(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

think i am going bonkers. boi has started his 'stage' of not wanting to sleep at night. will scream/cry each time he is put on bed...only fell asleep at 12.30am last nite!....

For the straw drinking, me used to teach Declan until i vomit blood , he also dunno..Until I send him to CC, he came back the 2nd day and ask for his Pigeon Mag Cup, thinking he just wanna play with it, I gave it to him and to my surprise he actually can drink from it! In addition he already can self feed quite well now. All these are picked up in school, so really no regrets sending him to CC.

Also, at home, he's a fussy eater, but in school I saw with my own eyes that he eat everything in the bowl, be it vegetables or meat!

I guess peer pressure will really make a difference..
Oh dear, hope this phase for your boy will pass soon. Maybe it is just a once-off occurance?

As for my boi, he's in this stage of shouting and demanding to watch his favourite shows. However, we usually don't give in but use the distraction method or simply take him out of house to walk walk a bit.
Steffi, it's the terrible twos la... aiyo... hope he outgrows it soon.
As for sumana, she has started banging her head on the wall or floor when she's angry. @_@
oo.. tub! hi 5! Jr has been banging his head since few mths old! And now still like tt! Can bang till bruised!

Jean, that sounds amazing! Hope Jr can be like tt too.

steffi, let him nap less in the day. Then at nite too tired see how he stay up till so late.

Ya lor, me also find that amazing! Another example is "colours", me teach 1000 times also no use, but after he attended cc, he knows all the colours now (can even says the names of colours), and not only primary colours, he knows colours like pink (though still a bit mixed up with purple sometimes), black and white.

After CC, really find that he is talking more now. Tat day, i was telling him :" We build a house for choo choo train" and he can reply :" No house..Tunnel" Me nearly faintzz....lol
<font color="aa00aa">jean,
oh wow..declan's progress sounds very impressive.
which cc have u been sending him to?
your house is the one around balestier rite?</font>

Nope, me stayed in punggol. i sent him to Kinderland near my mum's house in woodlands.

Yeap indeed, I really can see him progressing fast.
<font color="aa00aa">ok now im confused..
here got 2 jeans is it?

great to know your boy is doing so well in cc.
the kinderland cc is the one at civic is it?
are the teachers there good?
the other time i went there to look around, the staff were not very helpful.
can u give me your inputs on the centre and teachers pls?</font>
At first, u might find the receptionist a bit unhelpful. But as time goes by, she is actually quite a nice person.

As for the teachers, they are all very nice to my boy. Overall, I am very please with this centre compared to his previous one..
yup, i think its the T2 too. Funny, 1 yr back, my gal also got e same prob when she's nearly 2. Then, she wld want to watch vcd all the time, the TV and lights practically have to be on thru out the nite. And she will only knock out ard 3 am!

i am scared that he will refuse to sleep at nite even when we reduce his nap during the day leh.
haha sumana also corrects us when we get the lyrics wrong.

my husband sang: 5 little monkeys... one fell down and hit the floor...

my girl shook her head and said: knock head!

haha kids are so cute at this age.
<font color="119911"><font size="+2">Hi mummies! Sorry to intrude, i need to get Nestle Nan 3 milk sachets urgently.
If you have or know where to get them, please kindly PM me.
My budget is 50cents per sachet. Thanks for your help! </font></font>
Steffi, won't he concuss at nite if u let him zz less? So power ah?

How many hrs of nap do u kiddos need now? Jr zz 1-3hrs during the day.

Jean.. were u the one with cc kena hfmd? I also confused le. :p

tub, haha. su is cute!
my kids bery suay kuan one. Will struggle to stay awake no matter how tired they are.

read somewhere that kids below 2 yrs need abt 11-14hrs sleep in total each day.
<font color="aa00aa">tub,
su so sute..can talk so much now..
envy envy..

if u tire the kids during the day like go a walk or swimming..will they be able to sleep earlier and better at nite?

my boy will nap for 1.5 to 3 hours in the day.
at nite he will sleep for 10 hours.

