(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

elaine.. beat QQ ah.. tt's funny! hahaha
Jr will say bye bye, orr orr to QQ when we leave home.. then hello when we home. Now he see the letter Q also say QQ.. cham..

lynzi, he knows how to suck the liquid up using straw. But taste 1 mouth he dun want le. Then I bought a water bottle with anti-spill function for him... Soooooo difficult to suck! I tried.. have to use so much force to drink a teeny weeny bit. Obviously.... he dun drink from tt water bottle either. So till now stil drinking from milk bottle loh... cham..

i whack on the thighs and there will be a mark. think i super bad temper but trying very hard to control these days. when i worked and she was at the childcare, think easier to handle. but when i'm wif her 24/7, it's a little tough. ;)

ystd i tried not to take out the cane and be more patient... and viola! it worked! i'm trying not to use the cane too often or it will lose its effect. already, sumana will take the cane to me and ask me to keep after the beating or threatening session. she will wave bye bye to the cane and smile. sigh. such a failure.

bluelily, cc will give milk bottle during milk times right? so should be ok la... and if jr can use the cup to drink then let the teachers know. dun have to use straw i think...
er mummies, sorrie hor i very blur leh...what is QQ?

bluelily - can try rubbermaid bottle? my boi has been using it for quite some time liao...quite easy to suck
tub yest the principal ask me to prepare water bottle for drinking water leh. JR DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO DRINK FROM CUP EITHER! He'll either spill it all over, or play with the water.. or choke! I still rem i go poly.. the doc was doing 15mth checkup.. she ask me can Jr drink from cup. I said no.. he'll choke. Then the doc say... HOW TO CHOKE? I -_-" Like tt choke lah.. what u mean how.........

Jr is lacking alot of these daily skills loh.. tt's y i v worried. Drink milk... he still refuse to hold his own bottle!

Can someone share with me the meal times n what food is served in ur cc? I forgot to ask... wonder will Jr have enough food anot? He still having porridge now.. eat too big pieces too fast.. CHOKE also.. n vomit ALL...
steffi... where got sell rubbermaid bottle? Think i'm going to buy 1 this wk n start him using.. QQ is the auto-vacuum (robot) cleaner that some of us bought some time back. Jr is scared of it... esp when it starts to move towards him! hahaha
u can find it at carrefour or those DIY shops like Homefix. Think for a start, u can just get those standard rectangular shaped one..small one sells at $4 each. Once he gets used to it, you can proceed to buy those in animal shapes.

For CC, when my gal joined the cc at 24mth, she had to accustomed herself to eating rice (though mixed with lotsa soup) and pasta etc. The cc will not make special arrangement to cook porridge specially for her. Also, she had to feed herself. The teachers will only feed those kids who have real difficuly in feeding themselvs. So my gal got food all over the table and her clothes.
thks steffi.. will go n find.
Hai... if like tt I dunno how can jr eat liao. He's already 10th percentile in weight.. i'm v scared go in become 0th percentile liao..
<font color="aa00aa">bluelily,
my boy also used to be like that.
first bottle i tried on huim is also the rubbermaid one.
zu taught me this.
the diy shops sell this.
i tell u, u encourage him to drink from straw bottle itself, i went to buy so many bottles..hahaha..
u name it..i got them..pigeon, combi, munchkin, thomas, and few other brands.
my hubby was so shocked when he saw all the bottles arranged side by side.
in the end, i made some apple juice and voila he can happily drink until finish.
now he ok liao..

yup cc wont make porridge.
i went around to so many cc and i saw their menu are all solid food like rice with soup and veg and meat, etc.
even for bfast they will give cereal like cornflakes and honey stars.

yah i realised when we are hm 24/7 with the kids its easier to lose patience.
maybe cos we are so tired facing them and their antics.</font>
I vaguely rem the cc i went to.. the teacher say auntie can make porridge for him leh. Cereals jr is ok.. but eat alone.. not with milk. Choosy boy. Actually.. a few mouths of rice he still ok.. not havent tried as 1 meal yet.. cos sometimes he swallow without chewing well.. cant digest also.

the rubbermaid bottle sounds cheap n gd.. cwp got DIY shop.. will try n find there ;)
my boi can chew rice already..smetimes i fed him with salmon fried rice during weekends.easier now, cos both jie jie and didi can eat the same stuff.
When you talk about drinking from milk bottle, does it mean drinking milk? or just water?

My boy still uses the bottle to drink his milk of 240ml x 3. If not served in bottle he won't drink. He fine with drinking water from water bottle with a straw.

