(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

yah, now i'm very careful whenever we visit relatives/family... cos frankly, they are the worse type cos you can't really 'tell them off'.

whenever my MIL visits and sometimes her dirty feet make contact with dylan's toys... i will take it away and wash it later. but she should honestly be more careful leh.. she always act like its ok and nothing happened. wah piang!

i still remember how she scream and play with my son until he had nightmares!! until today, i can't tell her the truth - we told her he had nightmares from playing too much but didn't say that it was because of HER! sigh..

ya... i've been busy and Alonzo and Alena had just recovered from cough, running nose. haiz, no chance to join your gatherings so far... always trying to find time to come here to have a peek on the happenings, keke... but bringing 2 is extra tough!! and i can't bear to bring one and not the other, haha...

here's a pix of Alonzo and Alena to share...

dodo.. aiyo......... so cute!! They seem to look more alike now. So nice to have a twin sibling leh. Do they fight with each other now?
ya manz, when its in-laws or relatives, its difficult to tell them to wash their hands before touching... just gotta to watch like a hawk tat our babies dun suck their fingers.

my mil dun see our boy often therefore not much bad experiences so far but whenever we visit, she will talk very loudly (as usual), i dun like cos my boy is not deaf and will hurt their tender ear drums leh.. but how to tell her?
oh, and when she said she washed her hands liao, its really washed once only then touch this and that then my boy, so not really clean lor but beats not washing at all bah :p
Who is older huh? the boy or girl? Looks alike and yet different hor hehehee... I understand, your world is consumed by them, can hardly go out w/o them hor
ya.. i oso think they look more alike! they still do not know how to play with each other, they know how to pull each other's hair though, haha... in the double pram, the gor gor sitting behind always like to pull the mei mei's hair!

someetimes, the gor gor look at mei mei playing will smile... it's really interesting to observe them.
my neighbour ah beng son always walk past my house smoking, then smoke would come into the house, i always need to push the fan near the main door to air out the smoke... bleah... also in kopi tiam, if some uncle is smoking nearby, me n my hb would shift table to go elsewhere coz we both cannot tahan ppl smoke. when i'm outside, with the carrier, if someone wants to touch my boy, i'd quickly hold his fingers with mine, so that no one gets to him there! i always put a pkt of wet wipes (tollyjoy small one comes handy) in all the bags i have at hand, so at least can use those to wipe the face, feet and hands whenever he comes in contact with some strangers touchinghim.
they r soooooooooo cute and sure looks alike wor ...
how nice to ve a playmate w/o gg out of hse leh ...
boy is older and bigger and jeelo, u r right! mei mei is more mischievious! very naughty and cannot keep still kind!! whereas for gor gor, if u pass him his favourite toy, he can play with it for a while, keke...

me still working la... managed to arrange to work from home one day per week, which gives me more flexibility and time!! really cherish it man... luckily, so far, my mil and maid can cope, keke...
missylan, u hv the contact for Mr Bottle? u hiring him for your sumo's 1 year birthday ah? r u having lots of kids? cos 1 year old the ju jiao still blur blur, dunno how to participate lei. so this is more to occupy your guest's kids, i presume?
nice to c u here!

my heibi grow into prawn liao.

re: pple touching bbies
I was at a fullmth celebration last weekend. My mum's fren was carrying my bb while we ate. To my horror, she passes a plastic spoon to didi for him to play. Naturally he stuffed the thing in his mouth. I was so shocked that i immed took over!
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Day: Sunday
Time: 4-4.45pm
Place: Harbourfront
Fee: $40 for trial session
Membership is $50 if you want to sign up (then the trial will be free).
Promo right now is $399 for 12 classes

I asked abt the free trial voucher that some of you got thru GAIA, the person whom I spoke to said she is not sure, need to check wz her manager.

Those interested pls put name in list. If got 12 of us, will ask them for new class.

1. hentang
2. CSI_Fan
3. Gabby's mum
4. slimz =D
5. fanny
6. Beng's Ma
7. Eve
Think magician is more for grown-up and older children, balloon sculpturing more for children. I engaging him more to entertain adults and older children(not a lot of children will be invited though). Think a buffet without a entertainer is kinda boring especially adults. Wait, eat, sing and waiting to leave. Now trying to find a venue for #2's birthday. Might stick to my SIL's function room bah. At least more spacious than mine.

