(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

can I ask...

those who have brought their babies for the Pneumoccocal jab...do ur babies get fever after that? My gal didn't have fever after her 6-in-1 each time. But heard that the pneu jab, tend to have fever?

i jux brot my gril to her Pneu jab last thurs.. no fever leh.. jux appetite dropped abit ..
her past 5-in-1 6-in-1 jabs she fever once abt 39degrees...
I got a question too... on teething

Do your babies get fever n cry a lot when teething?

Kaylen has been getting slight fever on and off since Sunday. And she's been real cranky, crying all the time, even if I carry her. I had to carry her wz me whole day n nite for the past few days, very tiring. I gave her panadol solution since Sun nite, she's still running fever on n off til now.

She is not like that when her bottom 2 teeth came out. I suspect its becos her upper 2 teeth is coming out. I can't see the teeth yet.

Shd I bring her to the doctor?

Mothercare recently brought in the Konfident thermal swimsuit. Mother's Work also carries it. Otherwise, there should be a spree somewhere in SMH.

my pd says that if yr baby gets fever from the other jabs... then likely to get fever when get any jab i.e., peun, flu jab etc

my son got fever from all the jabs *faint*

No worries, I called them n am waiting for them to call me back on the arrangement. Pushing them to arrange maybe 2 classes on the same day just for all of us.

To all mummies who have indicated your interest, I'm arranging for the trial class on 24Aug. To register, pls pm me your nick/name/baby's name/contact nbr at your soonest convenient. Thanks n much appreciated.

yes my son cried and screamed alot during teething period. really bad and i had to carry him for the entire few days it happened. But my PD said that shoudl not be getting fever if teething so maybe u shld call clinic to check if shld see doctor or not..

My son have no fever for all his jabs including pneu. But his forehead feels hot but no fever. So what I do is to paste cooling patch on his forehead.
hi hen,

you got mail

So Dylan also cried a lot n wanted to be carried all the times during teething. I take care of her till I din rest at all (somemore, I just recently recovered from mild running nose), now developing cough. Maybe this evening when hubby knocks off frm work, will bring her to TMC to see doctor. Hope she recovers soon cos already booked our flights for end of this month.
Eh, I suspect my baby's head feels hot but no fever cos her body is not hot. I think my current ear thermometer is getting old n I dun trust it. (My baby's head feel hot but the thermometer indicated no fever) I want to get a new one, can mummies here recommend?

My boy also teething and have been crying every night. And have to carry him to pacify him. During this period he is very sticky to my mum and me. Wanting to be carried all times.

My Pd says teething won't bring on fever. So you may need to bring kaylen to a doctor if fever persist.

Same lor. My son's forehead feels hot but no fever. So I just paste cooling patch on his head in the morning and just evening, his forehead will not be so warm already.

But must continue to monitor the temp. I measure it every 2 hrs.

Do you know what will be covered during the Gymboree trial lesson? Will it be free play or there will be some 'structured class'?
ankh, as in no need to pat them to sleep is it?
My baby like that.. just put her down she will fall asleep one.. something.. .she play with her toys then she sleep.
thanks mummies who answered my question. heehee...cooling patch...yah, I shd get that to stand by.

my gal didn't have fever. Just head felt warmer than usual...but not warm enough to be classified as fever.

Have PM you...
hi gals....good day!

slimz and the rest,
own you the jab package of 1k plus.
There u go.

Package jab includes (from the jab card the nurse took);
Pneumococcus 3x - 5, 9, 16 months
Hep A - 12 months
chickenpox - 14 months
Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) - 15 months
DPT/polio/Hlb - 18 months
Hep A - 19 months
Influenza - 2x (anytime)

These should be all.

This sat, bb going for his 2nd pneumo.
Maybe i check with the PD again if these are the jabs in my package.

There will be a theme for the lesson (every 2 weeks they change the theme), 1st 15mins is parent/child interaction, child sing n boogie time. After that, the teacher will demonstrate how to play wz the equipments in the room. Then its own free play.
Hi mummies,

Our Gymboree trial class cfm liao.

Date: 24 Aug (Sun)
Time: 4 to 4.45pm
Place: #03-09/10 Harbourfront (park near Lobby B n take lift at Lobby B, its next to Mothercare)
Trial class fee: $40 per session
Pls remember to wear socks, both mummies n babies.

As they moved to new premises, they can take up to 20 per class. So, 13 of us plus 3 existing babies, they can only take in another 3-4 more.

Once I received everyone's details, I'll email to them. They will probably call u to confirm attendance.

Those with free trial vouchers, pls check if it has Harbourfront addr on it, otherwise its not valid. If u want to check, suggest u scan n email to [email protected] to check if can be used. Some vouchers r meant for US, not SG.
hello mummies,
it has been a long time since I last came into the forum. my daughter who is going to be 8 mths in 2 weeks time has started taking carrot puree 2 weeks ago but she seems to pass motion more often after taking carrot and my MIL is quite concerned. She normally pass motion once a day when before she started on solids but after she started on cereal for 1 week, she pass motion like 3 times in a day. She is TBF but think she is passing motion too often. She is not fussy so we don't think she has any tummy ache problem. Any mother experience this?
mongs me! My boy will poo 2x a day sometimes when we give him green vegy puree. Then I see his poo.. got vegy inside. Think can digest. But weird thing is.. my mum put the vegy puree into porridge n cook.. he eat liao still ok leh. Sometimes 1 poo a day.. sometimes 2 poo.
erm, re baby poo...

when my gal eats carrots, i'll see streaks of orange in her poo. (you know, like marble poo...hahaha). Does this mean she cannot digest it? Actually, sometimes, her poo is like marble. Got different colours of streaks. haha. heehee...
csi_fan, mine is like musturd mixed with vegy puree! V gross.. then the vegy v difficult to wipe off... some pieces will stick to his buttocks n erm.. other places... will have to bring him to wash buttocks. Hope you are not eating while reading this. :p

Actually hor.. like that still can feed him vegy puree anot? I scared he cant digest leh.

i have...but have not used yet. if u want i can sell to u (red color) cos i hv something else similar as well..let me know
Hi Hen, have pm u le.