Should I be worried? Actually I kinda feel paiseh at times when he has to lie down in his stroller to drink his milk when we're out. He looks quite big already so it's kinda funny and weird that he's still drinking milk from milk bottle...
<font color="aa00aa">phy,
the drinking from milk bottle is also still done by my son.
to him, milk must always be from bottle.
sometimes even drinking water he wants it from the bottle according to his moods.
im still qiute lax with drinking milk from milk bottle ah..
i know some kids like my nieces now one in p2 and the sis in p1 still come home from school and look for milk bottle leh.
i think maybe by 3 yrs old then can gradually wean off the milk bottle.</font>
so far, my kids have been drinking water from either the cup or water bottle once they reach toddler stage. so to them, drinking water from milk bottle is a bit strange.

however, dun think i will try to wean them off the milk bottle for milk, cos scare their milk intake will reduce. now, they even wake up during the night for milk
hee hee my gal still drink milk from the bottle too cos she like to lie down to drink her milk. lately she got habit of drinking water after her milk so not choice got to give bottle for water. day time she will drink from cup. even fresh milk she will drink from cup too.

probably i will wait till she s older then wean her off from bottle ba
hee hee my gal still drink milk from the bottle too cos she like to lie down to drink her milk. lately she got habit of drinking water after her milk so not choice got to give bottle for water. day time she will drink from cup. even fresh milk she will drink from cup too.

probably i will wait till she s older then wean her off from bottle ba
phy, i'm also unsuccessful at training for big biz. she'll purposely wait till we put on diaper for school or before her nap times then she poo poos. sigh.

gabby's mum, i just put sumana on the adult wc, with the attached cover for kids. worked for me.
yest go causeway pt... cant find rubbermaid bottle.
Saw other bottles... dun dare to buy. Dunno ez to drink anot..... grr.....
<font color="aa00aa">bluelily,
if at cwp dont have then lot 1 diy at cck has.

i also did the same as tub.
my main intention was to make him get used to sitting on the actual thing.
can get those from kiddy palace, mothercare, etc.
i got one with handles so he can hold on to it.</font>
mummies, need advise.. ...
we are still looking ard for wkday sch for sr. We intended to find something which is a few hrs a day so that she can still spend 'family' time with my parents.
Sat we stumbled upon a cc which is quite nice (School House by the Garden along YCK rd, any mummies heard of them b4?). Its not exactly near my mum's but they provide bus service.
Now we are torn between sending her (1) full day cc (2) 1/2day cc (which would b 2-2.5hrs n the acty covered in this short frame is pretty little) (3) search ard again for other (assessible) plygrps .. ..
I found the rubbermaid bottle. Thks for the recommendation. Really easier to sip! But Jr always gets hiccups when he drink from straw.. drink in too much air? He still prefer his milk bottle for water though.

phy, congrats! I just bought a potty book for Jr. Hope can brain wash him.

Slimz..... I'm kindof in the same plight as u lah. I already paid the registration fees for cc... but have been thinking for 1 wk. Think Jr really not ready for cc yet. Maybe dun put him in cc liao. Wanna look for pcf or few hr classes.. but dun have any near my mum's place.

My main concern is his feeding. The food served in cc is too 'advanced' for him already. He gags easily and will vomit everything once he gag. So.. hai.. dunno how. Few hrs playgrp without feeding will be gd.
<font color="aa00aa">morning ladies!!!

congrats to u and ryan!

i put faiq straight to wc also becos i want him to get used to the flushing sound.
i know some kids very afraid whenever we flush and see the water being sucked in..hehe..

maybe u should drop by and look see at that cc.
sometimes from outside its nice but inside is a different story..plus must look at how the teachers treat the kids.

the playgroup that i registered faiq in still got feeding leh.
but its just a tea break..they will serve cereal or sandwiches.
u still have 2 months to train him and let him get used to more solid food.</font>
Cereals n sandwiches still ok. But not rice as lunch. We did try.. sometimes it's ok... sometimes will gag n vomit. I googled online.. there's some kiddos with a "strong-gag-reaction" as they call it. Any tiny thing irritated in his mouth.. he'll choke n vomit all the food in his tummy. Guess jr is like tt. Can only wait till he outgrow it natuarally. Which pg u sign faiq in btw? When going in?

Haha.. Jr loved to look at the toilet bowl flushing. There's one he threw his biscuit on the toilet floor.. n pick it out n throw it into the toilet bowl n flush is away. then for weeks.. he kept looking in the toilet bowl and say "biscuit!"
hi slimz, i think if your mum is ok taking of of sr, then dun have to consider the 1st option: full day cc. i think unless you are working and have no other options, full day cc is actually quite a waste of time as most activities in the afternoons are lunch, bath, milk and sleep. most kids will sleep till about 4 plus, then wake up for some individual activities and then go home. so if you have support at home, do leave this option out.

