(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

For me to stay up late is becoz hubby will be around tomorrow morning to help out with BB so now I can have some ME time

My boy keeps changing pattern.. hard to catch.. Now he starts recognising places and people. He refused to sleep on my mother's bed when I went to my mum's place... He just wants his cot.. Headache now..


My bb has been sleeping in aircon since day 1.. I can't stand the traffic noise as I live beside a road (though not noisy) but I can't take it.. Furthermore, so hot recently

at least your girl takes to pacifier.. mine ah, don't know what he wants. Now I added in loads of kisses and talking and cajoling. At times he will just happily fall asleep.. most of the time he will cry cry till he sleeps.

I've not tried taking my boy swimming yet.. ya hor, how to bathe BB after swimming?
bath i think not so much an issue but regard there is no warm water in public pool unless going to those private swimming pool in condo i guess. for public pool i only know bedok swimming pool have warm water.
elaine, ya lor, but mi gal dun like air con leh. end up mummy suffer instead. yest i buay tahan till had to turn on aircon. today mi gal like sneezing away. thk she got chilled.

phy, same lor, mi gal only wants her cot. even when i go out, wah, she dun like to slp in her stroller. so end up only can make short trips out with her. the longest she slept in her stroller was half hr!
phy, he will have fixed sleeping time at nite, so when the clock tune ard 10pm, he need to sleep le. And re: pacifiers, he only like avent brand hahaa, other brands he wil puke out, ahaha!

jac, now then u know y i call him beng, right? thanks to that pix, ahhaa! ok he is a cute beng haha!

elaine, ya lor, i oso on aircon these few days, super hot!
I guess i will only wipe her dry and bring her home to bath.

pierced, initially my gal also dont like stroller. My hubby and i insist to bring stroller out and put her in even to market, ntuc etc. At 1st she will cry to be carried, but we hack care. Eventually she got the cue and sleeps in it.

Even we reach home, we dont move her to the bed. Will let her sleep inside the stroller till she wakes up. Have to train them or else the stroller will be a white elephant.
fanny or elaine, i tot missylan or which mummy were saying bttr don bring bbs to swimming pool for dip dip cos of the HFMD? even swimming pool also can spread de.
linda, hee...ya manz, super cute beng. nx time all the bb gals wana reserve him liao. keke...
mi gal same la, die die only want NUK Latex pacifier. others dun want at all! fussy pot!

fanny, ic...maybe will try and try. actually now still will let her lie inside, just that she tired but dun want to slp inside. so everytime still awake and make those 'kelian' noises to complain she sleepy. haha! ya, if not pay so much for the stroller and end up cant use.
can't remember who but read that HFMD can spread through water in swimming pool.. I also scared scared so till now has not taken BB to swimming pool. Tot of taking him to the HuaXia swimming but don't know fun or not..
you mean you guys don't sleep with air con on? Can take it? ?Haha, but when I on air con, temp is set at 25 or 26 degree celcius..
thanks all for the tips and advices! will try to fig out everything. will b dumping all e EBM. my main concern is not to return home a dry cow! =p

join the overseas sprees to get spare parts for ur ameda. so much cheaper.
i got a hygiene set which incldes 2 bottles, valves, bellows, tubes for only $50. saw the same set selling in Sg for $100!
jac har, don forget the boys of bluelily, dawn, kim, jas, etc, they good looking ones ok!!! ahahaha, but hor our dec got more boys than gals leh, chiam, hahaha! if u know wat i mean, hahaa!
Hmm, maybe I should change the brand of pacifier and see if my boy will want or not. But now he prefers to suck his fingers lah..
phy, i don want my beng to have the aircon habit lor. have to train him to sleep with the fan on, if nt next time we very chiam. tat wat happen to my nephew, he actually zzz with the air con on daily when he was a bb. Now he is coming 6yrs old le, he always insist to have aircon wor... if nt he cant zzz.

debbie, i so long nvr chat here in the nite liao... hehee!

haha. We have to be a bit "hard hearted" to them in some ways.

So pierced, you let your gal lie in the stroller or in the sitting position? My gal nowadays want to sit up in the stroller so we adjust to a half sitting mode. But my mum says not good for her spine. But my gal very KPO, want to look look see see.
mummies using NUK latex teats be careful. realised mine melted after sterilizing it with my pigeon steriliser. Worse thing is i didn't know till a few times later. Lucky my baby hardly uses the teat at home.
Melted? Hmm, I used NUK latex teats and sterilised in pigion steriliser but didn't melt leh.. how does it look like?

True hor, may become a habit.. hmm, I also afraid but hubby and I are used to having the air con ... Hmm, I try to let him nap with fan on though.. night time no choice, hot plus noisy..

