(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB


The fees is $630 after subsidy for full day program..3 hrs one I dunno leh cos that's never in my option..

Toilet Traning

Declan has been able to sit on the toilet bowl and do his big business since he was ard 8mths old. He will says:" EM Em" and I just bring him to the toilet bowl and he will do his business.

But as for peeing, I will have to try that when he settle down in his cc first. Cos most of the time he's in cc now, so I think better to train him there too.

The funniest part about him is even when he fart he will tell me:" Poo Poo Gas" wahahaha


As I mentioned, Declan kicked that habit within a day cos I put chilli on his tutu..lol..So I am considered quite lucky cos quite easy for him to kick tat.

sr for pee she is toilet trained.. big biz not really... pee she will bring us to toilet and we'll help her with her pants lor .. but big biz anytime u ask her she say yes!
mummies, we brot sr for her 1.5hr twice a week class this week... she cried when we left her in the class alone ..
today is her 2nd day.. wonder how long she would take to grow out of this stage
so xin tong .. booo
jean, thks for the fee info! I got the fees for the 3hrs class already. Emailed them. Does ur boy fall sick often there? The class size v big rite?

slimz what class u bring sr to? i'm thinking of some weekend classes near or in Woodlands to let jr try out 1st.. hehe

I think if u put jr to the 3 hrs class, he will also go thru the phase of crying , so why not put him full day. They really can learn to be independent. Declan now beginning to tok more and sing more too..

For Declan's Class, I think there r 13 children but normally there are 2 to 3 teachers attending to them. In fact I think he doesn't fall sick so often here as compared to his previous cc. I like his teachers cos I think they r more professional than the previous cc. So definitely no regrets in changing him here.

So far *touch wood*, he's quite ok here..I am boosting his immune system by feeding him 1 table spoon of manuka honey daily. Also giving him multi vitamins, and I really find it useful..So maybe u can do some "preparation" work before sending him there.
Slimz, u know when i changed susu's school, i lost nearly 3kg in a week myself. cos i was so sad with all her crying and trying to cope with the new environment. she goes for 3 hourly classes now.

but after about 2 weeks, the teacher said she only cries when at the gate and stopped crying once inside the classroom. then, after 3-4 weeks of starting sch, she stopped crying altogether and even waved BYE BYE to me when she boards the school bus every morning! when i fetch her at 12 noon, she's always happily running towards me. so........ have to tell yourself sr'll eventually get used to it and realise that daddy and mummy or grandparents WILL fetch her home. she just has to go to school and school is an everyday affair.

i really know how heartbreaking it is. just bite the bullet and one day, she'll go to school happily.
agree with tub. it's really heartbreaking when u see them cry initially. but they adapt faster than u think. it all depends on how the cc handles newcomers.

my boy attend 1st cc. teacher puts in no efforts to settle him. we accompanied him for 2 days n he was crying non stop until he lost his voice. teacher didn't bother at all. so we withdrew him.

in 2nd cc which is his current one, i must say they did a very good job. same like susu, 1st wk cries when we put on uniform. refused to go into the sch. when we left him there, he refused to stay in the classroom. teacher has to carry him out and stay at the playground area. 2nd week cries when we drop him off. but stops when he goes in. 3rd week onwards, he stopped crying already. same thing will wave bye bye to us. sometimes when we pick him up, he's playing and even reluctantly go home. now everyday, he's so eager to change into his uniform and get out of the house.

like what the teachers always tell me. got to reassure them that mummy n daddy will be back to pick them up. soon they will know and will stop crying.
I guess gd teachers in the cc helps?

Btw, for those who have given ur bbs chicken pox vaccine, got any side effects after that anot? Fever? What abt pneumococcal vaccine? I'm bringing jr for his chic pox vaccine next mth.

Yeah agreed that the teachers are really the main factor of whether your child will settle down. Over here, I must say they really did a much much better job to reassure Declan compared to his previous cc.

Though its his 4th week here, Declan is still crying but not so much now. It may be difficult to see him crying initially, but its really for his own good cos he really can pick up alot of things in school and learn to be more independent.

As for chicken pox vaccine and pneumococcal vacine, I dun remember him having fever. But maybe becos I always feed him paracetamol after every vaccine regardless whether he has fever or not.
mummies, thanks for the advice.. sr cried on her 2nd day too.. ...

i'm sending sr for a 1.5hr plygrp (2x a week) for a 1 mth trial (i.e. 8lessons) to this center near my mum. But my mum would still ve to take bus (3 stops) or cab. In the mornings we will pick my mum up and drop her with sr at sch.
But my mum recently been hvg aches in her leg and arms.

