(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

We took Ryan to HK last year in December. We only packed cereal, biscuits and milk powder on board the plane. Usually kids' food is allowed to be brought into plane. We took SQ there. In last June we took Qantas to Perth and again we could bring into plane Ryan's food.

Can't comment on the Disney hotel as we didn't stay there.


You just reminded me I've yet to sit down and work on my December trip!

sigh, any little one still not talking much properly? Like verbal vocab only about 20 words? I'm still understanding my girl mostly thru her "yodelling" and pointing. But she sure understands us adults.
welcome julie & applez!
drooling no idea wor.. try asking ur PD?
we r not feeding my girl any supplements other than the scotts fish oil wor.. my PD says so long she eating her full meals (wich would incl all the nec vits etc) properly no need for supplements (and she is of gd wt... )
Tub we went HK this yr april. oni brot her FM, cereals. on the plane they offered bby jars (heinz) but sr had nvr tried those food b4 and totally rejected it. in the end (it was a morning flight to hk) we got extra morning breakfast muffins frm the stewardess for sr to eat. when we r there she ate what we ate lor
Gabby's mum, Do you remember how much for the jab? Is it for 1 time? Which spree did you get the supplement from?

Hi Slimz, Any good immunity boosting recipe to share?

Paiseh a bit gancheong. TIA mummies.
applez, if i'm not wrong... flu vaccine can only last for 1 yr. and it's for some stains for flu virus only... so not guarenteed u wont get flu.

Not sure about Air Asia...maybe can call the airline and ask?

Ankh, my nephew who is 3 months older than our tots is stil not talking...
bluelily, tink u can call the airlines and ask. if dey say no den ask them to prepare food on plane for jr =P
flu jabs: heard that there are various types for different seasons of the year wor .. i din let sr take (except for the hk trip) coz she is being cared for at home by my mom, lesser chnces of getting virus compared to gg cc (choy choy)
applez: i'm not a good cook. my girl eats wat my mum gives her.. and i'm thankful for my mum that my girl hardly "choy choy".. her current normal daily diet is
BF: fruits + brown rice paste + FM
Lunch: FM + bread + fruits
Dinner: Porridge (fish/chicken/pork)+ veg (carrot/tomatoes/brocoli/spinach) and sometimes + scallops/wolfberries/dates/nuts
in between meals will ve cheese/biscuits/cake for snacks
nitefeed: latch on ... (i'm still a cow at nite..)
nothing fanciful in her diet (my girl not picky.. and that explains her size)..
wah.. sr still eating brown rice paste ah. My fussy boy eat till like wanna puke when i give him brown rice paste many many mths back... i put it in his normal porridge instead so he cant detact!

I saw air asia faq le.... can bring porridge n milk for "what's needed on board only". So ok ba. U all bringing stroller when going overseas?
bluelily... my sr is a rubbish bin, takes all food.. the brown rice paste she been eating since 6mths old ... my mum goes to tcm add in all kinds of other stuff and mix/grind tgr de
we brot stroller to hk .. and when we collect our suitcases, we forgot ALL about the stroller!had to go to CP office to claim it...
Stroller is important. When kiddo is tired or wants to sleep at least there's the stroller lor.
thks phy. Guess gotta bring stroller then.. heng hb paid for exrta baggage... i forgot bring jr means alot of extra baggage weight!

Hai... last weekend was damn sianzz... Feels like a weekend wasted. hb got flu again.. n pass to Jr. Jr just recovered from flu few wks ago.. poor boy. We wanted to go swimming.. in the end all cancelled... SIANZZZZZZZ.......
<font color="aa00aa">morning ladies!!!!!!!!

i just got back from holiday.
from sat to tues, flew by firefly to terengganu with my in laws..then went down to Afamosa in Malacca.
faiq had a blast there.
then on wed to fri, me, hubby and faiq went to club med bintan.
the 3 days was really fun and relaxing...everything was attended to.
i dont even need to bring a single food for faiq to bintan..hehehe..</font>
yay! i finally booked all tickets + hotel stays online! so happy la! reminds me of my backpacking days! ... except i can't camp or live in travelers' hostels anymore. haha. but it's ok la... for my baby, live more comfortably!

bluelily, can can! changi website says can bring baby's food and milk on board. so i think air asia should be fine!
everyone planning yr-end trips le.
we r gg KL with hb's family. my bil says to get packaged guided tour wor.. anyone heard of such ting b4? well basically i nvr been to KL via guided tour =P
am tinking of extending it with Genting, jux me hb n sr .. haa.. coz dat time we went HK, i brot sr a set of glooves n hat and given her fast growing rate, she is out-growing them soon..hee.. so tis siao mummy wan go somewhere cool whereby sr gets to wear her 'winter wear' soon =P
when we were young, my parents used to take on those packaged tours to KL &amp; Genting. Actually, not really packaged in the sense that it will be F&amp;E over at Genting. They will provide coach service to KL then to Genting and lunch along the way. Only thing is, before they bring u to Genting, they will make a few stops at those tidbit shops etc so that they can earn commission. So the whole trip duration is actually quite long
<font color="aa00aa">morning mumies!!!

now very rare for ppl to take guided tours to kl and genting.
at the most they take the luxury coach up.

