(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Is your girl attending Apple Tree playgroup at Zhenghua CC? Mine started yesterday


i will only enrol her after the june holidays. haha hopefully morning slot still available.
Is ur boy adapting well?
sr spoke in her dreams last nite .. first time in her 2years ..
she said "jie jie dont want.. jie jie dont want.." wonder did she got bullied by some jie jies in sch ... haa... =P
anyway she 'grad' from crying in in sch liao..did well yday, cried once b'coz her seat was taken by a jiejie (mabbe same jie jie in her dreams..haa)

Think got slots lah, I only saw 11 kiddos. Think maximum class size is 20?

Anyway, I only went on the first day. Then rest of week his grandma took him there and accompanied him throughout the lesson.

Gabby's mum,
How? Can yours be left alone there already? Mine can't, he will still steal glaces around the room to see if his granny is around.

Think he had nightmare on 2nd day coz he cried during class as alot of kids were crying so he also started crying. Then Tuesday night he shouted in his sleep "Teacher Russell play piano, go go, Ryan go". He must have dreamt of his GUG teacher.

Today seems alright, not so sticky. Able to follow the lessons but still checked if his granny was within sight.
First day was orientation. Subsequent days teachers allowed the kids to be accompanied but think from next week on, can't already.
it has been 5 days and she is still crying a bit in school. Her teachers said that she is coping well and can communicate to teacher. she has also display attachment to one of the teachers and will run to her to ask her to carry so I am quite relieved to hear that. Teacher also said that she may take 2-3 weeks to adjust but she is coping well.
regarding nap, her teachers said that she will normally dozed off for about 15mins before the sch bus arrive. I think it's alright. we will put her on half day first for a few months then switch to full day. she is not drinking a lot of water in school and not eating much for breakfast and lunch.
phy .... mine pretty ok she played on her own.
for tpy branch e teacher ask all the parents to go out leh although stated 1st 3 days parents allowed to accompany e kid. she says w/o adult ard they can settle down faster.
if the teachers continue to be like that, maybe can feedback to the P?

YR is now on halfday coz she'll start crying at naptime, so we bring her back after lunch. Now dunno what happened, got frequent stools, and her private parts all red. Put desitin and it's better, but she still says pain pain. Worst thing is she still doesnt say when she poos, it's only when we smell and check then we know. So by that time, it's already caused the area to be inflamed

dun worry so much. once they adapt the sch life. they will be better! Give them some time. hehe

wow.. i like schs that allow parents to be in for the first few days. maybe i should call up the centre soon!
hi mummies,

long time nvr log in here already (ever since my office banned SMH). hahaha. The nightmares etc..I guess are common. Louisa also had nightmares when she started cc at 18 mths. in the end I pulled her out of cc. Now waiting a few more months to send her to cc again. But now that they are older, I think easier for them to adapt...

my girl on gainiq... if i use spoon to stir.. no bubbles.. but when she drink from bottle.. the foam alot alot... dunno y oso. anyway now she is on cup feeding.. so dun have this issue...
all the while milk from abbott i do have this problem too. i tink e bubbles shld be ok ba cos my gal has been drinking them since she s 6th mth old. i observed if add in colostrum all e bubbbles gone regardless how u shake e bottle :p
long time din pop in here.

Ask u all har.. for those kids going cc... their bag, etc. How u label har? What items need to be labelled? Milk bottle how?
thx, got your pm
her bum's cleared up already, but will keep that in mind. Sounds painful though, dunno if she can tahan or not.

the cc wrote their names in permanent ink on the milk bottle. Then subsequent ones I used the name sticker to paste. Bag also use name sticker. Doesnt really come off during washing. I sewed on their names on the uniforms coz has happened that my #1 uniform got mixed up with another gal's one during bath time.
my boi prefers 'eating' the toothpaste to brushing his teeth. He will hold the toothbrush, but suck the toothpaste instead. Notice that his teeth are quite yellowish...have resorted to using wet hanky to clean them
I bought a small toothbrush for him.. more for him to play instead. Then i use finger brush to brush with the 1st teeth toothpaste.. cos easier to control. Jr's teeth also starting to get yellowish. But he dunno how to gargle yet leh.. i use wet hanky to wipe away the toothpaste.
<font color="aa00aa">bluelily,
faiq havent started cc but i have gotten iron on labels with his name on ti for the uniforms, clothes and his bag and shoes.
for the bottles, i got the name stickers.

re: brush teeth
i got 2 tooth brushes for faiq.
one is for him to hold and another is for me.
sometimes i will use my hands to guide his hand in brushing..i showed him in front of the bathroom mirror on how to do it..like up downa dn left right.
faiq brush teeth during morning bath, evening bath and before bedtime.</font>
Like Lynzi, I also ordered the labels for Kyrell's bottle, milk bottle, milk dispenser, and shoes. Bag tag for his bag and iron on stickers for his uniform (shirt and shorts).

