(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

My boy totally on Pediasure since 12 months, but still skinny like monkey leh. He's only about 10.6kg.

I suppose if no overweight issue, having Pediasure totally is ok? I worry if I switch to FM, he'll be even skinnier!

bluelily and gabby's mum, yeah 11.4kg is ok but she only gained weight when i stayed at home. i think it's the avocado that i feed her daily. it helps! hehhehheh...
hee hee tub yeah i guess so cos avocado is a fatty fruit
gab's mum.. i duno how tall is my sr wor.. last wed she down wif slight flu we brot her to GP and weigh her @ 12kg but din take ht. We got a ht chart at home and it seems she is abt 85cm tall. Wasn't hoping she grow tall so fast coz it would mean she has to pay for her bus/mrt fares soon =P
12kg at their age is considered xxx percentile huh?
Ya, signed him up for the 9am class. Starts next January. You thinking of signing your girl up?
<font color="aa00aa">oh dear..looking at your kiddos meal time makes me think if i have been over-feeding my boy.
this is my boy's schedule..
9am bfast of oat with banana or blueberries and a small jar of mix fruits &amp; juice
10am 1 bottle of pediasure
in between snacks of raisins/ biscuits
11am 210ml of nan pro3 and nap
1pm lunch of brown rice porridge with fish and veg, yoghurt and water
3pm 1 feed of pediasure
4pm tea break of bread or bun with water
5pm 210ml of nan pro3
6.30pm dinner of brown rice porridge with fish and veg and water.
9pm 210ml of nan pro3</font>

still deciding... thinking of pcf at blk 528 but gotta wait till my ger 30 months. so thinking of putting at appletree 1st then change but not very gd for my ger emotionally though...
crystalz, i got e same tots as well but e school that i looking for oredi full so most prob will place her in appletree for 1 yr then switch to nursery at pcf
<font color="aa00aa">oh i forgot to add that around 7plus pm faiq will get some adult table food as well.
he is 13.3kg last month..not sure about this month though.
will be going to the doc again for flu jab next week so will weigh him again and see.</font>
ahz... share my ger schedule

7am wakey and milk feed 210mls
9am breaky
11am lunch
12.45pm milk 210mls
1pm nap
3 to 3.30pm tea break
5.30pm dinner
8pm milk 210mls
8.30pm sleep
Think I read some good reviews about the PCF at Blk 528
For me, my plans are for my boy to attend somewhere near my place so that my MIL can take him to and fro. Walking distance is the most ideal

Just came back from Peek-a-boo indoor play area at Kallang. Not too bad I think. Paid $8 for boy to play. It gives 10% discount for passion card holders
yesterday i "overfed" susu. woke up at 430pm after nap and i gave her 150ml soya bean at 5pm. then i fed her some bananas and kiwi. at 6plus, we tried to feed her some rice and she vomited. learnt my lesson of not treating her like a peking duck.
hi hi
have not logged in for a long time.

can do so now since i m on leave.
hmm.. Kate;s schedule (at e moment)
9am wake up
9+ 10am drink milk (100ml pediasure), eat breakfast
12+ Lunch
2+ somtimes sleep
3-4 drink milk (100ml pediasure), snack
6 eat dinner, fruits
10+ sleepzzzzz

with my inlaws when i work, i understand its abt e same, except she doesnt drink milk there. n she drinks milk when we r back home around 9+ b4 she sleeps
tub, will susu indicate that she doesnt wanna eat anymore b4 she vomit?
kate will shake her head, push my hand n play with e food.
then I will stop.
but most of the time, half an hour later or so, she can cont to eat again.
tub, hi 5! Jr will vomit if eat too much too. Sometimes is choke n vomit.. sometimes because he run ard too much after food.. puke too.
hi all,
do yr kids still eat porridge or already eating rice for their meals already? i realised that my boy likes to have a share in our food when we eat. But when tried feeding him a proper meal of rice with soup, he will take only a few mouthfuls and refuse to eat already. no problem with porridge. how to make the transistion to solid food? also wat kind of food are you all giving? I've run out of idea what to cook everyday.
hi eve,

my gal no longer eating porridge. she has been eating rice &amp; soup for mths. Initial when we feed her rice &amp; soup she just eat a few mouthful then dun wan liaoz else she will suck rice &amp; spit out the residues. Then my in law let her eat on her own now she can finish almost 3/4 bowl of rice &amp; 2 bowl of soup herself.
eve, jr still having porridge as main meal too. He eat rice.. take forever to bite. Dun think he can take more than a few mouths at 1 go too. So porridge still better.
Is this still on?

