(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

hi all

been long long time since I login...how are all mummies n their little wonders?

Read that most of your babies are more than 6kg....my super tiny weighs 5.5kg 2 wks back....! haiz...pd said to feed him every 3 or 4hrs in night but I too tired n sometimes only fed him aft 5 or 6hrs leh...working late in office too recently...my boy only drinks betwen 90 to 110ml...very little hor? my supply more than his demand n i wonder whether should reduce or continue pumping...am feeding my elder one with the frozen ebm to clear stock...

when gathering ah? I wan to join too! also read abt some bfeeding cafe? where leh...

my hair dropping free flow like tat and my dad is complaining see hair everywhere on the floor..my hubby also said so much inside toilet
applied hair tonic also like tat leh

ankh - I like to have the avent bottles if no one is taking.

jaime - I also staying kembangan (parents house) currently...neighhour to Mel....hehe..which part of kembangan? mine is lengkong tiga

my msn is [email protected] me quick! haha

niang jia - i really lost track n got no time to read or clear the emails....any good buys recently? our gathering for the motherhood fair still on ya?
i heard someone say my Mal handsome? who wants to be my qing jia next time? kekeke.. a pic of him today


see wat you have poisoned me!!? die...

this photo took on last sat when few mummies were at my place.. too bad din manage to take a grp photo. petrina tried to take some but all babies just cant look at same direction same time.. ha


zavier ma, will your zavier miss my ah lao?
long time din chat with you le.. busy at work izit? miss chatting with you..

my son also sleeping in aircon room at night. but daytime we just on fan for him. you probably want to try avent pacifier on him. mal doesn't like paci initially but we "insist" to prevent him sucking his fingerssss! keep trying, he will accept oneday de. now we just put him on paci and pat pat him to sleep

love the pic of mal on the thomas play mat. mat also very nice. kekeke

wah can see yr son is sumo compared to xiaver leh
when i see xiaver in the bumbo seat, looking so comfy and roomy.. makes me wanna laugh, cos my sumo has to squeeze into the bumbo and has trouble getting out cos his thighs so chubby... hahah
hihi mummies,
me so tired.
juz got back from sentosa today.
went with zu's family and another lady from another thread.

btw, about hwa xia...
my boy went for a dip there last week.
he seemed to like it very much.

how many sessions u have left from your package?
maybe u can sell it to me?
is it transferable??
since i may not log in often due to the exams, can u please pm me regarding this.

i saw the oioi diaper bag that u were talking about.
but since i alredi have 2 diaperbags, 1 allerhand and 1 JL childress...
my hubby will sure flip if i buy another one...hahaha

me received the alphabet pooh playmat with thanks!!
will get hubby to transfer the balance to u asap.
thanks again!
i nearly go sentosa 2day. but no 2 n 3 sick, so in the end my mil only brot no 1 there.

how is ur no 1? my 2 n 3 also sick. hold hand to go n c pd.
paging mummies who voted for the Gymboree on 11th may:

r u all still going? i cant rem who else is gg on this slot le ...
could i check if your baby has learn to flip over? If so, are you scared she wil flip to her stomach at night while you are sleeping?
Hi ladies,

Noelle's just over 4 mths and I'm new here. I'm a SAHM living in the east. Life's changed so much since having my little girl! Great to meet so many other mums and read about your similar experiences and struggles.

Hope to be able to meet up sometime!

alien, dun worry. i'll cheong to ur house very soon. muahahaha.... u know wat i mean. hee~ zavier not only miss ur ah lao but mal too. I love the pic! ;)

botanist, actually mal & zavier abt same size in person leh. probably coz of the angle of pic being shoot bah. btw, can tell mi how to tank zavier?

linda, oopss... did ya say zavier handsome too. muahahahaaha.. thks hor

for me i'm scared but can't do anything. maybe experience mummies can advise keke. cos at times when i wake up and realise my gal is sleeping on her tummy.
lynzi, your allerhand blue one,my allerhand same model but pink one haha :p

kim, jas,
your boys very chu bi le... :p can't wait to meet up in May gathering
may i have the pigeon bottles? i have been using the avent bottles with different brands of teats but my boy just refused to drink , not sure its the bottles or teats cos i hv tried different teats. so thot maybe i should try different bottle.

alien n jas,

yr sumos all very cute! alien, yr mal where got look like heibi?
wah, must dress up my girl pretty pretty for our may gathering. So many boys her age there..... ;p

my girl has flipped over in her sleep a few times. Am not afraid cos
1) can't prevent it
2) her cot mattress is very firm which doesn't allow her face to sink in unlike soft mattresses
3) her mattress also got holes which allows for ventilation should she really dig her face in

pigeon bottles yours! u need me to pass them to u soon?
ange, WELCOME! we're having a gathering on 24th may. i think the details will be posted here later.
same... these few nights.. my girl keep doing the flip.. most likely she enjoy her new found stunt. Ya.. sometimes I wake up finding her on her tummy liao. I scared she got no strength to flip back and her arms are always caught inside. how?
jeelo and lynzi,hahaa didnt know u gals have the allerhand too!! welcome to allerhand club! Mine is brown/green one....

Jas and Alien, me la, i the one say ur boys boys yan dao! ahhaa! we shld try to take a group pix again.