Mr Bottle's URL
hihi mummies,
i long time never pop in here.
clearing nj oredi took up my time...hehe.
now i'm OFFICIALLY a panda.
its been 3 nites that faiq has been waking up every hour either fussing or crying.
i'm also not sure why he's not having deep, peaceful sleep like before.
went to Mr Bottle's website to check it out.. looks fun!! if i do their birthday party at a hotel's hi-tea buffet, then may not have the space to engage his services to do a show. i will probably consider engaging his services if i do the party in a function room... hhmmm, i can also consider my sil's function room, keke.. need to check out if its big enough though... ;P

Birthday Magic Show $388 (30min)

Science Show by Prof Messy $300 (30min)

Science Workshop by Prof Messy ($12/child, minimum 10 children) Learn how to make slime and bouncing bubble solution.)

Balloon Sculpturing: $200 (1st hr)

Facepainting $180 (1st hr)

Interactive Games $200 (30min, includes presents)

Little Archaeologists Hunt ($20/pax, minimum 12 children)

Caricature $200 (1st hr)

Mascot $320 (1st hr)
Decorations (Depends on budget, starting from $140)

o Helium Balloons ($140/100pcs)

o Balloon Arches (from $250 onwards)

o Balloon Columns ($240/per pair)

Goodie Bag $5/ea (Includes a Mr Bottle illusion bookmark, Mr Bottle Sticker, temporary tattoo, pencil, erasers/badge, and a plastic bag. PLUS FREE invitation cards!! Worth $8!!)

Standard Package: $508 (Magic + Balloons)

Superb Package: $638 (Magic + Balloons + Facepainting)

Splendid Package: $758 (Magic + Balloons + Facepainting + Interactive Games)

(Cost differs if there are more than 30 children)
now it's shawn's turn to have runny nose. sianz... it's yellow greenish looking mucous. tomolo bringing him to PD. best part is he could still sleep with A LOT of his mucous flowing out until kena his pillow.. so yucky! he could still sleep whilewe clean him out and took away his pillow. real pig!
wa.. shawn is really a deep sleeper!! Alonzo and Alena just recovered from cough and now, my mil and fil coughing... aiyo.. i very scared they will spread to them... keeping fingers crossed!!
I found out something over the weekend. I dunno whether to laugh or not. My fili maid wears a G-string! hahahaha. I happened to see, coz her pants was at hip level and she bent down, t shirt ride up her back, so revealed the back of the G-string (you know, when u wear ur pants too low, the back of the undies get exposed, you can tell what kind of undies it is...). On one hand, who am I to "control" the kind of undies she wants to wear? haha. But on the other hand, it does seem a bit "havoc", yah? haha...I dun even wear such undies! (ok, I'm the "auntie" here...not as hip. haha). Oh, my maid is the same age as me.
Hey girls.. me going to Australia with my girl , anyone travel and feel it is ok for our babies to travel at this age? and what are the worries?
me too. hahaha. I can't tahan something up the crack of my butt. heehee...

I dunno if I shd say anything at all to my maid or not. hahaha.
Haven't been able to come in here for the past few days cos baby has been cranky again. Yesterday, she had fever. Think its bcos of teething again. I myself still recovering from flu. So sianz...

Personally, its ok to travel wz babies lah. Some of my friends travelled wz their babies when babies only 1-2 mth old. My nbr1 started to travel wz us on flight around 8mths too. We din hv any trouble at all. We just made sure got milk, water, biscuits, baby food, toys, diapers, extra clothings at hand on board. Oh, just one thing, try not to flush the toilet when baby in the toilet, they can be scared by the flush.

I'm going to Aus wz my kids too.
Wow.. your maid havoc ya...hehee.. but so far her dressing is not revealing right?