On brushing, I have been letting Kyrell hold his own toothbrush since few months back, of course with me guiding and helping him because he likes to suck the toothpaste and end up playing with the brush. I usually only brush his teeth before bedtime. Will increase freq soon.
sumana will hold and play with her own toothbrush but i will help her clean with cloth and the 1st teeth toothpaste. she has just learnt to gargle so she'll spit out the water after that. i brush her teeth b4 going to sch and b4 her bedtime.

potty training:
susu goes to the toilet to dapian and xiaopian. she also doesn't wear diaper to school already. but still puts on her pull ups for her nap and mamypoko for night.
i just let her go commando style when she's at home and repeatedly tell her to go to the toilet when she wets herself.
Ryan has been "brushing" his teeth since 1.5 yrs old. We will hold the toothbrush and use orajel toothpaste to brush his teethn. Sometimes he brushes his teeth on his own. But he doesn't know how to gurgle yet so he has been eating the bit of toothpaste.

Potty training
Sigh. He's back to not telling us again. Still using a few diapers a day.
sr does it 2x a day, once b4 zzz n once during morning bathtime. The daytime is done at my mum's and nitetime is part of her bedtime schedule. Same as lynzi, its done with her infront of the mirror n i'll brush mine tgr. She refuses to let us hold her hands for it and the oni way to show her is to brush mine in front of her (tgr). She noes how to rinse her mouth so not eating as much paste =P

Same as Su, sr is diaperless in the day except nitetime. Daytime naps oso no diapers coz we will let her go wee b4 nap n first time aft nap is wee.. so far no accidents for the naps (cross fingers)..
Oh ya.. forgot abt the labels. The name stickers that u stick onto the bottles... izzit those normal paper ones? I bought some name stickers a long time ago.. wonder can use those anot? Will come out after washing?

Then uniform iron on to where? Underneath? And tell the teacher? Sew on can anot?

And where to get bag tag?

OMG... i'm like so under-prepared. Next mth going cc liao. .cham. Haven't even buy a decent water bottle. Jr still prefers to drink from his milk bottle..
bluelily, i use the normal sticker type to stick on su's waterbottle. then i'll paste a clear scotch tape over the stickers. so far so good! won't come off.
bag hor... i din care la... cos su only goes for 3 hours. but can buy those travel tags right? for uniforms i'm also not sure cos she doesn't wear uniforms to sch unless they have outings. :D but i think can sew on ba...
eh btw, bluelily, u have to start talking to jr about school leh... and bring him there (outside) and show him as often as possible! then he won't have a shock when the day comes. hehheh...
ya.. i did mention abt sch to him. But doubt he really understands the meaning of sch. He only been there 2x. The last time.. he cling to me like super glue. Will bring him there again soon when I go down to submit the form. But I already expected lots of crying lah. Dun wanna think abt it now.. i'll go mad.
and I dun intend to put him there alone for the 1st few days lah.. will go in with him. the principal also encourages parent to acc for the 1st 3 days. So let him familiarize 1st loh.. he's a scardy cat in front of strangers. I also intend to bring him back home before nap time.. so effectively.. also only there for 3+hrs. Will stick to this routine for as long as it takes for him to feel comfy. Anyway I no hurry.
yap... actually it's traumatic to change their routine. i'm also trying very hard to stick to susu's routine even when i go back to work part time in july. like u, i prefer that she naps at home... can sleep longer...

and yes... dun think about the crying. deal with it when it comes.
think crying is inevitable bah.

Ryan likes going to his 2-hour playgroup daily but at night he'll wake up to cry. Been 3 weeks already
night crying

I don't know why Ryan has been waking up at night at least once to cry. He will scream for me or hubby to carry him and pat him back to sleep. Then will keep checking if we are beside him before he finally drifts off to slumberland again..

4 weeks already. At first I know it is due to the change in routine as he is attending daily playgroup. Then due to his cough/cough... but 4 weeks liao!

Last night he screamed till we gave in.

Sigh. He usually sleeps through the night. But this month is horrible!
<font color="aa00aa">bluelily,
can sew on the tags onto the uniforms also.
im just lazy lah..so i got the iron on ones instead..
i ordered the name stickers from that man we had the bp on last time..so far dont need to put another scoth tape cans till stick even though been washed many times..btut hen got like 100 over stickers so can replace a new one if it starts to peel at the sides.

crying is inevitable ah.
my fren's gerl didnt cry for 2 weeks but on the 3rd week, she started her crying..cham.

faiq has been to his zoophonics class alone twice and so far he didnt cry nor ask for mummy and daddy.
his teacher said he must always be occupied with activity then he will be ok.
hope this will continue.

oh dear..i hope ryan will get back to his usual self soon.</font>
I got my labels and iron-on from a BP last time, they were from http://www.brightstarkids.com.au/
the iron on on the uniform is just so the teacher won't mix up the clothes during shower heee... I feel safer when I have it on. As for bag tag, also for show since the kids can recognise own bag hee...
Hi mummies,

Happy New Year! How's everybody getting on? Guess some of u r busy wif nbr2.

