(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

ya, jr have this prob of not chewing food too. Nowadays I keep making the chewing action ask him to follow, hopefully he'll make it a habit soon. Val, u dun see fish, meat n rice in the poo is it cos they are light coloured... blend in with the poo?? hahaha

<font color="ff6000"> Waking Up at nite: Phy u reli very lucky. Stef is not Zzzz thru too, she won wake up often, but she will make alot "yeeee...yaaaaaa" sound and its vey loud.Then got to pat her back to Zzz if not she will start crying.

Chewing food: Stef will chew her food using the front 7 teeth, she will swallow those food that she able to chew to small pcs but will phew out those she cant. Ever try mixed pork meat, but get chock. Vege still ok.

Slimz, my mum teach Stef chewing by showing her mouth in very “kua zhang” way of eating, like eat with a lot sound and open a very big mouth type. Then she see liao start to laf bt she follow the way then slowly she learnt to chew.

CSI, all those cereal “Healthy Times, Earth's Best &amp; Happybellies can we get from NTUC? Any brand name?

Tub, JG is?
just wondering if i am giving enough to my boy. schedule and variety wise is still similar to the other kids but sometimes i feel that the quantity he eats is so little. tasting rather than eating.

and he loves carl's jr chili cheese fries!
i gave my boi kimchi, one dot of it and he bua his tongue on the high chair.. evil mommie... that day tried prata curry, he oso stick his tongue out and like want to cry... guess he's not ready for spicy food tasting yet
wah daffy, jeelo u all v adventerous leh. I gave jr a taste of ice cream.. he gimme the funny look. Give him durian he nod his head say nice!
wah daffy, jeelo u all v adventerous leh. I gave jr a taste of ice cream.. he gimme the funny look. Give him durian he nod his head say nice!
Here's Kayden's feeding schedule;

5plus or 6am - 160ml FM
8am - cereal or bread
12pm - porridge + veg + fish + PORK FLOSS! Arghh
Snack time (biscuits)
4.30pm - 160ml FM
7pm - porridge + veg + fish + PORK FLOSS again! @_@
8.30pm - fruits with yoghurt
10pm - 160ml FM

Now he's into pork floss for his porridge...all my MIL's jie zuo. Start him once and now he will
point to that for every meal and if you don give him, he will whine and doesnt want his porridge. Naughty!

Weekend schedule about the same just that i will cook either mee sua or kwaytiao fishball soup to replace porridge for his lunch/dinner. Realize he loves fishball too.

My kid also lazy to chew, only will chew on biscuits.
Had to constantly remind him to chew &amp; munchmunch.

Mummies who gave raisins to kiddo, do you realize that all raisins consumed in will be flushed out together with his poo...
i got a shock manz....was thinking what are all those? Perfect condition whole raisin mixed in his poo...aiyoo. Faintz.
Now i don gave him raisins anymore..
Here's Kayden's feeding schedule;

5plus or 6am - 160ml FM
8am - cereal or bread
12pm - porridge + veg + fish + PORK FLOSS! Arghh
Snack time (biscuits)
4.30pm - 160ml FM
7pm - porridge + veg + fish + PORK FLOSS again! @_@
8.30pm - fruits with yoghurt
10pm - 160ml FM

Now he's into pork floss for his porridge...all my MIL's jie zuo. Start him once and now he will
point to that for every meal and if you don give him, he will whine and doesnt want his porridge. Naughty!

Weekend schedule about the same just that i will cook either mee sua or kwaytiao fishball soup to replace porridge for his lunch/dinner. Realize he loves fishball too.

My kid also lazy to chew, only will chew on biscuits.
Had to constantly remind him to chew &amp; munchmunch.

Mummies who gave raisins to kiddo, do you realize that all raisins consumed in will be flushed out together with his poo...
i got a shock manz....was thinking what are all those? Perfect condition whole raisin mixed in his poo...aiyoo. Faintz.
Now i don gave him raisins anymore..
shryn huh they can swallow the raisins whole? Whats up with the Pork floss!?!?! My mil also bought 1 bottle of pork floss want me to give jr, i cook up some excuse not to give jr. Then I realise my mum also give jr pork floss EVERYDAY! I give up le. Hai........
shryn huh they can swallow the raisins whole? Whats up with the Pork floss!?!?! My mil also bought 1 bottle of pork floss want me to give jr, i cook up some excuse not to give jr. Then I realise my mum also give jr pork floss EVERYDAY! I give up le. Hai........
shryn, my gal also love fishball she can finsh 3-4 fish balls which cut into smaller pcs. my gal also love raisins but so far i din see e raisins in her poo poo :p
mayb monitor again
shryn, my gal also love fishball she can finsh 3-4 fish balls which cut into smaller pcs. my gal also love raisins but so far i din see e raisins in her poo poo :p
mayb monitor again
I thought i saw him chew also but who knows..
That day i still gave him the whole tiny box of sunmaid raisins and he finished everything. Imagined my shock when i saw his poo. Almost 70% are raisins...Faintz..