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">19th Sep Sat (timing late afternoon-evening) Botanic Gardens picnic </font>
- bluelily
- slimz
- phy

Anyone else wanna join? keke </font>
gabby's mum
so got to keep trying till they get used to it? how long did she take to get used to rice? what kind of dish do u all prepare for her?

at least he bites. mine swallow... *faint*. the only type of rice he eats without problem is mui fan. n like i said, he actually swallow the way he eats porridge. now he goes cc, at least slightly better, got to keep reminding to chew. but really takes very long to eat non-porridge food.
sr is taking porridge as her main meals @ my mum's but would pinch our food at our dinner times. Same as claire, sr has her dinner b4 us ..
on wkends i would try to cook rice + soup sometimes with steam fish/veg for her..
gabby's mum, ur girl can self feed le!? we oni let sr "self feed" when we dine out.. haa.. coz if at home i need to clean up the mess on the floor wich is a bad nitemare!
Dear all,
until now, my boy still eats like a bird. Each meal is about 2 tablespoon of food.

We try to vary as much as possible. Pasta with tomato puree, pasta soup, porridge, rice. Each cooking type we will use either pork, beef or fish, with mixure of vege: celery, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato, cauliflower etc.

Despite putting in so much effort, he still doesn't eat much, so milk feeds become very important.

To ensure he has enough nourishment, we use "vege water" to prepare his milk.

Every morning, my maid will prepare 1 bowl of vege (celery, cauliflower, carrots, water chestnut), blend everything into a puree, and boil with 1 pot of water with several slices of lean pork. She will then sift out all the vege and meat, leaving the clear "vege water" which she will pour into 3 milk bottles.

During milk feeds, she will use 160ml of this water with 3 spoonfulls of pediasure powder + 1 spoonful of healthy times cereal.

Some people screw up their noses when they hear how we feed our boy. But I think this diet is suitable for now. And the vege water really help boost his immune system. Even when everyone falls sick, he's the only one standing!
higgledy, wow! very innovative to use vege water.
have u tried soup? since he likes the vege water with his milk, maybe his tastebuds will get accustomed to vege soup?

what's his weight now?
eve, for me i really take me a while b4 she start eating her main meal properly during tat period i make sure she have sufficient milk. normally we had our meal at my in law's place. so she will have steam fish, carrot &amp; fish cake or chicken wing with rice &amp; soup

slimz yes she can self feed herself liaoz. initially quite messy now ok liaoz
eve, Jr also like tt. gotta keep remind him to chew. Porridge dun think he does much chewing.. but i start giving him mince meat.. he loves it.. and he'll chew.

higgledy, I like ur idea! Since ur boy likes milk, maybe can try oats with milk n fruits, or steam egg with milk.. or many other recipies with milk/cheese? Jr hates food with milk.. once he cant finish his milk.. i put honey stars(he loves it plain) into milk.. give him one. He stare v long.. finally manage to put it in his mouth. Then he spit out as soon as he tastes it!

self feed
I also let jr self feed only when we are outside. It's a terrible mess! And he prefers to play with his food instead.

Wanna ask u all. Have ur bbs quitted pacifier? How did u do that? I tried a few times but failed terribly. Last weekend, we tried. At night, he managed to fall asleep w/o it. But took longer. But middle of the nite... cry n cry. Cant make him stop.. gotta give pacifier again. Afternoon nap, also managed to zz w/o.. but only after v long.. he play till too tired konk out. But keep waking up.. zzz 1.5 hrs instead of 3 hrs. Then come Sat nite, again managed to get him to zzz w/o pacifier. But middle of the nite... cry till we gave up again. Morn his voice is already hoarse! so kelian. Like that how to quit?!?!? My dad says we are torturing him... shd I wait till he's older?
bluelily, susu is also a "tutu" addict. sigh. same like jr. fell asleep without it, then woke up cry and cry and cry... so we gave in and gave pacifier again.

re: honeystars
sumana is also very sua ku. we gave her chocolate cookies... she also looked at it for very long, touched it, then ate it. after that she spit out. ._. she prefers plain corn flakes.
now, what i do is, i'll blend soy milk with her avocado + fruits in the afternoon to increase her milk intake.

