmm..
Alien, free got a lot oftime meh? i will b s SAHM tmr and sun .. alone with him cos hubby working...

no idea how to eat my lunch tmr too... oh no..

Photograhy : rem those photos... my gf jus called asking my tt fren to quote her for photography... she is coming over my place to tk...
Alien, ya.. i dun think i can b a SAHM.. I'll stress out if i tk care of my son alone.. hahah... tt time my heart was pounding hard when i think i got to tk care of him.. hahah.. funni rite? i m a lousy mum.. trying my best!
I haven reply you.. me only gng to be sahm for 2 mths nia
my co is closing down office here so my last day is next fri, thereafter I will take care of my boy, new job starts in aug!
told my hb abt the addidas sale liao.
ask him whether wanna go on sunday, he tell me better go 2mrw lest all items gone.

sterilising bb's items
i also never sterilised. just rinse with clean water & pigeon cleaner, especially his plastic toys.

wow, your mil super take care of your kid.
hahaha.. latest update : hubby said now a lot of pple.. i m still in office.. today is eat with family day..
eat with father day! got to go bk eat.. hahah.. my office all went bk liao...
Dun mistaken hor, she is not the one taking care of him all day lor..She only come once a week to see him only hor.

SAHM, I think I definetely cannot! Now I only take care of my son from Thu to Sun, I tak boleh tahan liao! SAHM, I think I will go bonkers!
wah.. good for you alien.

today shawn was more cooperative when i picked him up this afternoon. heng

shawn oso sweat like mad. in aircon room oso sweat especially during feeding. outside sweat even more and he dislikes it. i oso sweat easily. i think he got my genes
oic... wa... so envy that u can be SAHM for 2 months!

i was SAHM for from wed till today cos mil went Gentings for a break... now, so tempted to be SAHM!! haha... huh, was thinking to take half a year no pay leave to take care of the twins!! anyone here who's a SAHM and would like to share their experience? actually, i find it very enjoyable taking care of them lei... ai ya, the only thing is no pay lei, haha...
Sterilising bb feeding items:
I never sterilise the bowl or spoon lor. Like what some of the mummies say, my gal puts everything in her mouth, n loves to suck my clothing or baby carrier. Guess maybe she's nbr2, a bit bor chap.

My gal very greedy lor. I tried giving her 1 tablespoon of cereal, when she finished, she cried for more. She makes a lot of funny faces when she eats, looks very happy when she's eating cereal.

Phy, Zu,
Nice meeting you on Thu.

Zu, told my hb that your boy is good looking n can speak very well.

Phy, so u get to see how greedy my gal is when come to cereal.

Me SAHM lor. Its tough n everyday learning to cope. One thing for sure, no income (*sob* *sob* can't shop like crazy n go holidays often) n no annual leave. Its 24x7 for 365days. But at the end of the day, when u look at the kids happy face, its all worth it. Frankly, I'm not sure if I can fit back into the corporate world.
my hubby wans me to be sahm too but frankly we need 2 income to survive + all the spree gng on, difficult for me not to work hehe... I guessed 2 mth's sahm is good enough too
hi mummies, tks...i think it's really worth to crochet it urself if u got the time...the raw materials is just $5.00 for 2 yarns...patterns downloaded from net, 4 hrs of time..and that's it...give it a try okie? hee...
Coco - how much u bought the float? Yest I went JL at Marina Sq...bought leapfrog toys for my elder and baby. 20% + 20% disc!