1/2day cc is often 7am to 1pm and not the 2-2.5 hours. the latter would be playgroup and usually not in a cc environment. if you leave sr in the 1/2 day cc, she can go at 8 plus when u and your hubby go to work and get your mum to fetch her back at about 11 plus or 12 noon, just b4 lunch so she can take lunch at home and nap. guess sr will learn more in the 3-4 hours that she's there.

for the 2-2.5 hours playgroup, it's usually a non cc environment. that is, you are looking at places like appletree or talentplus. i think their programs are pretty interesting too. to me, long hours does not equate to interesting activities. do check these out.

if you are looking at yck, then kinderland offers a 3 hour prog. think bluelily is placing jr there. i've been there and i like the environment. but too bad it's a tad too far away for me.

bluelily, susu also vomits out easily. if i'm not careful and "force feed" her or if a little solid stuff irritates her throat, she'll gag too. sigh.
tub... I did not sign for Kinderland. I registered at My First Skool instead.. tt's within walking dist from my mum's place. It's a full day cc.. though I only intend to put in 1/2 day for the 1st few mths. Cos next yr they got no more 1/2 day cc le. But I abit regretted my decision cos of this feeding/drinking problem.. or maybe like what u say.. can get my mum to bring him home b4 lunch then eat at home. But abit waste $ lah. But still cheaper than Kinderland's 3 hr program.

I'm thinking of putting Jr in Kinderland's weekend classes instead.. KinderTots for 18-30mths 1.5hrs. So that he can get used to the class setting... then decide from there. What u all think? Will it help?

Actually hor... 1 reason y I wanna put Jr is cc next yr.. is in case #2 comes along. But if it can't work out then suan le loh. Dun wanna short change Jr for anything...
tut, susu really same pattern as Jr leh! But what does she eat for lunch/dinner now? Is she ok with rice? Can self-feed? She go 1/2 day cc got include meals anot?
<font color="aa00aa">morning ladies!!!

kinderland got weekend class also is it?
what do they teach and the activites there?
how long is each lesson?
hehe..sorry so many qns.
eh u planning for no 2 is it..which is why u wana put Jr in cc?

i agree with tub.
if own family is still able to take care then there is no need for full day cc.
better to send to playgroup or half day cc.

can su feed herself at cc?</font>
my boy also couldn't eat much solids initially. will also gag if too much or too hard cos he'll try to swallow n don't know how to spit out. but ever since he went cc, he picked up all these skills there. now he can hold apple and bite himself. he's eating rice, noodles, pasta without a problem already. only a bit picky on food if it doesn't suit his taste buds. so sometimes it could be a blessing in disguise. guess if i keep him at home, he'll take super long to learn. maybe it's peer pressure?? now he's learning to feed himself. very happy already.

btw did u check the teacher to children ratio at My First Skool? I didn't have a good experience with My First Skool... but of course another location. Hv to make sure the teachers are experienced and patient enuf since u have much more concern with Jr's eating habits. Also do check out that they are not short handed. I suggest u request them to give u a trial and see how they run things there. i guess it applies not just to My First Skool... all cc that you plan to put Jr in. That's my experience to share with you.
eve.. i did ask for trial. But they say no pt.. the 1st few days will be like trial liao. The last time I see.. the ratio is ard 1:8. Still ok. I dunno leh.. I scared he will starve himself there... no matter how patient the teacher is... have to handle 8 kids. Where got so free to feed jr 1 to 1? Last time I did ask if they do feed.. the teacher say sometimes will.. n auntie will cook porridge if needed too. But what I heard from frens at other outlets dun seem to be like tt. So I dunno which one is true too.

lynzi, they sent a price list to me b4. from 18-30mths is weekend class... call kindertots. 1.5 hrs.. 8 sessions a mth. A few sessions to choose from. I dunno how's the curriculum like though. Wanna ask for trial class... dunno they have anot.
eve.. U mention ur boy dun take solids so well before going cc. then what happen to the 1st few days/weeks in cc? how he get accustomed to the food there?
the difference for trial is u don't commit on the sch fees for that mth + whatever notice period + registration fees. so no $ wasted if decide not to continue.