any of u has plan your kid 2nd bday??</font>
haaa..i noe its totally like Mountain Tortoise to take GUIDED tour to KL ..HAA..
when my bil told me i was like "huh? got such ting de?"
steffi, that sounds like a veri tiring and long journey up .. i am already ultra worried how to keep sr entertained on the coach liaozzz .. urgh..
<font color="aa00aa">slimz,
i always drive up near to my son's nap time.
so at least 2 hours of the journey he will be sleeping.
i standby different varieties of snacks, brought along his books, some small toys and his aquadoodle to occupy him.</font>
slimz ... tats e worry i have tat time i have when we went to genting so decided to drive up at least when my gal get cranky then we can stop for a while &amp; we started my journey near my gal nap time &amp; also her favourite dvd
elaine, i cant choose timing or transport leh.. its a family (HB side..) trip (hope we take plane there)..
and up till now, no concrete plans on (1) how to get there, (2) stay where, (3) do what, (4) how many days .. everything haven settle.. only know it will be 13th oct onwards.. and the most amusing part is, last sunday BIL even showed us promotions for other countries?! i was like "huh?! <1mth left and so many aspects not settled, still wan to change country?"
HB side ALWAYS does things last minute de ..
<font color="aa00aa">just wana share that on 21 November 2009, exactly at 8.40pm for the first time loud and clear faiq called me MUMMY..
i was so surprised and touched till i cried.
so over the mmon too cos been waiting so long for this moment..hehehe..</font>
Hi Lynzi, Congrats! I am still waiting
to hear ds call me.
My ds have not started to talk yet...sigh. Hopefully by sending him to childcare would help.

Hi slimz, gabby's mum, Thanks for sharing. I am also thinking of giving him the scotts fish oil, hope wun reject.
No choicelo have to try.

Mummies, Like to find out will the child care allow you to bring them if they are with runny nose and cough?
Anyone managed to feed your little toddler with fresh milk? I gotta forced the little king to drink! In the end, when I warmed it up and poured into his milk bottle, he finished it without putting up a fight.

I hereby declare the terrible two stage has started. Now he puts up fights... everything is "Mai Mai Mai (don't want)" or "Ryan walks, Ryan holds, give Ryan.... etc etc" very self-centered.
Boo! Long time din 'talk' here! phy... jr's fav word now is also MAI! He changed from mei you (bu yao he says mei you too) to MAI.. short n sweet!

Haha, your boy and mine can pair up and chant away! Remember the scene in Finding Nemo whereby Nemo's Dad (can't recall the name) and Dolly were flipping and flapping on the dock in Sydney? The pelicans eyed them and went "Mine Mine Mine...."

Whenever Ryan starts chanting " Mai Mai Mai Mai", it really reminds me of that scene! Haha
Hi Steffi,
my boi too... He'll scream loudly. I try not to but now resort to threatening him by saying I'll bring out the cane (which I don't possess) haha
wahhaha... think our kiddos are all the the No No stage!

Yest just registered Jr in My first Skool.... going in next yr after CNY. Suddenly.. when the plan falls into place.. I cant zz! Worry abt this n that! have to buy a sch bag n water bottle for jr le...
haaaaa haaaaaa yes phy! we can OFFICIALLY DECLARE that our babies are now in the terrible TWOS stage!

sumana would insist she does things her own way but saying her name and points to herself. she wants to wear her own clothes, shoes, open the door etc etc etc... (she couldn't do most of these independently... sigh) i'm usually fine with that UNLESS the SCHOOL BUS is waiting for us downstairs! she would scream and throw and tantrum if i ASK if i could help. wa lau! losing my cool ALL THE TIME now lor, esp in the morning cos we're pressed for time! but at least i know i am not alone. hahaha

bluelily, it's normal normal. i know that kind of feeling but hey, it's after cny, so don't think about it first la.
tub.. gotta prepare him for cc 1st mah. Quited tutu le.. Next step.. get him to learn to drink from water bottle!

wah u all so fast buy cane le ah.. really whack? Which part? Will have marks rite? so poor thing.. i'm v tempted to buy 1 too.
i oso use cane liao le.. din buy one, haa... stingy mummy used the balloon stick.. =P
Used it 2x so far, din beat too hard, but was very stern in my tone when i talk to her during the beating. aft the counselling she will come to me for hugging (like saying sorry).. =P

Ya I also loathe the idea of usin it but no choice leh...
My mother has a cane which she uses to threaten our family cat... I used it to threaten Ryan that day while at her place. He seems afraid of it. What I do is I just place it in sight of him and tell him I will bring it out if he still doesn't follow what I want him to do... So far only whacked him on his palm once.

K talk later... gotta go for a long meeting
hee hee i do whack lightly on her legs cos more flesh :p so whenever she s notti i willl bring out e cane to threaten her. how come so far only mummies doing the whacking whahahahaha

<font color="aa00aa">hallo mummies..
oh i so agree on the terrible twos.
think im losing my temper more and more often.
sometimes i would try my very best to be patient and keep my cool but i feel that the more i try to say nicely and be patient, the more he will try to make me angry..sighhh
u gerls bought the cane oredi?
i wanted to get one but hubby said if we buy one, we will resort to using it to discipline our child..what do u gerls think?

aiyoh..i know how u feel..its a very unsettling feeling.
i hope u and jr will be able to adapt.
u need to teach him to drink from water bottle?
isn't that the same as drinking thru a straw?</font>