Yah manz...i also wonder whats up with the pork floss? I also give up le. If he's at MIL place, he will sure ask for it but when we are home during weekend, he dont ask for it at all.
So Pai Kwan..
I thought i saw him chew also but who knows..
That day i still gave him the whole tiny box of sunmaid raisins and he finished everything. Imagined my shock when i saw his poo. Almost 70% are raisins...Faintz..

Yah manz...i also wonder whats up with the pork floss? I also give up le. If he's at MIL place, he will sure ask for it but when we are home during weekend, he dont ask for it at all.
So Pai Kwan..

Yah, u monitor and see...but think if gabby can chew well before swallow in hor, should be ok bah.

For fishball, sometimes i use this as a bait to make him finish up his meal too.

Yah, u monitor and see...but think if gabby can chew well before swallow in hor, should be ok bah.

For fishball, sometimes i use this as a bait to make him finish up his meal too.
Shryn, their system cannot digest raisins yet. Josh also loves raisin but whole input will equal output. Wahahaha...
Shryn, their system cannot digest raisins yet. Josh also loves raisin but whole input will equal output. Wahahaha...
Really? cannot digest raisins yet?
I'll always soak in hot water for a few mins to plump it up and then cut into smaller pieces, mix into his cereal with cheese.
So never realise this problem..hmmmm
Really? cannot digest raisins yet?
I'll always soak in hot water for a few mins to plump it up and then cut into smaller pieces, mix into his cereal with cheese.
So never realise this problem..hmmmm
i think so leh BBnGG &amp; T&amp;P..
My MIL also said so. before i gave him the raisin.

Waa seh...another pork floss lover..kekeke
so mummies hor, don start floss hor...once you start will nv end...hehehe
i think so leh BBnGG &amp; T&amp;P..
My MIL also said so. before i gave him the raisin.

Waa seh...another pork floss lover..kekeke
so mummies hor, don start floss hor...once you start will nv end...hehehe
<font color="ff6000"> Shryn, i gn raisin too, bt only a small bite of it. My mom more worst gv her Sour prunce... i wounder hw can a bb eat sour prunce, bt she gv during day time i also bo bien.

Fish ball???? Wah.. Gabby's mum u nt scared she indigest?

i will try my best not to gv Stef adult snack at this age, once they taste it they sure kena hook.

My crazy BIL gv his gal (same age as Stef) eat POTATO CHIPS.. oh God!!! kena scold by me when he wanted to feed my gal POTATO Chips!!! really idiot!!!
Really angry lehhhh
<font color="ff6000"> Shryn, i gn raisin too, bt only a small bite of it. My mom more worst gv her Sour prunce... i wounder hw can a bb eat sour prunce, bt she gv during day time i also bo bien.

Fish ball???? Wah.. Gabby's mum u nt scared she indigest?

i will try my best not to gv Stef adult snack at this age, once they taste it they sure kena hook.

My crazy BIL gv his gal (same age as Stef) eat POTATO CHIPS.. oh God!!! kena scold by me when he wanted to feed my gal POTATO Chips!!! really idiot!!!
Really angry lehhhh
i think wolfberries &amp; corn will have the same effect as raisins. Ever seen that in pool too.....basically anything that they dun chew will end up whole
i think wolfberries &amp; corn will have the same effect as raisins. Ever seen that in pool too.....basically anything that they dun chew will end up whole
wah leow..if i see the raisin in the output, i dun think i'll want to eat raisin for a long time..i'll stick to cutting into smaller pieces so I can still enjoy my raisin/cheese bread.
wah leow..if i see the raisin in the output, i dun think i'll want to eat raisin for a long time..i'll stick to cutting into smaller pieces so I can still enjoy my raisin/cheese bread.
susu also has wholesale raisins, wolfberries and corn in her poo poo. eeeeeeeeeeks...

sunshine, aiyo cannot give potato chips la... too salty and it'll "spoil" their taste buds cos too savoury liao.
susu also has wholesale raisins, wolfberries and corn in her poo poo. eeeeeeeeeeks...

sunshine, aiyo cannot give potato chips la... too salty and it'll "spoil" their taste buds cos too savoury liao.
ya sunshine, potato chips better not...lucky u mentioned to stop in time..

oh corn, yah i know corn also goes to the output.
wolfberries also ah..

btw, mummies...
did any of you give scotts emulsion cod liver oil to your kiddo? i bought the orange flavour one but yet to try. Does your kiddo like this?
ya sunshine, potato chips better not...lucky u mentioned to stop in time..

oh corn, yah i know corn also goes to the output.
wolfberries also ah..

btw, mummies...
did any of you give scotts emulsion cod liver oil to your kiddo? i bought the orange flavour one but yet to try. Does your kiddo like this?
Chewing : Kyrell is ok with it but not all the time, if too chunky, he will spit out.