oh champkids no good ah?
is yours at the 888 plaza one?</font>

Yeap..its the one at blk 888...ermm..compared to kinderland, the teachers are not as professional..But tats my personal opinion. Hygiene also the same, cos everytime I fetch my son, he dun look very clean and neat..At least here in Kinderland, he looked much cleaner and neater everytime I fetch him...
lynzi, su started talking only recently. by that, i mean these 2 days. she suddenly started stringing words together like go to the zoo... giraffe .. long neck, baby animals, sweep the floor, close /open the blind... and sometimes even some chinese words. when i drew say the number 5 and kept asking her, she would reply: I KNOW... (irritated tone, that is).
bluelily, i think 1-3 hours the norm ba. su sleeps 2-3 hours in the day. and from about 930pm to 7/730am at night.
hey gals,
Been so long since I've contributed to this thread. Been so busy..
To those who are still SAHM, are you still surviving well? I'm going nuts and need somewhere to vent. Been thinking if I should just send my gal to a CC and then work half-day or just tolerate till next June when she goes to school.
It's worse for me cos I'm living with my FIL whose home is super inconvenient. I can't just take my gal for a walk cos there's no park, shopping mall, no nothing. And we're surrounded by construction sites. So, I have to take J out every day and she makes me carry her most of the time. Furthermore, my savings are getting depleted and when I go out, I can't spend very much. I'm just so frustrated that I sometimes get so impatient with J and I scream and shout at her( which is bad). I'm also super unhappy. Is anyone else in a similar situation as I am who understands?
I really miss having an income. Sigh!

Tot you're doing part time? I can understand how boring it is for you to stay at a place where there's few places to explore...

Since you're getting unhappy staying home, why not consider CC and work full time? When you're happy you'll be a happy mother as well.

Before I decided to go back to work, I was also super unhappy with my life (staying home and looking after little one full time). Went through a huge struggle to go back and 1.5 yr on, I can say that I'm a better mother now. At least I get part of my life back and feel more balanced
wow Claire, that's nice of ur parents. They can handle the gals?

rachel maybe u can try putting half-day in cc first. See how she cope? Then consider working part time.. take it a step at a time? I find that working keeps my sanity. haha! Need some time away from kiddo sometimes.
since you're already thinking abt cc, why not go ahead and try it out for a mth and see how it goes? I'll be in your shoes by jan nx yr so not sure how I'll cope with the loss of income. But my girls will be in cc, so i only have to handle my boy. I know what you mean abt the screaming and shouting. I do it with my girls too, and now i really regret it coz my #1 imitates me exxactly when she's angry at her mei mei

yah, they can handle the girls...mainly coz they just give in. I'm hoping that my dad will be a stabilizing influence coz my mom will give them the moon and stars if they asked for it.
phy, bluelily and claire,
Thanks for responding. Yes, I'm teaching swimming part-time, but that's only on weekends. And my classes kept getting cancelled cos my students kept falling sick. So my measly income is even more measly.

I was really thinking of sending my gal to a cc, but i am so hesitant. 1st of all, Jerielle's very attached to me and would be very miserable if I would to leave her in a strange place. Secondly, I've heard of so many horror stories of CC that I don't know which one I can trust. Thirdly, my hubby wouldn't agree to it. So, I'm pretty stuck. I'm so so unhappy. SIgh!
<font color="aa00aa">hi rachel,
i can empathise with u cos i didnt work for 6 months on top of the 3 months of maternity leave.
somehow being 24/7 at home alone with the kid do make us more impatient plus the tot of having lesser to spend makes it even harder. maybe u should talk it out with your hubby and see what he thinks..for all u know, he might actually agree with u.
cheer up, dear!

so nice of your parents to bring your gerls along. at least u can take some breather..hehe.
oh gosh..how do u handle 3 kids? i cannot imagine cos now itself i'm already tired out by how active my boy is.</font>
hi mummies,

Its been a long long time. How's everybody getting on? I seldom online these days (sigh, I miss the Sg's unlimited broadband), so only managed to come in here and read once in a while.

Wow, quite a nbr of mummies hv given birth to another baby. Congrats to all those who have another addition to the family. For me, love to have more but realistically, think 2 is enough.