Here is my boy enjoy his flipping and bumbo seat:


oh beng ma!! i GOT the same little blue head pillow for mal TOO!!! *faint* jovan is getting cuter and handsome. he is a very guai boy boy too. come educate my mal to "read" leh..

pls dress up your gal chio chio on that day! alot of choices, keke.. cant wait..

mal graduated from heibi club liao. he is 8kg and 70cm long! woohoo!! but definitely not into sumo club yet. probably L-plate nia, keke..

this one is smaller Thomas mat, not LG de... i got no space for another biggest mat liao
btw, your order with pinkpink confirmed?

jeelo, beng ma
me eyeing for allerhand too but i hv baby bjorn liao leh.. how ah?? *blink* hope hb wont see this post, keke...

i will see zavier soon cos "the thing" is on the way! woohoo! i always feel heartpain whenever i recall you told zavier "this one is not yours de"..
pls dun say that liao.. let them share their toys, no prob
mal ma! haha ^5, same pillow for both the boys, ahaha, so qiao! u see la, the baby elmo at the side, tat beng go and westle elmo around and then just throw to that side and do his flipping!
he nt very guai de hor, i tell u he is a terror at home!
Now cant wait for ur "thing" to arrive.....

Mal pa, if u see this, pls let mal ma buy allerhand, ok??? The allerhand backpack i quite like, then i saw the allerhand smaller bag, tempting to get one... but i have the baby couture bag leh.....
hi alien, ok ok... noted with thks!

woohooo... "the thing" is coming. Cant wait. Excited for you hee~

Beng ma, u notti. poisoned again :p

I want pikkolo too
hb going ICT on 20th for i mth, so hopefully when he comes back, the carrier already here then he cant say anything liao... Can add me in for either spa/somerset? whichever is in stock? If ordered already, it's ok, will wait for dawn
I also have allerhand's one side haversack in green and brown. But now not using liao cos cannot put much things. Now using those big bucket bag.

Finally, sumo flips...


Waiting for watch Pink Dolphins...
elaine, chiam, first beco and pikkolo club, now is allerhand club, ahaha!
but elaine, cannot compare la!! boys have heavy body structure than gals mostly. mine cosidered heibi among the boys liao, but recently he start to drink back to normal since he have recovered from his cough, think going to be sumo stage 1 L plate very soon.
mine not drinking beri scary type u know... he is drinking like 150ml-180ml every 3-4hours. Will not sleep thru though. Drinking S26 Alpha Pro and after finishing 1 can of S26, I change to soy.
peifu peifu! sumo really absorbing very very well! he doesn't waste your milk powder

post your sumo pic up quick quick!

beng ma
i actually eyeing allerhand when i first saw yours at kallang mac!!! can you imagine i "tong" until now!? i just no guts to tell mal pa i wanna change...

zavier ma
you also notti hor. trying to poison me disney.com! alamak! mal pa told me recession coming, better tighten up our belts leh.. i told mal the same thing whenever he waste my ebm.. mal pa said the milk made from sobe soya bean milk de, also use money to buy de.. it is not free de *faint*
got the haversack too. brown/green/yellow one. it's the sling over the body type. my hubby use that one but can't put much.. i like the pink diaper bag one better and use more often coz can put and better organise more things in the bag.

now that robinsons got sale, time to buy the allerhand. think should have discount for it!

hehee u ppl have the elmo in diaper. mine's cookie monster hahaa but shawn always throw it off his swing bed. basically he throws whatever that comes in his way in the swing bed. No space to spare in the swing bed. Soft toys, lamaze wormie, everything goes to the floor if he get hold of them when he's in the swing bed.

i love the babylegs! sooo convinient and shawn seems to like it too! a lot of leng lui and aunties come n ask , "ei.. it's socks ar? so cute one"
missylan, ooo, i tot u already change to soy liao.... mine oso drinking 150-180ml every 3hrs plus, still look like heibi, hehee! guess it the FM brand, hehee!
mal ma, hahaa!1 ok i try my best to hint mal pa for ur allherhand bag, ok? ahhaa!

jeelo, mine nt the sling type, it's backpack type, 2 9 i going to see if i can put my pikkolo in or nt hahaa!

jeelo,yes, i love babylegs too!! but hb think they are stockings for babies ahha!
pleeeease dun tok abt allherhand bag!! *see no evil*
cos me been eye on them too but told myself cannot buy :p

your sumo is sooooo chubby!! different from your #1 hor.. or is your #1 like tat when he is a baby?
No leh, my #1 drinking the same FM when he was an infant, also like heibi leh. Think depends on each baby's body bah...
My gal usually sleep thru the nite on her back, in the morning, she'll flip n face down. Then she wld make noises to wake me up. I'll flip her back, then she turned to sleep on her side. She very scary lor, even in yaolan, she can sleep faced down. Tried to turn her but she'll protest n turned face down again.

Joven's mummy,
I got that red Elmo too. Everytime, I let her play wz it, she wld take the hand or leg n start biting it. These days, her five fingers inside the mouth not enuf, everything she get in contact wz, she wld put her mouth to it.

re: Bumbo seat
My gal's thigh can't fit into the Bumbo seat n always got problem getting out. Luckily the seat is a hand-me-down, else waste money lor.
sumana the chomping monster too! putting EVERYTHING into her mouth. including sides of her pacifier... my hands... her dad's hands... her soft-toys... corners of bedsheets...

she even attempts to grab my specs and put it into her mouth!

erm... i'm suaku...wat's allerhand?
wa.. everyone having allerhand bag! me too!! keke... mine is the messenger bag, the biggest of the lot cos i need to bring 2 sets of everything.. haha.. and i am having the pink one too, same as jeelo... ;)
I bought the haversack because I brought my #1 to Japan then. There are thermo pockets and small coin/hp compartment. Haversack is better for traveling, especially when there is a stroller.
