(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB


My boy is now 8 mths old. I feed him the yolk alone, never fix with anything. I dun treat it as a meal, me usually give it to him as a snack. Just make hardboil egg style lor..

my boy can finish 1 big cartoon bowl of porridge. especially with bovril..

waa jean....1 big cartoon bowl...thats alot leh...
u introduce bovril to him already ah...nice?
i nv taste that before, don know nice or not.

Yah jane...mine too.
Jean one steady, can eat so much. GOOD!
I also mix a little bit of bovril into my boy's porridge to enhance the taste. He likes it, but I am a bit concerned about the health aspect, after all it is a type of seasoning.

But if we don't use bovril, we will need to add salt/soy sauce into the porridge, otherwise it will be too bland right?
re: teething
my didi just cut his first 2 teeth last weekend.
Super sianz n tired. Kaylen still crying non stop. She started to have rash over some parts of her head n body. This morning brought her to see GP. He said the rash is probably the after effect of a viral infection and its quite common. Since she's not running high fever, there's no need for medication, the rash will go away in a few days. Think her teething also causing her much discomfort. All at one go, heart pain to see her suffering like this.
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

As our class is pretty big, the staff said daddies can come but only one parent wz one child during the lesson, the other parent can sit at the side n observe.

valeriet, just pm me your nick, name, child's name, contact nbr.
Aiyoh mine is those type who dun like to eat and drink one. Since he is 6 mths old, he has been eating 2 tbsp of porridge daily - never increase one. His milk intake also never increase one. Till now only 120ml of EBM.

Mine eats a lot of solids but milk intake is still ard 120-150ml. The GP just now commented that she shd be drinking more n stretching longer betw each feed. He told me that at this age, she shd be sleeping thru, no need for nite feed. He said I shd start "training" her.

Anyway, Kaylen is 9.2kg now. He said kinda heavy for her age.
i boiled porridge over the weekend. Put in sweet potato and 1 chicken breast. It ended up tasting like I added bovril. But I didn't add anything! haha...think it's the chicken "essence" bah... It was yummy....but my gal gagged when we fed it to her (only gave her the porridge and sweet potato). End up, mummy and daddy whacked the rest of her porridge that's in the pot. heehee...

my boy is still 7.2kg. He don't drink much milk and also dun eat much solid. ~Headache ah~ but he loves fruits. Can finish half an apple or banana.

He is not sleeping thru yet maybe cos his intake in milk or solid is not enough - My guess! He will have his last feed at 12am then will rouse for milk at ard 4am or 5am.
my girl haven start ={ coz we were havingproblems feeding her with spoon... anywaz my mum wans to try on her either tmr or friday le =D gg be fish (ngor fish) and carrots (her fav)

wow 9.2kg le wor.. my shirui is 8.5kg .. mabe my girl is still on mostly BM n 2 feeds of cereals/day (abt 1/2 bowl..veri small bowl.. its those bowl satay stalls used to serve satay sauce)
jean, went to see my uncle who is a GP that day and he advised me to feed dylan some bovril in his porridge cos I told him that bb is hardly eating! he said they need protein so once bb get used to porridge + bovril, then can add in some minced chicken or pork.

i just bought bovril yesterday so going to try to feed dylan tonight!

BBnGG, maybe you wanna try also? but abit of bovril only lah, cos salty...

my uncle also said that dylan is big because he drink sooo much milk but no use... whole body is so soft! that's why he said must make him eat more porridge then i can wean him off soon.

i guess different doctors got different view because my PD said that if dylan dun eat, nevermind! but my GP uncle said 'cannot lah!! you must make him eat..."

dunno who to believe also...
ve u tried giving him water instead?
my girl oso haven been zz-ing thru.. act everytime she stirs in midnite i simply stuff my boobs into her mouth so dat i can cont. zz while she suckles... lazy mum ..

den dat nite i let her suckle a bottle of water and realised aft 2-3mins she pulls herself off the bottle n went bk to zzz ...

it seems she is oni looking for sometin to suckle to bed..
Shryn, Kayden is not konng buu lah, just good appetite. I also wish my boy can have good appetite like Declan and Kayden.
Dylan's mom,

Thank you for the advise. I will give Borvil a try tomorrow. Hopefully he like it and can eat more.

