(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

yah i remembered u and me ask that qn but no one answered...haha!!
ok thanks csi and bluelily, i will use your methods to do it.

what are all those herbs?
i cannot read chinese lei.
what about adult's cough?
can take that too or other remedies?


can get these from medical hall ... ya these are meant for cough but din know bb can consume also

薄荷叶 = mint leave
南杏 = Apricot Kernel
北杏 = Apricot Kernel/ Chinese Almond / Bitter Almond
无花果 = Fig
I'm thinking of bringing my gal for a holiday, but am wondering how to feed her there? Do you know if cruises or airlines prepare baby food?
Also, what can we give our babies to eat at that country itself? Can't be bringing my blender with me.
Think you'll have to pack commercial baby cereal then. That would be easier. But if you're going Australia, may not be able to bring cereal in. Anyway, there's a much wider range of baby cereals in Australia.

As for fruits, think you'll have to look out for soft fruits like banana, papaya...that would be easy to mash with fork to feed your baby...and no need to cook the fruits first.

Airlines, from what I hear from my airline frens, they do prepare if you let them know beforehand...but it'll be jar food...and stage 1 jar food. Coz it's like, they want to play safe, so give every baby under 1 year, stage 1 jar food.
anyone tried yoghurt on bb already? I rem some discussions going on abt this. Forgot already. Just saw baby yoplait at careffour. Heinz also got bb jars with yoghurt.
derder, CSI_fan and jeelomeelo,
thanks for the input. Looks like we're be going on a cruise instead.

Do you know if they prepare baby food on board cos if i give my gal the food they cook for adults, they'll be salt and sugar in it, so how to give her?
krist..my mil oso alwya hint tat my ger is slow..till now haven start porridge..and the worst is.. she is still rejecting food frm the spoon n she's reaachg 8mths soon..
so worried {
my hb also going overseas for work dunno how long end of the yr. He better dun be away for my bday/bb's bday.. or else...............

Sep he gone for 2 wks on reservist. I'll move to my mum's place. hahaha. Only go home 2/3 times a week to feed his fishes... :p
ya shawn went bananas on bb yoplait. he wanted more coz i only fed him about half and decided that i had to pull the brakes coz i scared he poo big time in the middle of the nite! heng.. no poopoo
really ah.. no lao sai of wat? I'm abt scared jr's digestive system not tt matured yet. He cant digest vegy.. but so far no lao sai. U make me v tempted to buy. Or shd I try the Heinz one with yoghurt 1st?
no sai at all that nite when he ate 1/2 of it. anyway, the rest i ate hahaa... you may wan to viewcam it down how he react to yoghurt. shawn's first reaction was smirked and shiver hehee very cute one... i had seen your clip on jerrell's reaction to carrot.. his reaction to yoghurt might be more dramatic... kekekee good luck!
wahahhaha.. serious ah. Then i better get my camcorder ready. haha. But hor.. open liao cannot finish put how long? Both me n hb hates yoghurt! N I buy from carefour now.. take home 1 hrs journey.. wont spoil rite?
u are at northoaks or the other condo?
btw, i tot maybe we can get the north mummies to gather maybe saturday or sunday morning around 10 at your condo's pool so we can let our babies and their daddies swim plus we mummies can chit chat and have impromptu pot luck.
what do u think?
if this goes well we can make it a regular thing.

my ger gag when i feed her porriage. I already cook for 3hrs... should be soft enough for her... really dunno y... any bbs here oso encounter such problem?
Nice to meet u too, beng ma!!!! thanks for the stuff.
Hmmm,dun be deceive by my look!..... hahahaha
jeelomeelo, is tat u talking to beng ma? the long hair lady in white?????

Jas, i oso jus intro those food to my girl. i tried avocado, pear, papaya too.
jeelo, tat is nt happi, tat is simpson ahhaa, another shopping queen!

happi, no, she is nt, i met u at raffles place, i saw jeelo at tampines - same day but diff timing, hehe
what other veg hv u given yr bb to eat? so far i only gave Ethan brocoli & green peas. wondering what else can we give. have been giving him all fruits n so scare he will develop sweet tooth n reject veg when he grows up.
i want to try vbac if i have number 2 too! but dunno if my doc will support the decision. i think he's more the old school kind.
bengma, tat lady is not dec mummies?

i think it's time for us to meet up soon.

eve, can get from taka, kiddy palace.

wat's vbac?
ya... mine too... keeps saying got to see how later on. your #1 was csect due to? mine was cervix didnt dilate enuf. heard that vbac will be a bit difficult
we are going cruise again in Nov. what i intend to feed mal during cruise, cereal + home made fruit/vege puree. i will put home made puree into mini fridge provided.
ah bie

oh... pumpkin, sweet potato, carrots & potato all considered veg hor? me keep thinking only the greens.

tried the following porridge combination:
spinach + fish = yucky = refused to eat
pumpkin + fish = ok but reluctant to eat
carrot + potato = also reluctant to eat
pork + sweet potato = yummy (finally found something he likes)
Alonzo and Alena has been coughing for more than a week already and i have been to 3 docs liaoz! burnt a big hole in pocket already! The last doc was a paed at jurong east and I brought them there last Monday. They were prescribed antibiotics and cough mixture. today, just boiled the chinese meds i posted up yesterday for them and mix with milk for them to drink.

just wanna check with all the mummies here,
cough take some time to recover izit? My hubby and I quite worried and is contemplating whether there is a need to bring them to another doc? Besides occasional loose stools, they are eating, sleeping and playing normally. Alonzo also has running nose...

these are the foodstuff that baby can eat ah.
my pd recommended pork + carrot + potato porridge for a start. then i started the rest of stuff after reading Baby's First Food book. kekeke

i gave him a variety instead of hving the same food stuff for a few days. so far he is ok.

tink now he love his solid meals more than his ah niang's guni. factory no business. sob sob

cough takes a while to recover... i'm no expert but my PD who is a cough specialist told me once that if bb has cough+phglem+difficulty in breathing or has cough+phglem+fever.. then its indication of infection and its serious. Otherwise, they will take time to recover

a while back, my son had a bad cold and slight cough, even after medication was completed, he still continued to have blocked nose etc. PD told me that once our kiddos suffer from colds, they will continue to have blocked nose/mucus build up in their nose. It wont go away so soon...

if they are eating and playing well, i dont think u shld be overly worried. But if you are concerned can visit my PD - Dr.Ngiam at SBCC GlenE/Alvernia.
mal slept in yaolan (we lugged this along!) and also we have requested baby cot too, it's kinda like playpen. got to bring along own bedsheet. sorry i got jie pi.. keke..