Gloomybear, mi have one too but no use yet. never kai zhang yet.

baby poo: mine too, poo like 3-4 times a day now that she's on solids and fm.i also feed all the veg puree etc. not like when on tbf only, mostly only once or twice.

very very yucky plus stinky coz she's on Nan ha. i wana peng san everytime i clean her butt. plus i can see all the veg bits and brown rice bits. haha!
Hi Hen, have pm u too.

Can daddy join too?

My boy also poo many times a day now. Sometimes can be 3-4 times too. There's once when i feed him pork porridge. Stools was solid type. Realised that now his buttocks got red from the pooing. When wiping, he will struggle a bit. Guess a bit painful for him. Poor thing.

They can get sticky when teething? My boy is super sticky since last weekend. Wants me to carry him ALL THE TIME. So tiring. But when i touch his gums, no sign leh.
seems like quite a no of babies poo quite a number of times everyday so perhaps my girl is still normal. my MIL started her on carrot yesterday night again after stopping for a few days. will continue to monitor.

BTW for those mummies who started your babies on porridge, did your babies munch the porridge or just swallow? I tried my baby on porridge and she gag and vomit whatever she has taken in. I did mash up the porridge but guess it's still too lumpy for her. any problems when you gals start to feed porridge to your babies? Or maybe you gals blend the porridge after cooking?

I have started eggyolk 2 mths ago liao...My boy loves it and can finish 1 whole egg yolk on his own...


My boy will munch the porridge before swallowing. He munches everything he eat and will only open his mouth for more after he swallow..
I dun blend the porridge but I cook in slow cooker for very long...So the texture is in between smoothy and grainy and he loves it..

My boy also take pork porridgebut his poo poo ok leh...Ermm..maybe he drinks alot of water...

My boy should be teething cos when I feel his gum, it is swollen. He is super sticky and cling on like a koala. I guess he feels uncomfotable thus the stickiness. He is also not sleeping well, will cry in his sleep.
i realize my boy cant digest veg well too.
Fed him the nestle cereal which had veg content in it. His poo also got that greeny thing out...So i stop giving that till later.

my sis said hor, don give carrot everyday cause bb will gets yellowish. Try alternate days or 2-3 days per week. My bb also on porridge le, so far given pork, fish, baby spinach, carrot, pumpkin. I also find he doesnt really munch but just swallow everything in. So the porridge texture needs to be real soft and not too dry and lumpy if not bb will gag.
You can start with a little watery porridge and give a small spoonful each time (bb spoon hor).
I dont grind it but my MIL does cause i worried next time if he too used to grind & smashy porridge & not grainy one then he wont get to learn to munch food later.

Eve & BBnGG...
Yah bb will tend to be sticky and cranky when he's teething. Mine is like that. Now had 2 bottom lower incisor already...Super cranky and wants to be carried all the time.
Now i also found his gum swollen & red, don know whats next to be out...

Btw, did your prepare the teething gel? Better do so hor and apply to soother him. Works for me and he lick the gel like its so tasty....haha.

u started egg yolk liao arh....given full cooked one right? Think i wanna start that soon too.

so far my gal got no prob eating porridge in fact she love it compare to cereal now. my mil add in sufficient water so that e porridge is not tat lumpy & cook wif slow cooker. my gal also dun like to eat lumpy porridge or cereal mayb it s too dry for them
Seems like alot of bb poo pattern like my boy after vegy ah. So it's ok? Now I ask my mum to reduce the quantity of vegy he eat.. but still give him everyday.

My mum also use slow cooker to cook till soft sfot. My boy also din munch.. just swallow ok leh. This fish inside cook till all 'dissolved' in to porridge.. cant see at all. And vegy I pureed beforehand.. so everything is v smooth. He prefers porridge than cereals now too. But weekends I lazy ah.. still give cereals.. and I've stock up too much of cereals.. so gotta finish. :p

Yes I have got teething gel and he loves it when I apply for him before he sleep. He likes to hold and shake the tube after i finish applying. Hahaha...
Re: Porridge

My mum use 'sha bo' claypot to cook porridge for my boy. So far he has fish, spinach, carrot, brocoli, pumpkin.

My mum grind the porridge but he gag when he eats. So we realise that my boy like to munch and prefer grainy type, so we will cook the porridge till soft but still can see some of the rice and feed him. He eats better with the grainy type thou he can only finish 2 tbsp per feed.
So far, I have tried rice, brown rice, oat and millets. Pumpkin, carrots, spinach, broccoli, potato & cabbage. He dun like his porridge with meat(pork). He likes potato puree best.

My pui pui often get to eat carrot or pumpkin mixed into either puree or porrdige but I don't see him turning orangy. Cos they don't eat huge amount, so don't worry about turning into an orange.

Ah boy took 2 tbsp per feed only arh...
waa then my one abit konng buu...he can finish 3/4 bowl of those small cartoon bowl for kids..

btw, the rest of mummies, your bb can finish wat amount of porridge now?