Rachel, hang in there. I can understand how you feel. I'm still SAHM after quitting my job way back in 2006. I went back to work earlier this year for abt 2 mths, when I'm at work, I found that I think a lot abt the kids. Although I do terribly miss being financially independent and more capable, but I have grown to treasure every min that I can spend with my kids. Now, I find hands-on taking care of kids 24x7 quite pleasurable though frustrating at times. Once in a while, I do think of putting nbr2 into childcare so that I can work part time. Maybe its bcos I just want some "me" time.

Kaylen is going thru terrible 2s at the moment. Quite a nbr of times, I lost my cool and shouted at her. I even "smacked" her on the hand, thigh cos she just refused to listen. I feel so bad. Sometimes, I make her go inside the room, ask her to stay there to scream and cry all she wants. I'll leave her there for a couple of minutes (at the same time to let myself gather my cool) before I go in and try to calm her down and talk to her nicely.

Lately, Kaylen also been eating less. When my mum was here, she got so upset when she cooked porridge or rice for Kaylen but after a few mouths, Kaylen refused to eat. Her milk intake now is only abt 600ml a day. She snacks a lot on junk food (biscuits, cakes, chips, oats, fruits, instant noodle, chocolates, ...) Yes, I'm guilty of being a terrible mummy, letting her eat all the unhealthy food.

Kaylen is picking up things pretty fast these days. She wants to do everything by herself. So she often says "I do, I feed, I eat, I hold, I take, I wear, I fetch jie jie school, ...". She can say A to C, 1 to 3, call pa pa, ma ma, po po, jie jie, ko ko, auntie, uncle, ye ye, ... She now likes to say "shi shi" when she wants to wee-wee (even if she is wearing her diapers). She will go to the toilet and sit on her potty or toilet to wee. After she poo, she'll come and tell us as well. She can recognise most of the animals and when we point it out to her, she can tell us the names. She likes to sing and plays the piano. We are trying to teach her to recognise ABCs, numbers and colours now. We also trying to teach both kids Mandarin &amp; Cantonese ( we regret not teaching my nbr1 these languages long time ago).
hi mummies, i jux came back from msia KL.. 4D3N..i'm aching ALL over coz my slightly oversized girl only wan me to carry .. =P
anyway i think she enjoyed the trip coz of hb's nieces n nephew company and of course the unlimited supply of JUNK food.. i tried to limit it but everyone gives her everything :s

temper: sr is still quite manageable on her temper (cross fingers).. if she is naughty, either one of us will scold her, give a slightly harder smack on her thighs/bums. she usually would cry and come hug hug say sorry aft tat..

hen: sr is drinking even lesser milk lar..it got terrible in msia, only took 200mls a day lor .. tis morning i told my mum need to detox her for these few days liao... put milk back into her diet and get those icecream, sweets, chocs, biscuits OUT..

talking/motor skills: tink sr is slower in motor skills but speech wise ok .. she can sing the 26 alpha suppose if she dun sing, she would b able to recite them.. and when she sees alphabets/letters/words on any media she would start singing her ABCs..

numbers she can recite.. haa.. but i tink she is really oni reciting coz if we ask her to count sometings she would go frm 1-10 even if there's <10 items to count =P

dat day she surprised me.. i got her picture puzzles set and she managed to put a 3 piece puzzle set tgr.. duno if she's slow in that (hee.. mabbe sme kids here already mastered that long ago..) haa.. but still am surprised.. hee

She only managed to pick up self feeding recently (let her do lotsa of self feeding when we were in msia coz alwys dine out, can afford to mess up the area =P).. But still need assistance in scooping soups/liquids.. when will they normally master this?
slimz, u all drove up to KL in the end?

"if we ask her to count sometings she would go frm 1-10 even if there's <10 items to count =P ".. same for Jr! He'll just go 1,2,3.. all the way to 12.. then 14.. then no more. If i correct him.. he gets angry n stop. Haha

I havent tried on puzzles yet.. so they can do it already ah? Hb say still too small.. ask me dun buy. -_-"

Junk food.. the most junk food i give him is biscuits n a few licks of ice cream. hehe. Oat, fruits are gd food.. not junk lah. Hen, 600ml milk is quite gd leh. Jr only have 180 x 3 a day.