Haiz.. bring my baby back to MIL's hse yest, MIL said that she was having flu haizz... seems like nephews, SIL they all are also coughing... finger cross.. hope my bb will not gena spread... virus come n go come n go... very sian har....
haa.. ya ya ... my sister is a very active member in WP and dey went ard hg, kovan area on sat to distribute sg flags n stickers..
so i purposely brot my girl to kovan n 'bump' into my sis n got the stickers from them ..
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Day: Sunday
Time: 4-4.45pm
Place: Harbourfront
Fee: $40 for trial session
Membership is $50 if you want to sign up (then the trial will be free).
Promo right now is $399 for 12 classes

I asked abt the free trial voucher that some of you got thru GAIA, the person whom I spoke to said she is not sure, need to check wz her manager.

Those interested pls put name in list. If got 12 of us, will ask them for new class.

1. hentang
2. CSI_Fan
3. Gabby's mum
4. slimz =D
5. fanny
6. Beng's Ma
7. Eve
8. beranice
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Day: Sunday
Time: 4-4.45pm
Place: Harbourfront
Fee: $40 for trial session
Membership is $50 if you want to sign up (then the trial will be free).
Promo right now is $399 for 12 classes

I asked abt the free trial voucher that some of you got thru GAIA, the person whom I spoke to said she is not sure, need to check wz her manager.

Those interested pls put name in list. If got 12 of us, will ask them for new class.

1. hentang
2. CSI_Fan
3. Gabby's mum
4. slimz =D
5. fanny
6. Beng's Ma
7. Eve
8. beranice
9. bluelily (Aug only 24th and 31st, Sep only 28th can make it)

Erm... my free Suns v limited, if you all book other dates, just kick me out k? No need to accomodate for me specially. ;)
hello mummies, mi oso never pop in here for a super long time. been occupied with nj till no come in here.

deerdeer, i just came back fr a trip to australia in july. mi gal was only just turning 7 mths then.

dun worry, travelling with an infant now is a breeze as compared to when they are older. that's what i thk fr mi observations on the plane. the only gripe is depending on the aircrew at that time. mi trip back the air crew kept bugging me to bring mi gal down when she's sleeping coz of the turbulence.at least mi gal slept thru most of the plane trip, also it's oso normal for the bb to cry either ascending or descending, but depending on the pilot's skill too. it's much better than sucking on pacifier or btl coz it helps the ear pressure better.
australia's oso very baby friendly and stroller friendly so i found it very easy.
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Day: Sunday
Time: 4-4.45pm
Place: Harbourfront
Fee: $40 for trial session
Membership is $50 if you want to sign up (then the trial will be free).
Promo right now is $399 for 12 classes

I asked abt the free trial voucher that some of you got thru GAIA, the person whom I spoke to said she is not sure, need to check wz her manager.

Those interested pls put name in list. If got 12 of us, will ask them for new class.

1. hentang
2. CSI_Fan
3. Gabby's mum
4. slimz =D
5. fanny
6. Beng's Ma
7. Eve
8. beranice
9. bluelily (Aug only 24th and 31st, Sep only 28th can make it)
10. pierced/Jac
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Day: Sunday
Time: 4-4.45pm
Place: Harbourfront
Fee: $40 for trial session
Membership is $50 if you want to sign up (then the trial will be free).
Promo right now is $399 for 12 classes

I asked abt the free trial voucher that some of you got thru GAIA, the person whom I spoke to said she is not sure, need to check wz her manager.

Those interested pls put name in list. If got 12 of us, will ask them for new class.

1. hentang
2. CSI_Fan
3. Gabby's mum
4. slimz =D
5. fanny
6. Beng's Ma
7. Eve
8. beranice
9. bluelily (Aug only 24th and 31st, Sep only 28th can make it)
10. pierced/Jac
11. tub
Re: Gymboree Trial Class

Day: Sunday
Time: 4-4.45pm
Place: Harbourfront
Fee: $40 for trial session
Membership is $50 if you want to sign up (then the trial will be free).
Promo right now is $399 for 12 classes

I asked abt the free trial voucher that some of you got thru GAIA, the person whom I spoke to said she is not sure, need to check wz her manager.

Those interested pls put name in list. If got 12 of us, will ask them for new class.

1. hentang
2. CSI_Fan
3. Gabby's mum
4. slimz =D
5. fanny
6. Beng's Ma
7. Eve
8. beranice
9. bluelily (Aug only 24th and 31st, Sep only 28th can make it)
10. pierced/Jac
11. tub
12. CryStaLZ