Here is my experience wif my nbr1. 1st day we brought her there, she was clingy to my hubby n cried. Slowly, the principal n a chinese teacher brought her inside to play. Aft abt 2 hrs, we disappeared behind the gate. Then we got out of the centre (its a semi-d house). We waited nearby for 2hrs, no phone call frm the cc. We picked her up ard 2pm. 2nd day, she cried when reached the centre. Principal n chinese teacher were there to receive her. We left the centre despite her crying. Soon, she was familiarised wif the principal n the chinese teacher. The principal was very good, she made sure either herself or the chinese teacher was there to receive my girl so that she won't cry. Lucky for us, our girl din hv any nightmares. After a week or so, she was ok. Later part, we arranged for her to take sch bus to/fro sch, my dad wld bring her downstairs to wait for sch bus n wld pick her up from downstairs in the evening. She cried on the 1st day on sch bus (we followed the sch bus to/from sch). After that, she was ok. We just got to let them cry awhile, as what some mummies said, once u see how much they learn in sch, u feel better leaving them there.

The cc used to use a permanent marker to write the kids' name on bottle, milk powder container, etc. Each kid has a cubicle to put their bag in there, so we just tag the bag wif her name.

In the morning, when Kaylen hears anyone going to the toilet to brush teeth, she wld quickly go inside to join in. We put a stool there so that she can climb up n reach the sink/tap. She wld brush her teeth wif little toothpaste, then spit out, n then gargle. She basically copies whatever we do, but of course she tends to only brush her front teeth. Sometimes, I try to help her to brush the back.

I'm guilty for the failure to properly potty trained Kaylen. She sometimes play n forget to tell me that she wants to pee, end up peeing in her pants n on the floor. If I happen to be busy, then I make her wear diapers so that I dun hv to keep reminding her, follow her to the toilet to clean her n the potty or mopping the floor if she missed. We still let her wears diapers at nite n when we go out. Sometimes, when we r out, she wld make me bring her to the toilet to pee despite wearing diapers. Somehow, she refuses to poo on the potty, she wld insist on diapers.

phy, Kaylen has this problem where she wld wakes up in the nite crying, then we hv to carry her or give her a bottle of milk to calm her down n put her back to sleep. Think she is checking if we are sleeping beside her.

Kaylen's growth seems to have slowed down, she weighs abt 13kg now. Still a challenge to get her to finish a bowl of porridge/noodle/rice. She drinks betw 300-600ml of milk a day. Sometimes, she refuses to take afternoon nap. Guess she's active thatz why not growing in terms of size.
hi everyone
r yr kids getting more picky on food now?
what r u gals cooking for them now? I've run out of idea what to cook. seems like porridge is the only easy food to prepare cos by the time we pick him up from cc n reach home, will be a bit late. He's fine with porridge but takes ages to finish cos he's so choosy. eat a few mouth n run away. same goes for rice. got to always use raisins, cheese, yoghurt to lure him to eat.

hey hen, how have u been? busy wif ur two princesses?
sumana is potty trained. HOWEVER, i have a bigger problem now. she'll insist on peeing or pooing in a toilet! so when we go to coffeeshops... faint lor... the toilets are all sooooo dirty! she may be wearing diapers but she would refuse to pee or poo inside. so have to either bring her aside to pee or go to a dirty toilet or go to any macs nearby.

sumana weighs about 12.9kg... but i think she's super tall for her age. not sure how much but i know she's certainly in the 90th percentile.
she takes naps and sleeps at 930 at night but also quite light leh... think cos she's also very active that's why burning up all the fats. ;)

eve, i'm also running out of ideas.
i cook rice, soup and fish for sumana most of the time because she told me she doesn't want porridge. but rice also very tough to feed leh...

So to add variety, i'll cook pasta, spaghetti, noodles (all types) etc... for her lor... Sometimes when my mum cooks, i'll just let her eat whatever we are having for dinner. Easier la...

hen, its been a long while! mux b bz with ur little girls. coming back SG for CNY?
Sr weighs 13.1kg now. I tink for height she passed the 90cm mark liao, meaning i've to start paying for her bus/mrt fares =(
i'm lucky i oni need to cook for her for wkends. So its noodles, rice, pasta, macaronis, porridge etc. Porridge is if we r gg out coz its easir to prepare n can pack out. rice will go with steam fish, veg n soups.. noting fancy =P