I also think he is looking for suckling comfort cos when I nurse him he will fall asleep very fast (like within 3 mins).

But when he is sleeping with my mum, my mum will definitely wake up and warm milk for him. Some morning, I will find like 3 bottles of unfinished milk (only consume 20ml per bottle). So with his popo ard, I think his habit will be hard to break.

Wahahaha... but hor if he is sleeping with me, my hb will feed him so my sleep is hardly disrupted.
my son is taking 2 bowls of porridge a day. the bowl that he is using is the tomee tipee (spelling?) bowl. slightly bigger than our typical bowl. every wkend he will shocked his grandma by finishing the whole bowl of porridge. hahaha

now his new nickname is POPEYE. wahahaha
we never put any seasoning in his porridge. think their kidney at this age can't tahan the salt etc. so we skip the seasoning n let him taste the natural sweetness from the food.
bluelily, e porridge din burn lah just tat i add e fish to boil with e porridge plus add to much rice & too little water hahahahaha.

mummies, now my gal can finish 3/4 bowl of those cartoon bowl for kids. so now she s taking porridge twice a day.

slimz .... ur gal is 8.5kg??? but she got "lotus" wor. when was e last measurement?? mayb increase liaoz lah
elaine.. she jux measured last week.. at 8mths old .. haaa... but oni 69cm tall nia ...
tink she's short n stout like her daddy..
my bb only 7+ kg nia......... Ah bie... urs is popeye ah.. Then mine is the male version of Olive... last time ppl say i look like Olive...hahaha
ah bie... fake! His face chubby but small.. body esp legs.. v skinny. My fren's daughter 2 mths younger.. her thighs is 1.5times jr's. :p
Hi Mummies,

I'm a Dec07 mum also, my gal is 7mths+ now. Saw this thread and find it very interesting, very active thread.

Tis couple days my gal likes to "scream" as in making very high loud squeaking sound, I think she trying to explore her voice. Just wondering any mummies encounter this and is there any way to stop baby from making the sharp squeaking sound?
ah bie,

u are lucky yr bb is ok with porridge + natural ingredients. my one refuse to eat leh, super sian.. everytime feed him, he eat a few teasespoon then shut his mouth tight tight! really give up liao...

BBnGG, Slimz.

mine also nursing for comfort at night... cos he drink less than 1-2 mins then will latch off and sleep again. he can wake up at least 2 times between midnight and 6am. But about 6plus - 7plus, he will wake up and drink alot! my panda circles become permanent already...

i saw the pic of jr on the stroller.... ma chiam v big leh. jr's eyes v big n nice! next time can send electrical current to zap girls! kekekeke

dylan's mom,

you can try to vary the ingredient inside his porridge. every day same porridge, they will get bored. kekeke

i gave him a variety now, mainly to expose him to different foodstuff. maybe that's why he so tum jiat now. even his beansprout pillow he also wan to eat!! hahahaha
last week brot her for PD jab .. the PD say i shld start training her to zzz thru the nite le.. =P den i told her i co-zz wif bb so she will naturally search for her life-size pacifier wen she wakes up/stirs ..
and i wan to cont. zzz-ing so will let her ve her way!
the PD nodded her head, saying she understand coz she had dat same prob! .. haaa... her son largi worst .. refuse the bottle totally.. she said wen she went bk to wk aft ML .. her MIL n maid had to take turns bring her son to her for feeds =p
welcome Anjiria. Mine likes to scream too. There's no way we can stop him....except maybe.. pop the pacifier into his mouth. hahahaha.

botanist, u can try adding red dates and gou qi zi to the porridge n boil.. it makes the porridge slightly sweet. Plus fish and/or pork or chicken.. the porridge smells really nice! Jr loves it! no need any other seasonings.. I feel like adding ikan bilis soon. Got calcium... I read somewhere that u can soak the ikan bilis 1st then toast it to dry.. then grind? Anyone tried b4? My mum say like tt where got taste.. I think better than eat salty stuff leh.