my sister in law did this to her son... who is now 15.
she said when he was 3, they threw him a party for throwing away his pacifier. everyone, grandparents, cousins parentsetc... were around. subsequently, kept reminding him that he threw his paci away during the party and was a big boy. i'll try that on sumana when she's slightly older and more conscious. hopefully this will work...
whahahahaha ... tub &amp; bluelily at least urs only look at it. mine hor take &amp; smell like a doggy sighz

tub ... i think tat shld works leh cos my niece also a tutu addict. when she s older &amp; conscious my sis told her eat tutu not pretty so she quit immediately :p
tub, so does she bring her tutu to sch then?
The tutu party mtd, think gotta wait till older ba? Now he still wont understand. Last time my mum put chilli on our tutus to quit! lol

"blend soy milk with her avocado + fruits" Like milk shake? How she drinks? Using cup?
So long never log in liao...


For pacifier problem,
My mum also said:" too young la and when he's crying, she will give in." So one fine day I put chili and give to Declan when my mum is not around and it works! Declan kicked that habit within a day. Now whenever he ask for it, I will say:" u sure, got chili, hot hot leh" Then he won't want it liao.
jean, that's y i thinking dunno izzit jr not ready yet. Cos he cry in the middle of the nite.. with eyes closed. subconciously... he just say na na na (take).. never even mention tutu. If I put chilli.. dun think he'll remember also.. like so poor thing.

Maybe when he cries in the night, U can try feeding him water instead..I remember Declan also wakes up in the night looking for it, But i still tell him tutu hot hot leh, mimi give water ok? Then he will take few sips then go back to bed liao..
jean, tried... he dun want. push away. Then endure for a few more times. Keep waking up. Till i give up.. then morn he got no voice. I so heart pain.
Ermm..Me dunno abt JR, but Declan sure can remember the taste, thats why now I asked him:" u want tutu?" He will reply :" Mai" lol.

Alot of my friends says I very hardhearted, feed him chili, but I guess sometimes being hardhearted is for the child's own good.

Nowadays when he cry and throw tantrum, me just sit there and watch, till he calm himself down and ask me to hug him. I tried not to give in to his demands cos now he getting very notti...
my boy also like jr. prev need tutu when tired n wants to sleep. ever since went to cc, i stopped giving him. he will whine but i always ignore him. gradually he ok to sleep without it. then same thing, cries in middle of night. at first i thought he's overstimulated in sch or had nitemare. tried hugging him or water, doesn't work. always end up disturbing baby. so last few nites, i tried putting back tutu into his mouth. at first, he rejects it. then last 2 nights, he took it again and stopped crying. i guess bo bian... otherwise i end up with 2 crying babies at night. guess i will only give him the pacifier at night when he cries and is subconscious. when he's awake, will not give him and need to hide it away from him. hopefully as he grows to sleep much better at night, will eventually don't need it anymore.
jean, i also normally ignore him when he throw tantrum. But he smart.. he use his head-bang-wall/floor stunt.. i will have to stop liao. I scared he hurt himself.. hai..

eve, think i'll try ur mtd for the time being. Wat abt afternoon naps at cc? Does he need his tutu too?

I think if he will continue to use that method cos he knew u will give in to his demands.

when Declan was younger, he also does that but I ignore him, once he bang so hard got ba lu ku, from then onwards whenever he gonna do that I just remind him of his ba lu ku. So after awhile, he stopped doing that liao.
Jean, jr is not so guai. He bang till got many balukus many times liao. I scare will become stupid! :p I'll stop him... but still dun give him wat he wants. Just carry him away. My boy is 吃软不吃硬的 Even my mum says so. Stubborn boy.

ermm...like tat, i really dunno wat to say liao..lol.. But dun let him hit the same spot everytime, cos declan fell down a few times and hit the same spot on his head, damage the oil duct and it grows into a lump, in the end has to surgically remove it.
our kids entering the terrible twos liao...sometimes really wanna knock my own head. YR is notti, and recently she's started to copy her jie jie, everything also I DUN WAN! When there are 2 of them shouting this in the morning, it can really drive me crazy. But she's still more manageable, my #1 seems to be doing a lot of stuff to get attention...jealous of didi?
the school don't allow use of pacifier. i don't hear the teachers complaining his difficulties in falling asleep or crying. so that's why i hide away when he's back home too since he can do w/o it in the day.

pacificer problem.. duno is it a blessing that my sr has nvr tried one .. but haa.. i'm her human pacifier .. whenever i'm ard. the pacifier is a MUST before she would guai guai go zz. Wkdays at my mum's she can self zz!