1:8 ratio is with one asst teacher? cos if it's only 1 teacher handling, definitely cannot handle one.

surprisingly, he's ok leh. teachers told me he's eating well. said he even ask for more at times. that's why i say sometimes it's peer pressure. in school, he kwai kwai sit down n eat. at home never the case... naughty boy always got to fight with him at home to even eat porridge. if prepare rice for him, will eat a few mouth n run away. anyway in his class, most needs to be fed. so there's always extra help given to their class in terms of feeding. i did tell them before hand that he's still not used to eating solids. so they just spend more time with him. but they did tell me on certain days, he's not eating a lot during lunch. i'm not so worried as he'll hv 120ml milk after his bath which is after bath before he takes his nap. after he wakes up, he'll hv tea break + another 120ml of milk.
mummies, thanks for the input... tink we will go shop ard somemore and shelf the idea of cc now .. really not mentally prepared to send sr off to cc =(
tub/bluelily, the yck kinderland offers 3hrs plygrp on wkdays? any idea if they have sch buz?
bluelily &amp; lynzi, susu can self feed but she'll take super duper long to finish her food. so i still feed her. her cc is 3 hour kind now so no lunch but ultimately, i may let her take her lunch there, bath, then come home when i go back to work. but i'm concerned about the food they feed in her cc. i'm happy that it's vegetarian BUT the food they serve is very unhealthy!!!!!! take for example, they serve vegetarian sausage (which we all know, is flour and nothing else), chicken porridge (again, fake meat made from flour) and to my horror, PICKLED CAIXIN! faint.

re the food susu takes, she takes porridge in the afternoons and rice in the evenings. i tried to give her carrot chunks (ok... not chunks but cubes) and she PUI everything out for me. so i have to chop or mash till they're fine. but i agree with what eve says. i think they'll somehow learn to take solids in school and we don't have to worry too much. if susu's school serves healthier food, i would have let her take her lunch there b4 coming home but too bad...

bluelily, if you ask me hor... i think go to sat class no use la. cos the teachers are different and you guys are around! so whatever it is, jr (and you... hehheh) will still have to go through that first few traumatising weeks of starting a new school. so go straight and place him there but of course try to make a few trips to the school prior to the D day, and tell him that that's his new school and he's going to be there. i think it may register some what and hopefully the crying will be more subdued. hehheh.

slimz, i dunno about the sch bus but u can call and ask. and ya... they offer 3 hours playgroup on weekdays. i think it's a daily thing but u have to call fast and chop a place for next year.
eve.. the cc tell me they only feed milk just b4 nap.. after lunch. But I dun think jr can have milk right after lunch loh. Unless he really din eat his lunch or he choke n puke. -_-"

eek.... I called Kinderland for weekend classes trial.. they dun have. So suan le.. I dun wanna sign blindly again. Maybe just go try My 1st skool in Feb... bring him home b4 lunch.. then I dun have to worry abt food hor? tt branch got some healthy food award.. so I assume the food will be ok ba.

Slimz.. the one i asked in woodlands civic branch.. I got the timings n price list.. can fwd u if u want.. but dunno yck same anot.
<font color="aa00aa">tub,
i think maybe cos su is a gerl lah..can self feed herself now even though its slow.
for my boy he can self feed but after awhile he will get bored and start playing with the food instead so will be darn messy...sighhh

huh..ni trial class...cham.
eh can forward me the timings and fees also?

oh btw wanted to ask u gerls..where did u get the qq vacuum from?
im interested in it.
is it good?
how long can it vaccum before it will need to go to the docking station to recharge?</font>
bluelily, this may sound ridiculous but in my kid's PG, they eat lunch ard 1100-1130. Then bath at about 12pm. Then it's milk and nap. After wake up, depending on the kid, whether he/she wants milk. I was taken aback with such close schedule at first but it seems he is doing well with it. Like what mommies here said, they'll pick up when they see other kids doing something. Same goes on self feeding and solid food. Don't worry about. let him try out 1 wk there and see if his appetite turns for the better.
nope, tub.. waiting to eat my crockpot chicken 1st tonite... if bb not out today, tomolo should be a sumptous lunch treat from ahlao... then only see if bb is really waiting for that lunch treat... :p
mummies, our little ones r supposed to go for a 2yo chk/assessment rite?
Does normal GP conducts these checks or have to b PD or Polyclinincs?
<font color="aa00aa">slimz,
oooh...u popping soon?
how exciting!
i have always gone to my gp..never been to poly except during newborn time for those jaundice tests..hehe.
got 2 yr checkup ah?
i must go and check his book.</font>
jeelo, I sure hope Jr's appetite will improve!

ya slimz.. i go polyclinic for his assessments. Next one is at 3 yrs old only. I going poly to get his pneumococcal jab in Dec though.

Hi Mummies,
I wonder if you can recommend me any known nanny in Sengkang, near Buangkok MRT station or at Compassvale bow, blk 264, 265 266 and 267.

Preferred to be at nanny's place,Monday to fridays, occassional overnight.

Please email :[email protected] or call me at 97943399