I find that my gal dont like hwa xia. She will cry when the assistant wear the neck float for her, cry when we put her in the tub and cry when a lot of strangers look at her "swim".

What to do? sign up the package liao.
Linda, that means mi gal got more choices for the boys here lor! hee...

phy, bo bian lor, like Linda, scared bb get used to the habit of aircon den die..dun have means cannot slp! but heng my house sometimes still very windy.
nvm la, wait later u change pacifier oso dun wan how. better he dun wan, coz later got prob weaning off the pacifier too!

fanny, ya lor, cry muz pretend not to hear.
i let her sit up halfway too coz she wants to look around. same same, very kpo nowadays untill milk oso dun wan to drink. prefer to look ard.
it felt sticky n had brown spots on it.

I dunno why it melted. the 1st few times both hb n i tot we didnt wash the teat properly cos it felt sticky.
but last week when i took it out of the steriliser, it had brown spots on it. like burnt marks and felt very sticky. okay..maybe not melted..rather like burnt aka "chao da"
seems like we woke alot of Dec mummies up

Fanny, I tot of letting my boy try one session at hwa xia to see if he likes it or not then see want to sign up or not lor.. Hmm, do you go to the one at Harbour Front? Fewer people so maybe your girl will be more at ease?

My boy nowadays drink milk (direct latching) also very KPO.. I can't talk to anyone at all (be it my mum or my hubby or even on the phone). He will be very KPO. Will tug till he detaches then looks around... Very siong feeding him recently.. feel like beating his little backside but can't bear too.. Somemore he will give me his sweetest possible smile and chuckle then search for my nipple again.. haiz.. I'm like don't know to laugh or cry... haha

Wow, think I better check the teats carefully.. scary man!!
Air con or Fan

Well, got pro and cons lah... How I wish Singapore's weather is a bit cooler.. Anyway, even the marine fish in my house live in regulated temperature of 25 degrees celcius..

If not for the road beside my block, I would have gone for fan.. Really can't tahan the engine noise from the vehicles passing by..
Now I'm the only soul 'talking' here.. Think I better ZZzz.. got to feed my boy at 8a.m.

Ya!! Holiday!!
no kidding. one of the twins at my kid's infant care ctr got it from swimming pool. it's most likely frm the swimming pool at her condo coz that's the only place the parents brought them out to play/swim a few days before she got hfmd.

during shawn's last feed, he'll usually fall asleep during the feed and never finish his drink. then we'll put him to bed lor. but if he happen to open his eyes, i'll just shove the pacifier into his mouth. if he spits out and stays awake, he'd want to play. play awhile, then he'll cry for his pacifier, then put into his mouth then he'll roll his head and slam his legs, then he'll sleep. the moment he takes his pacifier steadily, i'll sneak out of the room. roll his head on his own and let him sleep by himself.
I let my boy tried swimming at hwa xia once, after we shaved his hair there. he likes it!! was turning round and round and kicking his legs
but we did not sign up the package cos hubby thought it was quite ex since he only 'swim' for abt 15mins that time.

Oh your boy is sooo cute.. still can find your nipple back huh hehe... funny, lately my boy also becomes very distracted during feeding time. he will kick his legs, twist/arch his body upwards or stretch his neck back etc.. then i will 'scold' him and pull out the bottle until he settles down
is this common for babies at this age?
sounds like my girl/ most nights she must cry before she will fall asleep. but she prefers hb to carry her, not me. So i let hb pat #2 to sleep, i settle #1.

happy holiday ladies!
phy, cocoangel

think babies now quite curious about surroundings during feeds. my girl already like this since 3rd mth. People call her inquisitive; i call her kpo.

linda, hee hee, my girl got so many princes to check out on may 24th hiak hiak hiak
I got the teats when my boy was around 1mth old. he's 4.5mths now BUT becos i usually latch him on, he prob used it less than 15 times.
So not heavy user mah..
Er, so the gathering on 24May confirm? Can I join? Me managed to convince my elder gal to change her Sat class to Fri, so free on Sat liao.
Yesterday went out to Robinson sale (went to both Centrepoint n Raffles City), today like falling sick. Got sore throat.
Welcome to the pikkolo club hehe..

I am looking forward to the gathering!! our prince can also check out the princess :p
hen, okie, let me know soon coz I want to place order asap keke...
btw, ur gal is really cute in the pic! hee...so young got sunglasses to wear.

heh, got gathering on may 24th?? mi wana join too...
hen, wow! lao da! so cool siah!

t&p, i think once opened, cannot keep for so long. usually i change monthly.

clearing my barang, got two x 200ml pigeon bottles, one x 260ml avent bottle n one x 125ml avent bottle to give away. all wide necked, all came with gift hampers, never used b4. eh, never even washed b4 ;p. always been stored in cool areas. anybody want? hand over at gathering