So now we r considering (1) full day CC or (2)the sch at my mum's block which offers plygrp too. We din wan the downstairs plygrp initially coz their standard quite bad, $95/mth, plygrp oso need get uniforms & PE tees, and the center dark n shabby..not veri good impression lor. But for my mum we mite ve to get tis and when sr turns 4 or 30mths, we will send her to another N1-K2 sch which offers sch bus service @ $95/mth (june n dec hols oso need pay...)

and well.. if we change her aft this 1mth trial, she prob would/mite go thru another round of crying at new sch?! booo
slimz, if u dun want this 1 mth trial, then prob have to just withdraw her. no point making sr cry twice. better to waste some money then to have to go through the emotional roller coaster again.
bluelily, sumana doesn't have any side effects but every kid is different. but she had it quite bad for the mmr jab. other than that, she's ok for the others. if jr is going cc, must take the jabs...
pneumo jab is quite painful..according to pd, when the medicine is being jabbed in, the kid will get stinging, painful feeling.
chic pox vaccine - only slight fever after.
pnuemococcal - he had fever. then 2 days later break out rashes on palms and feet. GP we went to suspect hfmd. went back to PD and confirmed it's not, but reaction to viral infection. not sure if linked to the jab.
aiyo.. scary.. i hate bringing jr for injections. kelian. Anyway pneumoc is going to be one of the compulsory jabs liao.. so better to take.
<font color="aa00aa">morning ladies!!!!!

how have all of and the babies been?
oops..not babies liao..all will soon turn 2..hehe.

oh yes i heard some mummies from here have given birth to no.2
realy admire them having the will and stamina..hehe

faiq did not get any side effects from the chickenpox and pneumo vaccine.
i give him barley water to drink before he goes for jab/s..hehe</font>
thks elaine!

So quiet here nowadays. BTW... Happy Children's Day! This Sat is Mid Autumn Fest already.. bringing ur kiddos anywhere to carry lanterns?
ya lor.. so quiet recently ..
lantern fest: i brot sr to join the lantern fest celeb @ my mum's RC last sat.. she was busy blowing out her lantern's candles lor ..
and there was a mini KTV session and she went on stage to clap and sway her bums when my mum went up to sing =P
wahaha sr is cute! I bought a non-candle latern with the lights and some noisy sounds for Jr.. he dun like.. Bleh! Maybe let him take the candle ones instead.

wondering if any one is interested in taking over a class(18months to 3 years old) at amk hub on sat 945am to 1045am on this sat,3rd of october?can treat it as a trial class,$26.75,thanks a lot,i signed up for 1 term but cant take it on this sat,if interested,please pm me
Hi mummies

really long time din chat here already. How is everyone's baby? Hope all ok and good ya!

pneumo jab, im bringing my gal to jab end nov. She still have cough oftenly and breathless. Doc advise to take singular for long term haiz...

Also i have sent her to Little Neuro Tree. She quite enjoy the class but seems like she dont really like flash cards hmmm always distracted when teacher is doing the flash card.

bluelily - i have also voted for ur cute boy.

deerdeer - training chopstick i think it sells at kiddyplace.
hi ladies, made another "major" decision today by letting susu come home in the school bus alone! hehheh... dunno why i'm writing this here but guess i'm feeling a little unsettled about this decision. have followed her in the school bus to school for about 2 weeks and back for about 2 months.
it's tough letting go. I was so worried last time, but it was a short distance, so it wasn't that bad i guess. Now it's back to sending her to and from school since LV@biopolis bus service doesn't serve my area.

Anyone went for mattel or taka sale?
hi claire, how r u with the new baby?

how old was your gal when you let her sit sch bus? no. 1 or 2?
tired, but thank goodness for my helpers at home. Otherwise i think I'll go crazy with my 2 gals fighting and crying whenever they're together.

#1 was about 22mths when she took the school bus. #2 hasn't gone to school yet. Still waiting for vacancy at LV.
Just came back from Taka sale. Hmm, not very crowded on a saturday evening.

Got myself a pair of shoes and that's all
Gabby's mum,
4 days only.. ended yesterday. Discounts not bad. Some already on 20% discount and if one paid with Taka card or DBS Black card, another additional 15% discount is given.
Hello mummies..I'm new in this forum. Hope can make some new frens and exchange parenting info. BTW I hv a concern and was wondering does anyone hv any tips for me. My boy is turning 2 this year Dec. But he is still drooling badly...and it is kinda disturbing. His tooth is almost full but still drooling a lot.Any tips anyone??
Hi mummies, I am new here too..My boy is under this age grp. Like join in here for a chat.
Hi Julie, No idea too. No experience in this. Sori..
Anyone like to share how to boost your child immunity like diet or supplements? Any good recipe?My boy fall sick like every month
Planning to put him child care next month , keep my finger cross..
hihi mummies, need your advise!

we're bringing dear old sumana to hongkong end of this year but i have a question. can we bring porridge on board SQ to feed? formula?

Also, anyone stayed in the disneyland hotel? any comments?

applez ... I have been giving my gal colostrum &amp; chewy vit c. I think the flu jab plays a part too. So far so good after taking all these. touch wood!!

Julie, sometimes fever sometimes flu follow by cough. Dun know whether we bring him out to shopping ctr and caught the virus...sigh.

tub, Wow first trip with your little one...exciting. Since birth never had a chance yet
, scared cannot handle especially boys.

Gabby's mum, where do you buy the supplements? Is there a flu jab for toddlers? Is it from PD? How much the jab cost?