Jr's motor skills is slower.. self feed, drink from cup.. all fail. Memory is gd though.. can recognize most of the alphabets and numbers, and shapes. Colours.. all mixed up too.. though can say red, blue, green,etc. Singing... seems like he got no talent... no tune leh. Only words here n there. hahaha

Think it's ok to let them develop at their own speed lah. Some are faster at some aspects n slower in some. Anyway.. sooner or later they'll learn. ;)
<font color="aa00aa">morning mummies!!!!

how have u been down there?
oh oh..looks like kaylen will start losing weight very soon if she only eats a few mouthfuls.

so ended up did u drive up there or take coach?
must be siong carrying the tot around yah..

i am thinking of driving up to sunway lagoon next weekend..hmmmm</font>
we took coach and there were xtra seats so she was seat hopping on the coach.. but she zz in my arms n laps (nearly broke my old bones!) she was ok to walk on her own but when she is tired and wan to b carried/to zzz she oni wan me .. tink i toned my arm muscles =P

the weather was bad lar.. rained 3D out of the 4D we were there.. we had to walk a bit of dist to get to places from out hotel .. so the rain was quite a hindrance

bluelily, i oso tot they are small for puzzles but the one i bot it says 2+ onwards so i jux buy lor and aft playing with it a few times she managed to put the pieces tgr le
<font color="aa00aa">oh yah..if its raining most of the time then quite troublesome to get from one place to another.
and if it rains cannot swim also on the pool..quite wasted.

where u get the puzzle from?
like bluelily, i havent tried puzzles also.</font>
got the puzzles from popular i tink .. its a box of 4 picture puzzle sets, starting from 3 pieces a set to 6 pieces a set. An animal per set..
<font color="aa00aa">out of curiosity..
can i find out how many of us not preggy with the next one yet?

1) lynzi
Hi moms,

I bot the Children's Jigsaw Puzzles fr Popular..the puzzles r brightly coloured n pieces r not v small , ie, easy for them to do..i tink a box has abt 6-8 puzzles..cant rem..i bot the Animals and Sea Creatures one (there are a few more categories). Most imptly, it could keep Alexis entertained for some time and helps in her coordination skills.. =)
bluelily, can do already. sumana loves to do puzzles. just let jr try and guide him and i'm sure u'll see amazing results like slimz! these are some of the puzzles that sumana likes. some are 4-piece sets but some can go up to about 7-8 pieces. u can get them from popular too.


talk about numbers, sumana also counts (as in recites) randomly. sometimes when i'm angry, i would shout: I COUNT TO 3, IF YOU DON'T ... I WILL XXX and guess what... i said ONE... and our dear susu quickly said 2,3!!! i was fuming mad.
steffie, i got the sea creatures and the animals ones as presents, then she likes it so much my dad went to buy the transportation one for her. quite cute.
who's taking care of your boy when you work? It's so tempting to just put my gal in a cc and return to work, but after some thought, I decided to just hang in there till she goes to school next Jul. At least I can try to teach a class or 2 or swimming during that 3 hrs.

1) Lynzi
2) Rachel

Are you still in Aust? Perhaps it's cos Kaylen is eating too many snacks that she doesn't have the appetite to eat her food? Try limiting her snacks and see if she eats better at meal times.

You can try puzzles already. I gave my gal puzzles pretty long ago and she can now fix a puzzle all by herself. Look for those that are bigger and made of strong cardboard. Those types that tub and steffie mentioned are good too.

Got mine from this shop called Growing Fun. Now it is having sales. Bought some readers from there too. My boy loves those books. He can even pronounce "astronaut" after being read to a few times.

Rachel, I'm still in Aust. Am trying to give her more healthy snacks like fruits, veg (carrots, cherry tomatoes,...), plain bread, etc. She eats cheese and drinks fresh milk, so I think still not that bad.

Lynzi, hopefully she won't loose much weight, else she not chubby cute anymore. You can count me in for those mummies not pregnant with the next one. Don't think there will be a next one lor. With 2, my hubby super scared and stressed liao.

Slimz, so cute leh, detox program for sr. Hard for me to implement it on Kaylen. Over here, I stock up a lot of food in the pantry (cupboard), Kaylen would go there and open the pantry door and ask for food in there. She would stand there and cry til she gets what she wants.