Anyone tried using the braun handheld blender to grind dried stuff like ikan bilis? How well does it work? I only tried blending cooked vegy so far.
haha ah bie.. eat bean sprout pillow ah.. luckily he din eat the bean sprouts inside! haha. Ya.. jr looks big in photos.. but u see his actual self.. v small. hehe.
ur jr tall lar.. like u n hb .. its in the genes.. no worries de ..
mine is jumbo .. she took my HB and his family's genes.. haaa
everyone who seen my HB's mum b4 says my girl looks like her lor.. exact same pattern.. haa.. the face and the hairline =P
Thanks bluelily.
I tried poping pacifier but after a while she will take out and scream again...sigh...

My GP told me to try ikan bilis (take out the head and middle bones) then fry it till crispy and pound till powder, add some to porridge very nice.. he said got calcium, good for baby. But I yet to try cos find it too much work. :p

btw, how old is ya baby?
elaine ur girl leh? wat wt? rem that time u said she's almost 9kg liao rite?
mabbe she heavy bones and my girl same as me .. small bone structure

my aunt make the ikan bilis powder for my boy. She soak the ikan bilis to get rid of the salt and sun dry before grinding. The powder has fishy smell when cook. I dun really like but my mum insist on adding cos got calcium.

like what slimz said, most prob is the genes lah coz u n ur hubby r both tall n slim.

as long as he is active & growing , be it vertically or horizontally, it shldn't be a problem lah. kekeke
My mum try making beef & veggies porridge for my boy but he reject the porridge totally and shut his mouth tight tight. So in the end, I help my boy finish his porridge. Hahaha...
Anjiria, need to remove head n bones? So leh chey! My boy's 8mth + liao.

BBnGG ur aunt got remove? I no time to sun dry leh.. can skip the sun dry part n put in toaster directly instead? keke

slimz my boy not tall leh. Maybe he's small overall. Legs look shortie... take after his Ah Ma then cham liao. hahaha. :p
haa.. its coz of our kids .. dat's y we will grow fat leh .. haaa
mummies alwys dun wan us to waste food.. so will finish remainder foods for their kiddos.. so end up fat fat =P
slimz, I oso dunno, tat's wat the GP told me remove the bone. I also personally oso dun quite keen in giving my gal ikan billis cos of the fishy smell. I tink my gal shld be having enough calcium from the fish (ngor fish) porridge almost everyday..hehe...
if baby got sensitive skin, try not to intro ikan bilis so soon. my son had sensitive skin during the first few mths. PD told me to skip ikan bilis in my diet as well as in his porridge. can give spinach instead as there is calcium also. i also include soya bean milk in my diet as well.
so envy u girls can prepare bb's food..
wkdays my girl with my mum so i dun prepare..
wkends i sty wif ILs.. i dun like to do food at ILs place.. coz will ve ILs 'hovering ard' machiam like spying me .. and will start adding their comments.. i dun like ={
slimz, I oso din prepare my gal's food, it's my MIL cos I'm working so she's helping me to take care. :p I can say she's very good at taking care cos my gal very chubby.. kekeke....
haha u all sound like my mum. Anything we cant finish.. we let her eat too. Not me though! Shd learn from me! Anything bb cant finish.. pass to daddy to finish! No need to sacrifice our figures. :p

think my boy might be slight sensitive skin too. His chin now forever got the red rashes on off.

slimz.. i only puree vegy once a wk during weekends.. then pass to my mum to add in porridge/cereal during the weekdays. Cos she no time to mke puree ah.. like tt more convenient for her.