Sleeping thru : Kyrell has been sleeping thru since 2 mths old but he turns ard in the bed alot and as he gets bigger, he kept kicking us so we dun hve quality sleep either
And sometimes he cry in his sleep so gotta pat him and soothed him.

Raisins : I give but I cut into small pc, the one I bot is jumbo size de, din notice if it came out whole. Dun dare to go too near to see wahaha...

Pork floss : I did not give Kyrell and think my mum did not too. Dunno whether correct but I thot pork floss is made of not-so-good quality pork??

Fish ball : I did not give either cos contains MSG/salt. I try to minimise giving 'outside' food to Kyrell for now. Although sometimes quite tempting to give hehe..

Spicy food : Twice, Kyrell wans to eat my share of fried rice cooked by my mum, I gave and there's some chili padi mixed in. I tried to pick those not 'contaminated' with the chili but cannot avoid althogether. So he end up making the eh eh sound and almost crying keke... Dun think he is ready for it
Chewing : Kyrell is ok with it but not all the time, if too chunky, he will spit out.

Sleeping thru : Kyrell has been sleeping thru since 2 mths old but he turns ard in the bed alot and as he gets bigger, he kept kicking us so we dun hve quality sleep either
And sometimes he cry in his sleep so gotta pat him and soothed him.

Raisins : I give but I cut into small pc, the one I bot is jumbo size de, din notice if it came out whole. Dun dare to go too near to see wahaha...

Pork floss : I did not give Kyrell and think my mum did not too. Dunno whether correct but I thot pork floss is made of not-so-good quality pork??

Fish ball : I did not give either cos contains MSG/salt. I try to minimise giving 'outside' food to Kyrell for now. Although sometimes quite tempting to give hehe..

Spicy food : Twice, Kyrell wans to eat my share of fried rice cooked by my mum, I gave and there's some chili padi mixed in. I tried to pick those not 'contaminated' with the chili but cannot avoid althogether. So he end up making the eh eh sound and almost crying keke... Dun think he is ready for it
yup,have been giving the original flavoured one to both my kiddos once they reached 1 yr. My elder girl is ok to the taste, cos she was on daily chinese powder herbs too. But my boi, haiyo..got to see his mood, he will use his fingers to dig out the cod liver from his mouth if not in the 'right' mood
yup,have been giving the original flavoured one to both my kiddos once they reached 1 yr. My elder girl is ok to the taste, cos she was on daily chinese powder herbs too. But my boi, haiyo..got to see his mood, he will use his fingers to dig out the cod liver from his mouth if not in the 'right' mood
my gal (33mths) just tried curry yesterday. she was ok with dipping the bread in a wee bit of sauce, but not the long beans soaked in the curry
my gal (33mths) just tried curry yesterday. she was ok with dipping the bread in a wee bit of sauce, but not the long beans soaked in the curry
raisin-ed poo -

my girl loves it...n i let her indulge in it since it's a healthy snack..err..talkg abt it, i JUST washed her n there were raisins in it..looks like i shld b cuttg them into much smaller pieces since she doesnt hv many teeth to begin wif

meals -

i've upgraded her fr porridge to rice just 2 days ago. prior to that, feedg her porridge was gettg harder n i really pitied her as she kept wantg to eat rice..imagine hvg to eat porridge for e last 8 mths+! so it has been soupy rice for e past 2 days..

night diapers -

which ones do u use for overnite usage? im using Huggies ultra (purple packaging) n im not sure it's e best one..becz mamy poko din work for her..
raisin-ed poo -

my girl loves it...n i let her indulge in it since it's a healthy snack..err..talkg abt it, i JUST washed her n there were raisins in it..looks like i shld b cuttg them into much smaller pieces since she doesnt hv many teeth to begin wif

meals -

i've upgraded her fr porridge to rice just 2 days ago. prior to that, feedg her porridge was gettg harder n i really pitied her as she kept wantg to eat rice..imagine hvg to eat porridge for e last 8 mths+! so it has been soupy rice for e past 2 days..

night diapers -

which ones do u use for overnite usage? im using Huggies ultra (purple packaging) n im not sure it's e best one..becz mamy poko din work for her..

quite fishy, but thot it tastes quite similar to their ngor hee (threadfin) so shd be ok. Personally i am against giving sweet stuff and oranges to young kids...sweet stuff then to affect their appetite for the main meals while oranges cause phlegm
